The Alpha Queen And Her Chosen Mate

Chapter 2


“I’ll need you to sign these first before we continue any further.” King Carson said, shoving a stack of papers towards me.

“I no understand, I was getting hired for hunt…wild creature?” I said, trying to use English as much as possible.

“After you sign I will explain your mission details.” He said firmly.

Who was I to argue with the king? I nodded and signed the tabbed areas. Almost as soon as I put the pen down, King Carson let out a relieved sigh.

“It’s my daughter, Kelly. She just got her wolf a few days ago and her wolf is…concerning to say the least. I don’t trust that Kelly will be able to shift without supervision.”

“You want…the babysit?” I asked, scrunching my face in disapproval.

“It’ll be more than that. Kelly could use some training as well if I am to ever even consider handing over my throne to her. But the primary focus at the moment is taming that wolf of hers.”

“When we being, da?”

“Right now.” He said, flicking his head for me to follow. “Whatever you think you’ll need for training, just say the word. All of your expenses will be paid for in full. We will also provide you with a room here at the palace-“

“Nyet.” I shook my head. “I live in forest.”

“Suite yourself.” He nodded. “I would like you to meet with Kelly at least weekly, but over time we can decide if more or less time is necessary.”

“Da.” I nodded in agreement.

He led me outside to a large, lush field. It looked like it went on and on for miles. Standing in the middle of the field was a young woman with blond hair that looked like it had been kissed by the sun, and blue eyes that looked like they were made of sapphires.

“Thorin, this is my oldest daughter, Kelly. Kelly, meet your new trainer, Thorin.”

“Its nice to meet you.” She said, holding her hand out for me to shake.

I nodded and took her soft hand in mine. She seemed delicate. I cant imagine why King Carson would hire someone like me to train someone as dainty as her. She probably hasn’t ever seen a day of war. She has probably never known hunger or thirst. Yet her father hires a mercenary such as myself to train her?

“We begin?” I nodded.

Kelly gulped and looked at her father for the okay before reluctantly undressing down to her intimate items. Goddess, those legs. When she began to shift, I could hear her bones cracking, more than they should have been. And her growls, they were filled with the promise of death.

“You might want to back up…” King Carson said, taking several paces back.

I watched in fascination as the once beautiful woman turned into such a vicious, gnarly, mangy beast. Gnashing its teeth and foaming at the mouth. Once its eyes were set upon me, it was too late. Before I knew what was happening, the beast swiped at me, making contact with my face and tearing flesh from bone. I quickly tucked and rolled out of the way, dodging a second blow. King Carson was about to step in but I threw my hand up, telling him no. I wanted a challenge, and it looks like I just got one.

– – – – – –Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

Two years later….

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“Alright, everyone in position!” My father yelled.

“Are you ready?” Thorin asked.

“I’m scared, I don’t want to let her out.” I said, my eyes wandering to the scar across his face Keres left on their first meeting. His short dark brown beard covered most of it now, but it was still hard not to notice, especially since I’m the one who gave it to him.

We were standing in the middle of the field, the same field as every training session, but this time surrounded by six armed warriors and a massive wall around us. I don’t know why my father insisted on having them here. The last time I let her out she almost tore someone’s arm off. More bodies didn’t mean more control, they meant more opportunity for casualties.

“You must, if you don’t, it could be detrimental to your health and safety, and the health and safety of others!” My father yelled, standing behind one of the many silver-plated barriers scattered throughout the field. I hated it when he showed up for my training. He always looked so disappointed afterwards.

“It’s okay, you can do.” Thorin nodded, his deep, authoritative voice commanding my attention. His English has improved over the past two years but there was still some brokenness there. His accent was heavily Russian still too, not that I was complaining. He placed his large calloused hand on my shoulder, his intimidating gaze from his bright green eyes and no-nonsense attitude left me no option but to move forward. “I have the faith in you.”

Thorin and I have been at it for a while now, trying to get my wolf under control. Unfortunately, the more time that passed, the more feral she seemed to get. I was able to have conversations with her early on, but now she hardly speaks to me. Thorin and my father were usually able to get a grip on her, but with how wild she was lately, they called in extra warriors to help…control the situation.

I nodded and Thorin retreated to one of the barriers. Even his stride eluded confidence. I was a bit jealous. Ever since she came along, my confidence has been a bit subpar. I took a few more steadying breaths before I finally let her out. Shifting hurts just as much now as it did the first time, something that should have been resolved within the first few shifts. I think Keres did it on purpose. She was a nightmare.

As soon as I shifted, she immediately took over, pushing me to the back of our minds while she snarled and bolted, running the perimeter of the field. She made a few haphazard attempts to jump the newly completed wall surrounding the field we were on, our body crashing each time. She shook it off and howled in frustration, finally noticing the warriors around us. I tried to link my father and Thorin to run, but Keres wouldn’t even let me do that this time.

Thankfully, they knew better. They were already ready and waiting with silver nets and souped up electric cattle prods made just for me. In minutes, they had me back in my human form, with a blanket and pain killers ready to go. Keres obviously was not in a trainable state today.

“We try again tomorrow,” Thorin said. He acted as if nothing happened, as if I didn’t just fail miserably, again. I don’t know if I loved or hated that about him.

“We need to start looking into other options, Kelly.” My father said, disappointment lacing his tone.

“Thorin is helping,” I defended.

“He is, and will be promoted to your primary, full-time trainer, but it’s still not enough. We will start seeking out physicians. Maybe there is something that they can prescribe you to make your wolf settle down.”

“Perhaps.” I sighed, pulling my blanket closer to myself.

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Several weeks later….

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“Kelly, this is Dr. Emmett Barbeto. He is a very well respected physician who specializes in botanical medicine.” My father introduced us.

“Hi.” I said, shaking his hand. It felt like silk in my palm.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, your highness,” he said, bowing his head. “I look forward to working with you.”

Emmet looked a handful of years older than I. He had short black hair and a clean shave with sharp features, and an air of professionalism to him. His perfect posture and well-tailored suit made him look immaculate, and his warm brown eyes comforting.

“Kelly is in need of a new physician, as I have previously explained. She specifically needs something to settle her wolf down. She can be a bit high strung.” My father explained, shooting me a look to bite my tongue.

It was a tightly kept secret that the heir to the throne had an out-of-control wolf with a kill mission. He refused to tell anyone that didn’t directly need to know. That limited it to Thorin, the select few warriors that primarily worked in the palace and with Thorin on the field, my mother, and Kelsey, who saw my first awful shift first hand. Kylie didn’t even know, and apparently, even my new doctor didn’t have the privilege of knowing how severe Keres could be either.

“I believe I can come up with something.” He nodded.

“The more natural, the better,” my father reiterated.

He was always funny about medications. Probably because of what he has seen my mother go through taking some of hers. And probably because if anyone ever found out a member of the royal family was taking something, it could cause our kingdom to worry about the stability of our leadership. Power struggles could arise, not to mention external threats. It was bad enough that my mother was sick. If someone else fell ill, it could be bad news.

“Yes, my King,” Emmett nodded.

“I will leave you to it then.” He nodded and left us alone.

“Have you tried any medication for this issue before?” Emmett asked, pulling out a small notebook and pen.

“A few things…”

Emmett asked a ton of questions about my health history. He said it could take some time to figure out what would work best, between finding the herbs he needed and trail and error in general, but he was hopeful that a remedy could be found for me. I was thankful to have a physician such as him. With him, I felt hopeful.

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This was a strange request indeed. It’s not often you get a call from the king asking for help. Even less often that I was being hired for his oldest daughter. I have heard rumors of his mate’s illnesses, so why hire me for Kelly and not the queen? I was a newer graduate at that too. Of course, I was at the top of my class, graduated early with honors, and had multiple specialties under my belt, but what struck me as odd was his clear interest in my botanical medicine.

I was fascinated by nature, enough to take up botanical medicine as a hobby in school. Not many people knew what that was, even less cared to know. From what Kelly told me, they did try a few drugs to help calm her overactive wolf down. That much I can believe. But as any doctor knows, the patient is always lying. I have yet to figure out what the lie is here, but I’m sure in time I will.

“King Carson?” I asked, his guards on either side of me. Security was not taken lightly here, apparently.

“Please come in.” He nodded from his desk. “Are you settling in alright?” He asked.

“Yes, thank you.” I said, sitting across from him. “I have that list of supplies we talked about.” I said, placing three pages of about a million dollars worth of materials on his desk.

“I’ll see that it is taken care of.” He nodded without even batting an eye.

“The expenses could be cut down quite significantly if you would allow me to work out of the hospital.” I suggested.

“No need.” He dismissed. “I would like the least amount of attention brought to this matter.”

“Yes sir.” I nodded. I was about to leave when I couldn’t help myself any longer. “Why me? Why Kelly and not the queen?” I asked.

“You came very highly recommended.” He said, mulling something over. “The queen is beyond help.”

“If I could just-“

“Dr. Barbeto, you were hired to care for my daughter Kelly. And perhaps my other two daughters and even the staff. My mate is none of your concern. I will see that your workspace is put together as you request. You can spend your free time doing whatever in goddess’ name you’d like. But do not ask about my mate. Do not speak about or to my mate. You have a very loose leash to practice medicine as you see fit. Don’t make me regret that.”

“Yes sir.” I nodded respectfully. I’m sure in time I’ll know the real reasons.

True to his word, King Carson ordered everything I had asked him for. It arrived in record time, which was especially nice considering some of the plants I wanted were extremely hard to find. At least in the states, that is. I had a waiting room, several patient rooms, an office filled with all of my medical journals, and, of course, a lab where I planned on brewing up my specially made remedies for princess Kelly. All within the massive palace.

“Dr. Barbeto?” A soft voice called from my doorway.

“Ah, princess Kelly, thank you for coming.” I said, gesturing for her to sit.

“Please, just Kelly.” She shrugged.

“Just Emmett,” I shrugged back. “I have something for you to try, a capsule, once daily.” I said, handing her a pill bottle and bottle of water.

“Thank you.” She said, not even bothering to ask what was in it as she popped a capsule, chasing it down with the water. Odd. Carelessness, an unhealthy amount of trust, or desperation? I wonder which.

“I would like to closely monitor you, but I understand you have a life. So, if you don’t mind, I’m going to give you this journal.” I said, handing it to her. “I want you to document any side effects you notice, how you are feeling physically and emotionally, and any other pertinent information. I can tweak anything I give you. The goal is to come up with a side effect free remedy.”

“Easier said than done.” She sighed. Hm…desperation perhaps.

“Right you are, but let’s try to stay positive. I won’t give up if you don’t,” I said, holding her hand and giving it a gentle squeeze.

“Thank you.” She sniffled.

It was made very clear very quickly that the first round of medication didn’t work, evident by the grim-looking notebook. Kelly might need something more than to just settle her wolf down. She might need an antidepressant. I heard from palace gossip that Kelly was rejected just after shifting. Some were worried the same would happen to her sister in just a few weeks. But, not my business. My only business was that of my patient.

“Hey Emmett.”

“Goodmorning Kelly, ready for round two?”

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