Savior Of Her Heart

Chapter 30: Ch.29/ Blooming Love

Chapter 30: Ch.29/ Blooming Love

Anupama's POV:-

Never in a million years I have thought about standing up against Pishimaa but I finally did the unthinkable thing, I can not stop the feeling of being proud of myself for the step that I have taken. Although I wasn't going to say anything back to her but when she started to insult the woman who has done nothing to her, I couldn't take it anymore. Pishimaa can say anything bad about me, but not about the persons who have been nothing but lovable to me. Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

For some seconds I have started to believe in her words but then Mr. Bianchi's words started to replay in my head making me realize that I am not the same person as I was in the past. That's when I decided that I need to do something to stop Pishimaa's unfair allegation. I think I shouldn't have agreed to let her come here or we all could have avoided the drama.

But what surprised me the most is Mr. Bianchi's behavior towards the situation. At first, I thought that he would defend me but soon I realized that he wanted me to stands against the odd. And when he praised me in front of everyone that is the best feeling any wife can have from her husband. However, I was definitely not ready to see an almost naked Mr. Bianchi when I came back into our room to thanks him for the courage he had shown to me.

"Stop moving Cara or I know many ways to make you stop. Do you want to know them or do you want me to show them to you?" He whispers in my ear making me shiver. Oh no, he can not have so much effect on me.

"What are you talking about?" I ask while trying hard not to stutter.

"Hmmm, I am glad that you are so innocent because it will be my pleasure to teach you some interesting things." He replies while biting my earlobe lightly before going out of the closet. I stand frozen in my spot because of his sudden action.

"Hey thakur ei lokta to amake pagol kore debe." I tell myself before rub my chest to calm myself down.

("Oh God this man will make me crazy.")

However I don't get the meaning of him teaching me some interesting things, maybe he is talking about business. But then again why did he bite my earlobe if he is talking about business? Uggghhh this man is so confusing sometimes.

"Are you going to come out of the closet or do I need to get you by myself?" Mr. Bianchi calls out from the room. I don't reply instead get out of the closet and notice that he is now lying down on our bed only wearing loose track pants which leaves his upper body in full display. I can not tear away my eyes from his six-pack abs to the various tattoos littered all around his body. I am not a person to give much attention to someone's body but when it comes to my husband I always do the unthinkable. I have started to do the things I have never done before so it is really confusing sometimes if he is a good influence to be around or not.

"King I think your Mum is mesmerized by seeing my body that she has gotten mute." Mr. Bianchi comments before putting his hands behind his head. King is already relaxing on the couch facing towards the bed.

"King tell your Papa that your Mum has seen better than him." I don't know why I reply such thing but If he can tease me then I also have the right to tease him back. I don't give him any second glance and goes to pet King however Mr. Bianchi grabs my wrist before tugging me towards him making me fall on top of him. Out of instinct, I clutch the closest thing in my reach but soon regret it when I realized that I am clutching his biceps. I try to get up but he makes a quick move and before I know it, I am lying beneath him. My eyes widen in surprise however I close my eyes when he puts his face in the crook of my neck. He puts a light kiss there before I feel him pull away however he doesn't release me from his arms.

When I don't feel any movement coming from him I slowly open my eyes to see that he is already looking at me. He is looking so intentionally at me with something in his eyes that makes me turn my head on the other side. But he puts his finger under my chin to turn my face towards him again.

"Don't ever turn your face away from me Cara. I am your husband so you don't need to feel shy to me." He tells me before kissing my nose. I smile at his gesture sweet gesture but then I remember how he was teasing me earlier and that makes me pout. He gives me a confusing look and runs his thumb on my lower lip.

"Now why are you pouting Cara? You know it's doing nothing good to me." He says making me worried.

"What's happening to you? Are you not feeling well?" I ask while putting my right palm on his forehead to check if he has a fever. But to my surprise, he starts laughing.

"Why are you laughing Mr. Bianchi? If you are not feeling well then you should rest." I tell him but that only makes him laugh harder. Finally, after a few minutes of laugh he calms down.

"What am I going to do with your innocence? But as for now, I want to do something. Can I Cara?" He asks while putting a strand of hair behind my ear.

"You don't need my permission to anything Mr. Bianchi. You are your own person and you have sai-" a pair of lips on my own cuts off my talking. It takes me some seconds to realize that Mr. Bianchi is kissing me. I feel myself breathing heavily but soon calm down when he starts rubbing my waist soothingly. Before I know it I have started to kiss him back. After some time he stops kissing me before putting his forehead on me.

"I am glad to know that I don't need permission to kiss you whenever I want." He says making me blush when I realized what he was talking about earlier.

"You are getting more pervert, Mr. Bianchi." I reply with a soft voice.

"But I am your pervert." He replies making me giggle. He lays down on his side and pulls my head on his chest making me snuggle closer to his warmth.

"I am very proud of you Anhuphama the way you have handled your aunt. But also a little disappointed because you didn't defend yourself when she was accusing you of something you didn't have any hand." He tells me.

"I know I have disappointed you but I was feeling so lost when said those things about me. For some time, I had started to believe her but then your words came to my mind that I am not worthless like they refer to me. That's when I decided to stand up against her for the first time in my life." I reply to him.

"Listen to me well Cara, you are nothing like how your aunt has depicted you. Because I have been seeing you and I am extremely proud to say that my wife is the most considerate person I have seen in my life. So, don't think about her anymore and grow up in an independent woman who will show everyone that everyone has the right to fulfill their dreams." He answers back before kissing the top of my head.


Alessandro's POV:-

My Cara is sound asleep in my arms but I don't have an ounce of sleep in my eyes because I am busy in admiring the beauty in front of me. If it's possible then I will be doing it every day but something is different about today. Finally, I have done the thing I have been holding back for so long, to kiss her pink lips. I know I sound like a pervert person but how I have been controlling myself around her, only I know that.

After seeing the daredevil act she has pulled in front of everyone my desire to kiss her has become unmanageable. So, the moment she told me that I can do whatever I want I didn't wait a moment to claim her precious lips. The moment my lips made contact with her lips I know that I am gone for good. However, the way she responded to the kiss is mind-blowing. I look at the clock beside the nightstand to see that it's showing at 1 AM, so I decided to close my eyes and get some sleep.

It's been a few days since I have got to kiss my wife for the first time and now I can kiss her whenever I want. However, she still doesn't let me kiss her in front of anyone because she feels shy. I can not force her to do anything she is not comfortable so I have agreed to her wish.

Her aunt and uncle has returned to India yesterday. That old woman is so persistent that she wasn't ready to go away from here but I told her that if she didn't leave my house then I will throw her out. Thankfully Anhuphama didn't protest against my decision. However, Mr. Sengupta isn't very happy with my decision and still giving me cold shoulder but I don't care about his thoughts anymore.

Currently, I am enjoying quality time with my wife and our daughter. Of course, I haven't forgotten about the big furry boys. Anhuphama has laid a big blanket on the grass while I have gotten a basket filled with different foods from the kitchen.

"Does the watermelon taste good baby girl?" I ask my princess who is busy eating her watermelon. I have tried to cut little pieces of the fruit for her but the little demanding thing is persistent to eat the large piece.

"She likes to eat fruit in big pieces from the time I have started to feed her solid food. Sometimes she eats small pieces but not before giving me her famous angry pout." Anhuphama comments from the place where she is watching over the dogs who are playing on the ground. I get to reply but my breath hitch seeing the stunning view in front of me.

Her immense beauty is like a honeycomb that always calls out to me as if I am some honeybee who can not resist the urge to devour the honey. The more time I spend with her the more I am becoming addicted to her. But I know well that she deserves respect and I will be damn if I ever try to get past her boundaries.

"How is your study going Cara?" I ask her after composing myself. She turns to me with a smile before coming to sit beside me. But I pull her on my lap because I like the feeling of her in my arms.

"It's going good but I am having a little problem while doing an assignment. Will you help me with that?" She asks after getting comfortable in my lap.

"Of course I will. But I need something in return." I smirk knowing what I want. But she surprises me by pecking my lips without me saying anything to her.

"Now, you will help me. Right?" She asks with a big smile making me shake my head.

"Why? I know you want me to kiss you and I just did so you need to help me with my assignment." She complains while crossing her arms on her chest.

"Hmm, but what you did is called a peck, not a proper kiss. So first give me a proper kiss and then I will help you." I tell her.

"That's cheating Mr. Bianchi." She whines but I don't budge from my demand. Finally, when she realizes that I am not backing out she huffs in defeat before leaning towards me. But suddenly a big head is placed on my shoulder making me startle. Anhuphama burst into laughter seeing that Zeus is the one who has interrupted our loving moment.

"Zeus, why are you interrupting mum and Papa's important talk? Don't you want a little brother to play with?" I ask with a fake angry voice but get a slap on the biceps from a red faced Anhuphama who has surely heard what I have said to the big St. Bernard.

"You don't have a filter in your mouth, Mr. Bianchi. Come on Zeus, let's go and play fetch." She tells the big furry baby who happily bark in response before following her with a ball in his mouth.

I slump on the blanket feeling betrayed by my wife and son who has teamed up against me. So, I start to look at the cloud before trying to make faces out of the clouds. I used to play this game when I was living in the orphanage. Actually, Melody is the one who taught the children of the orphanage to make different faces out of the clouds but I had never showed any interest in front of her. However, whenever I felt lonely I used to lay down on the playground of my old school and looked at the clouds. Surprisingly, it used to make me feel good.

But now I don't need to look at the clouds to make me feel good because I am not alone anymore. I have people to call who I can proudly call my family, it's not that I didn't have anyone in my life before. But the concept of family wasn't very clear to me in the past so I used to think that only friendship matters. Now, I know that family matters too and for love, I think I will also get to know about this word too.

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