Salute To The General

Chapter 2581

Chapter 2581

After Nathan, Sofie, and Kylie left, the spectators pointed at Bradley's wet pants and gossiped about him.

It made him so embarrassed and angry that he was filled with murderous intent.

That was when a man in a black suit showed up in front of Bradley.

He stared at the former curiously as he didn't know what the man was doing there.

"My employer would like to speak to you," informed the man in the suit.

"Huh? Who is your employer?" asked Bradley in a confused tone.

The man in the tuxedo pointed at the spot under a gigantic tree where a luxury black car was hidden in plain sight. In a stoic tone, the man answered, "My employer is Dip Turner of the South."

Dip Turner!

Bradley's eyes bulged in shock.

He used to be the head of the Turners from the South, and he practically ruled the place. If I remember correctly, he is known as the King of the South. All I know is that he offended a powerful figure and was chased out of the country.

Despite Dip's circumstances, it couldn't diminish his prominent image that had been burned into Bradley's mind.

Bradley would always remember how things were when he was ten years old. His father had brought him to Alberesque for Dip's grand birthday party, which was attended by countless big shots.

Hence, Bradley never imagined that the powerful man from all those years ago would come to the nameless kid that showed up at his party once. The former was delighted and surprised at the same time. "Is he in the car right now? I'll go greet him right away."

After saying that, he stood up to make his way to the car that was parked under the tree in the distance.

The man in the suit stopped Bradley, though.

After that, the former shot a look at Bradley's wet pants before calmly saying, "Mr. Turner has time on his hands, so you need not hurry. Perhaps you should change out of your pants first."

Bradley's face instantly turned red.

He was so angry and ashamed that he was contemplating suicide. Good thing the guy reminded me of this. I would die of shame if I went to Uncle Dip in this state.

It didn't take long before Bradley changed into a clean outfit and rushed to meet Dip. The former politely stood beside the car and smiled brightly as he greeted, "Uncle Dip." The window slowly rolled down, revealing Dip in a formal suit, sitting in the back seat. Bradley was even more impressed and respectful toward Dip upon seeing the man.

Dip calmly asked, "So, you're Benedict's son, Bradley? We are related, right?"

Bradley immediately replied, "Yes, we are. I used to attend your parties with my father, and I am honored that you still remember me.”

Dip replied, "Of course, I know you. The truth is, I have always paid attention to the more promising members of the family's younger generation." Promising younger members ?

Bradley was ecstatic to hear that, so he politely responded, "Thank you for your kind words, Uncle Dip. Please pardon me for being slow, but I don't understand why you're here looking for me."

Dip replied, "Back then, I left Eurasia and went to Ariarica in a hurry, so I have a lot of assets in the country that are unattended. Hence, I returned to look for more promising members of the younger generation. My aim is to get one of them to manage these unattended assets.”

Bradley's heart thumped fast. Oh my

gosh, don't tell me... Has Uncle chosen me?

As suspected, Dip continued, "I have been looking for quite some time but couldn't find anyone ideal. Last night, I thought about your dad, who is an honest man. The only

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downside is that he is gettin

and he probably doesn't have

sufficient energy to manage everything. That is why I thought of you. Since you are his son, and given how righteous he is, I am confident that you are just as incredible. Hence, I dropped by to ask if you are interested in managing my assets for me." Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Bradley replied excitedly, "Yes, I am definitely interested, Uncle Dip. I would love to work for you and learn from you. It's an opportunity that l will never let up, so there is no way I'd turn you down. However, I am still studying at the university, and even though I am pursuing a degree in business management, I'm not sure if I have the skills to do well. I do not wish to disappoint you." Content

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Dip smiled and assured him, “Let the subordinates deal with the business side of things. All I need is someone to take care of the money and manage

my subordinates. Don't worry. The business is not a large-scale one. It's worth is only about ten billion."

Bradley's heart thumped wildly as excitement coursed through his veins. Ten billion? And I will have control over the money? Hell, I may not know much about managing money, but I am great at spending it. If I embezzle even a smidge of that ten billion... Oh, that will be more than enough for me to show off endlessly. Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Bradley immediately replied, "Well, if you have such high hopes for me, Uncle Dip, I will take up the challenge and manage your assets for you."

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