Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Chapter 814

Chapter 814

Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 814

Chapter 25 : Bravo, Eliza


I woke with a start, blinking into the early morning sunlight that was drifting through the ceiling-height windows on the far side of the room. I was incredibly warm and pleasantly satiated. It was no wonder, based on the woman currently curled up next to me with her head resting on my arm.

She was fast asleep, a rogue curl lifting and falling against her cheek every time she released a breath. I tucked the curl behind her ear, my fingertips lingering on her cheekbone for a moment. Her naked body was bathed in sunlight, glistening like gold. I fought the urge to cup her breast, my hands aching to feel the weight of them again.

Speaking of aching… I closed my eyes and hissed out a breath, trying to stop my mind from going over every second from the night before. I was ready to take her again, right now.

“f**k,” I groaned, running my hand over my face. What the f**k had I been thinking?

I slowly removed my arm from beneath Eliza, clenching and unclenching a fist as my entire arm tingled. She didn’t even stir. I watched her as I gathered my clothes, my heart squeezing in my chest as her eyelashes fluttered and a soft, sleepy smile drifted across her lips.

This wasn’t fair to either of us.

I’d f****d up royally, and I didn’t know what to do now.

I picked up what was left of my shirt and shrugged it on. All of the buttons were gone, and would no doubt be found by the maids who were likely to gossip about it to the other servants.

It didn’t matter. We’d be out of this place by midday. I’d make sure of that.

I cursed under my breath as I searched for my pants. I found my boxers at last and pulled them on, turning around the room for the rest of the remains of my outfit from the ball. Eliza stirred, mumbling something in her sleep. I froze, holding my breath as she turned over and hugged one of the pillows to her chest.

I could see my pants peeking out from underneath her. I chewed my lower lip and sighed, seeing no solution other than to risk the three-second walk across the hall to my own bedroom, hopefully without being seen.

I couldn’t wake her. I wasn’t ready to have the conversation I needed to have with her. It was going to hurt. My heart was already shattering just thinking about it.

Part of me prayed that I was the only one feeling the way I did. Maybe she was just looking for a bit of fun and a warm body to explore. But dancing with her at the ball last night had ignited something inside me that I didn’t think I’d ever feel.

It was a cruel twist of fate, truly. Rage rippled over my skin just thinking about it. Borrowed time… I only had five months.

Five months had felt like an eternity only yesterday, but now I felt like I was watching my life slipping through my fingers, a life that was lying right in front of me, still tangled in the bedsheets.

“Don’t be foolish,” I whispered to myself. There was a reason I didn’t get close to women, not anymore. I’d avoided them at all costs lately in the event I ever felt a flicker of a mate bond so I wouldn’t hurt anyone, especially myself. It was selfish, sure, but the idea of finding my mate and then watching her witness my untimely death was a crushing, suffocating weight.

And if death didn’t come on the eve of my twenty-fifth birthday?

Those dark powers would consume what was left of me. I’d be powerless against them, my wolf the only thing keeping them in check.

I unlocked the door, wincing as the lock clicked and the door groaned as I opened it, then crept into the hallway.

“Well, well, well,” Archer mused, his arms crossed over his chest as he leaned against the wall on the opposite side of the corridor. I cursed beneath my breath and shut the door to Eliza’s room behind me, glaring at Archer. “You look well rested.”

“Shut up, please,” I groaned, pinching the bridge of my nose.

“Did she do that to your shirt?”

“Leave me alone, Archer–”

“Maybe now you’ll be in a good mood for once in your life,” Archer pressed, arching his brow.

“I’m not talking about this–”

I was interrupted by Brandt’s door opening and a young, timid-looking woman walking into the corridor in nothing but a shift covered by what looked like the shirt Brandt was wearing last night. She saw me and Archer and froze, her eyes going around with shock and embarrassment.

“Good morning,” Archer grinned.

I nudged him in the ribs and he grunted as the woman squeaked an inaudible response and darted down the hallway, a tarnished ball gown clutched against her chest. Brandt peeked his head around the doorframe, his cheeks burning with a ferocious blush but a smile on his face nonetheless. Archer pursed his lips, chuckling to himself. Brandt looked me up and down and c****d his brow.

“Eliza?” he asked.

I exhaled deeply, glaring at both men as I walked between them and into my room, shutting the door firmly behind me.



Eliza wouldn’t meet my eyes over the informal breakfast table laid out in the dining hall. She picked at her plate, her cheeks burning red as Archer and Brandt sat on either side of her. The men kept looking at her, then at each other.

I ground my teeth as I toyed with my food. I was defensive of Eliza already, but now that I’d had her in bed?

“You’re a prick!” Eliza hissed.

Archer sucked in his breath and squirmed, reaching under the table to rub his shin as he glared at Eliza. I looked Archer up and down, wondering what he’d said to her.

I felt awful. It was my fault that Archer and Brandt knew… even though I hadn’t verbally confirmed it. While I considered their merciless teasing all in jest, it still ground my gears that Eliza was uncomfortable.

I felt even worse that I’d snuck out of her room without having the decency of waking her up and telling her I was leaving.

I just couldn’t take that look in her eyes–that crushing disappointment that lingered there, that same confusion that I felt.

That same deeply rooted longing.

“f**k me,” I said beneath my breath.

“What’s wrong?” Eliza quipped, which startled me enough to spill my coffee. Text property © Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org.

I glanced up at her, holding her gaze for a few seconds longer than I meant to. She gave me a weak smile that broke my heart.

She didn’t know about the curse, not entirely. I needed to tell her, and then I needed to take her home.

“Nothing,” I said, trying to smile in return, but only the corners of my mouth lifted.

“There you are!” Aeris’s voice boomed through the dining room, bouncing off the golden wallpaper and nearly bursting my eardrums.

Archer sighed audibly, setting his fork down on his plate. Aeris walked around the table, resting his hand on my shoulder. I fought the urge to stand and shove him away.

He made my skin crawl. He always had. And watching him gaze down at Eliza with a look of fierce desire made me want to reach up and snap his scrawny neck.

How bad would it be if I did?

“What a show you put on last night, Jared. And you too, Eliza.”

Aeris lingered a little too long on her name. I clenched my hands into fists under the table.

“Thanks,” Eliza said brightly. I looked at her, wondering what exactly she was playing at. “Jared is a fantastic dance partner.”

“He’s always been especially talented in the art of dance. He trained for years in my court as a child.”

Eliza shot me a look. I could see the curiosity bubbling behind her eyes. Stop. Stop–


“Oh yes,” Aeris drawled as he sat down beside me, pouring himself a cup of coffee. “Jared’s grandmother was once part of this court, before my time, but she used to bring him here in the winter. How he ended up a bounty hunter is… a mystery indeed.”

Eliza was looking right at me, her sea-green gaze cutting me to the core.

“What?” I mouthed at her, but she only smiled, her eyes flashing with some hidden scheme.

Great. That was the last thing I needed. Aeris was already onto her about being the breeder his brother purchased from the auction. She knew I was leaving without the scroll. We would’ve been halfway home by now had I not rushed after her after we danced last night.

“He never mentioned that to me, and I’ve known him for a long time,” Eliza lied, and she lied well.

I arched my brow at her, still vexed that she was playing this game but also curious about where she was planning to take this next.

“And how long have you known my beloved Jared?”

“A few years now. My father was curious about Jared’s collection, and that’s how we were introduced.” She exhaled, her eyes shifting to a look of pure, pained grief.

I leaned back in my chair, crossing my arms over my chest as she wiped an actual tear from her eyes.

“When my father died… I’m sorry,” she choked, sniffling pathetically.

Aeris clicked his tongue, making comforting noises as he handed her a napkin to wipe her eyes with.

“When my father died, I took over cataloging Jared’s collection. I’ve been living at his house for the past year because of it. It’s a rather extensive collection.”

“The past year, you say?” Aeris said.

I fought back a smile as a flash of disappointment blurred Aeris’s face.

“Mhmm,” Eliza said, sipping from her coffee. “It was just my father and me, you see. He had no sons, so the property went to my uncle, you know, under the old laws and such. Jared offered me my father’s old job and a place to stay.”

“Jared,” Aeris smiled wickedly, glancing at me before turning back to his conversation with Eliza. “He’s such a gracious guardian to the females, is he not?”

Eliza smiled sweetly, nodding, but I could see the fire behind that smile.

“He is. I rather enjoy his company,” she said in a purr that set my blood boiling, and not in anger.

Aeris caught this and pursed his lips, looking me up and down. I ran my tongue along the side of my lip, c*****g my brow at Eliza.

She ignored me, setting her coffee cup on the table with a clang.

“So, Jared said you were giving him a scroll as part of the bounty payment. I’d like to see it, of course. Please don’t take offense,” she said hurriedly, waving her hand, “but I want to make sure it’s legitimate, you know. Because he murdered someone in exchange for it.”

I placed my booted foot over her slippered toes, pressing down in warning. Aeris’s eyes shot up, taken by surprise.

“Oh, my darling. Do you really think I’d cheat a man such as Jared in that way?”

“I don’t know,” she said playfully, batting her eyelashes at him. “Would you?”

Aeris was blushing at her attention now. She was going too far. I stepped down on her toes, but she was a step ahead of me, kicking me firmly in the shin.

I coughed to cover the grunt of pain I couldn’t stifle. Aeris reached out and absently patted me on the shoulder.

“I assure you, my own collection is absolutely legitimate. In fact, I will show you. I have some business to attend to today but–”

“Tomorrow then! Oh, this is wonderful!” Eliza clapped her hands together, beaming at the Alpha.

I clenched my jaw and glanced at Archer and Brandt, who were staring up at Eliza in awe.

“It would be my pleasure, darling,” Aeris drawled, rising from his seat as Eliza extended her hand for him to… kiss.

He beamed right back at her as he brushed a kiss across her knuckles. My fingers curled under the table. I was going to rip him to shreds. But before I could, Aeris turned to me and reached into his jacket, pulling out the scroll and setting it in front of me.

Aeris, now in an even more chipper mood than usual, practically floated out of the room.

“Bravo, Eliza,” Archer whispered, raising his coffee mug in a toast.

“What the hell are you thinking?” I hissed, fixing her with a glare.

She narrowed her eyes at me as she picked up her coffee mug, rolling her eyes before she took a sip.

“I’m just stroking his ego. That’s all he wants. You should try it, Jared. He’d probably offer you more than the scroll.” She took a long, annoying sip from her coffee and set it back down, rising from her

chair and snatching the scroll off the table. “Although, that won’t matter now that I get access to his ENTIRE collection!” She turned on her heel, flicking Archer soundly on the temple as she walked out of the room and out of sight.

I rose from my seat and took off after her.

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