Shattered Girl (Emmy)

Broken Dreams Stories 105

Chapter 105

“Do you think you can get her to come by just playing with her nipples? Mike asked.

“Hmm, let’s see,” Patrick said. The vibration of his voice sent chills of anticipation down my body

“No fair, giving him ideas,” I pouted at the guys. It was then that Patrick doubled his efforts and increased the pressure on my nipples. I cried out, withering on his lap, moans of pleasure escaping my lips as I threw back my head and came apart in his arms. I could hear the guys growling in approval as I came back for my intense orgasm. I had melted into Patrick’s lap, and all I could do was sit there and pant, trying to catch my breath.

“Wow, that was amazing,” I gasped, taking Patrick’s water bottle and chugging half of it before coming up for breath. The guys agreed, and I noticed a smirk on Mike’s face before he caught Patrick’s eye.

“You mind holding her there a little longer, brother?” He asked.

“Not at all,” Patrick’s grin meant he had an idea of what Mike was

was planning, and I looked between them, trying to figure out what they were planning

Patrick still held me against his chest, his hands resting across my waist, his legs wrapped around mine. I watched Mike stalk toward me like a giant cat stalking its prey. I suddenly understood why he was such a good sniper–he didn’t make a sound. Patrick shifted, making my legs spread further open as Mike stopped between them and then dropped to his knees. felt him tugging at my panties before impatiently riping them along the seams and tossing them aside.

“Hey, I liked those,” I complained.

“I will buy you more,” Mike said, eyes locked on my soaking core. e leaned closer to my dripping pussy before reaching out and running a finger along my wet lips, stopping to tease my swollen clit, causing me to cry out again, the grin on his face made my muscles clench just as he leaned forward and dipped his tongue into my waiting pussy. His fingers quickly followed, sliding deep into noe. The smooth, even pace he set was driving me crazy, and 1 tried to thrust my hips to get him to move faster.

Mike looked up at me, and I stopped moving, not wanting him to stop what he was doing. Can you hold her so she can’t squirm? want to get a third finger into her to stretch this tight little pussy, but I don’t want her jerking around and possibly hurting herself, Mike told Patrick Patrick agreed and immediately began adjusting his hold on me. e wrapped his arms more Emily around me, making sure my arms were pinned to my sides, making it impossible for me to wiggle out of his grasp. Patrick buried his head into my neck, kissing and sucking in all the sensitive places he knew I liked. whimpered at the feeling of Patrick’s mouth, then hissed as I felt Mike slide in his first two fingers e began to twist them as he moved in and out of me, then began to scissor them. My core clenched at the feeling setting out little moans that turned into a wail as Mike worked a third finger into my


“You ok honey?” Mike held his hand still, giving me a chance to adjust to the sensation of being stretched more than I was used to.

“Yes just give me a second,” I said, trying to relax my muscles. Mike began to play with my clit, and I groaned as my pussy began to pulse around his fingers.

“Good girl,” Mike murmured, as he slowly began to slide his fingers deeper into my core. Patrick had taken over teasing my clit, and was quickly leading me to the edge of another orgasm. When Mike pressed against my G–spot, it tipped me over the edge and I screamed as the orgasm overtook me soaking Mike’s hand in the process.

“Mmm, that’s a good girl,” Patrick said, kissing along my neck as I shuddered in his lap. He moved his legs after Mike stood, and I groaned as my legs pressed together oversensitive from all the attention I had received. Mike held out his hand to help me stand but when my legs shook he scooped me up in his arms bridal style and carried me over to the couch. Sitting down he cuddled me in his lap, Josh appearing next to us with a lightweight blanket and another bottle of water.

Laying the blanket over me, Josh opened the water and handed it to me. I took a few sips before resting my head against Mike’s shoulder.

“Can you drink some more for me, baby girl?” At least half the bottle please.” Josh encouraged me, guiding the water closer to my lips again.

I nodded, too relaxed and drowsy to argue, and drank until Josh was satisfied. Mike turned me so he was holding me in a more comfortable position and I rested against Mike’s warm chest. Mike hugged me to him and within minutes I was out.

I had no idea how long I had been asleep or who had moved me, but I woke in my bed, still covered with the blanket Josh had covered me with Rubbing sleep from my eyes, I sat up, whoever had put me to bed had closed the blinds so the room was dim, and I had no idea what time it was, Folding the blanket across my arm, I went in search of the guys and found them in the living room and kitchen. Drew and Jake were pulling out leftovers to rebeat for dinner, and the others had a soccer game on TV. I watched the fame for a few moments before laying the blanket on the back of the touch. I had no idea who the teams were, but apparently from the guy’s reaction to the plays the team they wanted was winning All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

Chapter 105

Leaving the four guys to their game I wandered into the kitchen to see if Drew and Jake wanted any help setting up dinner. They both came over giving me kisses and asking how I was feeling. I assured them I was fine, then began pulling plates and silverware out of the drawers and bringing them to the dining room table.

It took us less than half an hour to set out the hot food, and during an advertisement break the guys rushed over filling their plates and grabbing silverware and drinks before the break was over. I shook my head giggling, and then served myself deciding to sit at the table. Jake and Drew joined me. sitting on either side of me, passing bites of food for me to try. Finally, I held my hand up as Jake held his fork full of lasagna poised in front of my face.

“Guy’s as much as I enjoy sharing. If you give me one more bite I’m going to be sick. I warned them pushing back from the table and rubbing the food baby. At this rate, I was going to spend the rest of the night in a food coma. I stood and stretched trying unsuccessfully to cover a yawn. Jake wrapped his arms around me in a gentle hug and nudged me in the direction of the living room

“Go sit down sweetheart, Drew and I will take care of the cleanup.”

“No, that’s not fair, you guys got dinner ready I should help clean up. I insisted.

od nway. So go

“Don’t worry about it, the other guys are going to do the dishes, we are just bringing everything back to the kitchen and putting the food sit Drew insisted in a no–nonsense voice.

“Sir, yes sir,” I teased him and was rewarded with a slap on the butt as a reward, giggling I went to sit down like he asked, and I was soon cuddled up next to Josh who wrapped his arm around me, while Enishing his Pizza with his other hand, By the time Jake and Drew joined us, I was almost asleep again, only opening my eyes when a goal was scored and the guys cheered. I was so deeply asleep, once again I had no idea who had carried me to bed.

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