Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Chapter 835

Chapter 835

Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 835

Chapter 46 : Leave This Village


Eliza didn’t look back over her shoulder as she walked out into the night. I hadn’t expected her to, not after the conversation I’d overheard from my position on the porch.

I flexed my jaw as I leaned on the railing and watched her walk away, debating whether or not to follow.

That would really depend if I was going to kill Carmen now, or save that for later.

“What’re you going to do?” Brandt asked in a low whisper as the crewmen I’d posted to guard the cottage changed their positions behind us.

“Nothing Carmen said was inherently wrong,” I replied. The words left an acrid taste in my mouth as I glanced at Brandt, shaking my head. “Though I need to find out who she’s working for if it’s not Aeris.”

“But, Eliza–”

“I’ll deal with Eliza,” I said sharply, not meaning the words to be so harsh. In truth, my blood was boiling and I was two seconds away from dragging Carmen into the Dark Forest by her hair and doing what I should have done years ago.

The shadow of power within me was roiling as I walked down the steps shoulder to shoulder with Brandt. It was full dark now, the sky nothing but deep black as we walked through the outskirts of the village. It would rain again tonight. I could feel the electricity in the air as we turned onto the trail leading to the house. I wasn’t looking forward to the conversation I’d have to have with Eliza tonight.

I had no plans to defend myself or my history with Carmen, I’d already said everything that needed to be said.

It was Carmen’s offer to Eliza that needed to be discussed, and immediately. Eliza still saw Egoren through a faded lens, seeing only what she wanted to see. Carmen had enticed her. I knew that for a fact.

“Do you know the schedule for the trade ships that travel between the realms?” I asked as we broke from the trees.

“The last time I was in the Capital, there was a trade ship at the port of Egoren, the first in many months.”

“s**t,” I breathed, shaking my head.

“I don’t think Eliza is dumb enough to take anything Carmen says as the truth,” Brandt cut in, coming to a stop. “She wouldn’t go off with Carmen–”

“She will if she believes Carmen can help her break my curse.”

“Isn’t that what you want?”

“I don’t know anymore,” I said, meaning it.

The idea of putting Eliza at risk was an immense weight on my shoulders, and I was finding it harder and harder to focus. She was in harm’s way just by being with me, and the only thing I could do to protect her was to just… be here, be with her, and pretend to be her husband if the wrong people came calling.

A shrill howl sounded somewhere to the east, followed by howls of recognition as Brandt and I turned to the sound.

“The scouts–” Brandt said, his voice catching in his throat as he furrowed his brow.

Another howl pierced the air as a rush of adrenaline prickled over my skin. They were sounding an alarm.

People living in the scattered cottages in the woods came out onto their porches, some of them holding onto young children who were rubbing sleep from their eyes. Brandt began to take off his leathers but I put my hand on his chest, my eyes still fixated on the darkness beyond.

Another howl sounded, this one much closer, followed by six or seven howls much more faint, but closing in on us.

‘All men outside. Form a perimeter around the village,’ I commanded through the mindlink. Within seconds, the sounds of shouts echoed through the village as my pack, young and old, sprung into action.

Brandt slipped into the darkness, silent as a ghost.

Men ran past me, some of them on foot and some in their wolf forms as I stalked into the woods. I unsheathed a blade, testing the sharpened edge against my fingertips.

A chorus of howling echoed through the woods as the village quieted behind me, everyone who hadn’t been called to guard the village tucked safely within their houses.

I fought back the thought of Eliza, knowing damn well she’d be putting up a fight against Miriam, who would be rounding up the women for a headcount at this very minute.

I found myself in front of the cottage where Carmen was being kept, the porch now unguarded. I gripped the hilt of my blade and walked up the steps.

She was laying on the couch looking bored, which I expected. I didn’t close the door behind me as I stepped over the threshold, pushing some of my power forward into the room to show her I wasn’t here to argue.

“Up,” I commanded, my voice dripping with hatred. “I want you out of here and on your way, now.”

“Aren’t you even remotely curious–”

“I heard everything you said to Eliza, and there is nothing more you could possibly have to say,” I snarled, teeth bared. My blade glimmered in the light of the hearth, a crimson reflection making the blade look like it had when it’d been pulled from the forge. “Go, and if I ever see you again, Carmen, I won’t hesitate to kill you.”

“She’s your mate, isn’t she?” Carmen made no moves to rise from the couch. She raked her fingers through her hair, her dark eyes fixed on mine. “I can sense it, you know. You carry her scent. She carries yours.”

“I said get out–”

“You’ve been looking for her your entire life. I wish I could be happy for you, Jared, but you found her a little too late, didn’t you?”

“I’m not speaking about Eliza with you.”

“Fate, isn’t it? Funny how these things go–”

I crossed the room and grabbed her by the elbow, dragging her out of the cottage and tossing her roughly on the porch. “I said go–”

“There are others looking for the artifact,” she hissed, her eyes narrowing. “Consider that information a parting gift.”

“Your employer?” I asked, running my fingertip over my blade again.

“She has no desire for it, no. But she’d be useful to Eliza if your mate survives this place, survives you. You’ll take her down with you, Jared.”

“Leave this village,” I spat.

“Tell Eliza that Hestia is waiting for her,” Carmen grinned, her eyes narrowed into slits.

Hestia? Hestia as in… the witch?


Carmen was gone in a flash, her clothes tearing away as her golden wolf form sprinted into the pitch black.

“f**k,” I growled, adjusting my grip on my blade as I ran off the porch and into the night. It was quiet, much too quiet as I closed the distance between me and the perimeter of men guarding the village. I could barely see them moving through the darkness, but they were there.

My mind was elsewhere at the moment. The howling in the distance faded as I raked my mind for everything I knew about the Dark Witch.

Hestia the Dark, the Witch of Shadows–she’d had a bounty on her head since before I was born.

Carmen was bluffing. Hestia hadn’t been seen in decades. And even so, what would she possibly want with Eliza?

Muffled shouting erupted in the distance, breaking me from my thoughts. I took off in a sprint, several of my crewmen running with me as we broke through the heavy underbrush.

“Stop!” Brandt screamed, his voice edged with desperation.

I sent the command down the mindlink and the men and wolves flanking me skidded to a halt while I continued forward.

A trio of wolves I didn’t recognize stood in a row in the distance, guarding something.

I put my hand on Brandt’s shoulder then stepped past him, keeping a good distance between me and the wolves.

“Who are you? This is my territory.”

One of the wolves took a cautious step forward, his nose lifted to pick up my scent. He pawed the ground, growling low in his throat. His companions whined and huffed in response to whatever conversation was taking place over mindlink between them, a connection I wasn’t privy to outside of my crew.

Their leader turned, his tail swishing as his companions fell in line ahead of him. I couldn’t see their coloring in the dark. I had no idea where they had come from, or why. They were gone as quickly as they’d come.

But then I saw Archer laying flat on his back, his chest heaving with effort.

“Lantern!” Brandt bellowed, his voice holding strong despite the quiver of panic I caught in his tone.

I didn’t wait for him. I ran to Archer, falling to my knees and taking his face between my hands.

“Can you hear me, man?”

“Scarlett’s boy–” he sucked in a rattling breath.

I smacked him lightly on his cheeks as I felt his body give in to whatever injury he was suffering from. Yellow light flared behind me as Brandt arrived with a lantern, casting Archer and me in a golden glow.

“f**k me,” I ground out, tearing my eyes away from the horrific gash that ran from Archers hip to his ribs, his shirt shredded and soaked in blood. “f**k, Archer. Stay awake–Look at me–”

“The Alpha–is dead. Dead. Scarlett’s boy is–I don’t–” Archer choked on the blood pooling in his mouth.

“Get him back to the house, now!” I shouted.

Men were already springing into action around me. I took off my shirt and pressed it into his stomach, holding it there as he was lifted off the ground and carried back to the village.

“Who the f**k did this to him?” I snarled at Brandt, who was pale and wide-eyed. Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Brandt met my eye, shaking his head.


“I need boiled water, alcohol, anything will do–” Miriam said in a trembling voice as she bent over Archer, who was laid out on the dining room table.

I was snapping commands at everyone nearby, but inside I was reeling, my heart threatening to jump out of my chest.

“Scarlett!” Archer cried, over and over. He was using the last of his strength to attempt to fight off anyone who came near, and it took six of my strongest men to keep him from rolling off the table.

“It’s not that bad, honey,” Miriam said with tears rolling down her cheeks as she bent to whisper in Archer’s. “You’ll be fine.”

But one look at Archer’s wound told me he would not be fine. Everything was coated in blood–the table, the floor….

Scarlett appeared at his side, wrapping an arm protectively around him as she bent to lean her cheek against his forehead. I couldn’t see her face. I wasn’t sure I wanted to. But seeing her holding Archer shattered something inside of me.

“I need a very large needle and the thickest thread you have.” Eliza’s voice filled the room. She was standing on the other side of the table from me as she tied her hair back with a ribbon, her eyes roving over Archer’s stomach. “Goddess, this is bad.”

She disappeared again, panicked activity taking her place as maids brought in pots of boiling water and bottles of what I was sure was moonshine.

“Hold these for me,” Eliza said somewhere in the crowd, then sidestepped into view, her arms bent at the elbows as she held her hands up, trying not to touch anyone. The smell of alcohol cut through her usual scent as her upper thighs brushed against the table.

Miriam was already cleaning his wounds and he bucked violently as she splashed alcohol over his gash. He screamed, and Scarlet tightened her grip, wrapping herself defensively around his shoulders.

Eliza didn’t look at anything, or anyone, as she took the needle and thread in her hands. I watched her sew my friend back together again with a practiced grace that left me dumbfounded.

Archer passed out at some point, and many of the onlookers left the room. Eliza stepped back, pale in the face as Miriam and two kitchen maids came forward with tinctures and bandages.

Eliza looked like she was struggling to catch her breath. It took everything in me to stay where I was and not go to her side.

She looked up at me through her lashes, her mouth slightly ajar as she took a shuddering breath.

Then she turned on her heel and left the room.

I squeezed Scarlett’s shoulder before taking off after her.

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