Savior Of Her Heart

Chapter 58: Ch.57/ Let The Game Again

Chapter 58: Ch.57/ Let The Game Again

Anupama's POV:-

"What's wrong, Anu?" Dadabhai asks after I am done with talking with Alessandro.

"Marco is on his way to Sengupta mansion." I reply making him huff.

"What does he want now?" He asks angrily.

"I may have suggested him to come here to stop Riya's marriage." I let out sheepishly while he gives me a 'are you serious' look.

"Don't give me that look, dadabhai. He came to me a few days ago and started to question me why I wasn't trying to stop Riya's marriage. So, I got angry and asked him to do it by himself. However, I didn't think that he would really come here so quickly." I explain with a sigh.

"I understand your point of view Anu but now what? Marco is not like Alessandro who is calm and calculated. Marco will definitely going to cause havoc and I don't know how mom or didon are going to take this." He replied looking lost.

"I am not stressed about them, I am thinking about Riya. We all know that why she left LA so hurriedly and I can't even imagine what will happen when she sees Marco after so long time." I say getting worried.

"Let's just hope that we will be able to handle the situation." He lets out making me nod my head. I walk inside the room where baba is staying currently. Now, that he is out of danger the doctor has told us that baba doesn't need to stay in the ICU. After arriving inside the room I notice that baba is sleeping so I get near him and sit down in the chair in front of the hospital bed. I look at him sadly because I have never seen him so weak. He has always been the backbone of the Sengupta family and now seeing him laying in a hospital bed, my heart is hurting.

I know he has done very bad to me out of anger because he believes that I am the reason behind my mother's death and it's kind of true. Because after giving birth to me, she left this earth. I feel a lump growing in my throat remembering all the taunt, harsh words my father has told me in which resulted in tears rolling down my face. But when I try to lift my hand to wipe them, a hand stops me. I look at the hand to see that baba is the one who is holding my hand while he has tears running down the side of his face.

"What's wrong baba? Are you hurting somewhere? Wait, I will get the doctor for you." I say getting worried but he doesn't release my hand making me confuse.

"I am alright, Anupama." He says with a hoarse voice. I wipe his tears with my dupatta not understanding what's going on with him.

"If you are alright then why are you crying?" I ask worriedly.

"I am crying because my daughter is crying." He answers back.

"I am not crying baba. Something is making my eyes itchy and that's why my eyes are getting watery." I reply but I think he has already seen through my lie.

"I know I have never been a perfect father to you but I can understand when my daughter is hurting. I have always neglected your pain because of my negative thoughts that resolve around your mother's death. I have tried to get past my negativity many times but every time your mother, Durga's face appeared in front of my eyes making my anger win." He says with difficulties.

"Baba please don't talk anymore. We will talk after you get better. Please rest for now." I try to make him understand because I can see that he is getting tired.

"No, I have a lot to say." He replies while taking a long breath.

"I know that and we will talk as much as you want. But not now, you are going to sleep and that's my order." I tell him sternly while he smiles sadly.

"You are just like your mother." He whispers before closing his eyes. I run my hand through his hair with a sigh before getting up from the chair. I close the door on my way out and dial Alessandro's number. But he doesn't receive my call which is totally out of his habits. I look forward to see that Kakai is coming towards me alone with dadabhai. When they get near me I inform them that I am going to the Sengupta mansion because I am not feeling well. Both insist to come with me but I assure them that I can go by myself. Also, there is a car waiting for me outside which is assigned by Alessandro so I get out of the hospital before asking the driver to take me to the Sengupta mansion.

Upon reaching there I hurriedly get inside in fear of Marco doing something problematic. However, I hear laughing sounds coming from the living room so I directly go there to see that Marco is talking to Pishimaa and Thakurmaa who are looking very pleased to have him here. Riya is nowhere near them but Alessandro is there with a smirk on his face.

"Finally, you are here." Marco says aloud before coming to hug me.

"Play along with me." He whispers in my ear before pulling away from the hug with a big smile on his face. I don't know what he is playing but I think it will be better if I cooperate with him for now.

"When did you get here, Marco?" I ask after sit beside Alessandro who puts his hand on my stomach protectively making me smile.

"I just got here half an hour ago. When I heard from Mama what happened to your father I got so worried that I came here as soon as I can." Marco replies making Alessandro choke on his spit while I am trying hard not to laugh.

"You are such a generous person, Mr. Davis." Pishimaa comments with a pleased look.

"Oh please call me Marco. I am the same age as your son so it doesn't suit you to be so formal with me." Marco replies with a gentle tone.

"I will remember it from the next time. You can stay here as long as you want because I am sure borda will be thrilled to meet you. Right, maa?" Pishima lets out before looking at thakurmaa for confirmation.

"Of course, Marco will be staying here. He is our guest and we know how to take care of our guest." Thakurmaa replies.

"Just like they are taking care of us." Alessandro mumbles making me nudge him on the rib to keep quiet. After some time pishimaa and thakurmaa leaves from there.

"You understand that you are deceiving them, right?" I ask Marco.

"They are easy to manipulate so seeing a billionaire in their house is a very big deal for them. Although I am sorry that I have to use your father's accident as my reason for coming here but I gotta do what I need to get back Riya." Marco replies with a shrug of his shoulders.

"But you should have at least told us before coming here. I could have helped you in another way." Alessandro lets out.

"Man I know what I have done is a hectic step but I didn't have any other solution in my mind at that time. Also, there is only one month left in Riya's marriage and I need to stop it." Marco replies making me understand his point of view.

"That's alright and don't worry we will definitely help you." I say while giving him thumbs up for his determination. Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

"By the way, you need to talk to Miss Ganguly because she is clearly Upset seeing Marco here." Alessandro lets out with a sigh.

"I will go and talk to her. She needs to understand that by doing something she doesn't want is not going to help her. If she really thinks that by marrying the person chosen by pishimaa will make her happy then I will let her do it. But if she is marrying the person just to get rid of Marco then she has to face me because I am not going to let her do it." I reply and get up from my place to go in search of Riya.


When I reach Riya'a room I knock on the door but don't get any response. So, I decide to go inside because the door is not closed from inside. I notice that she is sitting on her bed with her head buried in her knees. I can see her body shook indicating that she is crying. I walk towards the bed before sitting beside her. I put my hand on her head making her look at me with red puffy eyes. I feel my heartbreak seeing the strong girl crying so I do the only thing I know that will help her. I open my arms making her hug me tightly while her body rack with sobs.

"Why did he come here?" Riya asks still crying.

"Because he wants to make everything better between you both." I reply while rubbing her back gently.

"But I don't want him to make anything better." She mutters before pulling away from the hug. She wipes her tears harshly with her palms and gets out of the bed before getting inside the washroom. Five minutes later she comes out looking a little fresh so I know that she must have washed her face to get rid of the tear stains.

"What do you mean you don't want him to make anything better?" I ask after she sits down on the bed.

"I mean what I have said because there is nothing left between us. Actually, I don't think there was anything between us from the start. I was just a plaything to him which he played till he got bored. Also, I was going through some bad stuff at that time so I did what I thought was correct. But now I don't want to dwell in the past where there was no happiness. I am getting married to a person who is

chosen by my mother and I intend to spend my life with that person." She confess as if she wasn't crying a few minutes ago. I can understand how much pain she must be feeling seeing the person she once loved so much. But despite it, she can not change the fact that she still has some feelings left for Marco.

"Okay as long as you are happy. By the way, I want to go to the market to get something for everyone." I tell her.

"Why are you getting things for everyone?" She asks looking confused.

"It's my first time coming here after my marriage so I need to get something for everyone. It's a good thing to do." I reply making her understand.

"Okay, then when are we going?" She asks.

"Today, I want to take rest because this little one is making me very tired lately so I think we will go tomorrow." I let out while running my hand on the baby bump with a smile.

"It's good to see you so happy Anu and I am sure that my nephew or niece will bring a lot more joy in your life." She comments making me nod my head in response.

"I am really happy with everything in my life and I can not ask for more." I reply.


One week later

Baba is finally getting released from the hospital today so I along with Mamoni and Jasmine di is making some of his favorite dishes. Dadabhai and Kakai have gone to the hospital to get baba while Marco is pestering Riya to give him another chance which I don't think is going to happen.

"Anu, are the curry ready?" Jasmine di asks while she cuts cucumber for salad.

"The curry will be ready in a few minutes di." I reply before steering the curry one more time.

"You know I was worried about coming here because I didn't want didon or mom to misbehave with you. But I am happy to see that you have managed to show them their place." Jasmine di says with a smile.

"Same for me, Jasmine. I was extremely afraid for Anu because of how maa and Kamini treats her. But my doll is a lot different than before and I am thrilled to see her reply strongly to them." Mamoni lets out while petting me on the back.

"I am just doing what I need to do to show them that I have indeed changed. Also, it's high time that they learn to accept other's decisions." I answer looking at her.

"By the way, I really liked the saree and jewelry you have gotten for me." Mamoni comments smiling brightly at me.

"I am glad to know that. Jasmine di, how about you? Did you like the painting?" I ask while turning off the stove.

"I just loved it. It will look so beautiful in our bedroom so I have asked Subho to take it back with us to LA." Jasmine di replies enthusiastically.

"You and Subho will go back again?" Mamoni asks sadly.

"Subho has his job in there and I also like to stay there because I don't need to face backlash from didon or mom." Jasmine di replies looking guilty but I can understand her. It's not easy to live with people who constantly remind you about something you haven't done.

"I know that you felt helpless when Kamini decided to break your engagement with Subho. So, it's okay if you want to go back." Mamoni says with a smile.

"Mum-mum boro dadu come." Advira says running inside the kitchen. I pick her up in my arms before we get out to welcome baba.

When we reach the front entrance I notice that thakurmaa is holding a tray that is full of holy things. Baba is sitting in a wheelchair because he still can't walk because of his broken foot. After thakurmaa done with her aarti Dadabhai push the wheel chair inside the house. Baba's face lit up when he sees Advira in my arms so I put her on the floor because I know she wants to welcome her boro dadu. However, pishimaa doesn't let her get near baba making me frown.

"Don't go anywhere near my borda." Pishimaa says arrogantly while holding my baby's arm. I am going to answer her but baba beats me by answering himself.

"Don't you know how to behave with a child, Kamini?" Baba asks looking extremely angry which shocked us all because this is the first time he is taking Advira's side.

"Borda this is an unwanted child you are talking about. We all know that her family didn't wa-" a loud sound of slap echo around the house while pishimaa is standing there holding her cheek.

"Mihir! Why did you slap your sister?" Thakurmaa exclaims with anger.

"I should have done this a long time ago so that she would know how to behave with a child." Kakai lets out looking at thakurmaa with disappointment before asking Advira to go to Jasmine di.

"Borda did you see how chhorda slap me for that unwanted child?" Pishimaa starts crying but I don't think anyone other than thakurmaa feels sorry for her.

"I am not seeing anything wrong in what Mihir did because Advira is not an unwanted child and you need to accept the truth. She is Anupama's daughter hence she is my granddaughter so next time I won't tolerate you insulting her in front of me." Baba retorts sternly making thakurmaa and pishimaa speechless while tears fill my eyes. He doesn't even know that he is standing up for his biological granddaughter who was snatched away by the two women in front of him.

"Let's go from here Kamini. I don't think we are needed here because it seems your borda has more people for him." Thakurmaa comments making me huff.

"Of course, baba has all of us so it will be extremely well if you both get out of here because I am here to take care of my father." I reply and they quickly walk out of there while mumbling something under their breath.

"Come here, Advira." Baba calls out to my daughter who is hiding behind Jasmine di. Upon hearing her name, she looks at me for confirming if she can go to her grandfather or not. So, I nod my head in response making her walk slowly towards baba who is looking at her with a smile.

"How are you dear?" Baba asks Advira when she stands in front of him.

"Me good and hows you?" Advira asks tilting her head to the side.

"I am a little tired but I am sure that your kisses will make me feel better." Baba response gently.

"Oh yesh. Me kissies you so you be good." Advira says excitedly.

"But to do that we need to take your boro dadu to his room first. So why don't you help me take him there?" Dadabhai asks making Advira nods her head quickly.

"Otay let go boro dadu." Advira says while trying to push the wheelchair but when she can't, she looks at Kakai with a pout as if asking for his help. After getting help from Kakai they take baba to his

bedroom which is shifted downstairs because he won't be able to go upstairs with all the injuries.


Alessandro's POV:-

I am currently in my car going to the Sengupta mansion after several meetings with some business associates who want to sell their shares to my company. It's not a bad deal so I give them a generous amount of money in return for the shares and inform Bianca about what to do with the shares.

Suddenly, my eyes catch something interesting so I tell the driver to stop the car. I get out before heading towards the toy shop to purchase the Mini mouse stuff toy which I know my princess will love to have.

After getting the toy I ask the driver to take me to the Sengupta mansion because I can not wait to see my baby's smiling face and hear her loud giggle. Upon reaching there I hurriedly get out of the car after picking the toy in my hand. I ring the bell and a maid opens the door to let me in. When I ask her about Anhuphama she informs me that Anhuphama is in the backyard playing with our daughter.

I straight walk towards the backyard in search of my wife and daughter whom I haven't seen in for so many hours. I notice that Anuphama is sitting on the swing while our daughter is sleeping on her lap. So, I quietly go near them without making any sound before sitting beside my wife who looks happy to see me. I peck her on the lips before bending down to kiss my princess on the forehead.

"Why is she sleeping in this hour?" I ask Anhuphama

"She has been playing since morning so I think she is feeling tired. Also, her hand is hurting a little." She replies sadly making me confuse.

"Did she get hurt or something happened when I wasn't here?" I ask making her look at me. She starts explaining what happened after her father came home from the hospital. After hearing everything I feel my inner self wanting to tear down those two witches for hurting my innocent baby. I look at my baby's hand where a small yet dark bruise has appeared making me clench my hands in fury. But I control my anger and kiss the bruise lightly not wanting to hurt my precious girl.

"Cara I want to celebrate our daughter's birthday here." I let out with after taking our daughter in my arms.

"But why Alessandro? We have already planned her birthday party in LA. Also, Mama Melody and others are there so I don't think it will be a good idea to celebrate our daughter's birthday without them." Anhuphama says laying her head on my shoulder.

"I will take care of everything, tesoro. You just concentrate on your father and our babies. By the way, how is our little bean doing?" I ask wanting to change the topic because I don't want her to ask me any more questions about the sudden decision of celebrating our daughter's birthday here.

"Our little bean is making me a little tired lately and right now I am craving ice cream." She replies with a pout just like our daughter.

"Okay, then I think I need to get ice cream for you." I tease her.

"No, I don't want you to go." She says childishly wrapping her arms around my right biceps as if I will disappear from her eyesight.

"Fine, I am not going anywhere. I will just ask someone to bring ice cream for you. Now, tell me which flavor you want?" I ask her.

"Hmm, I want to eat mango ice cream." She answers happily so I dial Miss Ganguly's number and ask her to tell one of the maids to bring mango ice cream for Anhuphama. Soon, the ice cream is brought

into the backyard which makes my wife very happy. While she eats the ice cream with a big smile I start planning how to expose the persons who are responsible for the terrible things that happened to my cara and our daughter. I can't wait any longer to punish them because I am not as forgiving as my wife.

I have already gotten enough proof in my hands to put those women behind the bar. But before doing that I am going to show them why they shouldn't have hurt my wife and our daughter. Everything will happen on the day of my daughter's birthday as it will be a sight to see when they will get to know that my princess is the same child they had thrown in the garbage. They will regret every little thing they have done to hurt the two most important people of my life.

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