Savior Of Her Heart

Chapter 71: Ch.70/ Epilogue

Chapter 71: Ch.70/ Epilogue

Life is a rollercoaster with lots of ups and downs. We think that we can do as we please and the outcome will be the same as we want. But we need to remember that life is full of surprises and sometimes the surprises are the best thing that can happen in anyone's life. Like Anupama and Alessandro, the lovebirds who never imagined themselves to be together but they couldn't fight fate. Because in the end, they have found solace in each other.

Now, after three years they are still going strong and their love is growing day by day. After completing her studies, Anupama has taken full charge of her company as Subhodeep is now live in Kolkata with Jasmine and their two children Vivaan and Maira. It came as a surprise when one day Subhoddep told Anupama that he wanted to go back. Although Anupama was very sad at first, but then understood that she couldn't tell anyone what to do. In the end, she accepted her cousin's decision and bid him goodbye with a happy face.

Anupama along with Alessandro can not be happier with the way their children have been blossoming into bright and wonderful persons. All three children have different personalities but one common thing between them is the love they share among themselves. Ethan is the most curious child out of the three siblings as he likes to dwell on the things which usually lead him to trouble. He likes to read with his momma and at the same time, he likes to draw with his dadda. Next comes Ian who is a complete replica of his daddy Alessandro as he doesn't like to talk much although he observes things very sharply. He is very sweet with his siblings and family but he always gives a cold shoulder towards any unknown persons. In the end, we have our precious baby girl Advira who has become a role model for her siblings as they love to follow whatever their big sister do. She is now a big girl and likes to be independent in many things. She is as sweet as honey but can be sassy if you mess with her siblings. Although she has been very busy with her studies and other stuff, it doesn't change the fact that she spends most of her time playing with her furry big brothers.

Alessandro has become the biggest and wealthiest business tycoon in the US. So, it's not easy for him to give a lot of time to his family as he has more workload on his shoulder than before. However, he manages to spend some quality time with his amazing kids and beautiful wife by taking them on vacations. He sometimes gets scolding from his wife for spoiling the kids with luxurious vacations but he shuts her up by saying that he is working so hard just because he wants to provide the best to his kids.


Anupama's POV:-

"Samuel, have you seen Ethan?" I ask after coming downstairs. I have been searching for the naughty boy for a few minutes but I am not able to find him.

"Come here and see for yourself." Samuel replies while trying to control his laugh although he is failing miserably. I get curious as to why he is behaving like this so I go near him and he points at something inside the kitchen. I look towards the way he is pointing and I feel like I am going to faint.

Ethan is sitting on his high chair while Olivia is sitting on the kitchen counter and both of them are eating noodles without any care in the world. By eating I mean to say that they are having a noodle fight resulting in both of them are covered in noodles.

"What's going on here?" I let out making the two look at me with innocent eyes.

"Oh, it's not what you're thinking Anu. Ethan and I are just trying to see who can eat faster. Right, baby?" Olivia asks Ethan who nods his head rapidly.

"Yesh, momma me no pway wid fud." The little boy exclaims trying to get out of punishment. But that's not going to happen because he is getting out of hand.

"Oli get out of my kitchen right now and go to your room to clean up." I tell my five months pregnant friend who pouts at me and leaves from there while scolding her husband Samuel for telling me what's going on in the kitchen. Since Olivia is pregnant and there is no one to look after her I have asked her and Samuel to stay at the Bianchi mansion. Samuel is here most of the time so it's not a big deal for them. Also, they both love to babysit Ian and Ethan so it's good to have them around.

When the bickering couple gets out of the site I turn around and pick Ethan in my arms before asking the maid to clean the kitchen. Upon reaching his nursery, I take off his soiled clothes and bathe him. I put fresh clothes on him while he plays with his car.

"Baby, momma is very angry at you this time and I am giving you last warning. Don't ruin your clothes or momma will take away your toys from you." I say sternly.

"Me pwomish, no dirty clodes more." Ethan replies before wrapping his little arms around my neck making me smile. I kiss him on the cheek before asking him to go play with his toys. Then I go in search of my other son who is surely in the backyard playing with Tank and Boomer. I don't know if I'm correct or not, but I think my kids have their favorites among the dogs. Like Ian prefers to play with Tank and Boomer because they are the most calm ones out of the six dogs. Scout and Fonsie are Ethan's favorite as both are very active in playing. And for my baby girl Advira, she loves to cuddle with King and Zeus because they make her feel very protected.

When I come into the backyard I smile seeing that Ian is throwing a stick so that Tank or Boomer can catch it.

This is his favorite activity besides learning music. He doesn't like to study much but if you ask him to play piano or his baby guitar he will be at the top of the world. I know studying is important but he is only three years old so I am not going to pressure him to do anything he is not interested in.

"Ian, stop playing and go inside. Daddy is going to be home soon." I tell him and get a full-blown smile in return. His obsession with Alessandro is something I haven't expected before.

"Daddy ish comin?" Ian asks while standing up from the grass.

"Yes, baby. Daddy is coming so get inside with Tank and Boomer." I reply while kissing the top of his head. He runs inside followed by the dogs who are also excited to meet their papa after three days. Alessandro has gone on a business trip but he is coming back today. It has become a regular event for him to stay out of the house because he is building his business empire on a bigger platform. But I am not complaining as he makes time for our kids and pays attention to their necessities.

I get inside the mansion and look at the preparation going around for the Durga puja. It's not the first time that we are going to perform Durga puja in the Bianchi mansion. I have been performing this auspicious puja for three years as I want my kids to know about Indian culture and traditions. That doesn't mean that I am stopping them from following Christian traditions because my kids have the right to know about both cultures. Alessandro is not much of a traditional guy so he doesn't care about what our kids do regarding following rituals but I am not going to let it slide and that's why I take them to church whenever I have time or they go with Mama Melody.

"What are you thinking, amore mio?" An all too familiar voice whisper in my ear making me smile. So, I turn around and look at the man who has taken complete control of my heart.

"I have missed you." I let out before wrapping my arms around his neck to hug him.

"Same for me, Cara." Alessandro replies while kissing the side of my head.

"How was your trip?" I ask while taking his coat from his hand.

"It went pretty well and I have succeeded to sign the deal with the Arabian company." He replies with a tired sigh.

"That's great to know. I am so proud of you Alessandro. Now go to our room and get freshen up. I am going to make black coffee for you." I tell him in which he nods his head before going upstairs. I know it will take him some time to get freshen up so I decide to look for Advira who is in her bedroom.

When I open the door of her room I find her feeding the bunny she has saved a few days ago while playing in the garden. At first, I wasn't ready for her to bring a wild bunny in the house but then she got her papa's permission, so yeah now we have a little bunny roaming around the house.

It still hard to believe that my firstborn is already a seven-year-old. She has lost the chubbiness on her cheeks while her hair is longer than before. But what hasn't changed is the way she behaves with everyone. She is the most sweet girl any parent can ask for. Not only she likes to take care of her little brothers, but she also likes to care for her furry big brothers. Whenever her papa goes on business trips she tells him to eat on time as Alessandro has a habit to forget about eating while working. She also is very good at studies and her teachers always praise her for her incredible talent.

"Mum-mum, why are standing there?" My sweet girl ask while arranging her books and copies. I walk near her before helping her to put her things on the shelves.

"I have come here to tell you that your papa is home." I inform her.

"Really?" Advira asks looking excited.

"Yes, baby. But can you please look after Ethan while I make something for your papa to eat? That little boy is giving me a headache." I exclaim with a sigh.

"Don't worry mum-mum. I will take care of him. You go make something for papa." She replies before picking up the bunny in her arms before going out of the room. I feel proud to raise her so gentle and well-mannered.


I have made black coffee for Alessandro and banana milkshakes for the kids before making my way towards the master bedroom. I have a lot to do for tomorrow so I hurriedly reach upstairs to give them their drinks. But I stop in the midway when my eyes catch the beautiful site. Ian is playing with the little bunny while Advira is brushing Zeus long fur. On the other hand, Alessandro is lying on the floor with Ethan in his arms and the dogs are munching on some treats which I can guess was given by their papa.

I put the tray on the table before joining my family on the floor. The moment I lie down on the rug, King put his big head on my chest while snuggling closer to me. The dogs are still as same when I first met them. They look after their baby brothers and sister when I and their papa has to go to works. They sleep with their siblings and like to follow them around the house. Although they were not happy with the new bunny at the start, but now they have also started to play with the little creature which is an amusing sight to behold.

"Is everything ready for the puja?" Alessandro asks while taking a sip from his coffee.

"Yes, everything is ready. However, I don't think Olivia should do fast for the puja. But that stubborn girl is not listening to me." I let out with a huff.

"What can I say, she is your best friend after all." I glare at him making him laugh. He pulls me in his arms while rubbing my back gently.

"I am just messing with you, Cara. No need to get angry with me. I will talk to Olivia and try to make her understand. Okay?" He asks in which I nod my head.

"Oh, by the way, Mamoni called me yesterday and told me that they are going to be here in the next month as Kakai has a painting exhibition somewhere in LA. She also told me that Baba is most likely going to tag along with them." He says after a few minutes.

"You know, it still unbelievable that you can pronounce Indian names so well." I remark.

"My teacher is very strict so I have to learn quickly." He retorts making me giggle.

"Papa, when are you going to teach me more words in Italian?" Advira asks from her place.

"From next week, princess. Till then you can practice the one you have learned so far." Alessandro says making Advira nods her head in response.

I look at my family with adoration. They are the reason for my every little happiness, without them I am nothing. My life was not easy from the start, after giving birth to me my mother left the world leaving me all alone to get tormented by thakurmaa and pishimaa who never let a chance go without taunting me for every bad thing. However, people like dadabhai, mamoni, kakai has always supported me. There was always something bad going on in my life but the most horrible thing that happened to me when I got to know that I had given birth to a dead baby. I became a lifeless person inside because of the trauma. But Jasmine di brought Advira to me who healed me with her innocence and love. I didn't even know that I was caring for my daughter whom I thought had died. Then one day an unexpected person entered my life binding me into an unwanted relation.

My relationship with Alessandro is the main turning point in my life because he has made me the strong woman I am now. Without his encouragement, I would have never been able to achieve success in everything. He has not only accepted me but also my daughter. He is the sole reason behind all the happiness in my life. He has made me believe in myself and understand my worth. He doesn't even care that I was married to his best friend and that what makes me respect him more. He is still the cold- hearted, arrogant, wicked businessman for the world. But to me, he is the sweetest, kindest and loving husband who can do anything to make his loved ones happy.

"Ti amo Alessandro." I let out which makes him surprise at first then he smiles.

(I love you)

"Ti amo anch'io, Tesoro." He replies before kissing me softly on the lips.

(I love you too)


The next day

Today is the first day of Durga puja and I have a lot to do. I have already made all the arrangements for the puja so now I just need to get ready. First, I get the kids ready in traditional clothes and ask them not to dirty the clothes.

Then I go to my room to wear the clothes Alessandro has bought for the occasion of Durga puja. It's a tradition to wear new clothes in Durga puja and my dear husband has been the one who buys new clothes every year on this occasion. However, the most surprising thing is that he also wears Indian traditional clothes on occasions like this.

After coming out of the closet I notice that Alessandro is sitting on the bed doing something on his laptop. I smile seeing that he has worn the sherwani I have gotten for him.

I clear my throat to get his attention in which I succeed when his head snaps in my direction. He puts the laptop on the bed and stands before coming near me. He caress my face lovingly before putting a light kiss on my forehead.

"You are looking very beautiful, amore." He lets out while I put my head on his chest.

"Thank you for the saree." I reply feeling him hug me gently.

"You are also looking very good in the sherwani." I compliment looking at him to see that he is already looking down at me.

"Are the kids ready?" He asks.

"Yes but I just hope they haven't ruined their clothes." I let out making him chuckle.

"I can guarantee about Ian and Advira, but not about Ethan as he is the most unpredictable child I have seen in my life." He says while I nod my head.

"Okay then let's go downstairs." I tell him.


Alessandro's POV:-

I have Ethan in my arms because the little one is trying to play with the flowers that are being used in the puja. It's the third time that we are celebrating this beautiful festival in our house with our loved ones. I appreciate Anupama's thoughts on celebrating the festivals of her birth country along with the traditions of a Christian family. In these three years, many things have changed. My business empire has grown into more bigger level. At the same time, my wife has also become a full-time boss of her company.

Some changes happened in others's life. Like Marco and Riya have gotten married with everyone's approval. Bianca has given birth to a baby boy and threatened Liam to used to protect or she will cut his manhood. But everything aside, Subhodeep's departure wasn't easy for any of us to accept but I understand that he wants his kids to stay in their own country. Also, Jasmine's family lives there so it's a win-win situation for both.

I look at everyone and thank God for blessing me with such great people to be call mine. I have more than one can ask for. If anyone had asked me ten years ago what I thought my future would be like, I would have told them that I would spend my life alone as I didn't believe in relationships. But a certain person has changed my point of view towards life and that person is none other than my wife, my love Anupama.

She doesn't care how much money I have or how much luxury I can provide her. What she cares about is the well-being of our family and our relationship. She is the epitome of peacefulness which makes her perfect. She doesn't get irritated with my hectic working schedule or the tantrums of our kids. She handles everything with calmness because she believes that anger can not solve any problem.

"Alessandro, come here. We need to do aarti." Anupama says looking at me. So, I give Ethan to Uncle Gabriel before joining my wife is doing aarti. I look at the statue of goddess Durga and can not stop myself from comparing my wife with her.

Just like Goddess Durga, Anupama also takes care of everything very well as if she has ten hands. I wasn't someone who believed in God but I have to admit that my wife is successful in changing my mind.

"You will be going to the award function, right?" Bianca asks when we sit down to eat the prasad.

"Yes, I am going and I am also taking Anupama with me." I reply while feeding Ian from my plate.

"Do I really need to go?" Anupama asks from her place where she is feeding Ethan.

"Unfortunately yes, you need to go. Because you are also nominated in the category of best businesswoman of the year." I let out making her groan.

"Okay but I need to pick a gown for the occasion." Anupama replies in which Olivia squeals startling us.

"What's wrong, babe? Are you okay? Is the baby hurting you? Do you-" Samuel's ranting gets cut off by Olivia hitting him on the back of his head.

"I am alright and the baby too." Olivia responds.

"Then why did you squeal?" Liam asks out of curiosity.

"I squeal because I can again dress up Anupama and make her look pretty. It's not like she is not pretty already, it's just that she is my favorite to dress up." Olivia replies making us all sigh in relief.

"Olivia you need to be careful though. I don't want anything wrong to happen with you." Mama instructs sternly.

"I will Mama Melody." Olivia replies with a salute.


Some days later

"King take Scout out of the room right now." I tell my eldest son making him growl at the hyper husky who runs out of the room immediately. King also runs behind Scout to ensure that the naughty boy doesn't hurt himself. I am working in my home office as I have taken one-week leave from the company. But unfortunately I still have to work on a project so here I am doing the boring work.

"Papa, may I come in?" I hear my princess's voice so I look up and see that she is standing in front of the door.

"Of course, piccolo. Come here." I tell her and open my arms making her run straight to me. I put her on my lap before kissing the crown of her head softly.

"Papa, today my teacher has told me that I am going to be the best student in my school till now. Because I have the highest grades in everything." My daughter lets out with excitement all over her face.

"Wow, that's very good news. You make me so proud baby girl." I tell her making her giggle.

"Really papa?" She asks innocently.

"Yes, my princess. You are the best daughter in this whole universe and I love you so much." I answer truthfully because this little girl is not only my daughter but also my source of prosperity. I love my sons too but the place my daughter holds in my heart can not be compared to anyone.

"I like making you proud, papa. I love you too." Advira replies cuddling close to my chest making me smile. I rub her back gently while we talk about various things. This is my papa-daughter time with her where no one is allowed to disturb us, not even Anupama. My daughter may have gotten older over the years but for me, she is always going to be the little girl I have accepted as my own. I know one day, I have to tell her about her biological father and I should feel scared just thinking about her reaction. But I have faith in my upbringing that my daughter will not misunderstand me at all. She will understand that no matter what she is always going to be my little princess.


Currently, we are on our way towards the building where the award function is being held. I have been winning the best businessman award for six years straight so you can call me overconfidence but I know that this year also I am going to win it. However, I am excited to know who is going to be the best businesswoman of the year as this is the first time my wife is nominated in the category. It's not easy to win the first time because there are a lot of competitors. Yet I hope my cara win the award as she has been doing so well in the business world.

The car stops in front of the building and I can see the paparazzi along with lots of people holding cameras to take pictures. I look at my wife who is talking on the phone with her Secretary. When she cuts the call I tell her that we need to get out of the car in which she nods her head. I am the first one to get out before I offer my hands to my beautiful wife who comes out of the car while confidence radiating from her. She is not a shy and stressed girl anymore, she is now a confident woman who runs her own company despite people trying to get under her skin.

Both of us pose for the camera and answers to the questions they have for us before making our way inside the building. We meet with a lot of business associates who are also here for the award function. After that, we take seats at the table allocated for us where Bianca, Liam, Uncle Gabriel, Mama, Marco, and Riya are already waiting for us. Samuel and Olivia have decided to stay at the mansion with the kids because it's not a place where one should bring kids. Also, the paparazzi are always trying to get their nose in my personal life so bringing the kids here would have been giving the paparazzi what they want which is not going to happen. I want my kids to live a life without paparazzi following their every move and that's why both Anupama and I try to hide the kids face whenever we go out as a family.

Soon the award function starts and like I have predicted I win the best businessman award of the year for the seventh time. I get up from my place after kissing Anupama on her lips and reach the stage to receive the award. I deliver a short speech on my win before leaving the stage to go towards my family.

"You know what Alessandro, you should make a separate room for your awards. Damn man, you are unstoppable." Marco comments after I sit down beside Anupama.

"You are correct, Marco. Alessandro has so many awards that it takes a lot of time to arrange them while cleaning his home office." Anupama replies making everyone laugh on our table.

"Okay now stop talking, it's time for another award." Uncle Gabriel says in which we hear the host talking about the next category.

"The next award is for best businesswoman of the year, and I would like to invite Mrs. Willson to announce the winner." The host lets out while we clap our hands seeing the old woman walking into the middle of the stage.

"I am very pleased to be here as it's not every day that we see women establishing their power in the business world. But I am extremely happy to announce the name of the winner because not only she has proven herself as a great businesswoman but also has a great heart. With that saying, the best

businesswoman is going to none other than my deary Anupama Bianchi." Mrs. Willson announces making us all clap our hands loudly before I pull my stunned wife in a hug.

"This is not a dream, is it Alessandro?" Anupama asks getting emotional.

"No, amore mio. This is not a dream." I reply before pecking her on the lips. She gets up from the chair and walks on the stage to receive the award. After receiving the award, the host asks her to tell something about her achievement in which she takes the microphone in her hand.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I am completely speechless and don't know what to say as I wasn't expecting to win this prestigious award. I have been coming into this award function for years because of my husband. But this is the first time I have gotten nominated and by God's grace, I am able to win the award. I want to thank all the staff of my company who works day and night to make every project successful. Next, I want to thank my family for their immense support and encouragement they have been showing from day one. In the end, I want to thank my husband Alessandro for his belief that I am worth running a company of my own. He is the one who has made me confident enough to understand that I don't need to cope with household work all time because I have the right to show my capability in the business field too. Whatever I am today is because of my husband and of course, I can't forget my kids who are the apples of my eyes. They know that I can't be with them all the time but they also know that I love them more than my company. So, they don't complain about not getting to spend much time with me." Anupama completes her speech while everyone cheers for her. I stand up from my chair before pulling her in a hug when she comes near me.

"Congratulations amore." I whisper in her ear.

"Thank you." She replies after pulling away from the hug.

"This calls for a party." Riya says getting a yes from the family.

"Of course, we are going to have a party. My dolcezza has won the award for the first time so I am going to throw the party." Mama retorts with a proud smile on her face.

"Awe thanks a lot, Mama Melody." Anupama says with a beaming smile.

"Seriously you deserve this award for all the hard work you have been doing. I am very proud of you." Bianca comments while hugging Anupama.

"Aside from Dadabhai, you are the one who showed me the ropes of business so I should thank you too." Anupama replies making us nod my head. Because Bianca has indeed helped her to learn the critical things about business.

After spending some more time at the award function we decide to leave as it's getting late. The kids must be sleeping because this is way past her sleeping hours. Upon reaching the mansion I change my clothes while Anupama takes a shower. While waiting for her to get out of the washroom I do something important.

After she gets ready in her nightdress both of us leave the room before going to the kids' room to see what they are doing. We first go to Ian's room and notice that he is sleeping with his hands wrapping around his Superman rubber toy. I kiss him on the forehead and Anupama pulls the blanket to cover him. Next, we go to Ethan's room, and like always he is sleeping while sucking on his pacifier. Anupama has been trying to break this habit of our son but the stubborn boy is not ready to accept that he doesn't need his pacifier anymore. I cover his little body with the blanket while Anupama switch on the music system to play the soothing lullaby that helps Ethan to sleep throughout the night.

After leaving Ethan's room we go to our daughter's room and shake our head to see that she is holding a storybook on her chest while sleeping. There are toys scattered around the bed and the dogs are sleeping on the rug. No matter what they do, they will always come to sleep in their baby sister's room at night.

Anupama take the book out of Advira's hand while I put the toys in their place. I rub my furry babies' belly softly not wanting them to wake up from their deep slumber. Then I sit beside my princess while running my fingers through her hair making her sigh.

"Time flies very fast." Anupama comments sitting beside our daughter.

"Hmm, our little girl has grown up so much that sometimes I want to hold the time so that she can stop growing." I let out looking at the sleeping face of my baby.

"She may grow up but that will never change the bond you both share. At the start, she used to run to me for little things but after meeting you she only wants her papa. Sometimes I envy the way she behaves around you but then I realize that a girl always feels more secure in her father's arms. " Anupama replies with a smile.

"She is my little princess and I must protect her all the time." I retort before tucking my baby girl with a fluffy blanket. I ask Anupama to follow me after we close the door of our daughter's room.

"Why are you taking me outside?" Anupama asks in confusion when she notices that we are going to the backyard.

"Because we both need some alone time." I reply and walk towards the perfect place. I hear a gasp behind me so I turn around with a knowing smile when I see the way Anupama is looking at the decoration.

"When did you get time to set up everything?" She asks looking in awe of the scenario in front of her.

"When you were taking a shower after coming from the award function." I reply after we both lay down on the blanket. I pull her in my arms making her snuggle closer to my chest.

"What are you thinking?" I ask when I notice that my wife is being silent.

"Nothing." She replies immediately and I can easily guess that she is lying.

"Lying is a bad thing, remember the same thing you teach our kids?" I retort making her sigh.

"I am just thinking about my past." She replies. Nôvel(D)rama.Org's content.

"Why are you suddenly thinking about your past?" I wonder aloud.

"I don't want to think about my past but some memories are hard to forget. All my life I have wanted to get loved by my father but thakurmaa and pishimaa never let that happen. Although they are now serving in jail for the crimes they have done I still feel like I can not get past the horrible things of my past." She explains sadly making me want to kill her aunt and grandma. But I need to calm down as my anger is not going to lift her mood. Today is a happy day for her and I am not going to let anything ruin her mood. With that in mind, I sit down on the blanket while pulling my cara on my lap. I put her hands around my neck and her legs around my waist so that I can see her face to face. She tries to say something but I put my finger on her lips.

"Cara, you are the bravest person I have seen in my life, and believe me I am not joking at all. The struggle you have to face while growing up is not easy to endure. But now, you have everything you once wished for. You have shown those witches that they are the failure in reality because while they are rotting in jail, you are making yourself successful day after day. So, stop thinking about your past and focus on your present because sadness doesn't suit my beautiful wife's face. My wife should be smiling all the time." I let out while holding her face in both hands. She looks ready to cry but trying hard to not let her tears win.

"You are not going to cry, right amore?" I ask teasingly.

"No, I am not going to cry." She replies while giggling a little.

"That's good because what I am going to do next doesn't involve crying." I tell her in which she gives me a confusing look. But before she can ask me anything further I crash my lips to her. At first, she is a little shocked but then she starts to kiss me back. We fight for dominance but we both know who is going to win which is me. I squeeze her on the waist making her moan which helps me to devour her sweet lips quite more.

"Fuck cara, you never cease to turn me on." I let out while linking my forehead to her.

"You are the one who always seems to get horny whenever we try to spend alone time." She retorts making me chuckle.

"I love you so much." I tell her looking at her lovingly.

"I love you too the savior of my heart." She replies with a heartwarming smile.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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