Secretly The Billionaire Boss

Chapter 426

Chapter 426

Chapter 426: Love matters or not

Grey sat nervously at the dinner table, trying his best to maintain a sense of composure despite the fact that he was sharing a meal with the goddess of love herself.

Aphrodite sat across from him, her radiant beauty and overwhelming presence filling the room.

Grey had always known that she had a fondness for him, but he wasn't quite sure how to handle her affections.

In fact, he had always feared Aphrodite talking about it and when she did, he didn't quite know where to turn to.

"Hello, here's the menu," the waiter extended one menu each to them.

Aphrodite perused the menu quickly but she knew what she wanted already.She has always frequented the La Porchetta and there was a particular meal that she had always enjoyed.

The waiter soon walked back to them.

"Sir, ma'am, are you ready to make your order?" They nodded at the same time.

"I want pasta," Aphrodite started.

"And Aperitivo.And the desert should be_," she thought about it for a moment.

"Chocolate and pistachio Biscotti."

"Alright, ma'am, and you?" The waiter looked over at Grey.

"I would like lasagna and yes, Aperitivo sounds enticing.Make the dessert chocolate and pistachio Biscotti."

"VA bene, sto arrivando," the waiter said in Italian and hurried away.

"What did he say?"

Aphrodite was confused.

Grey laughed.

"He probably said, 'on the way or I'm coming."

Aphrodite laughed.

"I think I might need a translator on my phone.Or maybe I would try to learn some Italian.Aurora could teach me."

It didn't take up to thirty minutes when their order arrived.

As the meal began, Aphrodite leaned in closer to Grey, her hand gently resting on his arm.

"You know, Grey," she said, her voice low and seductive, "I've always wanted this type of thing but you were always too busy for me."

Grey shifted uncomfortably in his seat, unsure of how to respond.

He knew that getting involved with a goddess, especially one as powerful as Aphrodite, could have serious consequences especially when his heart hasn't even healed.

But at the same time, he couldn't deny the thrill of being the object of her affection.

Somehow, after the kiss, he started to see Aphrodite in a new light.

He smiled.

"Don't you worry, I will take you out frequently now," he promised.

For the rest of the meal, Aphrodite continued to shower Grey with attention, laughing at his jokes and touching his arm whenever she had the chance.

Grey played along, enjoying the attention but still hesitant to take things any further.

As the night wore on, Aphrodite's advances became more and more overt.

She leaned in to whisper in Grey's ear, her breath hot against his skin.She trailed her fingers across his chest, sending shivers down his spine.

Grey knew that he should put a stop to this, that he should tell Aphrodite that he wasn't ready for a relationship.

But he couldn't bring himself to do it.

He was too afraid of hurting her, of rejecting her and causing her pain.

For how long would he say no to her advances? Everyone deserves to be happy, don't they? And so he played along, allowing Aphrodite to continue her seduction.

He laughed at her jokes and touched her hand when she reached for his.

As the evening drew to a close, Grey felt both relieved and disappointed.

He was glad to have made it through the night without upsetting Aphrodite, but he couldn't help but wonder what might have happened if he had been more forthcoming about his feelings.

He knew that he couldn't continue to play this game forever, that eventually, he would have to choose whether or not to pursue a relationship with Aphrodite.

But for now, he was content to bask in the glow of her affection, even if it was only for one night or maybe there will be more in the future.

As Grey and Aphrodite left the La Porchetta restaurant, the cool night air greeted them, and Grey couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement.

He had just spent the evening with Aphrodite and somehow, he loved it.

"We should come out often.You shouldn't forget your promise, Grey!"

He was driving his Audi R8 Spyder to their luxurious villa.He wondered if Charles was at home at that moment.

As they pulled up to the villa, Aphrodite said her goodnights and headed to her room.

Grey watched her go, feeling a sense of longing as she disappeared down the hallway.

But as he turned to head to his room, he was surprised to see Charles walking into the living room.

"Charles!" Grey exclaimed.

"I haven't seen you in more than 24 hours.Where have you been? Were you planning on staying away forever?"

Charles laughed and shrugged.

"Just hanging out with a female friend," he said, his eyes sparkling mischievously.

Grey raised an eyebrow but decided not to pry.

Instead, he suggested that they spend some time together before retiring for the night.

"Let's go to a club and have some fun," Grey said, grabbing his jacket from the coat rack "I could use a drink." NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

Charles grinned and nodded, and soon they were both stepping out into the cool night air once again.

Charles' mind was filled.He couldn't stop thinking about Aurora and felt perhaps he should tell Grey about it.

The club was only a short drive away, and soon they were walking through the doors, the pounding bass and flashing lights assaulting their senses.

As they ordered their drinks and made their way to the dance floor, Charles couldn't help but feel a sense of joy and excitement.

He was surrounded by people, the music thumping in his chest, and he knew that he was bean exactly where he needed to be.He needed something to stop him from thinking about Aurora at that moment and he found it.

"Do you know that I kissed Aurora last night?"

Charles started suddenly, anxious to get it off his mind.

Grey was his best friend anyways.

"Yes, I know!" Grey nodded briefly.

Charles squeezed his face at him.

''You seem to know more."

Grey huffed and gulped down his drink.

"What are you worried about? Do you still want to continue loving Aphrodite?"

Charles clenched his teeth and looked away.He has always loved Aphrodite.

Was that why he was being hesitant?

"Or is it because Aurora used to be Maximo's mistress?" Grey said suddenly and Charles‘ heart made a thud.

Could it be?

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