The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King

Chapter 169

Chapter 169

Chapter 169

Greg surveyed the mansion on his first day when the head servant gave him a tour to make sure he knew his way around. In secret, he took mental notes on the locations he could use to place the hidden recording devices that he hid in his slightly oversized shoes when he left his apartment.

So, thanks to the device near the fireplace, the Duke heard the whole conversation between the mother and daughter. His animal growled at the mention of demolishing Blue Crescent as the Kylton’s ‘contingency plan’, and Greg thanked Goddess that he was alone in his dark room pretending to be asleep when he eavesdropped. C0pyright © 2024 Nôv)(elDrama.Org.

But he had a good laugh with his animal when Kelissa said that she wasn’t stupid. She couldn’t even keep him under her reins. Her chauffeur didn’t even check his shoes for the recording devices he brought with him.

There wasn’t even a single camera or recording device in the guest room they gave him. Not one. He checked. Six times. 1

He still checked for them if he had been away from his room. If Kelissa Kylton wasn’t stupid, then she had to be as dim as a fused lightbulb covered in a thick layer of dust that repelled anyone allergic to her foolishness. 1

And then there was what Kelissa said about what he and his cousins see in Lucianne…seriously? She needed an explanation for that? The way they smiled itself were at opposite ends of the spectrum…if Kelissa were even worthy to share the same spectrum as Lucianne at all!

Lucianne radiated a contagious warmth, raw beauty, inspirational intellect, killer sarcasm and noble ferocity. The heiress, on the other hand…Oh, Goddess, where should Greg even begin? Kelissa exuded

only a shuddering presence, and the makeup she wore inn o way covered up the sinister, conceited and selfish persona many people knew her by.

Her intellect? Greg and his animal concluded that the heiress should count herself lucky that her family’s money and reputation had always gotten her through without being laughed at or stepped on for her lack of common sense and understanding of simple concepts. Of course she was impressed with his contribution at the brainstorming session! She knew so little! And for someone who was dead certain that she was ‘the rightful Queen’, she exemplified ZERO nobility. 1

Greg suddenly found himself muttering, “If Kylton became Queen, Goddess help this Kingdom.”

When he was done judging, he prayed that Billy, Lance and the rest of his underground people were doing fine without him. After that, he fell into a deep slumber.


Greg joined the other pathetic advisors and snobbish Kyltons for breakfast like he did everyday since he arrived. For some reason, i t was always the seat next to Livia that was empty. He tried to come down a little earlier to get a seat other than that but to no avail.

His animal and human parts both dreaded having to sit beside that perfume-pungent b*tch who sent the Kyltons to hurt Lucianne. But they both knew that they had to put up with the nonsense for a little while longer. Greg was envious of his own animal when it could growl and groan in annoyance to its satisfaction in his head but the human part of him had to stay silent, behave and put on a n unperturbed face in front of these losers.

Livia was cold and distant on the first day, playing hard to get, much to Greg’s relief. The second day, however, she tried to get him t o open up and speak to her. ‘Just kill me’, Greg thought every time he’d have to respond to her empty questions to hold a dull conversation

He wondered why she didn’t just continue playing hard to get to make his life easier. He only tolerated her because one of the terms he agreed privately with Kelissa Kylton was that he must make Livia think she had a chance with him. But the heiress affirmed that his ultimate prize was Lucianne. The stupid b*tch actually believed that he would hurt Lucianne just to claim her.

“Excuse me, your Grace.” Livia leaned over to get the butter, and her thin, white camisole made the red push-up bra underneath too obvious to miss. Livia felt Greg’s eyes on her when she reached for the butter, and her animal was squealing in delight while her human was trying her best to not make eye contact with the sexy bad boy just yet. 3

The Duke was indeed looking at her, and he wanted nothing more than to hold her by her neck, fracture it, throw her against the glass cabinets before breaking her bones slowly, one at a time as he indulged in her screams.

When Greg felt the simmering anger, his eyes lowered to the food on his plate to hide the onyx shade as he chanted Lucianne’s name with his animal to calm himself. He would go so far as to recall her smile, her laugh and those little moments when she was appearance-conscious for no apparent reason. ‘Beautiful’, he thought to himself as his eyes regained their lilac shade. 1

Lord Kylton held a fake grin when he began conversing with the Duke, “I hope our humble abode is to your liking, your Grace.”

Greg returned the insincere smile and said, “It is, Lord Kylton. Thank you. I’m especially impressed with that lovely fireplace you have in the living room.” Because that was where he got exclusive information from the two women the night before.

“Ah, that.” Lady Kylton joined the conversation with an enthusiastic, sinister smile that was clearly passed down to her daughter. “I t was designed by one of the best. We paid good money for it.”

“I can tell.” Greg noted flatly, and took a sip from his glass to drown down the sarcasm threatening to spill from his mouth. Lord Kylton chuckled before he said, “Well, you contributed to it, your Grace. So, it’s fitting that we thank you for the design that you’re impressed with now.”

Greg placed his glass back on the table and asked, “What do you mean?”

The husband and wife glanced at each other triumphantly before Lord Kylton thrusted out his hand to Greg and explained, “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you in this capacity, your Grace. You’ve been a great customer to one of our family’s most successful companies, Wu Bi Corporation.”

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