The Alpha Queen And Her Chosen Mate

Chapter 78




I couldn’t peel my eyes away from the woman standing in front of me. She was…not what I would have pictured. Her hair was dyed silver and she wore heavy amounts of makeup. Her dress was a bright pink, it was hard to look at. She had talons for fingernails and eyelashes that could probably carry her away if she batted them fast enough. She was everything Kelly wasn’t. Kelly! I quickly looked around to see her fleeing to the far end of the banquate room we were in. Der’mo (s**t). Goddess was testing me this week.

“You look like you could use a haircut.” My fated mate scoffed, disgust written all over her face. “I’ll have one of my servants fix you up right away.” She said, her arm linking with mine. I pulled away just as quickly, ignoring the sparks that her touch left on my skin. “What are you doing?” She scoffed, reaching for me again.

“I do not wish to move forward with you.” I said, taking two steps back. “Queen Kelly is my mate.”

“Excuse me?! But you are my mate!” She shrieked. I quickly grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the room in an attempt to not cause a scene. I found a spare room and practically pushed her in before she said anything else. “Queen Kelly could have anyone else she wanted, your not even her real mate!” She yelled this time.

“I do not want you as my mate!” I growled back, getting straight to the point.

“You don’t even know me!”

“I don’t need to know you to know that Kelly is who I am meant to be with. She is everything to me! You will never be anything to me!” I growled, my temper rising the longer I was near her.

I was normally not so hot headed. I don’t know if it was her scent, or just her in general that was setting me off, or perhaps knowing that Kelly was probably besides herself thinking the worse. All I knew was that I had to end this and quick, before I lost everything that meant anything to me.


“I, Thorin Kuznetsov, Gamma of the Western Kingdom, reject you, Lady Angelica Monroe of the eastern kingdom.” I said, praying the moon goddess would honor my rejection even without knowing her exact pack name.

“No!” She growled. “You are my mate!” She said, tears in her eyes.

“I am not man for you, I assure you. I will not change my ways for you. I will not be trophy mate. I will not tolerate fakeness. I do not like color pink!” I yelled, sparing no empathy for my fated.

“Fine!” She growled, shoving me back some. “Who wants a stray dog such as you anyway?! I, Angelica Monroe of the Moonshadow pack, reject you, Thorin Kuznetsov, Gamma of the Western Kingdom, as my mate.”

“I accept.” I said, not able to get the words out fast enough.

As soon as I accepted, I felt a slight pang of pain deep within me. Angelica seemed to be in far more pain, clutching her stomach and sinking to the ground. I quickly left the room, nearly bumping into someone.

“Thorin, everything okay?” Jonas asked as he fixed his jacket.

“Can you please see that woman in there is cared for… somewhere far off the premises? And is never allowed back?”

“Um, sure.” He nodded.

“Of course,” Emmett said, coming up next to him “We’ll handle it.”

“Thank you.” I said, booking it towards the last place I saw Kelly. I saw her sisters first, angry expressions on their faces. “Where is she?” I frantically asked.




Not needing any further explanation, I followed the sounds of pure chaos coming from the kitchen. Kelly was in there, throwing pots and pans and yelling.

“Isn’t there any f*****g chocolate in this entire f*****g building?!” She growled, tearing through the cupboards, slamming the cabinets shut when she came up empty-handed.

“Perhaps a glass of wine, your majesty? To ease the nerves?” One of the kitchen staff asked, only infuriating her even more.

“I cant drink!” She yelled, stomping her feet.

“Solnyshko-” I began, the most bizarre case of deja vu happening. She smelled different, like…Medovik, a desert made with honey, my favorite growing up. “Mate.” I said, shock and joy mixing together within me.

Kelly’s expression changed from pure unbridled rage, to confusion, to disbelief. “Mate.” She gasped and covered her mouth, taking a few steps back. “I don’t understand…” She began to cry, sinking to the floor. “Why does this keep happening to me?! What kind of sick joke is this?!” She cried, looking up as if speaking with the moon goddess.Please check at N/ôvel(D)rama.Org.

“Solnyshko, its okay. I rejected Angelica… The Moon goddess must have found favor with me, with us.” I said, joining her on the ground, pulling her into my lap as the kitchen staff awkwardly scurried out of the room. Sparks erupted where we touched, making Kelly gasp in shock.

“You did?” She sniffled. “But, why? I’m so confused right now.” She said, her hands shaking.

“Why?” I frowned, surprised by her question. “Solnyshko, I love you. I want to be your mate. I want to raise pup with you. I want to spend life making you happy. I did not know that woman, nor did I need to know her to know you are the perfect woman for me. You are who I chose. Today, tomorrow, and always.” I said, kissing her forehead and resting my hand against her stomach.

She cried against me for a few minutes. I don’t know if they were happy tears or sad ones, maybe a mix of both. I am sure the hormones from our pup did not help any. I let her get it all out, taking all the time she needed. Eventually, she stopped crying, clinging to me instead.

“Talk to me, Solnyshko.” I said, gently rubbing her back, while taking deep breaths of her intoxicating scent. My teeth were already aching, ready to sink into her soft flesh and finally make her mine.

“Today, this week, most of my life, it’s just been so much to handle.” She said quietly. “I don’t know why the moon goddess keeps throwing s**t my way.”

I chuckled softly at her admission. “Perhaps because she knows you could handle it.”

“Yeah well, im over it.” She half laughed, half cried, finally looking me in the eyes again.

“I agree, no more.” I half laughed to myself. “Though, had you never gone through what you did, we probably would never have met, and I would not have ended up being your fated mate.” I said, tucking a strand of loose hair behind her ear.

“True.” She said, her eyes watering again before she pressed her lips to mine, kissing me with so much desperation and need.

My mouth danced with hers, the sparks from our bond igniting something primal within me. I soon picked her up, her large dress making it a bit more difficult, but not stopping me by any means.

“Where are we going?” Kelly practically m****d, her nails digging into me. The mate bond must be affecting her just as much as it was me right now. “We have guests, and the ceremony-“

“Nyet. They can wait. We are going back to our room so I can properly make you mine before moon goddess decides to send meator down on us.”

Kelly laughed, throwing her head back and giving me full access to the soft flesh on her neck. Her laugh turned into a m**n as I nipped at her skin while we waited for the elevator to arrive. We were half dressed by the time we got to our floor, our clothes discarded in the elevator and halls leading up to our room.

I set her in the middle of our bed, quickly tearing off the remainder of our clothes and attaching my mouth to one of her pebbeled n*****s.

“Thorin…” She m****d, pressing her chest further towards me.

“Yes, Solnyshko?” I said, just before rolling her n****e between my teeth.

Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, her voice unintellable as I slowly worked my way down her body, worshiping every inch of her. Our guests could wait. Any who have met their fated would understand. After making Kelly cry out for mercy, she switched positions with me and shamelessly took me to the edge with her mouth, making me do the same.

I flipped around, so I was on top again, my comrade already hard again. “Ready?” I asked as I lined up with her entrance. Kelly nodded, grabbing onto me for support, and I entered her with one quick thrust. I loved watching her face every time I did so, seeing her gasp and m**n in delight. My mouth went to her neck as I continued to pile into her, licking her skin to prepare her for my mark. She turned her head to the side, giving me better access, and pulled me closer to her.

“Mark me.” She begged, her walls tightening around me.

I let out a husky growl and bit down, sinking my teeth as far into her as I could while she screamed and rode out her o****m. When I was sure she was finished, I let go, licking her fresh mark. She tenderly brushed her fingers against it, a smile creeping up on her. Kelly quickly sat up a moment later, pushing me onto my back while she began to ride me. As I neared my own release, she yanked my head to the side and sank her perfect teeth into my neck. I felt like I was brought to a new level of satisfaction and pain at that moment, a feeling unlike anything I had ever experienced before. I exploded within her, and as soon as I was done, she released me and licked my marking, a devilish smile on her face.

“Now, let’s go make you king.” She said, kissing me deeply.

“Nyet, one more round.” I said, sitting up and nipping at her skin.

“Fine.” She giggled. “But Keres wants a go with you.”

“Bring it on.”

– – – – – – – –


Our ceremony week went nothing like I had imagined it would, but in the end, everything worked out. We marked each other, Thorin became king, and we partied for a while before our newly formed bond had other party plans in mind. I did press him for details about his rejection the next morning, and he gave them. I almost felt bad for Angelica. Thorin is an amazing man and she surly lost out, but then I heard that she wanted to cut his hair and I was over it. I don’t know why the moon goddess would have picked her for him, they were complete opposites. I knew Angelica a little bit, enough to know enough. My only theory was that she was unlucky like me, or maybe just a b***h.

We did go on our honeymoon, even though Thorin was a bit apprehensive given my ‘delicate state’. He watched over me like a hawk while we were on vacation, and really every day since. He was so protective of me and our pup. So much, in fact, that he practically demanded that I stay in our kingdom during my pregnancy. He said traveling would be too much. Too much for me, too much for our pup, too much for him. I laughed but agreed, not entirely wanting to leave home either. My nesting was a bit out of control, but I learned that I absolutely loved being pregnant. I didn’t have any complaints, minus an achy back as I neared the end of my pregnancy. Otherwise, I was as healthy and as happy as could be.

“Hey, hand me that?” I asked Thorin as he walked by the room I was in.

“Solnyshko, what are you doing upon ladder?” He grumbled, taking me by the waist and lowering me back down to ground level.

“Nesting.” I shrugged, setting down the pink floral decorations I was planning on hanging in our daughters’ room and planting a quick k**s on Thorin’s nose, his expression softening immediately.

“You keep this up, you will deliver early.” He scolded.

“That just means we get to meet our daughter sooner.” I smiled, waddling over to the changing table and rearranging everything for a third time.

“You are busiest pregnant lady I have ever seen.” He sighed, coming up behind me. “Most beautiful too.” He added, his hands caressing my bump, giving my back a small break from all the extra weight.

“Goddess, that feels wonderful.” I said, melting into him.

“Have you looked over names I suggested yet?” He asked, nipping at my earlobe playfully.

“I did.” I smiled.

Thorin was totally and completely invested in our pups’ life and she wasn’t even born yet. He was beating me to the punch on all fronts, including picking a name. He gave me a list of his top ten names and asked that I look them over and let him know what my thoughts were. I fell in love with one name in particular.


“Natalya” I said, looking over my shoulder at him. His smile widened, as I knew it would. Natalya was the first name on his list of possibilities. “Natalya Alina. She will be a great warrior, and an even better queen.” I said, hoping he would like my decision on a middle name. He hadn’t pushed me as far as choosing a middle name yet, but I knew it was coming, and I had already decided.

“You are sure?” He asked, turning me around to face him.

“Awe…I love it when he gets all mushy…” Keres cooed.

“Me too.” I agreed.


– – – – – – – – – – –

A few weeks later….

“Thorin…Thorin wake up.” I said, nudging him.

“Da?” He yawned, his eyes still firmly shut.

“I think my water just broke.” I said, awkwardly climbing out of bed, a cold chill hitting me from my wet clothes.

“W-What?!” He said, sitting up right away. “It is time?!”

“It’s time.” I nodded, a nervous but excited laugh escaping me.

“We must be going!” He said as he started to pace and panic, grabbing everything and nothing all at the same time. “We need…uh…the toothbrush…diaper bag…clothes…”

I had a feeling he might respond like this. I knew my mate was all cool and collected in all other parts of his life, but I had a feeling this would be the one exception.

“Love, I already have the bags packed and waiting by the door. We don’t need to rush, I feel fine. I am going to go shower, we can get dressed and then go.” I said calmly.

He nodded, a bit of excitement rushing through him which I felt through our bond. “We are going to have a pup.”

“We are going to have a pup.” I giggled.

Thorin rushed us along to the hospital, too nervous to focus on anything else. I decided on a water birth, and was blessed to have gotten my way thanks to a very cooperative pup. Delievery was intense, but Thorin helped me breathe through it and let me squeeze his hand almost until breaking point. Little Miss Natalya Alina was born just as the sun was rising. She had my hair and Thorin’s eyes and the sweetest little cry. Thorin helped cut the cord and nearly refused to let the nurses take her, even just to get weighed.

If I wasn’t holding her, he was. He was a complete goo ball with our little girl. She had him wrapped around her little finger and he didn’t even care. He loved being her dad, so much in fact that after her first birthday, he asked if we could try for another, which I happily agreed to.

Growing up, the life I have now is almost exactly what I pictured it would be. I was queen, I had my fated mate by my side and our family was growing. We were happy and our kingdom loved us. But if you asked me how I got to that point, well, my imagination and reality were two completely different things. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine going through half of the things I did, but even though I was dealt some terrible hands, I always came out on top. And because of that, I think it made me stronger, it made me a better leader. Fate didn’t decide my life, I turned my life into what I wanted it to be. And who would have thought the moon goddess would have honored my wishes and made my chosen mate, my fate.

“Solnyshko,” Thorin whispered, flicking his head at our sleeping pup.

I smiled at our daughter, who curled up in a tiny ball in the center of the bed, her thumb in her mouth and blanket in hand.

“I love you.” I mouthed, leaning my head on his shoulder.

“Thank you for such beautiful life.” He whispered back, kissing my head.

……The End.

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