The Alpha Queen And Her Chosen Mate

Chapter 44

KellyProperty © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Everyone sleep okay?” I asked as I finished packing everything.

I only got a few hours of sleep, but I felt so energized. I think having the flower really boosted my overall mood. For one, it made the old fable that much more real, and for two, we were now a third of the way through our mission. We were that much closer to getting home, that much closer to making the elixir and healing my mother.

“I think I slept on another rock.” Jonas yawned while massaging part of his back.

“I was out cold.” Emmett said as he emerged from one of the huts.

“Thorin?” I asked.

“Fine.” He nodded, packing up what bags we had left.

My bags were completely gone. Thorin and I even ventured out a way and couldnt find anything. Thankfully, the others all managed to find most of their things when they were looking for me. Now knowing that there were others out there, it was very possible that someone had found my bag and ran off with it. No matter. In the meantime, I was borrowing some clothes from the guys until we got back into normal civilization and I could buy some clothes. Though I will admit, it was super comforting having Thorin’s fitted white workout shirt, Jonas’s black pajama pants, and Emmett’s green short sleeved shirt.

“I’m thinking if we move fast enough, we might be able to make it out of here in two days. According to our map, we are closer to civilization than we were before.” I smiled.

“The forest shouldn’t be too dense, especially the closer we get to the main land, we should be able to shift.” Emmett nodded.

“Okay, who is carrying me?” I smiled. “Or should Keres chase you guys out?” I joked.

“It would make us move a hell of a lot faster.” Jonas laughed dryly.

“It would be my honor,” Emmett volunteered.

“Alright then, should we get moving?”

“I lead way.” Thorin nodded.

It took us a full two days to make it out of the forest. I was responsible for caring for the moonflower, which I was happy to do. Thankfully, we had no issues on the way back, minus Keres being mouthy, which wasn’t anything new. She didn’t try to push forward though, probably still too tired from her last shift.

When we arrived back, it was already dark outside. We were finally lucky enough to find a hotel that had multiple rooms available and everyone got to sleep in their own bed. Not that I ever minded sharing. In fact, I kinda liked it better than sleeping alone. The next morning, we took our time getting ready and I surprised the guys with a massive breakfast at one of the local restaurants. We got many strange looks from the amount of food we were packing away, but after having just plain meat for over a week, it made sense. Plus, a werewolf’s metabolism requires twice that of a human.

When I was sure everyone was full and digested enough, we found the nearest post office and Emmett began harassing the staff, giving them the most ridiculous sounding requests about how he wanted the flower to be packaged, the speed of the delivery, even down to the type of box and labels. The staff might have objected too, if it weren’t for Throin standing behind Emmett the entire time with his arms crossed and ‘don’t f**k with me’ eyes.

I only briefly looked at my phone to send a message to both Kelsey and Kylie, letting them know that we were okay and to expect to see the moonflower in the mail sometime tomorrow or the day after. I also gave them Emmett’s instructions about how to care for the moonflower in our absence. After hitting send, I turned my phone back off, not wanting to chance getting a call from my father.

“Alright, now that that is taken care of, what’s next?” I asked.

“Now we are going to Uzbekistan, where the Dark Star Cave is located, to find the healing crystal,” Emmett said.

“We leave in morning. I do not wish to fly at night.” Thorin grunted.

“Thats fine with me.” I smiled.

“I’ll book us another night at the hotel.” Jonas said, pulling out his phone and dialing the hotel’s number.

“Well then, boys, we have several hours to kill before nightfall. What should we do? We have seen plenty of forest, but this is my first and possibly only time in Brazil. I would like to do something besides participate in our suicide missions.”

“I need good sleep tonight, big travel day tomorrow,” Thorin said.

“Okay, what about you Emmett?” I asked.

“I suppose we could do something.” He nodded.

“Okay, the hotel is booked.” Jonas said, joining us.

“Perfect. Are you up for doing something? Or are you done for today?” I asked.

“Honestly, I’m done. I might want food later, but I need another rock free night’s sleep.”

“Okay, well, Emmett and I are going to go do something. We will meet up with you at the hotel later.”

“Sounds good.” Jonas nodded, taking a bag from Thorin.

“Be safe.” Thorin added.

Emmett and I went off and walked around for a bit before deciding to go visit the beach. It wasn’t until we were halfway to the water that we realized it was a nude beach. Not that that bothered us, we were werewolves after all. It didn’t take us long to rid ourselves of all of our clothes and find a comfortable spot to lay out on the beach. I received quite a few cat calls, which seemed to make Emmett a bit more protective of me, something I did enjoy seeing.

After an hour or two on the beach, we went back into town where I found a few functional clothes as well as a very cute tropical dress. I changed into that immediately, thankful for the lighter fabric in the hot weather. Up until now, I had been wearing the guys’ clothes still.

“What next?” Emmett said, one arm over my shoulder, the other holding my bags.

“Hmm….Do you want to check out-” I began to ask, but stopped midsentence when music began playing around us.

People started smiling and laughing and even dancing. It looked like they were having so much fun. Before I could even ask, Emmett was pulling me in the direction of the music and dancing people.

“What are you doing?” I laughed, following along.

“A very poor representation of the samba with a very beautiful woman,” he said, kissing my hand.

“Oh!” I laughed, as he pulled me close and started dancing with me to the beat of the music.

Emmett and I danced the night away, our bodies getting closer and closer as the music went from fun and energetic to sensual and seductive. I don’t know if you could call it dancing what we are currently doing. More like dry humping while our tongues danced together. We may have had a few drinks over the course of the evening, aiding in our horny behaviour.

“You’re amazing,” Emmett said when we came up for air. “Do you want to get out of here?”

“Not yet.” I heaved for air. “I don’t want this day to end.” I admitted, locking lips with him again.

He chuckled into me, the vibration sending a delicious chill up my spine. I don’t know exactly how late we stayed out, but I do vaguely remember being carried back to the hotel. Between the liquor and just pure exhaustion, I was asleep before I even made it to bed. I knew then that after we finished our missions that I needed to do things like this more often. I needed to enjoy life more. There was so much out there to experience, so much I wanted to do. I was done putting my life on hold. Queen or not, I would make sure that I made time to experience life for all the good it has to offer.

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