Savior Of Her Heart

Chapter 53: Ch.52/ His Rage

Chapter 53: Ch.52/ His Rage

Alessandro's POV:-

The moment I laid my eyes on Anhuphama I felt like my heart was going to burst by the satisfaction to see her after so many days. However, soon my satisfaction turned into anger when I notice what she was wearing or should I say forced to wear. So, without wasting any time I took her in my arms and held her protectively before putting a long blazer on her to hide her legs from prying eyes.

I have never wanted anyone to harm her because of me but I also understand that I don't have power over everything. So, to ensure her safety from my enemies I start to settling a trap for them. I know that in the process of executing the plan I have to make some difficult decisions but I have to do what's good for my family. I turn around and face the three persons who are working against me to destroy my family and get my business in their hands. How fool they are to think that I will fall in their stupid plan and also I will let them hurt my wife along with my baby whom I love so much.

"How did you like the surprise, Sam?" I ask while looking at the woman who once used to be a very special part of my life. However, she only glares at me in response without saying anything. I laugh aloud before throwing a punch at Sebastian's face who cries out in pain.

"Hey! Don't hit him, leave him alone." Linda shouts at me and tries to get away from my men.

"Oops, sorry to hurt your boyfriend." I apologize in a fake sad tone making her eyes widen because I am sure she didn't think that I know about her relationship with Sebastian.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" I ask mockingly the same thing she has asked my Tesoro.

"I think I should start explaining everything from the start so that I can go out of here and spend some much-needed quality time with my family." I let out and look at my Cara who nods her head in response.

"Actually I knew from the start that Samantha would not keep quiet after learning about my marriage with Anhuphama and when she started to cause problem in my deal with the Wilson's, I got sure that she would surely try to harm my family to get under my skin. So, I ordered Samuel to take help from his soldier friends who used to work with him in the army and thankfully they agreed to help us without any problems. I also knew that none of you have any idea about Samuel's involvement in the army and that's only made my plan work very easy." I explain and their eyes widen in shock making me smirk.

"Samuel was a soldier?" Anhuphama asks making me turn around to look at her.

"Yes, Cara. He was in the army but after a terrible injury, he decided to quit and come back from the base. That's when Bianca recommended him to me as I was in need of a bodyguard who can do other necessary works too and I am proud to say that I don't regret my decision." I reply and that's when Samuel comes inside the room along with Bianca.

Bianca straight goes near Samantha and slaps her hard. She yanks Samantha's hair in a fist and raise her face before slapping her again with more force. I don't stop her because I know how much hate she has been keeping inside her for the vile person.

"How dare you to think that you can hurt Alessandro and Anupama?" Bianca yells and shoves Samantha which makes her fall backward. However, when she stands up and goes to hit Bianca. But Bianca backhands Samantha and asks one of the men to hold her.

"Don't try to over smart me, Samantha. Usually, I am a very calm person but I can't keep my calm when anyone decides to cause trouble for my dear ones." Bianca lets out before going towards Anupama and hugs her.

"That means whatever we have seen in those videos are false." Sebastian accuses.

"Of course, everything was fake so that your idiotic minds would believe that you were able to harm boss." Samuel replies coldly.

"But our men told us that you have drunk the wine then how can you be here? How can everything become fake?" Linda asks looking lost.

"If your men can inform you about me drinking the wine, then don't you think that my men can also inform me about the glass having poison inside?" I ask but none of them replies.

"I did drink the wine but not from the same glass which had poison. I also knew that your men were following us so I continued to act like the poison had started to kick in my body." I let out while looking directly at Sebastian's eyes which are now full of fear. Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

"On the other hand, I asked for the hospital stuff's help and described the situation in which they agreed to help us in faking Alessandro's condition." Bianca says making Anhuphama cry. I want to go near her and console her but currently I need to deal with the fuckers.

"So, you already knew that we were going to kidnap your wife?" This time it's Samantha who asks the question.

"No, we didn't know about the kidnapping so it was a shock for us at first. But then, Samuel's army friends who were working as your men informed us about Anhuphama's kidnapping and how you are going to sell her. So, I ask these gentlemen who are also retired soldiers to make a deal with you three." I reply while pointing at the men who pretend to be the dealer.

"But you are still going to lose." Samantha announces making me look at her like she has lost her mind.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I ask in which she laughs in reply like a crazy person.

"I had a feeling that told me to make a backup plan and I bet you don't know what I have planned." Samantha replies between her laughing fit. On the other hand, Sebastian and Linda are looking confused as if they also don't know what is being planned by Samantha.

"Tell me Samantha, what have you planned?" I ask calmly but I can see that Anupama is panicking in her place.

"I have heard that you love your daughter, I mean your so-called wife's daughter very much so what will be better than to kill that little girl?" Samantha replies making my blood boil. I pull out two guns from my waistband and hold them towards her head.

"Alessandro don't!" Anupama shouts in a frightened tone but I don't move the guns from Samantha's head.

"I will kill you Samantha if anything happens to my princess. So, if you don't want to die tell me what have you done." I threaten but the crazy woman only cackle like a broken recorder.

"Please tell us Samantha. Please don't do anything to my daughter, please." Anhuphama cries out while getting on her knees.

"You want to know right? Then listen, I have asked some of my men to go to Bianchi mansion and get your daughter. Also, I have told them to kill her while putting bullets in her little head and don't think that those men are working for you. Because I have hired them from Australia." Samantha replies with a cruel smile.

"No..." I hear Anhupama whisper before she loses consciousness. I run towards her and kneel down in front of her.

"Cara, open your eyes. Come on, open your eyes." I plead while putting her head on my lap.

"Alessandro, calm down. I think it will be better if I take her to the hospital and you go, save my niece." Bianca suggests and I agree with her. Because I can not lose control over my anger.

"Samuel, you go with Bianca and I will take care of these fuckers." I order and kiss my Cara's forehead before Samuel lifts her in his arms and dash out of there alone with Bianca. I take out my phone and dial Marco's number.

"Alessandro, did you get Anupama?" Marco asks after receiving my call.

"Yes, I have gotten her but I need you to go to my house and save my princess." I reply in a frantic tone.

"What do you mean I have to save Advira?" He asks over the phone.

"Samantha has asked some men to go to Bianchi mansion to harm my daughter. I will come too but I need you to go there right now." I reply while kicking Sebastian in anger.

"Okay, I am going there." He replies and cuts the call.

"You won't be able to do anything because you are already late." Samantha says making me want to slap her. But I am not going to hit a woman and ruin my nature.

"Take these three with you and hand themselves to the police." I order my men before turning to look at the vile creatures. I pick up one of the guns from the ground before shooting Sebastian in his legs making him scream in agony. Without wasting any more time, I run out of there and get inside my car which is already parked outside the club. I start driving at full speed while dialing Mama's number but she doesn't receive my call. I dial Mrs. Ganguly's number too but she also doesn't receive my call.

After some time I reach the mansion and notice that the gates are wide open while the guards are lying down on the path. I park the car in front of the mansion and get out of the car. However, while walking inside the mansion I hear a gunshot and a series of screams making my heart drop in fear. I run straight inside the house but halt midway when I realize that King is standing in front of my princess

protectively while three men are laying unconscious on the floor looking like some wild animals have attacked them very badly.

"Papa!" I hear my princess yell for me so I rush near her before picking her in my wrms.

"Alessandro, the dogs have protected their sister like you have instructed them." Marco says while putting his hand on my shoulder. I look at him and notice that my boys are looking at me with sad eyes except King who still has an angry look on his face. So, I give my princess to Marco and kneel down in front of my big boy before running my fingers through his fur. I hug him tightly while trying not to cry.

"Thank you bub for saving my princess." I whisper in his ear making him let out a whine. Soon, other dogs also come near me so one by one I hug every one of them while praising them for the excellent work.

"I am not going to ask you about what's going on but I want to know where is my dolcezza." Mama says from behind.

"I am here." Anhuphama replies coming inside the mansion along with Bianca and Samuel making the dogs run straight to her. She kneels down and hug them, kiss them while tears fall from her eyes. Our daughter also goes near her mother and raise her hands to be picked up which Anhuphama does immediately.

"Are you alright?" I ask Anhuphama after she puts down our daughter.

"I am okay and that's why I have asked Samuel to come here as soon as I gained consciousness." She replies making me sigh in relief.

"Please can someone explain what's happening in here?" I hear Mrs. Ganguly asks with a confused expression.

"I will tell you everything, Jasmine." Mr. Ganguly replies while walking towards us before opening his arms for Anhuphama who hugs her brother. I give them some alone time and turn to look at Mama who is looking out of the window. I go near her and hug her but she doesn't hug me back.

"I understand no amount of apology can erase the pain I have caused you in the past days. But I have to do what's good for my family, Mama." I tell her.

"I am not angry at you, Sandro. I am upset with you. I can see that Marco, Samuel, Bianca, even Subhodeep also knew about your plan. But not me, your mother. I know I didn't give birth to you, but I have never seen you as any less than my own child. Then why? Why didn't you tell me beforehand that nothing happened to you?" She asks while tears streaming down her face. I wipe her tears with my thumbs before hugging her gently.

"I didn't want to allert my enemies of my awareness about their plan, so I decided to hide it from you and Anhuphama." I reply.

"Did you also know about Anupama's kidnapping?" She asks.

"That was something I didn't have any idea about but thankfully my men informed me about Samantha's plan so I got to save her time." I answer. However, before I can reply I hear a loud sound of a slap making us turn around to see that Mr. Ganguly is standing in front of his wife while holding his cheek where his wife must have slapped him.

"How could you do this to me, Subho? You know well what Anupama means to me, yet you decided to hide the fact that you already knew about her whereabouts. You and Marco acted like neither of you have any idea about the kidnappers but now I am hearing it that my husband was lying to me the whole time?" Mrs. Ganguly lets out with a hurtful tone.

"Jasmine, we didn't have any other choice but to act scared because Samantha and Sebastian were keeping tabs on every one of us. Especially Mr. Bianchi and Anupama, so if we didn't act scares about

their conditions then they might have guessed that we already knew about their cheap doings. Please try to understand, babe." Mr. Ganguly pleads.

"Yes, di. I was also heartbroken at first, but then I realized that whatever they have done just to keep everyone of us safe. Please di, forgive dadabhai." Anhuphama says while I stand beside her.

"Whatever happened is because of me. So, I am asking forgiveness from every one of you. Because I am the one who has made the plan but believe me, I didn't want to cause anyone trouble." I explain in the hope that she will not misjudge me.

"I am sorry too for my outburst, Mr. Bianchi. I am just not in my correct mindset. So, I will be taking my leave." By saying that she walks away from there while Mr. Ganguly goes after her calling out to her.

"Why is she behaving like this?" Bianca asks Mama who gives her a sad smile.

"I didn't want to disclose the secret to you all but I think I need to tell you all so that you guys don't feel bad about her behavior." Mama replies.

"What secret are you talking about, Mama Melody?" Anhuphama asks.

"Jasmine is pregnant, dolcezza and we have just gotten to know about her pregnancy this morning. But she didn't want to tell Subhodeep about the good news before they get you back. So, hopefully you can guess how she is feeling now." Mama answers making us realize that what's going on.

"Oh my God! Jasmine di is pregnant and Dadabhai didn't have any idea about it." Anhuphama lets out while hitting her forehead making me wince.

"Stop hitting yourself, Cara." I tell her sternly but earn a glare from her.

"Everything is your fault. Now, make things better or I won't talk to you." She threatens before picking our daughter in her arms and marching towards the stairs followed by the dogs.

"What just happened?" I ask looking at Mama and Bianca who only laughs at me before going after Anhuphama.

"Bro, you are in deep trouble." Marco comments sympathetically while Samuel snickers from his side.


It's been two days since the chaos breaks out and the day we get to know about Mrs. Ganguly's pregnancy. It took a lot of pleading from Mr. Ganguly and Anhuphama's cooking to calm her down. However, I still get scared to talk to her because believe it or not she is more deadly than my Cara while being pregnant.

Speaking of my lovely wife, I haven't seen her since I wake up. So, after getting dressed I walk out of my room and go in search of her. However, when I look inside our daughter's room none of them are there. So, I decide to go downstairs to see if they are in the kitchen or not. Thankfully, my doubt is correct because I find them in the kitchen baking a cake. I lean against the door frame and look at my wife's happy face who is smiling brightly in something our daughter tells her.

I clear my throat to get their attention. They look in my direction and my princess gets down from the stool she is standing before running towards me. I pick her up in my arms before throwing her in the air and catch her again. She giggles loudly and asks me to do it again. Who am I to deny my daughter's wish so I keep playing with her for some time before her mother tells us to stop because the breakfast is ready.

"But me want cake." Our daughter whines.

"The cake is still not ready so you have to wait sometime. Till then you can complete your breakfast, princess." I tell her.

"Mum-mum me get cake later?" She asks Anhuphama.

"Of course baby. Look I have made aloor dom and ruti for everyone. You love to eat this, right?" Anhuphama replies while showing the plate which consists of a little bit of the delicious food made by my MasterChef wife.

"Yummm." Our daughter replies while licking her lips making both of us laugh.

"Alessandro, can you feed her? I am going to ask everyone to come downstairs for breakfast." Anhuphama tells me.

"Cara, why are you doing so much work. We have maids to the household work so you can tell them to call everyone." I suggest while taking the plate from her hands.

"I know I can ask for their help but they are doing other works. Also, I am not doing any heavy works so stop worrying about me." She replies with a smile. I sigh knowing well that there is no way that she will stop working. So, I peck her on the lips making her blush.

"Me want kiss too." Our daughter announces.

"I will give you a kiss when you finish your breakfast." I bribe her in which she nods her head quickly.

After eating breakfast I quickly go to my room and get ready. Because today I am going to see the scoundrels in the police station. The police are already investigating them but like I have thought Samantha is not opening her mouth. Although I don't need any more proof against her as I have already collected all the proof I need to get them behind the bar for a lifetime. Still, I want to let her know that she is not successful in destroying my family.

"Alessandro, are you going somewhere?" Anhuphama asks coming inside the room. I turn around and wrap my arms around her waist before pulling her towards me. She wraps her arms around my neck

while looking at me with so much love in her eyes. I deep down and kiss her on the lips. She responses with the same passion making me want to make love to her but I restrain myself knowing well her health is much important to me. So, I pull away from the kiss before putting my forehead on her with a smile on my face.

"I love you." I tell her making her smile.

"I love you too." She whispers while burying her face in my chest.


I get out of my car and walk inside the police station followed by Samuel. Mr. David, who was also in charge of the case about the mishap at the annual party of my company is waiting for us in front of the room where I will be talking to Samantha.

"Mr. Bianchi Mrs. White is already in the room. We think that her mental health is not well so we don't want you to be alone with her. That's why two of our lady police officers will be there in the room with you." He explains.

"That's alright. Although I can handle her by myself but I am not going to reject your request." I reply professionally.

"Okay, then I will be taking my leave." He answers while shaking my hand. He goes out of there and I turn around to look at Samuel.

"You wait for me in here." I order.

"Boss, are you sure you want to go alone?" Samuel asks making me scoff.

"Samuel that woman can not harm me anymore. So, don't worry." I answer and open the door of the room. I close the door behind me and notice that Samantha is sitting on a chair and her hands wrists

are tied to the handles of the chairs while there is a net barrier covering the half of the room. I sit on the vacant chair which is on the other side of the barrier making her eyes snap in my direction.

"Alessandro, I know that you will come here." She says looking very much happy to see me.

"Of course I am going to come here to meet my enemy." I reply making her smile slip off her face.

"I am not your enemy, Alessandro. I am the love of your life." She lets out with a determined look as if I don't understand the truth. This woman is really have a mental illness.

"Can you please enlighten me when are you going to come out of your delusional thoughts?" I retort.

"I am not delusional, I am telling the truth. I know how much you love me, you are just not in the correct sense of mind bu-" I don't let her complete her nonsense blabbering because it's seriously giving me a headache.

"Look, I have more important works to do so keep quiet and listen to me. I never loved you so get that thought out of your mind about being the love of my life. I only love Anhuphama and no one will ever be able to take her place in my life. If you only tried to harm me then I would not have punished you. But when you decided to hurt my wife and my kids, there is no way that I will let you go so easily. So, you and your so-called partners are going to get the punishment you deserve. Although I wanted to kill you three with my own hands but I don't want to dirty my hands because I am sure that my wife won't be so pleased to see your filthy blood." I inform her and stand up from the chair before walking out of the room. She yells for me to go back to her but I don't even turn around to look at her.

"Such a loud woman." Samuel comments while walking beside me.

"My ears are hurting hearing her annoying screams." I reply making him chuckle.

We leave the police station after having a chat with Mr. David about the case. He assures us that the final verdict will be in our favor as the police department has a lot of solid proof against Samantha and her two partners. I get inside the car while Samuel starts driving towards the company but in the midway, an idea comes to my mind so I ask him to take the car to the other way where I want to go.

"Why are we going there, boss?" He asks.

"I want to surprise my Cara. So, I need to do some preparation." I reply while sending some important texts. I haven't taken my wife on a proper date and after what happened some days before I think she deserves a romantic outing from me. I am not a romantic person but hopefully I will manage to pull an amazing date for my tesoro.

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