Savior Of Her Heart

Chapter 68: Ch.67/ Honeymoon

Chapter 68: Ch.67/ Honeymoon

Alessandro's POV:-

I have been planning to take Anhuphama on a honeymoon trip for so many months but with everything going on I can not make the time for it. However, this time we are surely going to enjoy some alone time to ourselves. Currently, we are on our way to the airport where the private jet is waiting for us. Our destination is somewhere my wife has chosen and to top of that, I don't know where we are going. Completely different from other couples where the male surprise the female with honeymoon destination, right?

Yes, that's what my wife is doing. She is surprising me with a honeymoon trip to somewhere unknown to me. I have asked her numerous times to tell me about the place. But she has only replied saying that I will love the place. It is making me a little frustrated because I like to be in control of everything, but I think I can wait a little bit more to know about her surprise.

Soon after reaching the airport, we get into the jet and sit beside each other on the recliner-like chairs. I narrow my eyes at my wife who is giggling while typing something on her phone, probably sending her lady gang some text. I shake my head and close my eyes to have some rest because apparently, it's a long way to reach the destination.

After a very long hours of journey, finally the pilot announces that we have reached the place making me sigh in relief. I get down from the jet followed by Anhuphama who is grinning from ear to ear. However, soon I realize the reason behind her excitement because we are standing in the famous Milan Malpensa Airport. My mouth hangs open in shock before I turn to look at my wife who is now smiling brightly at me. I really don't know what to say because I have never thought that she would choose my birthplace for our honeymoon trip. So, I do the first thing that comes to my mind which to kiss her wholeheartedly.

"I love you so fucking much, amore." I tell her while putting my forehead on her.

"I love you too." She replies softly.

"Why did you choose to come here for our honeymoon?" I ask the question that is running through my mind.

"You have seen the place where I am born so it's my time to see the place where you, my husband have been born. Also, I know that you have been wanting to come here for a long time but your busy schedule is not helping you. So, I thought why not we come here to relax and enjoy our visit." She answers making me feel ecstatic to know that she wants to see the place where I have spent the first 18 years of my life.

"You are the best." I let out before pecking her one more time on the lips.

"Then let's go and show me the best places in Italy." She says in which I nod my head.

We get inside the car that is waiting for us and start the journey towards the beach house I won in here. I am surprised when Anhuphama says that she also knows about it as Mama has already told her everything beforehand. Soon the car stops in front of the huge house which is a sight to behold.

"Alessandro, how many houses do you have?" Anhuphama asks in wonder after we get out of the car.

"I don't have many houses, Cara. Because I mostly stay out of LA for one week or two for business purposes so I don't see the point to build houses for myself all over the world." I reply before the butler and other maids of the house greet us in the front door. Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

"Ben Tornato Maestro." Franco, the butler lets out while bowing a little.

"Grazie Franco." I reply with a nod.

"Benvenuta Signora." Franco says while bowing towards Anhuphama who looks confused not understanding what the meaning of the words.

"He has said welcome madam in Italian." I whisper in her ear making her nod in understanding. Then she looks at the butler before smiling at him while replying 'Grazie' making me smile as her choice of language.

"We are going to my bedroom so please send some refresher for us." I order before guiding Anhuphama to our bedroom for some days. Upon arriving in the room, Anhuphama leaves my hand and runs straight to the windows before looking at the sea in wonder.

"Do you like it, Cara?" I ask while wrapping my arms around her waist before putting my chin on top of her head.

"Everything is so beautiful here, Alessandro. I didn't expect this place to be so enchanting." She replies and turns around in my arms. She snakes her hands around my neck before pulling me for a loving kiss. I have gotten used to her bold moves and I love this side of her too much that it's not easy to keep my hands off her.


After taking some rest and eating a light lunch we decide to head to the beach because my wife can not wait anymore to go near the sea. So, hand in hand we walk to the beach to enjoy the sunset. I look at the smiling face of my wife who is looking breathtaking in the short summer dress she is wearing.

I like to see her smiling as it brings calmness to my heart. I can not get enough of her beauty and the way she makes me feel loved by just looking at me with eyes full of love.

"What are you doing by standing there? Come on, let's play in the water." Anhuphama's voice breaks me out of my thoughts. I look at her to see that she is already standing close to the water so without wasting any time I walk near her before kissing her passionately. We pull away from the kiss when we both need to take a breath.

"A little warning would have been better." She lets out with hiding her face in my chest making me laugh at her sudden shyness.

"You are my wife so I don't need to give you any warning before kissing you. Also, I think we have already got past the stage to feel shy." I reply getting a slap on the arm by her.

"You are so shameless." She mutters before running away from me while I chase her. I can easily get her but I intentionally slowing down to just hear her laughing aloud in victory.

We spend a good amount of time on the beach before heading inside the house because the sun is already going down. We also talk to our kids through video calls and promise them that we will bring them the next time we come here. Although Ian is still very small to understand anything but our daughter starts clapping her hands in delight to know that she will be able to come with us on the next vacation.


Anupama's POV:-

When Alessandro told me that we would be going on our honeymoon and he wanted me to select where I want to go, I instantly thought about the only place I want to visit the most apart from India. So, I plan a surprise visit to Italy with the help of Mama Melody who has told me many things about the place.

But what has shocked me the most is the beach house Alessandro owns in Milan. I have always been a fan of calmness and the calmness I get to enjoy on the beach is something I can not describe in words.

Currently, I am getting ready for a dinner date which is arranged by my dear hubby. I have decided to wear something simple as we are not going out of the house.

Also, all the clothes that I have brought here are Olivia and Riya's choice so I don't have any other option but to wear a little bold outfits than the one I wear most of the time. After getting ready in the washroom I get out and notice that Alessandro is already sitting on the couch while looking at me.

I walk near him with my hands clasped behind my back. He stands up from the couch before standing in front of me and put a strand of hair behind my ear while kissing the top of my head. I look up at him with a smile before standing on my tippy toes to match his height a little so that I can kiss him on the lips. But surprisingly I can not reach near his lips which makes me pout and I realize that he is holding his head high while smiling mischievously at me. I huff and cross my arms in front of my chest before glaring at him.

"Awe are you angry with me?" He asks trying to look innocent. But in reality, he is anything but innocent.

"You are not going to get any kiss from me for one month." I reply before storming out of the room.

"What? Why? You can't do that with me." He exclaims with disbelief but I only scoff at him without answering him. I walk down the stairs followed by him.

"Oh, come one Tesoro. I was just teasing you trying to see if you get annoyed or not. But please don't forbid me from tasting your sweet lips. Just thinking about it is enough to put me in a coma, so just think what will happen if you don't let me kiss you. Please Cara don't do this." He lets out in hurry and here I am trying to stop myself from smiling at his words.

"I will think about changing my decision after dinner because right now I am starving." I reply turning around to face him.

"Okay then let's go and have dinner." He says and guides me towards the yard from where we can watch the sea. The place is beautifully decorated with a table set up in the middle to enjoy the food as well as the view.

"Do you like it, Cara?" He asks after we sit down on the chairs.

"Hmm, it's okay." I lie because I really love the setup. But I am not going to accept it as I want to teach him a lesson for teasing me.

"Only okay?" He asks with a frown looking disappointed.

"Alessandro can we please get the food in here. Or I can go inside and have the dinner." I reply trying to sound annoyed.

"No, wait. The maids are bringing our dinner." He answers immediately as if scared I will leave our date in the middle.

Soon the maids bring the food which are famous homemade Italian dishes. I have come to love Italian cuisine as much as I love Indian food so I am impressed with the choice of dishes Alessandro has made.

A moan leaves my mouth the moment I take a bite from the pizza. I hear a throat clearing so I look up and notice that Alessandro is looking at me with desire in his eyes making me gulp.

"If you don't want me to make love to you here where anyone can see us then I will say don't make that noise again." He says calmly although I can hear the silent promise in his voice. So, I refrain myself to make any noise while eating my food. After we finish our food, one of the maid brings the dessert which I haven't eaten before.

"It's called Concord grape granita." Alessandro informs me with a smile. I nod my head before taking a small bite of the cold dessert and instantly close my eyes when a sweet yet tangy taste fills my mouth.

"Wow, this dessert taste like I am eating ice gola." I let out while bouncing in my chair because I love Ice gola and used to go out with Dadabhai to eat the cold dessert.

"What is an ica ghola?" Alessandro asks.

"It's ica gola not ice ghola hubby dearest." I correct him while giggling a little.

"Okay, I get it. But what is it?" He asks again. So, I pick up my phone from the table before browsing through the Internet and show him a picture of ice gola.

"Umm, it's looking good. Does it really taste like granita?" He asks while pointing at the Italian dessert we are having.

"Yes, it does. The next time when we go to Kolkata, I will buy you a ice gola. Then you can see if I am saying the truth or not." I let out making him nod his head in response.

"Cara are you really going to do what you have said earlier?" He asks when we finish the dessert.

"What are you talking about?" I pretend to not understand what he is saying when I know he is talking about kissing me.

"About you forbidding me from kissing you for one month." He grumbles making me chuckle.

"You are such a kid, Alessandro." I let out while shaking my head before I get up from my chair and sit on his lap. I wrap my arms around his neck making him hold me tightly.

"So I can kiss you, right?" He asks looking at my lips.

"Umm, let me think." I reply while smiling at him before putting my lips on his to kiss him like I have been wanting to do for the time I have come out of the washroom. He picks me up in his arms before making his way inside the house. Upon reaching the bedroom he puts me on the bed and hover over me while I run my hand on his abs through the shirt he is wearing underneath the coat. Before I know it, all of our clothes get discarded on the floor and we dissolve ourselves in enjoying the night in pure ecstasy.

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