The Alpha King’s Human Mate by HC Dolores

Chapter 23

“You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.”

Abraham Lincoln

“Get you out of this?” Lily scoffed, “Are you crazy, Clark? We’re not talking about

you’re talking about trying to escape your mate. The literal

getting out of a quiz

Alpha King. And you’re trying to drag us down with you!”

Sebastian remained quiet, eyebrows furrowed.

“Wait, hold on,” I said, “I’m not asking you to escape with me or do anything that

would actually put you in danger. I’m just asking for some ideas here. You two know this world better than I do isn’t there some way for me to get out of this?” @

“By this,”” Lily snapped, “You’re talking about a mate bond with the most.

powerful Alpha in the world, Clark. Mate bonds are unbreakable, you can’t get rid

of them.”


“There’s absolutely no way?” I asked, “I already tried to convince Griffin that he’d

better off without me earlier but he didn’t seem to care. But that’s it then? This is


“You tried to convince your mate, the Alpha King, to be with someone else?” LilyProperty © NôvelDrama.Org.

laughed, “I would’ve loved to have seen that.”

“You already know the mate bond doesn’t work like that, Clark,” Sebastian said

softly, “You may not feel it the same way a wolf does, but you’ve been around the pack long enough to know that a mate bond never goes away. Once you meet your mate, you’ll be drawn to them forever. They’ll be the only person you want, the only person you truly desire until you die.”

I knew he was right. I had never seen a pair of mates that didn’t end up together. The cycle was pretty straightforward you meet your mate, instant love, get married, have kids, and then you grow old together.

And when mates did grow old and eventually die, the last one left standing usually

wasn’t far behind.

Your mate was supposed to be the only person you could ever be with and I’d

never seen anyone challenge that well, except one.

“What about dad?” I asked, “I know it’s a touchy subject in our family but if mates

are supposed to be your one and only forever, why did our dad cheat on your


I hated bringing it up, but my dad’s affair had hung over me my entire life. If that fact could finally be of use to me, it’d be a welcome change. U

Lily and Sebastian were both silent. Sebastian’s eyebrows were even more furrowed and Lily just looked lost.

“I’m not sure,” Sebastian finally said, “You know that dad has never talked about

regrets it deeply.” He paused and then his eyes widened. “The affair, I mean! I know he regrets the affair and the pain it caused, but not you, Clark. He doesn’t -regret having you.” (1


I almost felt like laughing. I might’ve sulked about it on any other day, but today had been eventful enough. I had far bigger concerns than wrestling with my own daddy issues.

“It’s okay, Seb,” I told him, “I know what you meant. Dad never said much to me.

about it either, but doesn’t it prove my point? Clearly, there’s got to be some level

of choice here. Dad chose someone who wasn’t your mom.”

“Yeah, for a one-night stand,” Lily scoffed, “I don’t mean to rain on your parade

but just because dad chose to get his dick wet by someone else eighteen years ago doesn’t mean anything for your situation, Clark. You’re mated just like the rest. of us will be one day soon. And to the Alpha King too. Do you know how many female wolves would love to be in your position?”


“Yes, I do!” I told her, practically shouting, “And I would love to give the opportunity to any one of them. Seriously, bring me a line up!”

Frustration bubbled up inside me. I knew that Sebastian and Lily probably wouldn’t be able to actually help me, but a small part of me had hoped they’d at least understand. Or maybe brainstorm ideas for a potential escape, I’m not sure.

But you’re the only one who feels trapped here, I thought to myself. Lily and

Sebastian see the mate bond as just another fact of life like getting older or doing taxes. They don’t realize the freedom they’re giving up because they’ve never had it at


“Look, Clark,” Sebastian said, “I know you’re not happy about this. I know it’s not

what you wanted, but there’s nothing you can do but accept it. Lily and I should probably go soon, Esther has strict instructions for us to pack for the flight back. But if it makes you feel any better, I’ve still got to call dad and let him know what happened. Maybe he’ll be able to provide some perspective.”

“Yeah, maybe.”

The thought of my siblings leaving me here alone sent a wave of panic through me. If they left, I’d truly be alone who knows when I’d see them again?

Sebastian walked over to hug me and his arms felt warm and secure. “You know 1

love you, right? I wouldn’t be leaving you here if I didn’t think you’d be safe…but if anything, you’re going to be the safest person in the world from now on. And if that changes, if he somehow hurts you, I’ll be ready to wage war. You’re my sister and I’ll always protect you, Clark.”@

“I love you too,” I whispered but with my head burrowed in Sebastian’s shoulder,

it was muffled.

I wasn’t big on cheesy displays of emotion, but now that I knew my siblings were

leaving (and I wouldn’t be going with them), it felt like the embrace wasn’t nearly. as long as it should be.

As I pulled away from Sebastian, I caught Lily’s eye. Her chipper smile had vanished and she looked dejected. Sad even. I watched her approach me and pull me into a hesitant hug.

“Look, I’m sorry, Clark,” she sighed, “I know I’m probably not the most sensitive

to this stuff, but if anyone gets how much this mate thing sucks, it’s me. You’re gonna be okay, right?”

“Yeah, I’ll be fine.” O

I wanted to scream No! I wouldn’t be okay. Please don’t leave me here alone with

nob*dy but strangers.

It wouldn’t change anything. Sebastian and Lily had to leave regardless and I had to stay. Protesting more would just make them feel guilty.

My siblings couldn’t help me get out of the mate bond, I knew this now. And frankly, it would be too dangerous to get them involved. They didn’t need to end up the same way the king did. I was back at square one but I wasn’t going to give up.

I was going to leave this castle – and my controlling mate – behind. It was just a matter of time.

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