Savior Of Her Heart

Chapter 19: Ch.18/ She Cares

Chapter 19: Ch.18/ She Cares

Alessandro's POV:-

I feel little hands tapping my face gently as if trying woke me up from my deep slumber. However, I pretend to sleep causing the gentle tapping action to become harsh. I hold back my laugh at my daughter's antics but my eyes shoot open when I hear the sound of sniffle. I immediately sit upon the bed and stare at my Princess to see that she has tears in her eyes making me feel horrible. I take her in my arms and repeatedly kiss her head to calm her down.

"Shhh don't cry piccolo. Look Papa is awake and wants to play with you." I try to comfort her while wiping her chubby cheeks to get rid of the tears.

"Me no play wif you." She murmurs while laying her head on my chest making me cooe at her cuteness.

"Aww, why baby? Are you angry at me?" I ask her.

"Yesh, you no come." She replies.

"Papa is sorry baby. Papa was so tired yesterday but not anymore. From now on, Papa will be home early to play with his little princess." I tell her while kissing her tiny fingers.

"How are you feeling Sandro?" Melody asks from the side of the bed whom I don't know is standing there.

"I am okay now, the tea was a great relief yesterday." I reply to her in which she gives me a teasing smile.

"Why are you smiling like that?" I ask her while playing with my daughter's hair.

"Nothing my boy. Now, get ready for breakfast and give me my grandbaby." She says and takes my princess in her arms who was whining in protest.

After they leave my room, I get in the shower and stand there for some time. The ginger tea really helped me yesterday with the headache and for that, I think I should thank Anhuphama. I complete my shower and get dress in a pair of sweatpants and a v-neck t-shirt for the day. I have decided to stay at home today and also I have something important to discuss with Anhuphama. So I inform Bianca about me is not coming to the office today and also tell her to send Delilah in here because it's very long since I spend time with my niece. However, Bianca is a little worried about sending Delilah here because of Anhuphama's hand injury but I assure her that I will be home so it's not going to be any problem. After that, I get downstairs for breakfast but stop midway when I smell something flavorful coming from the kitchen. I start to walk toward the kitchen in the hope to find the source of the smell and soon enough I am standing behind Anhuphama who is busy making some round thing on the pan. I can not help but go near her to look at the dish she is preparing. Suddenly, she turns around and collide with my chest with a yelp while I wrap my arm around her waist to stop her from falling.

"Are you okay?" I ask her worriedly. This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

"Ummm yeah." She replies timidly without looking at me. She is looking quite flush that's when I realize the position we are in. I don't want to release her from my arms but I have to because I don't want her to feel uncomfortable with me. So I unwrap my arm from her waist but not before touching her curvy waist with the tip of my fingers. Lucky for me she is wearing some silk cloth (saree) which gives me a fair chance to touch her bare waist so how I can not take this opportunity. However, my dear wife is so shocked by my sudden action that she is opening and closing her mouth to say something but nothing seems to come out of her mouth. I chuckle seeing her reaction before bending down to her level and whisper in her ear.

"I am quite hungry Mrs. Bianchi so if you don't want me to eat you, you should bring the breakfast to the dining table as soon as possible." After that, I am gone from there leaving her more flush and shy.

I still have a silly smile on my face when I get to the dining table remembering the adorable blush on my wife's face. I notice that my Princess is sitting on her booster seat eating slices of banana while the dogs are busy eating breakfast. First, I kiss my daughter's forehead before kissing my boys on their furry heads. I take my seat at the table while a maid brings me the newspaper. I start to read the headlines but to my surprise, the news about my marriage with an unknown person has to be the main topic of today. Anger boil inside me seeing the disgusting words they have written about my wife whom they have referred as a gold digger. However, before I can react my phone starts ringing causing me to look at the caller ID which is showing Marco's name. I immediately receive the call and what he informs me, makes me angrier.

"I am going to be at home today so come directly to my house and also bring Uncle Gabriel with you. I will inform Bianca and Samuel about this." I tell him over the phone and cut the call after getting a positive response from him. I look at my Princess who is happily munching on her snack and feel myself calming down. Soon enough Melody and Anhuphama brings breakfast but I get curious seeing the dish she has prepared. I was so busy earlier in teasing her in the kitchen that I forgot to ask her about the dish. By seeing her mother, our daughter starts to make grabby hands to be picked up. Anhuphama serves me breakfast with a small smile before going in front of our daughter to give her a little portion of the dish. After serving Melody and herself, she takes a seat beside our baby girl. I look at the round pancake type thing on the plate and gravy looking thing on the little bowls not knowing how to eat them. Melody's situation is the same as me so we look at Anhuphama with a questioning look.

"This is called Dosa and it is kind of a rice pancake which I have prepared with rice and black grams with spicy potato stuffing. The yellow color gravy is called Sambar which is basically a vegetable soup and the white color gravy is called Coconut chutney. This is a South Indian dish but it is very famous all over India." She explains to us. Wow, I am a lucky man to have such a talented wife who not only is a great person but also a great cook.

"But how do we eat this?" Melody asks curiously.

"You have to tear a little part of the Dosa with hand and dip it in the Coconut chutney before eating it. You can do the same with the Sambar." She replies and show us the way to eat the rice pancakes. I and Melody mimic her before successfully eating the food. My eyes widen at the rich flavor of the spices and well-balanced taste. Before I know it I am starting to eat the amazingly cook Indian breakfast.

"Darling you need to teach me to make Indian foods and mostly this dish. We Italian's are famous for our homemade food but you are surprising me day to day with your skillful cooking." Melody proudly tells Anhuphama who smiles brightly. I also want to praise her but I have a better way to praise her than compliment her with words.


I am pacing back and forth in my home office while waiting for Marco and Uncle Gabriel's arrival. Bianca and Samuel also coming to discuss further plans. There is a knock on the door making me halt in my steps. I tell the person to come inside and to my surprise, it is my lovely wife who has our daughter in her arms.

"Did I disturb you?" Anhuphama asks me while I take my piccolo in my arms.

"No, you didn't. I am just waiting for Marco and Uncle Gabriel." I reply while taking a seat on my chair motioning her to seat across from me. I put our daughter on my lap who laid her head on my chest making me smile.

"Advira is throwing tantrums to see you before she goes for her nap." Anhuphama says with a guilty look.

"She can throw as many as tantrums she wants. After all, she is Alessandro Bianchi's daughter and she has the right to come to her Papa whenever she likes." I reply while tickling the little cutie who bursts into a fit of giggle making her mother and I laugh.

"Sto-ph Papa no." My hands stop tickling her hearing her call me Papa. I look at Anhuphama to see that she has a knowing smile on her face. I turn my princess around to face me because this is the first time I have heard her call me Papa.

"What did you call me princess? Come on say again. Come on baby girl." I say her with eagerness. She stands up on my lap with the support of my shoulders before kissing me on the nose with a huge smile.

"Papa good." Again she burst into a happy giggle making me hug her tightly. I have never felt this emotional before that I am barely holding back my tears. People will laugh if they get to know that Alessandro Bianchi, the biggest Businessman in Los Angeles is getting so much emotional just because his daughter called him Papa but no one will understand my feelings except me. It may be a simple moment for others but for me, it's one of the best moments of my life.

"I am so happy Anhuphama. My baby called me Papa, did you hear it? She called me Papa." I tell Anhuphama who is now nodding her head with a smile.

"I want you to hear her call you Papa from her mouth so I didn't mention that she had called you Papa the day when Uncle Gabriel and Marco had come to dinner. I was as shocked as you but I am happy that I didn't tell you about this before otherwise, I would have not been able to witness the pure joy on your face." She answers back. I don't know what to reply so I just give her a smile in return.

"I want to thank you Mr. Bianchi for everything you have done for me and Advira. I don't know what I would have done if you didn't get to know about Advira and decided to bring her here with us." She tells me after some time making me looking at her.

"There is nothing to thank me for. I am the one who should be grateful to have you both in my life. I know the we have gotten married is not something you would have wanted but for your father's sake, you have married me. However, I am not ashamed that I proposed the deal of our marriage to your father. For so many years I have been living alone in this house but after you two coming here I am not feeling lonely anymore." I am not sure why I say these things but it feels good to tell her about my feelings.

"I have never thought of getting married, Mr. Bianchi. So when Baba announced my marriage with you I got scared, mostly because I knew that I had to leave Advira. But when you got to know about her you didn't think twice before accepting her as yours." She replies while looking at our daughter who is busy playing with my wedding band.

"So when do you want to learn to pronounce our daughter's name?" She asks with a teasing smile. I raise a brow at her with a smirk enjoying the change in her behavior.

"Whenever you have time Mrs. Bianchi." I answer earning a cute blush on her cheek. I really want to pinch her cheeks, they are a little chubby making her look so innocent.

"By the way, how is your headache? Do you need any medicine?" She asks worriedly.

"I am absolutely alright so no, I don't need any medicine. Oh, before I forget, Bianca is also coming here with her daughters so please tell Melody to prepare something nice for lunch." I inform her.

"Why Mama Melody will prepare lunch? I can prepare lun-" I stop her in mid-sentence by taking her hand in mine.

"Liam has informed me earlier that you need to rest for a week to let your wound heal so you will not make lunch. In fact, you didn't have to make breakfast with your hand." I scold her lightly making her slump on the chair.

"Okay fine, but I will be playing with Bianca's daughters. I can bet they are super cute and adorable." She replies with an eager smile.

"Indeed they are very cute and I am sure you will have fun playing with them, But please take care of yourself." I tell her with concern.

"I will don't worry. I think I should go and inform Mama Melody about lunch and also it's getting past Advira's nap time." She says and tugs her hand from my hand making me look at our hands. I release her hand and stand up from my seat to give her our daughter who is rubbing her eyes with her tiny fists. After they leave the room I call Samuel to bring me the call details of every employee of my company. I need to know who has given the news of my marriage to the press.


Anupama's POV:-

"Auntie, can I have some apple juice please?" Delilah, Bianca's seven years daughter asks me.

"Of course baby. Just wait a little, I will go and get you some juice." I reply while getting up from the floor of my room where I was playing with Advira and Mia, Bianca's nine-month-old daughter.

"Thank you, Auntie." Delilah says with a smile and goes back to color on her coloring book. I get into the kitchen to get apple juice and some salty crackers for the girls. Mama Melody is busy in making lunch so without disturbing her I go out of there. Bianca along with Marco and Uncle Gabriel has arrived one hour back at the mansion and immediately they have gone inside Mr. Bianchi's office to discuss something. Samuel has also arrived with a bunch of papers and went to there as well. I am not complaining though because I get to spend time with the cuties.

Delilah is the perfect big sister and very mature for her age. Her deep blue eyes hold so much love and adoration for her little sister Mia who looks like a doll. When I get back in my room, Delilah is teaching the two toddlers how to make a bridge with legos. I sit beside them and put the snacks in front of them before giving the glass of juice to Delilah who takes the glass with a bright smile. After playing for some time, I notice that Mia is fighting back her sleep while rubbing her eyes so I take her in my arms and start to sing a lullaby to put her to sleep. Delilah pulls Advira on her lap and hold her carefully. Soon enough little Mia falls asleep so I put her in my bed surrounding her with pillows for safety.

"You have a pretty voice, Auntie. Can you please teach me to sing like you?" Delilah asks from the floor.

"Of course sweetheart. You can come here anytime you want to learn singing from me." I reply causing her to give me a toothy grin. I take Advira in my arms and Delilah's hand in mine I start to take them towards the dining room because it's already lunchtime. Mama Melody tells me to inform others that the lunch is ready so I get in front of Mr. Bianchi's office but stop when I notice that the maid name Linda is standing outside the door as if trying to hear something. I clear my throat to gain her attention. She turns around with a fearful look but try to keep it neutral in front of me.

"What are you doing here Linda?" I ask getting in front of her.

"I come here to inform Sir that the lunch is ready." Although she replies confidently but the slight tremor in her voice doesn't go unheard of me.

"I will inform him, you go and set the table." I tell her gently. She hurriedly goes out of there without any further talking. I can feel something odd about her. The way she dresses, she talks or behaves is completely different than other maids. I know she is the one who pushed me from behind the other day in the kitchen and today she is here overhearing the conversation going inside. I need to tell Mr. Bianchi about this, God knows what this maid is planning.

I knock on the door and soon the door is open by Samuel who gives me a polite smile. I get inside and see that everyone has a tense look on their faces except Mr. Bianchi who is looking livid. I am totally confused by now because he was alright in the morning but now he is looking like he wants to kill someone. I can't help but walk towards him and soon I am standing in front of him. Suddenly, he hugs me shocking not only me but everyone around us. I try to detach him from me however he seems to have another idea because he wraps his arms around me more tightly. One by one everyone leaves the room closing the door behind them. I hesitantly wrap my around him before sighing in relief when he loosens his grip but doesn't remove his arms from me.

"What's got you so angry Mr. Bianchi? You were fine earlier." I ask him softly.

"Nothing will happen to you." That's all he says before nuzzling his face in my neck making me shiver. I close my eyes and rub his back trying to calm him down. After a few minutes, he lifts his face before looking at me directly in the eyes. He has some emotions in his eyes that are unknown to me but if I try to look away from him, I can't. He puts his forehead on mine while his breath fans on my face. I don't ask him anything, instead just let him hold me.

Suddenly, he unwraps his arms from me and turns around to face the window.

"I am sorry. I was not thinking straight so I didn't realize what I am doing. Please forgive me for-" I don't let him finish and put my hand on his shoulder. I turn him around to face me with an assuring smile.

"You are my husband and you have every right to touch me. But the most important thing is you are calm now and I am happy that I can help you with something." I tell him.

"Thank you." He replies with a small smile.

"I will not ask what happened but if you want to share anything I am here for you. Now, let's go or Mama Melody will scold us for being late." I tell him with a grin making him chuckle.

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