Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Chapter 811

Chapter 811

Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 811

Chapter 22 : The Truth Always Reveals Itself

Dinner passed in a blur of conversation. Archer and Brandt finished several helpings of food before they relaxed into a guarded examination of the people sitting with us at the table. I watched them, wondering what they were seeing and hearing that I couldn’t.

Jared gently refused Aeris’s offer of a nightcap in Aeris’s private library, saying our crew needed to rest.

I rose from the table and followed the men out of the room, but I could feel the stares grazing the back of my neck as we crossed into the hallway and walked back to the wing that housed our bedrooms.

“Goodnight–” I began, trying to turn into my bedroom, but Jared reached out and grabbed my arm.

He opened the door to his room and ushered all of us inside.

“So,” Jared said, crossing the room to the bar cart along the far wall. He poured four glasses of what looked like scotch, then handed them to us. “What did you find out?”

Archer drank deeply, extending his glass for another dram.

“There was some talk of Ambrose but no one in his circle seemed to know what Ambrose used his stolen money on,” Brandt began, swirling his glass. “There is a ball tomorrow night, and the Alpha King of Egoren has sent a warning to Aeris about what sounded like Suncrest spies in the capital. The spies were apprehended and are being held by Alpha King Alexander’s warriors.”

I looked from man to man, wondering how the hell Brandt was able to gather so much information in the dining hall when it was filled with chatter over the clanging of silverware.

“Aeris is looking for a breeder to replace the heirs he lost,” Archer mentioned.

My eyes snapped to Archer, who shrugged, sipping from his drink.

“Keep your ears and eyes open. I need to know everything,” Jared said, then drained his own glass.

I looked down at the glass he’d handed me. I didn’t think I’d ever even tried scotch before. I brought to my lips, taking a tiny sip, and grimaced. Jared took it from my hands, his fingertips brushing against mine.

“Get some rest, Eliza,” he said, then turned to Brandt and Archer. “The two of you go out into the city tonight; check the taverns and brothels. See what else you can find out.”

Archer and Brandt walked away, their muffled conversation swallowed by the sound of the door shutting behind them.

“I’m going to keep you safe,” Jared began.

I answered him with a soft smile. “I know, I trust you.”

He seemed a little shocked by this reply, the hard lines of his face softening a bit. He drank my serving of the scotch, his eyes still locked on mine.

We were alone… in his bedroom. I could kiss him if I wanted to. He’d let me, I was sure.

“Goodnight, Eliza,” he said, breaking the spell.

I pursed my lips and turned toward the door, hurrying across the hallway and into the darkened sanctuary of my own room.


“Oh!” I said with a start, sitting upright in bed. I blinked into the golden glow pouring in through the windows on the far wall, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. A clock on the far side of the room sounded, little bells announcing the hour. I furrowed my brow as I threw the thick coverlet off my legs and stepped out of bed, feeling exceedingly rested.

It was almost four o’clock in the afternoon. I’d slept the entire day!

“Great,” I mumbled, wondering what I’d missed and what the guys were getting up to without me.

As if someone was aware that I was finally awake, I heard a knock on my door. I turned just as a trio of maids bustled in, carrying a tray of food and a rack of ball gowns.

“Oh, Goddess,” I breathed in exasperation, rubbing my temples.

“We need to fix your hair for the ball, miss. We don’t have much time–”

“I can get ready myself, but thank you,” I said, giving her a smile.

She looked totally confused and turned to the other maids, who shrugged helplessly. They bustled out of the room as quickly as they’d come, leaving me to munch on some toast and frown at the lace and beading on the gaudy, unbecoming dresses.

I looked around the room for the dress I’d been wearing the day before but it was gone, as were my traveling clothes.

“s**t,” I said, taking another bite of toast. I poured myself some coffee and walked to the window. There were still a few hours until sunset, but the city seemed to be perpetually basking in a golden-hued glow. I sipped my coffee, wondering what Archer and Brandt got up to in the city last night, and if they’d even tell me about it… probably not.

The door to my room swung open wide and bounced against the wall, making me jump and spill my coffee.

“Archer!” I hissed, sucking on the burn on my finger. “What the hell is your problem?”

“A gift,” he smirked, tossing a large, flat box on my bed.

“Why?” I replied, eyeing him with suspicion.

Archer had his hands tucked behind his back, rocking on his heels as he tilted his head toward the rack of dresses the maids had brought in.

“Jared’s idea. He told me to go find you something to wear for the ball that isn’t… how do I put this?”

“Going to drown me in lace and beading?”

“Yes, exactly.”

I moved toward the bed, gingerly pulling on the ribbon holding the box shut. I opened it, finding a gown made of pale blue silk. I set my coffee down on my bedside table and gently lifted the dress from the box, holding it up into the light. It was stunning, but simple. A sweetheart necklace faded into short sleeves made of sheer organza that was bunched, but I wouldn’t consider it fluffy by any means.

It was modest and flattering, but compared to the long sleeves and high necklines of the dresses on the rack, it seemed rather scandalous. My arms, shoulders, and upper back would be bare.

Silk heels the same color of the dress rested inside the box, as well as a necklace made of fresh-water pearls.

“This must have cost a fortune,” I breathed, meeting Archer’s eyes.

“Well, I bought it with the witch’s money.” He turned to leave the room but paused at the doorway. “Oh, wear your hair down,” he added, his cheek dimpling with a smile. “It suits you.”

I stared after him until he closed the door, leaving me stunned into silence.


I looked at my reflection in the full length mirror in the bathroom, then down at the makeup on the counter. I never wore makeup. I just never bothered with it, having spent a good deal of time traveling from dig site to dig site over the years. I picked up a tube of lipstick, inspected it, then set it back down.

I adjusted my curls into a half-up hairstyle, pinning them away from my face and praying they’d behave. The dress fit me like a glove, and the shoes made me a few inches taller. I could walk in them easily, maybe even dance in them too. I smiled at my reflection, pleased with what I saw.

But before I turned from the mirror, I ran my fingertips over the pearl necklace. Each pearl was different, slightly uneven and unique. They were warm to the touch. I wondered why they had been included in the box, and whether it was Archer or Jared who had picked it out.

I heard a knock on my bedroom door and crossed the room, opening it wide. Brandt turned to face me, then stopped, his cheeks coloring as he looked me up and down.

“Wow,” he said, thoroughly surprised. “You look great!”

“Oh, don’t act so surprised,” I teased as I took his arm, resting my hand in the crook of his elbow.

He led me down the hallway. I thought we’d stop to fetch Jared and Archer, but we continued walking. I looked Brandt over, noticing his fine, well fitting clothes. He’d brushed his hair back from his face and shaved. He was an incredibly handsome man, especially with those stunning blue eyes reflecting the rich navy of his jacket. “Where’s everyone else?”

“In the ballroom. Archer wanted to wake you up several hours ago, but Jared wouldn’t let him.”

I frowned. “So, what did I miss today?”

“Don’t worry about that now. We have a job to do.”


“We’re going to spy.”

Brandt gave me a mischievous smile as he led me down a wide staircase. Music filled the air, a symphony of strings. It was lively, and as we turned into the ballroom, I found myself unable to release the breath I hadn’t realized I was holding.

At least two hundred people were gathered in the ballroom, everyone dressed in suits and gowns. Many couples were dancing in the center of the room, their bodies swept in a waltz. Brandt nodded pleasantly as we passed the guests attending the ball, all of which were turning to stare at us.

“Everyone’s looking at us,” I whispered, my cheeks turning a bright pink from the attention.

“Everyone’s looking at you,” he corrected, flashing me a smile.

“Because I’m not dressed in a ball gown with a neckline that touches my chin,” I griped, feeling totally exposed.

“Loosen up,” he said, nudging me with his shoulder. “Jared and Archer chose this dress on purpose.”

“Why?” I hissed beneath my breath as he led me further into the crowd.

“Because you’re not from Aeris’ court. You’re not his, and Jared wanted that to be clear. You’re one of us, and you’re dressed like it. You should act like it, too.”

“What do you mean, act like it?” I laughed, but then squeaked in surprise as Archer came up behind me, his arm hooking around my waist as he spun me toward where the couples were dancing. I heard Brandt laugh before he faded from view completely.

“Let’s show them how it’s done,” Archer winked.

“I don’t know how to waltz!”

“Me neither,” he laughed, and it was true. NôvelDrama.Org content.

We looked ridiculous, I was sure, but it was the most fun I’d had in a long, long time. As Archer clumsily spun me around the room, I caught a glimpse of Jared standing next to Aeris. Aeris was watching me like a hawk, his eyes narrowed. Jared was watching me too.

But his gaze heated me to my core.

“I’m out of breath,” I panted to Archer, who immediately tripped over his own feet and nearly sent us both to the ground.

We broke out in a fit of laughter as he led me off the dance floor, mentioning he needed to make the rounds for intel.

I could see a refreshment table nearby, which backed a large archway leading out onto a terrace. I sighed in relief. It was hot, and some fresh air sounded very, very nice.

I grabbed a flute of champagne on my way outside, smiling to myself as the early spring air touched my heated skin.

“That was quite a show,” Aeris said behind me.

I froze.

“Tell me,” he said, walking beside me and leaning on the terrace to face me. “Where are you from?”

“North of here,” I replied as steadily as possible. I met his eyes, but kept my face hard and expressionless.

“Interesting,” he purred, raising his golden brows as he looked me up and down like he was inspecting a prized mare. “I heard an interesting rumor about a young woman recently,” he continued, “who was bought by my brother at a breeder auction.”

My blood ran cold but I held his gaze.

“You have such beautiful hair,” he mused, reaching out to wrap a curl around his finger. “She was said to have curls like yours, the same shade, in fact.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I said curtly.

“Hmm… an odd coincidence, then. She would have been mine, you know, by law.”

“It’s a depraved practice,” I seethed, my voice cold and clipped.

“For some,” he replied, tugging on the curl to make it go straight. I winced from the strain on my scalp but refused to let him see that I was in pain. “I’m sure I’ll find her eventually. The truth always reveals itself, doesn’t it?”

“Eliza,” Jared said, his voice harsh and demanding.

Aeris released my hair, the strand springing back into place. I turned to Jared, inhaling deeply. I wondered if he could see the panic in my eyes. I prayed that he could.

“Dance with me.”

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