The Alpha Queen And Her Chosen Mate

Chapter 51


The rest of our journey back to the hotel was filled with nothing but the sound of our feet walking along the rugged path. I dared not ask what any of the men were thinking, too afraid to know the answer. Instead, I played with the crystal in the palm of my hand most of the way. That at least made me feel better. We were now two-thirds of the way through our mission. I was that much closer to saving my mother. Unfortunately, I might be disowned soon after, but it was for a worthy cause. Plus, I was borderline being disowned anyway just for the sake of Keres.

Hopefully, Emmett could make the elixir as soon as we got back. I don’t even try to pretend to know how he will do it, it’s more his specialty than mine. I can’t help but think what will happen after my mother is better. Will my father finally step down to spend quality time with her? Or will she step up and be the queen our kingdom has been so desperately missing? What will I do? Will my father allow me to stay in the kingdom? Do I even want to stay? I would love to travel without someone trying to kill me along the way. I like the idea of traveling with someone special.

“We are only a few minutes away,” Thorin announced.

Thank goddess, I needed a change of scenery and maybe some privacy. A good meal and full nights’ sleep wouldn’t hurt either. A shower too. Having your soul sucked out of you really takes it out of you. Admitting to things you’ve done in your past, even more so.

We arrived at the town we were staying in in no time. We had to go to three different hotels to get a room, but were finally able to get in and relax. All in separate rooms for the record. I suggested it, thinking it the best thing right now. A little time apart would do us some good. I didn’t hesitate to drop my things on the ground the moment I stepped foot into my room, followed by stripping on my way to the bathroom. I took a very long, lukewarm shower scrubbing away all the dirt and grime from the past week. Goddess, it felt so refreshing, I didn’t want to get out. Unfortunately, my bliss was interrupted by a knock at the door.

“Just a second!” I yelled, reluctantly turning off the water and quickly drying off. I got dressed in the first thing I yanked out of my bag and then flung open my hotel room door. “Jonas, hey, what’s going on?” I asked.

“I brought dinner, if you were interested.” He shrugged.

“You know I’ll never turn down food.” I half smiled, opening the door the rest of the way for him to come in.

“It’s some kind of curry, I think. It smelled amazing, is all I know.” Jonas said as he set down the food containers on the tiny desk in my room.

“Sure does.” I agreed, helping him unpack the food containers.

“Listen…I’m really sorry about earlier, the awkwardness and all.” Jonas began, scratching the back of his head.

“It was a lot to take in.” I shrugged. “I don’t blame you.”

“But it’s all of you, and I love all of you. So I’m sorry for reacting the way I did. I should have been a better friend, especially when you were going through everything with King Derek. I had no idea how bad things were for you and if I had, I would have said or done something to try and make it better, so I’m sorry.”

“Apology accepted.” I said, pulling him in for a long hug. “Now let’s eat before this food gets cold.”

Jonas and I sat on my bed and ate our curry while watching TV. We couldn’t completely understand the language so we started making up what we thought they were saying along the way. It was hysterical. It was exactly what I needed, lighthearted fun. Normalcy. Jonas. My best friend.

“Thanks for dinner.” I said as I walked him out over an hour later.

“Of course, and again, I’m really sorry about everything.”

“Goodnight Jonas.” I nodded, shutting the door behind him.

I heard him continuing down the hall, back into his room and I breathed a sigh of relief. That’s one bridge mended. Now to see if I can get any sleep. I changed into an oversized t-shirt and a pair of panties before turning down the lights and climbing into bed. I tossed and turned for a while, my mind going into overdrive with all the what-ifs. Thankfully, I was put out of my misery by another knock at my door. Peeking through the peep hole, I saw Emmett standing there with a bottle of wine.

“Emmett, what are you doing here?” I asked.

“I wanted to see if you were up for a nightcape?”

“That might be exactly what I need right now.” I half laughed, letting him in.

“Can’t sleep?”

“Not really.” I shrugged, watching him open the bottle.

“Well, in my experience, a nightcap never hurt.” He smiled.

We sat together and took turns sipping from the bottle while I asked him a hundred questions about how the elixir might come together. Emmett tried to explain things in simple terms as best as possible, which still seemed like rocket science to me.

“As long as you know what you’re doing.” I laughed, the wine finally kicking in.

“There are still a few gray areas, but I’m confident I can make it, all in good time.”

“You’re really good at that, making things.” I smiled.

“I try.” He shrugged. “I wish I could have done better for you. Had I known the full situation, well, perhaps I could have found a better solution faster. I’m sorry I didn’t push harder for answers. As a doctor, my first oath is to do no harm, and I broke that oath with you, and I’m sorry.”

“Thanks Emmett.”

“On that note, I’ll let you get some sleep. We have another long day of travel tomorrow.” He said, standing and stretching before placing the now empty wine bottle on the desk.

“Goodnight Emmett, thanks for the drink.” I said with a yawn.

“Goodnight.” He winked on his way out.

Well, tonight was going much better than expected. Two bridges had been mended, as it would seem, and the nightcap was doing its job of putting me to sleep. I crawled into bed again, and this time slept through the night, so well in fact that I didn’t even move from the position I fell asleep in. I think that’s only happened twice before in my life.

I took my time getting ready and packing up my bags, already feeling a bit over the flight that we would soon embark on. I heard the slightest creak and stopped what I was doing, pausing to listen. I smirked once I knew what was going on, and tucked and rolled before Thorin could land a hit on me. We practiced like this often. Thorin always taught me to be aware of my surroundings. I guess today was no exception.

“Ha, nice try.” I laughed, launching myself at him.

He effortlessly caught me, handing me a paper bag that smelled meaty and cheesy. “I came to have meal with you.” He said, setting me down.

“Well then, let’s eat.” I said, excitedly tearing through the brown paper bag.Copyright Nôv/el/Dra/ma.Org.

“I also came to discuss plans for day-“

“Mmmm, oh my goddess Thorin, where did you get this? It tastes amazing.” I hummed in appreciation. “Lets discuss the plans when the other guys are here.”

“Agreed. But I would also like to speak with you about something that has been bothering me,” he announced.

“Okay.” I nodded, swallowing hard and setting down my food to give him my full attention. It wasn’t often that he spoke about something that bothered him.

“I would like you to know, should you ever fall pregnant again, you need not do it alone.” Thorin said seriously.

“Oh…” I said, fiddling with my nails. “I didn’t end it just for that reason.”

“I understand, but I wanted you to know you are never alone.”

“Thank you…but I thought you said you didn’t want any pups?” I frowned.

Thorin let out a deep sigh, staring off for a moment before answering. “I had pup once. I had one night with a woman when I was newly shifted teen. She became pregnant. We had daughter, Alina. She was beautiful. But she fell ill, and passed away before her first birthday. The pain of loss was so great, it is still great, I can’t imagine losing another. But, for you and only you, I would take the risk.”

I sniffled, my eyes glassy. “Thank you Thorin.” I said, pulling him in for a hug. “And I’m so sorry for your loss, I had no idea.”

“We all have messy life, you are not alone.” He half smiled. “Now let’s eat before other two arrive to discuss plans.”

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