Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Chapter 901

Chapter 901

Chapter 111: This Is Perfect


“I delivered the messages as you asked. All our allies have agreed to help and are awaiting further instructions," Archer told me. He handed me a list of everyone he'd delivered my messages to.

“How are we going to get Aries's followers to betray him? They think his cause is just," Brandt mumbled, pacing back and forth in front of the table.

We had a newly updated map spread out that pinpointed the location of Aries's current encampment.

The moment that we got enough of his supporters to abandon him, we'd move in for the attack.

“Rumors. We all know how damaging rumors can be to anyone's reputation. We just need to think of the right thing… it could be the truth for all I care, as long as it will make people abandon him," I suggested.

“What about Hestia? We could say that he conspires with witches. Other shifters don't always like that." Archer shrugged.

I stroked my chin. “That could work."

“You know, there are a lot of shifters following him because he's convinced them that you are the one he wants to put on the throne," Brandt said, perking up suddenly.

“He did, but he assured me it was part of a ruse and he would be the one claiming the throne," I said.

“Right, but if the others find out that Aries is planning to seize power for himself and had you arrested by the Royal Guards, it would put a big hole in his case." Brandt grinned and bounced his eyebrows.

I smirked. “Yes, I like that plan. Colluding with the Royal Guards would be bad enough."

Archer chuckled. “I like it. Let me send word to our allies. They will start spreading the rumor and we'll wait to hear about how Aries's supporters respond."

“We should know soon enough. I imagine the reaction will be swift." I nodded.

Archer sent out the messages. I didn't like the idea of waiting around. But what else could I do?

As the sun set, I was worried my wolf would take over again. He'd been soothed and docile since Eliza and I had finally talked and spent time together.

By the time the sun was down and the moon was rising, he still hadn't battled me for control.

I sighed and made my way to a tent to get a few hours of sleep. There was a large part of me that did want to return to the village and hold Eliza all night.

Right now, I needed to focus on ending Aries's rebellion. Having my wolf act out was counterintuitive.

I slept restlessly, waking and reaching for Eliza often. Eventually, I gave up and I went outside. Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

It was in the predawn hours of morning. The sky was barely gray and the scent of dew hung in the air. There was a lamp on in Archer's tent.

When did he find time to sleep?

I joined Archer, who was still pouring over his maps. He mumbled to himself and scribbled notes on a notepad.

“Did you sleep?" I greeted.

Archer tensed and looked up. “Uh… not yet. Brandt returned a few hours ago and confirmed that our message had been delivered with the rumors we want spread. He even managed to scrounge up a witness who saw you being arrested by Royal Guards at Aries's mansion."

“Wow, that's lucky," I muttered.

“Now, I'm just waiting on word from our scouts that Aries's men are disbanding from the various encampments." He tapped little blue dots on the map, indicating the smaller encampments.

I nodded. Finally, it felt like we were gaining control of the situation again.

“Did you sleep, Jared?"

Sighing, I shook my head. “Not very well. I thought I'd check on things."

“Your wolf seems to be… subdued."

I scoffed and tossed my head back. “He's placated. There's a difference."

The flap on Archer's tent flipped open, and Brandt walked in. He seemed breathless.

“Archer, Jared, scouts are coming in from all the encampments. They are breaking up. Aries's supporters are going home!"

I glanced at Archer. He nodded. “Good news."

“What about the main encampment?" I asked, tapping the large red blot on the map.

“Two scouts came three hours apart. Both reported that large numbers of Aries's supporters left the camp," Brandt reported.

“There will be die-hard loyalists who won't leave him. But once the bulk of his forces break up, Aries will have no choice but to return home."

I growled. “We're not letting him get that far! He's not even going to leave the encampment!"

“Good call."

We waited until one more scout returned from the large encampment. He reported that everyone who was leaving had left, and that Aries's remaining forces were minimal.

My warriors would easily be able to overtake them.

“Alright, it is time to end this!" I announced.

We quickly broke up the camp and headed straight for Aries's encampment. It wasn't far, and we'd make it there before midday.

I didn't even stop when Aries's encampment came into view. Pulling my clothes off, I shifted and raced toward the camp, leading the charge.

“Awwoo!" I howled, calling my warriors to me and announcing my arrival.

We raced between the tents. I pounced on the first soldier I found and bit down on his shoulder. He screamed and fell to the ground, bleeding out.

The camp erupted in fighting as my warriors attacked mercilessly.

We'd waited until only Aries's loyal followers remained so that no innocents would be caught in the crossfire.

I pounced on another soldier, raking my front claws down his side. He crumpled to the ground.

Blood splattered my fur, but I wasn't about to stop. I shook it off and dove into the center of the battle.

Brandt and Archer stayed at my sides. The three of us tore through the camp, taking down anyone who got in our way.

We ran through the tents, ransacking them and looking for any trace of Aries.

At the beginning of the attack, I'd relinquished control to my wolf. He wanted afight–needed a fight–and he was all too eager to destroy.

His power surged through me with each soldier we attacked and took down.

'Jared, I don't see any sign of Aries,' Archer reached out with the mind link.

'Keep going with the attack. Don't stop until every loyalist is dead. I will take care of Aries.'

I broke off from Archer and Brandt. They led my warriors onward, destroying the camp and anyone they found in it.

My wolf was disappointed to break away, but the thought of tearing Aries to shreds was enough to spur him onward.

We sniffed through the camp, turning over everything we found, seeking any scent that would mean Aries was nearby, or had been there at all.

The only scents that we found were faint, days old.

Had Aries fooled us again? Had he already slipped away before we made our attack? That wasn't possible, was it!?

Growling, my wolf stuck his nose to the ground and kept sniffing.

We ran to the edge of camp where there was a large tent, larger than the rest. It was heavily guarded.

That had to be where Aries was hiding. He was too much of a coward to enter a fight his men were losing....

I raced at the guards, grabbing one by the leg and dragging him off. Circling around, I sank my teeth into the arm of another, yanking and tugging until I heard his shoulder crack.

The guard screamed and struggled against me. I yanked again until his arm came off completely.

The other guards ran off when I growled and lifted my blood-soaked jaw.

They were cowards, just like their leader.

My wolf and I pushed into the tent, ready to destroy Aries.

Empty–the tent was completely empty.

'The remaining loyalists are retreating.' Brandt informed me. 'Should we pursue them?'

'No. They're not a threat anymore. They've seen where their rebellion will take them.'

I regrouped with Archer and Brandt. We shifted back and found some clothes in the destroyed camp.

The rest of the warriors combed through the debris, looking for anything that would be useful for figuring out what Aries was up to.

“Where is Aries?" Brandt asked.

I shrugged. “Not here. He must have known we were coming and slipped away while his loyalists fought."

“Of course, he did," Brant snarled and rolled his eyes.

“It doesn't matter. The only place left he has to go is to his mansion. We'll catch up with him there. And if he isn't there, we'll send word that anyone who harbors him will be held accountable for his crimes, too. Everyone will turn on him then."

“You really hate this guy," Archer said, chuckling.

I snorted and nodded.

Something tugged inside of me, and I got the strong desire to return to the village and see Eliza. It wasn't my wolf that urged me to go. It was another feeling. Some kind of… sense that told me I had to get back to her.

Sighing, I shook it off. “Clean this place up. Gather whatever intel you can and let me know if there's anything useful."

“Yes, of course, Jared," Brandt nodded. He ran off to join the others.

“Are you going to race back to the village?" Archer asked, waggling his eyebrows at me.

“That's the plan."

Archer nodded. His brow creased and he held a hand up. “Hold that thought for a moment."

I followed my gaze and saw a a messenger running into the camp. He came right up to me.

“J-Jared...." he gasped and clutched his sides. Bending forward, he gasped and choked like he'd been running for a very long time.

“What is it?" I demanded.

If he'd run so hard and so long, it had to be urgent.

My stomach sank as I immediately thought of the feeling I'd had, the desperate desire to return to Eliza. My heart raced as I waited for the messenger to catch his breath.

“I-I'm sorry… I have a cramp...."

“Get him some water," I ordered Archer.

He disappeared for a moment and returned with a bottle. The messenger took it eagerly and guzzled it down.

He finished the water and wiped the back of his mouth with his hand.

“We received word from Aries at the village. He's kidnapped Eliza and taken her hostage."

“WHAT!" I exploded. My wolf rippled under my skin, seconds from breaking free and racing after Eliza. My vision blurred and cleared over and over again as I fought the transformation.

Archer put his hand on my shoulder. It steadied me enough to regain control.

The messenger took a half step back and gave me a sheepish look.

“The message is that if you want her to stay alive, you need to meet him alone in his mansion," the messenger reported.

“That's not happening," Archer growled.

“No, it is happening." I held a hand up to Archer. “This is perfect. He wants to meet alone, I will finally get to destroy him."

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