Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Chapter 903

Chapter 903

Chapter 113: Shutting Down the Bridge


I ordered my men to stay just out of Arie's territory.

They weren't happy about it, but they didn't have a choice. I was going to take out Aries and rescue Eliza, even if that meant I had to face him alone.

As I approached the mansion, I noticed there were not nearly as many pack members or guards around as before.

Had Aries been abandoned by his pack, too?

It seemed like our rumors about Aries only being after his own revenge and working with the Royal Guards to kill me had worked.

I didn't have to fight my way into the mansion, and it was obvious from how quiet it was that the place was almost completely empty.

It didn't matter if the way was clear or what Aries wanted. I was ready to give my life to free Eliza.

When I'd heard the news of her capture, my wolf had nearly lost control again. He'd been placated when I allowed him to take the lead and run all the way here. But I needed to confront Aries in my human form and stare him down face-to-face.

I looked in both directions down the entry hall. To the left, it was empty. To the right, I saw a servant

woman standing by a closed door.

She bowed her head to me.

“Aries is expecting you, Jared. Follow me." She curtsied and opened the door behind her.

I followed her into another hallway. She didn't say anything as she led me down the hall to another closed door.

She paused at the large door and opened it, motioning me inside.

It was the doorway to the banquet hall, the same room where Aries had thrown his celebration for Eliza and me when we got married.

The room looked different now. There was a huge banquet table with seats all the way down both sides and at the heads of the table.

Only two people sat at the table, side by side, at the head opposite the door.

Aries was casually slicing into a rare steak, a glass of wine beside his plate.

Eliza sat next to him, her face pale, a filthy gag in her mouth, and her wrists and ankles tied.

I clenched my fists at my sides and took a deep breath. Just under the surface, my wolf stirred but I asserted control.

“Alright, Aries, I'm here. You can let Eliza go."

Aries set his fork down. He took a sip of wine, slowly swishing it around in his mouth.

My patience was hanging by a thread....

“And what will you give me in return?"

“I'm ready to lay down my life in return for Eliza's freedom." I held my arms out to the sides.

Eliza shook her head vigorously and mumbled through the gag.

Aries smirked. “You know, there's nothing I'd like more than to see you dead."

“Then make it happen. But first, you need to set Eliza free."

I wasn't about to take Aries's word on it. But as long as he set Eliza free and she was safe along with our child, the rest didn't matter.

“Well… that is intriguing." Aries sighed and glanced at Eliza. “Unfortunately, as much as I would like to see you dead, you're not here to die. You're not here for me at all."

“Excuse me?" I arched an eyebrow.

“You're here for me."

A shiver ran down my spine as Hestia came into the banquet hall. She was dressed in a very

expensive dress, but her skin was pale and the clothes were practically hanging off of her, showing just how thin she was.

“Oh, Jared, don't stare. It is unbecoming. You may be ready to sacrifice yourself, but you have a much greater destiny to fulfill."

“What destiny?" I ground out through gritted teeth.

“You must set things right and bring Egoren back in line with the will of the true Dark King, Lycaon."

Scoffing, I took half a step back. What the hell was she talking about?

I turned away from Hestia and looked at Eliza. She was my only priority here. I had to get her out, and if that meant playing along with Hestia for a bit, I'd play.

Eliza met my eyes and shook her head slowly, subtly.

Was she trying to tell me not to do what Hestia wanted? Well, that was a given. But if Hestia needed to think I was playing along....

“Alright, if you're certain that I am meant to fulfill this destiny, what is it that you need me to do?" I crossed my arms and glared at Hestia.

“Slow down, big guy."

Hestia smirked and went behind Eliza's chair. She ran her fingers along the back of it.

I narrowed my eyes at her.

Eliza was staring right at me, eyes wide. I wished I could communicate with her and let her know she had nothing to worry about. I couldn't show it on my face or Hestia and Aries might have seen it too.

I noticed that Aries had gone back to eating his steak and drinking wine. It seemed inappropriate for him to do that while Eliza was sitting there tied up.

Just another reason to rip him apart.

“Don't play games, Hestia. I think we're well beyond that."

“Alright, fine. Before you do anything, the plan is to erase all traces of the White Queen's influence in this realm."

I glanced at Eliza. “Why? Why now?"

“Because, the damage it has done to our world is almost irreparable unless we act soon. We need to get rid of the access between worlds to stop Light Realm energy from flowing in here."

“And that will fix the problem?"

Hestia shrugged. “It is a start."

“No more games, no more vagueness. If you want my help, tell me everything."

“Well, it is also my intention to put the true heir on the throne. Once that is done, and the White Queens

have been put to an end, we can begin to fix the problem."

“But only if everyone from the Light Realm leaves forever," I pointed out.

My eyes fell to Eliza again. She was pale. I thought she couldn't tell that I was just playing along, and that worried me.

But she was still vulnerable, and my only concern was getting her out safely.

“You already rejected her. It won't be that hard to bear."

I sucked in a sharp breath and gritted my teeth.

“Aries, will you be ready?" Hestia turned to him, releasing her hold on Eliza's chair. A moment of relief went through me.

“I'm ready. Where will I meet you?" Aries wiped his mouth with a napkin. His plate was finally empty.

“I've raised you a new army of wild rogues. They are in the North, waiting for your command."

Aries nodded. “Then I'll head north."

“Good. I'll meet you in the Northern Wilderness."

Sighing, Aries rubbed his belly and stood up.

It was like he was intentionally showing off his full stomach and the good meal he'd eaten.

I wondered how long it had been since he'd fed Eliza. She looked too pale and she was pregnant. She needed to keep up her strength and health.

“Well, that is all I've got for now. I need to start preparing for my journey north." He patted his stomach again and walked around the table.

“Aries," I called to him.

“Hmm?" he smirked slyly at me.

“I promise you that one day, you will answer to me for everything you've done."

“You think so?" Aries arched an eyebrow at me.

“I know so." I lowered my voice to a deep growl.

“I'd be careful if I were you, Jared. You shouldn't make such threats."

“And why is that? After everything you've done, you think I'll let you get away with it?"

Aries shrugged casually and rolled his eyes toward Eliza.

“She is quite exquisite, isn't she?" he whispered.

My wolf growled and pawed in my head. I forced him back down. As much as I wanted to let him loose and rip Aries to shreds, Eliza was still in danger. Hestia had control over her, and I couldn't risk

anything happening to her.

“Soon, I will be sitting on the throne of Egoren. When I do, Eliza will be my Luna Queen."

I scoffed. “Aren't you forgetting that Hestia is trying to eradicate all traces of the Light Realm? She'd never allow Eliza to remain here as your queen."

Aries frowned, like he'd only just realized that. He looked at Eliza and then back at me.

“As I said, soon I will be on the throne. You should be careful of who you threaten because soon, I will be the one in power."

“Keep dreaming...."

“And if you do not show me respect, then I will make sure that the first time you and your brother meet are at your executions!"

Aries snarled and stormed out of the room. I stared after him. He was starting to get unhinged. He seemed desperate and bordering on delusional.

How could he think that Hestia would allow Eliza to be his Luna if she didn't want anyone of the Light Realm in the Dark Realm?

I ran my hand down my face and turned back to Hestia and Eliza.

“Are you going to set her free now?" I arched an eyebrow. NôvelDrama.Org: text © owner.

Hestia inspected her fingernails nonchalantly.

“How can I be sure that you'll do what I want if she's not under my control? This was my plan from when I captured her in the woods. Now, I can finally make it happen. The one who controls Eliza, apparently has all the power."


“Uh-uh." She wagged her finger at me. “You have nothing to bargain with."

“I won't do what you want as long as Eliza is tied up and bound."

Eliza's eyes widened. I glanced at her and she shook her head again, trying to warn me not to do what Hestia asked no matter the consequences to herself.

Unfortunately, Hestia was right. I didn't have anything to bargain with.

Sighing, I put my hands on my hips and looked around the banquet hall. Aries had played this too perfectly.

I hadn't expected him to have Hestia here calling the shots. He'd counted on that, and I'd fallen right into his trap… their trap.

“I promise that I won't touch Eliza. She will be spared and well cared for. As long as you serve me and do as I say." Hestia laughed a rasping, harrowing laugh.

Something was off about her. She was slightly hunched over now, and it looked like she was getting

weaker and weaker.

My eyes fell on Eliza's pale face again. She looked around wildly, her eyes shifting between me and Hestia. I could tell she was confused and trying to figure out what was going on.

I pulled my eyes from Eliza and looked to Hestia again. She was watching me carefully.

“How do I shut down the bridge between the Light and Dark Realms?"

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