Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Chapter 875

Chapter 875

Chapter 85 : Family Reunion


“Believe it or not, I do understand," Jared murmured to me.

“I know you do. That's one of the things I like about you," I said. I sighed and sank back on the pillows.

Now that I was stuffed full of chicken noodle soup, I was absolutely exhausted!

Jared crawled into bed with me and wrapped his arms around me. He hugged me against his bare chest.

I pressed my cheek to his skin and listened to the steady, strong rhythm of his heart.

“There was a time when I was younger when I was almost jealous of Xander, growing up in a cushy castle with everything he could ever want," Jared said. “But I realized that I never wanted to be anything like him or have the life he has."

“Like me and Lena?" I muttered a little sleepily.

“Yeah. I just thought that having all that money and a comfortable palace would make life too easy. And I think having a more… difficult life, has been an asset for me."

I creased my brow and pulled my head from Jared's chest. My fatigue got shoved deep down.

Slowly, I shook my head.

“Jared, your brother's life was far from a fairy tale. You know, your stories are kind of similar…"

Jared scoffed. “How so?"

“Your father… sort of abandoned you by dying before you were born and then your mother died when you were young. Xander watched his father die and his mother left him behind…"

“I guess I never thought about that," Jared admitted, sighing.

“After that, your stories differ but it's not that different of a start," I continued.

“Right. My life was a struggle and his was surrounded by luxury and wealth."

I pulled myself away from Jared and shifted in his arms. “Despite what you think, no amount of wealth or the luxury of life in a palace can make up for parents' love. You both lacked that growing up."

“I take your point."

Jared reached up and cupped my cheek. Slowly, he pulled me back against his chest and wrapped his arms around me a little tighter.

I snuggled up to him.

“I know you don't want to meet your brother but you never know… it could help both of you," I whispered, my fatigue coming back quickly.

“Help us? I don't see how…"

“Jared, the both of you lost your parents young. You and Xander are the last of your immediate family. If you met him, you might be surprised to find that it fills a void for both of you, brings you both peace."

Jared sighed. I glanced up at him as best I could. He had a deep, pensive look on his face. I could tell that he was taking my words to heart and really listening to what I had to say.

“You never know, he might need the same closure as you, about your parents. You probably know more about your mother than he does. And he knows more about your father."

“Eliza, what would I do without you?" Jared chuckled and kissed the top of my head.

I giggled and nuzzled my cheek against his chest.

“Probably never have closure."

Jared sighed and stroked his fingers through my curly, unruly hair.

A lump formed in my throat suddenly. What if we didn't break the curse? How many more moments would I have like this with Jared? Would I ever get to make amends with my family after disappearing?

If we didn't break the curse, I knew I would have to make things right with my family before it took hold.

“Jared, can you promise me something?" I asked.

“You know I'll promise you anything."

“If we don't break the curse…"

“Don't talk like that, Eliza. We have a good chance, now," Jared urged, squeezing me in a warm hug.

“Just listen, please. Things with my family are bad right now, and if we don't break the curse, I know I will need to make things right with them before the curse… ends me. So, I want you to promise me that if we don't break the curse, you'll do the same with your brother."


Jared's arms loosened around me. I could practically feel the confusion seeping from him.

“Please. If we don't break the curse, I want you to meet him. It could be the final closure for you and it could help him a lot. I want you to tell him about your mother and… why she left…"

“Alright, I promise. But we're going to break the curse," Jared said.

I smiled against his chest and snuggled as close as possible as we fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms.


The next morning, my stomach was a little iffy. As I got dressed, I noticed that my muscles were still weak and fatigued.

We'd been traveling so much, all over the Dark Realm and to the underground city. Then all the way back to the Realm of Light. No wonder I was still exhausted.

One good night's rest wasn't going to replenish me after all the inane running around we'd been doing.

“How are you feeling this morning?" Jared asked when he emerged from the bathroom.

He was dressed, his hair combed, and he looked completely fresh. I could tell it was to make a good impression on Ciana and Theo.

He did care about his family, as much as he tried to play it off like he didn't.

“I'm still a little tired. Between the curse getting stronger and all the travel… it'll be nice to get some rest when this is all over."


“Theo and Ciana are waiting for us."

We met Ciana and Theo at an upscale restaurant where they'd made a reservation.

“Eliza, over here," Ciana's voice met my ears.

She waved me over, standing in the lobby of the restaurant.

“Hey!" I gave her a quick hug and smiled at Theo. “Are we going to get a table here?"

“We made a reservation for one of the private rooms. They're just getting it ready for us," Theo explained. His eyes widened as he looked over my shoulder. “And who is this…?"

“I'm Jared," Jared introduced, reaching a hand out to shake Theo's. Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

Ciana studied Jared closely. She stepped up to Theo's side and looped her arm through his.

Both of them wore serious looks on their faces.

“You look… like my father, King Sebastian," Theo said, c*****g his head to the side. “And… a lot like my nephew, Xander."

Jared glanced at me and we both smiled tightly. I should have known that they'd recognize a member of the Dark King line.

Theo smirked and clapped Jared on the shoulder. “It is very easy to spot someone of the Dark Alpha line in the Light Realm."

He chuckled and shook his head.

I laughed to help break the tension and soon Ciana and Jared joined in.

“Ciana, Theo, this is Jared. He's actually Xander's brother…"

Theo arched an eyebrow. “Oh, this is going to be quite the tale isn't it?"

The hostess came into the lobby and told us the table was ready. She led us back to the private room.

It was dimly lit with double doors that opened onto a patio. The breeze brought the scent of fresh flowers in.

There was one table at the center with a pure white tablecloth and silk napkins.

The hostess held our chairs for us and one by one, we sat down. As soon as she left us, Jared and I began explaining Jared's story and all about the curse.

After a while, Jared took over the storytelling. I was fine with that, feeling like I'd recounted the story too many times to count at this point.

We only paused long enough to order food and get our meals delivered.

Both Theo and Ciana wore thoughtful yet concerned expressions but they listened without interrupting until...

“Now that Eliza is cursed…"

“Eliza is cursed too?" Ciana asked.

Sighing, I nodded.

Ciana grabbed my arm and pushed my sleeve up, revealing the tattoo marks of the curse. When she ran her fingers along the mark, my curse shadow shifted restlessly.

Instinctively, I reached for the locket around my neck. Somehow, the necklace had become like a

talisman to me, a symbol of hope.

Ciana's brow furrowed deeply as she examined the curse mark.

“I will contact my mother right away. She will want to know about this," Ciana said, slightly under her breath.

“Thank you, Ciana. It means a lot to have your help." I pulled my shirt sleeve down.

“I'm sure there is a lot more to this curse than what you've been told. My mother should be able to help figure out how to break it. She's broken a lot of curses in her day," Ciana said, smiling warmly.

“So, I've heard." I nodded and smiled back.

Theo sighed loudly and leaned back in his chair. His eyes were fixed on Jared. Slowly, he stroked his chin and c****d his head to the side.

His eyes were a lot more upset than he was letting on with his facial features, like he was sad and trying to mask it.

“What's wrong, Theo?" I asked. I reached over to Jared under the table and put my hand on his leg.

He covered my hand with his and squeezed my fingers lightly.

“I wish your mother had explained…" Theo clamped his mouth shut and shook his head.

“Explained what?" Jared asked, perking up at the mention of his mother.

“Nothing. I can be overly critical of parents, but then I think of my own father, King Sebastian, and I remember what an asshole he was." Theo chuckled and sighed. “Anyone looks like the patron saint of parents compared to him."

“And you somehow turned out okay," Ciana teased, nudging him with her shoulder.

“After you worked on me for a while." He winked at her and they shared a long, intimate look full of memories.

We finished our lunch and headed out to the front of the restaurant.

Jared and Theo shook hands and Ciana hugged me again.

“I'll be in touch with news from my mother and keep you updated of her movements," Ciana promised.

“I really can't thank you enough, Ciana. You've been a huge help."

“Don't thank me yet. My mom can be rather elusive," she warned.

I pulled away from her and shrugged. “You're willing to help and that's what matters."

“Eliza, you haven't seen your family yet, have you?" she asked, arching an eyebrow at me.

Sheepishly, I bit my lip and looked at my feet. “No, I haven't."

“Please, don't put off seeing your family. This is important." Ciana touched my shoulder lightly.

“I know… but my parents went to the Dark Realm to find me. We just missed them."

“I know you have more family here," Ciana said pointedly.

I nodded. It was true. My grandmother Georgia was still around. Maybe it was time to see her.

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