Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Chapter 877

Chapter 877

Chapter 87 : My Last Breath

As we left the temple, Eliza was still quiet.

I couldn't deny that I was disappointed to learn the diadem was in the Dark Realm. But my own disappointment could wait. I wanted to make sure that Eliza would be okay.

“Ready to get back to the hotel and rest?" I asked, taking her hand.

She sighed and shrugged.

It broke my heart to see her look so down and defeated. This whole time, she'd been the one I could count on to lift my spirits and restore my hope.

“There might be a message from Ciana. I bet Mila has more information about the diadem and everything." I squeezed her hand.

She stopped walking down the temple steps, pulling me to a stop.

“What is it?" I arched an eyebrow at her.

“I think we should visit my grandmother, Georgia. Once we hear from Mila, we might have to leave right away and I'd like to see her first. I bet she'll love to meet you." Her bright smile returned to her face.

“Sounds good to me."

I wasn't about to deny her anything that brought a smile to her face!

We got a car to Georgia's house. She waited on the porch for us and Eliza ran up and hugged her.

“It is so good to see you, my dear," Georgia said, pinching Eliza's cheeks. When she saw me, her smile faltered for a moment. “And who might this be?"

“Hi. I'm Jared, descendent of the Dark King royal family. I also happen to be… Eliza's mate," I introduced, holding a hand out to her.

Georgia looked at me for a long moment, then at Eliza. She smiled widely, her cheeks turning a little red.

“Oh! You two are so cute together!" she pinched Eliza's cheek again and then vigorously shook my hand.

Eliza glanced at me and rolled her eyes. Apparently, I was making a good impression.

“It is wonderful to meet you, Jared. Please, come in. I'll make us something to eat and you can tell me all about how you two met and about your adventures."

She quickly ushered us inside.

“Well, you got on her good side quickly," Eliza muttered under her breath as we went in.

“Isn't that a good thing?"

“Sure. But you put her in full-on grandmother mode. That 'something to eat' is about to be a five-course

meal with fresh baked cookies after."

I chuckled. “When was the last time either of us had a real, home-cooked meal?" I took her hand and gave it a squeeze.

“You make a good point."

We followed Georgia into her kitchen. She was already bustling around, chopping vegetables and muttering something about spices and flavor.

There was a small table in the corner with two chairs. Eliza and I sat down.

“Jared, are you from the Dark Realm?" she asked, sparking the conversation.

“Yes, I am. This is my first time in the Light Realm," I admitted.

As soon as the first pot went on the stove, the kitchen was filled with the most flavorful, savory scent of whatever she was cooking.

My stomach rumbled and I glanced at Eliza. She looked perfectly at home in this older woman's kitchen as Georgia bustled around, sprinkling seasonings on things and putting meat in a pan to sear.

“How do you like the Light Realm?"

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. “It's definitely different."

Eliza chuckled. “I took him on his first plane ride. It was pretty impressive."

“It was terrifying," I laughed.

Eliza was right. Georgia prepared us a five-course meal, with a nice fresh baked dessert.

As we ate, Georgia grilled us on our various adventures. Eliza was happy to fill in the details… most of them.

I could tell she was downplaying the most dangerous parts, and left out the curse all together. It probably would have freaked her out more.

“You two have had so many wonderful adventures. Eliza, I can tell you are very happy with this young man."

“I'm very happy with her, too," I said, taking her hand under the table.

Eliza beamed at me.

“You know, dear… you barely touched your steak. And you're looking… pale. Are you feeling alright?" Georgia asked when we finished our dessert.

“I'm fine. We've been traveling so much and I'm just tired. I'll sleep well tonight."

“Eliza, you should see a doctor."

I scoffed, shaking my head. I tried that one already and Eliza had refused outright.

“Alright, I will see a doctor."

“Wh-what!?" I gasped, staring at her.

Eliza ignored me.

I couldn't believe that she so quickly agreed to go to the doctor upon Georgia's request. I filed that information away for the future.

Eliza was stubborn, but I knew at least one person that could cut through that stubbornness. There might come a day when I'd need Georgia on my side to persuade Eliza.

I couldn't deny that I felt a sense of relief with Eliza seeing a doctor. I still felt like she was too tired and pale for just being fatigued and from the curse.

It wasn't affecting me that strongly and I'd had the curse a lot longer.


Before we left Georgia's, I made a doctor's appointment so that Eliza couldn't refuse to go later.

On the day of the appointment, I went with her. She didn't appear to be getting sicker in any way. I checked her for a fever every day.

Her appetite came and went but she was definitely still eating. She wasn't showing any other symptoms, either.

“Alright, Eliza, what are you here for today?" the doctor asked, coming into the room.

Eliza was sitting on the exam table. I had a chair pulled up beside her.

“I've been feeling really tired lately. More than usual. I'm nauseous a lot, sometimes even getting sick, and I'm not eating consistently anymore," she explained her symptoms.

The doctor nodded and scribbled notes on her clipboard.

“Lay back. I'd like to take a look at you."

Eliza laid down on the exam table, the cover paper crinkling as she moved.

“What do you think is causing her symptoms?" I asked.

The doctor felt around Eliza's neck and then poked around at her stomach. She frowned slightly.

It always seemed like a bad sign when a doctor frowned.

“What is it? What's wrong" I asked nervously.

The doctor helped Eliza back to a sitting position. “I'd like to draw some blood and run some tests. But first, let me check your vitals."

She ignored my questions. I didn't like it but this was Eliza's body.

The doctor listened to her heart with a stethoscope and then checked her blood pressure.

“Alright, how about that blood sample?"

The doctor left with the blood sample, promising to be back with results soon.

“She looked nervous, didn't she?" Eliza asked when we were alone.

I touched her knee. “Nah. She's just being thorough."

“If you say so…"

When the doctor returned, she had a clipboard of test results.

“Well, the good news is, you aren't sick," she reported, smiling.

“And the bad news?" I asked, gulping.

“I'm not sure if it is bad news. But the news is that you are pregnant, Eliza."

“Pregnant!?" we both cried together.

“It take it this wasn't planned?" the doctor asked, looking between us.


Eliza looked at me. I shrugged.

“How did this happen?" she asked.

I scoffed. “Do you need me to answer that…?"

“Oh… right…"

“Eliza, I'd like to do an ultrasound to check on the health and development of the baby," the doctor cut in.

“Sure…" she looked a little dazed as she laid back on the table again.

The doctor pulled a machine over and lifted Eliza's shirt. She put some weird gel on her stomach and pointed the screen at us. She pressed a want to Eliza's stomach and suddenly, an image came up on the screen.

I heard the steady rhythm of a tiny heartbeat.

Instinctively, I took Eliza's hand.

“Your baby is developing just right. Everything looks healthy and there is a strong heartbeat."

“That's… good…"

Eliza still seemed confused, like she hadn't processed the information yet. I hadn't fully processed it either. Fortunately, my concern for Eliza was keeping me grounded.

“I'll print some of these ultrasound images off for you and grab some pregnancy literature." Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

With all the pamphlets and pictures, Eliza and I went back to the hotel room. I set the pictures and information on the table beside the bed.

Eliza sat on the bed, looping her arms around herself. I sat next to her. Part of me wanted to reach for her but she hadn't said a word since we left the doctor's office.

I rubbed my hands on my thighs and suddenly, a huge smile spread across my face.

I couldn't help it. Even though I didn't know how Eliza felt about this, I knew it was a good thing.

“What are you smiling about?"

Eliza grabbed a pillow and tossed it at me.

I caught it and squished it in my arms.

Eliza…" I threw the pillow aside and grabbed her, pulling her against me in a warm hug.


“All my life… I never thought there was anything good for me. But this baby… It is the best thing I've ever created. It's my purpose."

Eliza sighed. I felt her trembling in my arms.

“What's wrong?"

“It's not that I'm not happy. But Jared… the curse…"

“I know what you're thinking. But don't worry."

I grabbed the necklace around Eliza's throat and held the locket between my fingers. I thought about my mother and everything she went through. She'd carried the curse and passed it to me. That's what Eliza was afraid of.

“How can I not worry? I'm still cursed and we have no idea what it will do to the baby."

“Yes we do, because that's how I was cursed. But Eliza, we are going to break this curse, remember?"

I moved my finger to her chin and tipped her head back.

“But what if we're too late? What if the baby is already cursed and breaking the curse on us isn't en-“

I pressed my lips to hers, cutting her off.

Eliza gasped and after a moment, she leaned into my kiss, returning it.

When I felt her relax in my arms, I pulled back from the kiss.

“Listen to me, Eliza. No matter what, I will always protect you and our baby. I will give my last breath for the two of you."

Eliza looked at me with tear-filled eyes. “I know you will, Jared. And I trust you."

We sat there in silence for a few moments, just holding each other. I could feel her heartbeat against my chest, steady and strong. It was a reminder of the life growing inside of her.

“We'll figure it out, Eliza. Together. We'll break the curse and give our baby the best life possible."

She nodded against my chest. “Together."

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