Scarred Alphas

Chapter 54

Chapter 54

Chapter 54

“I see.” the


We have explained everything to her and now we watch her pace by us as

she thinks. She walks to the

front door, locks it, and turns a sign around that says “closed“.

“Follow me to the back. This

requires all my attention.” She says, walking behind the counter and through a door.

“Sit.” She walks around a

round table.

We all sit around the table

except for her. She walks up

to a few shelves and starts

grabbing things.

“The only way this man could enter your dreams like this depends on two things. Obviously, a witch is helping

him and he has a connection

to you somehow, a link.”

“That… shouldn’t be it. We

severed that link. He was my

mate.” I tell her.

“Contrary to what you might believe, the severing of a

mate bond does not happen instantaneously. Yes, you cut

the cord but the connection lingers for a little while longer. It slowly dissipates without a tether until finally

it is completely gone. This

man and witch must have

taken advantage of the

fading connection that was

still there.”

“What can we do?” Poppy


“It is a simple remedy to

sever whatever connection


“Wait,” I say. “How exactly

can he hurt me in this dream

state, my mouth has still not healed yet and also, why

can’t I ever move?”

“It is a magical wound and so it will take longer to heal. Be glad it wasn’t a mortal

wound. As for the paralysis, it is most likely this other witch’s doing.”

“Wait…if I could move…I

could hurt him?”

Her stare lingers on me for few moments and then she nods. “Yes. I supposed you

could. Would that be what

you want? It is doable.”

“Yes!” I quickly say.

“But wouldn’t this be

dangerous?” Colt asks.

“It is a chance to kill Ezra and

I am taking it.”

“But Cass=”

“I am not changing my

mind, Colt.”

“Cass, please think about this


“I’ve made up my mind. I

need to do this.”

I am not letting this chance

go to waste

I turn from him ending this


“What do I need?” I ask


She holds a golden amulet with a green tone in the middle of a gold plate. “Wear this when you go to sleep. Whatever spell they have on you will vanish and you will be able to freely move.” I

hold the amulet and after

inspecting it, I put it on. She

then holds her other hand

out with a blue flask. “This

will sever the connection

completely. Take it when

you are ready to end it.” I

take the flask, it contains liquid inside.

“Thank you,” I say.

“It is no bother. Now, the

matter of payment.” Honora


“Of course.” Lotus nods and

Poppy takes her purse out. They walk out to the front of the store where Poppy pays. I can only assume that it is Warrick’s money.

I stare at the potion in my hands wondering how this is going to taste.

“Cass, are you really doing

this?” Colt asks.

My attention now goes to

him. “Yes. I am. If there is a

chance that I can end it, then

I am taking it.”

Colt shakes his head. “This is

dangerous. He can hurt you


“But I’ll have the upper hand.

He won’t know that I’ll be

able to move.”

Colt sighs.

I put a hand on his shoulder trying to comfort him.

“Look, if it doesn’t work the

first time, then I’ll take the

potion and end it. But I have to take this chance, Colt. Wouldn’t you take it if it was you?”

With a scowl on his face, he reluctantly nods.

I get on my tippy toes and put my arms around him. “I know you are worried but

please trust me.”

With another big sigh, he

hugs me and whispers. “Okay.”

A bell suddenly rings almost


my ear. Bryn waves the

bell she bought getting our

attention and points at the

dry eraser board that says

“Let’s go already”

“Can you give her her voice back ‘cause she is just as annoying without it,” Dash says. The board goes flying directly to his face again but

this time when Dash ducks,

the board flies past him and connects with Miles’s


“Son of a-! That hurt, Bryn!”

She stomps on the floor, taking the board back, and

writes “Sorry” but has an

attitude about it.

Shaking my head, I leave them arguing and walk up to the register where Poppy


“Anything special I need to do when using the amulet or drinking the potion?” I ask Honora as she rings Poppy

1. up.

“The amulet you can just put it on and when you go to sleep it will work. The potion is actually pretty bitter so I suggest a glass of water in

hand. Don’t throw it up.” She smiles. “You know, you

look…familiar. How old are


“Twenty–three,” I reply.

Something in her eyes

flashes. She nods. “I see.” Her

stare falls on Lotus. They

share a peculiar glance.

“You look just like your

mother.” She says.

“My-…you knew my


She nods. “Yes. A very gentle lady with so much will in


I smile as the thought of her

enters my head.

Bryn’s bell rings again getting everyone’s attention.

The board in her hand reads

“Can she help me with my voice?”

We look at Honora who

clearly doesn’t know what

Bryn is talking about.

“Huh? That’s a good Please check at N/ôvel(D)rama.Org.


Though Lotus seems

hesitant to talk about my

power, we still tell Honora what happened.

She looks at me with

wonder. “Curious…this

power of yours.”

“Can you help her?” Poppy


“I am not sure I can undo it. But maybe I can help you control this power.”

“No.” Lotus immediately

says. “It is not a good thing to resort to magic or unnatural things for everything. Let’s figure this out first and then we can deal with your power and help Bryn without




Chapter 54

As enticing as Honora’s suggestion sounds, Lotus is

right. I’m not sure I want to mess with magic when this

power of mine has been so unpredictable already.

“Very well. But I’ll be here if you need me and I have a

feeling that you will.” She


With a riled–up

Bryn–pissed off that we

didn’t take Honora’s

offer–we say our thanks and

head back home.

Once at the pack, we explain

to Warrick how it all went.

He actually agreed with my plan and said that it was a smart move. I felt a bit proud at that but later had to put my foot down when they all wanted to watch me sleep. I completely refused and told them that I would only have Colt with me and Serge could stay outside of the

door if they wanted

someone more there.

Now alone in Colt’s room, he

places a glass of water on the

end table next to me. “Can’t

take any unnecessary risks, okay?”

“I won’t. I have one try and if

that doesn’t work, then I am


“And can you get out?”

I nod. “Yes. Pain seems to do

the trick.”

He takes a deep breath in. I

know he doesn’t like the


He k*sses my head and

hands me the amulet.


I give him a nod and put the amulet around my neck. I pull Colt in and let him fall

on the bed next to me.

Cuddling, we wait for sleep

to take me. I can hear Colt

breathe in my ear.

“I love you. Be careful.”

“I will.”

After what seems like an

eternity, I am met with the white room. I immediately see Ezra sitting on the brown

leather sofa. He

nonchalantly stares at me

with a knife in his hand. I

stay unmoving except for my pinky which I wiggle to test if the amulet really

works and it does.

“You kept me waiting.” He


“Wasn’t really looking

forward to coming back.” I


“Yet, here you are.”

“Didn’t have a choice.”

“Mh…now where were we?”

“Stop, please don’t do this.” I

plea, acting scared.

He gets up with a big smile. “Just like that, beg me.”

He kneels next to the couch I

am on and puts the knife on

the ground. I contemplate

whether to immediately take it but instead, I figure that maybe I can get just a bit

more information out of


“How are you doing this?” I

ask him.

“I have very powerful


“Why resort to this?

Wouldn’t you want this done

in real life?”

“This is real life.”

“You know what I mean.”

“That is hard to do.”


“I’m not a patient man. I’ve been waiting for you guys to make your move. I can’t keep waiting till you decide to attack the river packs to get to me. How long will that take? If I can have you now

like this, then I will. I’ll ruin


So he suspects we are planning an attack. Garret

was correct, Ezra is no fool.

Ezra gets on top of me and latches his lips to my neck.

“Miles told us about a witch.

Is she the one who is doing

all this?”

He pulls back looking a bit angry. “My f**king little brother. When I get my

hands on him, he’s dead.”

“You’ve lost your mind, killing your family. Did she

put you up to this?”

“Oh, I am very sane.” He smiles and drops down again to k*ss my shoulder.

His hands start roaming my b*dy and as he does this, I eye the knife on the floor.

“Are Kacey and your mother

still alive?” I ask.

“Don’t know why you care

but yes.”

“Why did you kill her…why

did you kill Lauren?” My

heart hurts as I ask him this.

For a few seconds, he is distracted k*ssing me, going

down to my breasts, and then, lifting my shirt he

k*sses my stomach.

“It wasn’t planned.” He finally says. “I was so angry that I

didn’t realize what I had

done til I did it. But… I’d do

it all over again now

knowing how much pain it brought you.”

Gritting my teeth, I whisper. “I am going to kill you.”

“Yeah…” He lifts his head

and smiles. “And how are

you planning to do that


when you can even lift a finger?”

“Can’t I?” I ask.

He keeps his smile up but I

can see how he is suddenly doubting.

Before he can realize it, I

knee him in the nuts. He

shouts and rolls down from

1. me. I get up and hurdle myself to the knife but soon feel Ezras weigh on me. I drag myself, my fingers just inches away from the knife while Ezra makes his way up to me, also dragging himself. When I feel him right

behind me, I elbow him in the face. He staggers and I

quickly grab the knife. Hurdling myself back, I stab him on the side where his

waist meets his hips.

He screams in pain but

before I can take it out and

stab him again, a strange

woman suddenly appears.

Black wavy hair, black eyes,

and small in stature, more

like a human.

She stares at me, her eyes blazing, and screams “What

have you done!”

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