Sweetheart, Do You Still Love Me

Chapter 453

Chapter 453

Chapter 453 A Fatal Danger

Is she trying to tell me that she's available after she gets off work? Only then did Frank smile in satisfaction. "Alright, then. I shall come and find you after you get off work. Don't you run away from me then."

When Agnes heard that this devilish man was finally leaving, she smiled contentedly. "Yeah, yeah. Relax. I will keep my promise." As if!

Once it was time to get off work, Agnes packed up her things two minutes earlier and left the office with lightning speed the moment the bell rang.

Frank, who came late afterward, was annoyed to the core as he looked at the empty seat. How dare this woman lie to me!

So, he instantly looked around the office. Finally, his gaze landed on a woman who was packing her things and ready to go home.

The woman wore a pair of glasses and was dressed plainly, looking completely honest and kind.

Frank gradually made his way to her as he came to the woman's side and gave her an extremely bright smile.

Since he was inherently good-looking, the current smile on his face had the power to cause people to swoon.

The woman had never had such a good-looking man smile at her before, and thus, she was instantly getting swept off her feet.

"H-Hello, handsome. W-What can I do for you?" The poor girl even stuttered when she spoke.

When he noticed that he had achieved his goal, he immediately blinked and showed a pitiful and innocent expression, which aroused the woman's desire to please him.

"I have a question that I want to ask you. I wonder if you are able to help me out." © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

I won't hesitate to fulfill this handsome man's request even if I have to go through hell and high water. The woman nodded profusely with that thought in mind. "Don't worry. Just ask away. I will tell you anything you want to know. I will ask someone else if I don't have the answers."

Frank smiled and patted her head. "Such a nice young lady you are."

Oh my gosh! This handsome man complimented me! The woman giggled happily. Yet, before she could finish giggling, the charming and magnetic voice next to her ear sounded once more, "Do you know where Agnes Braille lives?"

Agnes Braille… The woman shook her head slightly. "She's normally withdrawn and doesn't do anything besides work. I don't know her very well either."

"I see…" he said, looking bummed.

The woman felt incredibly bad when she saw the disappointed look on Frank's face. Hence, she quickly added, "Although I don't know where she lives, I do know there is a register of company employees. So, we can definitely locate her home address from that."

Frank's eyes lit up with excitement. That really is a good idea!

"Then, do you know where the register is?"

At this moment, the woman began to talk eloquently, "Of course, I do. I am in charge of the company's HR Department, so I have a clear grasp of everyone's information."

With that, she volunteered to retrieve Agnes' home address from the computer. Then, she showed it to Frank, completely disregarding her duty of confidentiality to the company's employees.

Frank opened the note application on his phone and silently recorded Agnes' home address. Then, he patted the woman on the shoulder appreciatively.

"Thank you. Your kindness will be rewarded."

The woman was so moved that her heart immediately melted when she heard Frank compliment her again.

"It's okay. It's okay, as long as you're happy."

Frank even blew the woman a kiss, which instantly captured her heart. "Thanks."

The woman was so done in by his looks that she merely replied with an infatuated look on her face, "You're welcome."

Since he had retrieved Agnes' home address, he gradually lost any intention to continue chatting with the woman.

Therefore, he randomly came up with an excuse to end the conversation and drove straight to Agnes' home. Just wait, Agnes! I won't let you off so easily once I catch you!

Elspeth was reading the news on her phone in the office. Her frown deepened as she scrolled down. Jethro's resignation isn't surprising. It's just that I can't believe he would actually join Arthur's company! It's impossible for him not to be aware that I have always been at odds with Arthur. So, he's probably doing this on purpose. He just wants to irritate me. Or… Does he want to be my enemy?

She felt even more uneasy when she arrived on that train of thought. As expected, the way I handled the matter this morning was just too rude. I hurt Jethro to the point that he actually took the most extreme route to dissociate himself from me. His departure may, at most, cause some losses to Azure. However, the consequences will be immeasurable once he joins Arthur's company. Either way, the clarion call for my battle with Arthur had sounded, and the division of sides can be deemed extremely crucial at this point. If Jethro truly chooses to join Arthur's company, then I have no other option but to go hard on him.

Just as she had a bee in her head, her phone suddenly rang, interrupting her thoughts.

Elspeth picked up the call. Unfortunately, she became immensely irritated as she listened to the familiar voice on the other end of the phone.

"Why is it you again, Arthur?"

"It's me. What's the matter? Are you surprised to hear my voice?"

She suppressed the seething anger in her heart with force. I blocked all his contact ever since Mom passed away. I was sure that I deleted all of them one by one. Yet, Arthur could still find various ways to reach me. Frankly, this is beyond annoying that I could scream!

"I suppose you do know that I have blocked your contact, right?" she uttered lightly despite feeling highly agitated.

"Of course, I know. Otherwise, I wouldn't have reached you through a different number."

She desperately squashed her fury as she questioned sharply, "Since you are aware of it, you should also know that I have no intention of staying in touch with you. So, why are you still so insistent on finding me?"

"What's wrong with me getting in touch with the person I fancy?" Arthur chuckled. There was actually a hint of inexplicable grievance in his voice.

"Telling me that you fancy me right now will only disgust me immensely."

Arthur wasn't surprised when he heard her harsh remarks. Nonetheless, he seemed to be used to such behavior from her. "It's okay. I knew you would say that."

"What do you want to talk to me about this time? Let's not waste each other's time and get straight to the point."

On the other end of the line, he rose to his feet. His face was half hidden in the shadows, which sharpened his well-defined side profile. His long eyelashes made his eyes look half-lidded, his nose was straight, and his lips were thin. Although he was just standing there, he exuded a strangely mysterious aura.

"I want to see you."

"Well, it seems that you have nothing to say."

After that, Elspeth got ready to hang up the phone. For some reason, he always manages to incite me so effortlessly whenever we have a conversation. He doesn't even have to do anything but exist! So, I may as well refuse any contact with him instead of stewing in anger.

"Hang on. Do you still remember the jewelry advertisement that we shot together?"

Elspeth paused. I almost forgot about that. After all, it has been such a long time since that shoot. Not to mention, it was Harper who was in charge of this matter after that.

"What's wrong with the advertisement?"

Arthur fingered the tassels on the sofa. Then, a meaningful gleam flashed across his eyes as he said, "The jewelry sold well, and our company profited a lot too. Hence, I plan to hold a celebration banquet and invite you over."

"I'll check my schedule."

"I highly suggest that you make an appearance. I have something far more interesting to tell you," Arthur said huskily as though he was trying to lure her into a fatal trap with his charming voice alone.

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