Return Of The Bad Boy Alpha

Return of the Bad Boy Alpha Chapter 3

Magnus "Magnus Bowie," Colonel Marcus calls to me from the stage. He is standing before the King and Queen with a look of pride on his scarred face.

Dressed in my finest dress uniform, I step up to the stage and bow before King Kerry and Queen Moira Abbott. It's been nearly ten years since I had to leave my home pack Ghost River. I had accidentally burned down the packhouse, and my father sent me away to military school. At first, I was angry, but it was the best thing that happened to me in the end. I worked past my anger problems and worked hard to rise through the ranks of the King's army.

"Rise to your feet, Magnus. We are friends here," King Kerry says to me. I look up at the King, and he is smiling brightly.

I stand up tall as Colonel Marcus steps towards me. "Nine years ago, you arrived as a troubled teenager whose father had given up on. And for a while, you had given up on yourself. You pushed every button I had, and I nearly tossed you to the rogues. But you powered through and proved us all wrong, Magnus," Marcus said out loud.

We were in the throne room of the royal palace. I was being promoted after years of working with King's Elite Force. We investigate various packs for alleged crimes and then take action. We are made up of strong warriors and lost souls that found their place. We also are asked to help packs fight off rogue or other creatures as our prowess in battle is unmatched.

"Today, it is my honor and privilege to not only call you a colleague but my friend," Colonel Marcus continued. "You are being promoted to the rank of major, and you shall lead the Elite Force from this day on." He said and then pinned my rank to my uniform. I stood tall as he looked me in the eyes. In the beginning, I tried everything I could to get kicked out of school. I defied Colonel Marcus and the other ranking officers every chance I got. Visit Job m to read the complete chapters for free. But then something clicked in my head. I was supposed to be the next Alpha of Ghost River alongside my twin, Maximus. But it soon became clear that wasn't my true path. My true path was to be a leader and help all of the packs. "The honor is mine, sir," I say to the colonel. "You helped me find who I truly am."

Colonel Marcus turns to the King and Queen. "What say you, your majesties?"

King Kerry stands up and steps forward. "I say that Major Bowie here has more than earned my admiration and respect. He has also earned my friendship, and I owe him my Queen's life. It's because of your efforts that she was saved from those murderous vampires," King Kerry told the small crowd of gathered troops. "I am the one that should be bowing to you."

I chuckle. "That isn't necessary, your majesty."

"Kerry, to you, it's just Kerry," The King tells me while holding out his hand.

Instead of shaking his hand, I hug him, and he hugs me back. I pull away from him and nod my head to Queen Moira. A few months ago, she was kidnapped by vampires intent on making her their queen. We all worked tirelessly to find her. I tracked her to a dank basement she was being kept. I killed every last vampire and brought her home to her mate and King.

"Thank you for saving me, Magnus," Queen Moira said.

King Kerry raises his hands. "We shall celebrate the accomplishments of Major Bowie, my friends." The crowd clapped and cheered as I turned to them.

I smiled at my best friend Dulce, who will be my second in command and my third in command, Brutus. They both smiled back while cheering.

"That is the end of the ceremony." The King announced, and everyone cheered again. "Okay, Magnus, you are free for now. Colonel Marcus tells me that you are going home in a few days."

I turn to him. "Yes, I am. My father is finally allowing me to come home, and I would like to be there to watch my twin brother Maximus become Alpha."

"Well, I pray that the transition goes smoothly and tell your father I said hi."

"I shall do that, Kerry," I tell him and then walk off the stage towards my friends.

Dulce and Brutus stand up. "Congratulations, bro," Brutus shakes my hand. "I am still going to be your third, right?"

I nod as his massive hand nearly crushes me. Brutus is a strange mix of wolf and bear. It was forbidden for wolves and bears to mate. Brutus inherited both a wolf and a bear. He takes on the bear physique and towers over me at 6'7" with a muscular body that could rival any wrestler. He has short brown hair and brown eyes. We have fought many battles together, and I trust him with my life.

"Of course. I would ask you to be second but-"

"I beat your ass," Dulce, my spitfire second, interjects. Dulce is only 5'4" tall and doesn't look like she could take down a bear hybrid. She is the daughter of two strong alphas. I haven't seen a fiercer warrior in my life. I am surprised she is fine being my second, but she slowed down once she met her mate. Her mate, Joanna, stands up beside her. Joanna is a doctor and will be the doctor for the Elite Force. They have an adopted pup named Elliot.

The Elite Force has a compound with a large main house and several smaller houses for the members. I will essentially be their Alpha, but I will answer to the general of the army and the King.

"Do you have to keep bringing that up, Dulce?" Brutus rolls his eyes.

"Of course. It pisses you off," Dulce smirked.

"Okay, let's go meet our troops," I say to them and head out of the throne room. I shake hands with other soldiers on the way out to the waiting SUV. I slide in with Dulce and Joanna while Brutus sits in the front with a driver. "Elite Force compound, please," I say to the driver. "Please?" Dulce sputters. "Magnus Bowie said please."

"Why not?" I shrug. Some may think I have lost my edge, but it's still there. I prefer to use it on the battlefield. When I am not fighting, I prefer not to start confrontation if I can help it. Dulce shrugs. "I don't know. It's just weird to hear."

It didn't take long to drive from the palace to the Elite Force compound. It was set away from the rest of the royal territory, with trees surrounding it. We had to drive down a narrow forest road to reach the compound's gate. But once inside, it opened up, and quaint houses lined the street. Then there was a large training facility, and then came the main house where I would live and where most meetings would take place. It was like a packhouse with common rooms for the members and a dining hall where they could all eat should they choose.

We stopped in front of the house and got out. I breathed in the air as a familiar older man stepped towards me. I smile at him and bow slightly in respect. "Major Davis," I say to him. He has been my commander for the last three years.

"I have them all waiting for you, son," He says to me. "I apologize for not being present at the ceremony. I had transition paperwork to get done."

"It is more than fine, sir," I say to him as he leads us to an area behind the house. It's a large meadow set up as a meeting s***h party area. Three dozen men and women are lined up at attention while their families fill the field. The Elite Force members can have their mates and pups live in the compound. There are also support workers who cook, clean and maintain the landscape.

Dulce and Brutus stand behind me while I stand beside Major Davis. "As you all know, I am retiring from the Force. It has been my pleasure to serve you all these long years. We built a Force that is revered throughout the kingdom. And we have saved numerous wolves from horrible conditions. I am proud of all of you." He gestures to me. "You all know this bloke. Please welcome Major Magnus Bowie, your new leader. Try not to give him too hard of a time."

The troops applauded, and I smiled brightly. Major Davis stepped back to let me speak. "It is my honor to be your new leader. We have all served together for years, and I hope to maintain the reputation and discipline that Major Davis built. My second in command shall be Lieutenant Dulce Garcia, and my third will be Lieutenant Brutus Julian. Show them both the same respect as you would me." I said. "Okay, enough of the boring stuff. You are all dismissed to go back to your prior tasks. Tonight though, we shall feast," I raise my fist, and they cheer before dispersing.

"The room is all set for you, Magnus," Major Davis says to me. "I am leaving now. My mate is waiting for me. I promised to take her to Hawaii."

I laughed. "Tell Mrs. Davis, hello for me. And I will miss her cupcakes."

"Oh, she left you a batch," Major Davis winked. "Don't eat them all in one sitting."

I laugh and shake his hand, and then he walks away. I let Dulce and Brutus go to their homes while I head up to the top floor of the house to see my new room. My stuff has already been moved. I get upstairs, and the room is more like an apartment complete with a kitchenette with a living room, and the bedroom and bathroom are separate. I go to the bedroom to change out of my uniform. As I take off my uniform, I admire my many tattoos in the mirror. I take the rubber band out of my long black hair. It falls to my shoulders. I change into a pair of black jeans and a white tank top. It shows off my muscles and tattoo sleeve. I go back to the living room and find my guitar case. I get out my guitar and play a few songs while drinking beer.

For some reason, I begin to sing about the woman I see in my dreams. She has long curly brown hair and brown eyes. She reminds me of my friend Bryant's younger sister. 'What was her name?' I wonder while strumming my guitar. "Right, Naomi," I say out loud. My wolf Kairos hums at the mention of her name. 'No lovlier a name,' He muses.

'I suppose. You have been mysterious for days. Why won't you confirm if she is my mate?' I ask my crazy wolf. He remains tight-lipped. Finding my mate hasn't been a high priority for me, but I haven't entirely written it off. I wouldn't mind meeting my other half and building a life with her. My thoughts are interrupted when my phone rings. I pick it up to answer it.


"Mag," I hear my mother's voice.

"Hello, Mom," I say happily to her. In the years since I was banished, I kept in contact with my family. Well, most of them. My father had little to do with me. But my mother and siblings still talked to me.

"Did you have your ceremony today?" She asked me.

"Yes, I am now Major Magnus Bowie," I tell her proudly. "Of course, Pops doesn't care."

She sighs. "He cares, Mag."

I snort. "He has a funny way of showing it."

"Are you still coming for Max's ceremony? He and Phoebe are looking forward to seeing you."

"I am looking forward to seeing them too. And I can't wait to meet Max's mate.""

"Oh, Charlotte. She is such a lovely girl. I was hesitant about her being Luna, considering she is an omega, but she is brilliant and will be just fine. You'll like her. Have you found your mate?" She asks me. "Not yet, Mom. But I have a feeling I will be meeting her soon."

"I hope so," She responds. "You deserve some happiness."

"I am happy now, Mom. I found my niche in the world and am doing great. You don't need to worry about me."

She laughs. "Magnus Alexander, I am your mother. I worry about you."


"I have to go. But I will see you in a few days. I love you."

"I love you too, Mom," I tell her as we hang up the phone. I set it down and go back to strumming away on my guitar.

A few days later, I packed a bag and strapped it to my blue Harley Davidson motorcycle. I turn to Dulce and Brutus. "You guys hold down the fort. I shall return in a few days."

Brutus gives me a bro hug. "Have fun with the family," He snickers. "I hope your Old Man doesn't bust your balls too much."

"He will. That's just Alpha Darryl, for you," I laugh. I smile at Dulce and Joanna's son. "You be a good boy Elliot."

"Bye, Uncle Mag," He waves his tiny hand at me.

I say my goodbyes to Dulce and Joanna. I pick up my guitar case and secure it to my back before climbing onto my motorcycle. I started it up and then sped away from the house and out of the compound. It was going to be a day's ride to Ghost River. When I finally arrive at Ghost River, I am exhausted to the core, but suddenly Kairos is pacing in my head and carrying on about nothing. I stop at the border, and two guards step out of the trees to greet me.

"Can we help you?" One asks. He appears young, probably about eighteen.

"I am here to see my family," I tell him.

"Which family?" The young guard looks me up and down.

The other guard walks over and smacks the younger one in the back of the head. "Dumbass. That's Magnus Bowie. The Alpha's son." He looks at me. "Sorry about Clay. He just started."

I nod at the older guard. "It's alright. I have been away for a long time."

"Go right on in, Alpha," He tells me.

"It's not Alpha. Call me Major Bowie," I wink and then drive off. I started to wonder if my father would greet me. I am not exactly dressed in a way he would approve. I am wearing black leather pants with my leather bike jacket and a white shirt. My hair is down to my shoulders, and my tattoos are on full display, and a cigar hangs out of my mouth. I drive down familiar streets past familiar buildings. I stopped at the site where the old packhouse stood. The foundation is all that remains. I take a deep breath and then move to the new packhouse that I have not seen yet in person. I finally reach it and see a crowd of people out front. My mother and siblings are at the front and cheer as I drive up.

I stop my bike and stamp out my cigar. I get up to greet my family.

"Mag!" My mother flies into my arms, and I relish her scent.

"Mom." I had seen very little of her over the last eight years. She and Pops would come to the palace for different events, and she was the only one that would talk to me. "You look so good," She runs her hand through my hair. "I am so so proud of you," She kisses my cheek.

"Thank you, Mom." I pull away from her and look at my twin Maximus. We are identical but look very little alike. Maximus has short black hair and no tattoos. We both have green eyes, though. "Max," I greet him. A lovely blonde-haired female stands beside him. "Mags," Maximus hugs me. He pulls back and points his mate. "This is Charlotte," He says, and I smile at her.

"Charlotte. I am pleased to meet you finally. You will make a lovely Luna," I say to her, and she smiles.

"Thank you."

I move past Charlotte to where my younger sister Phoebe is standing. She has grown so much since I last saw her. She has her brown hair in a tight ponytail, and she is wearing a lovely white sundress. The scent of maple syrup hits me as I hug her. "Did you drip syrup on yourself?" I ask her.

She laughs. "No, why?"

I sniff her, and Kairos goes nuts. "You smell like syrup."

"No, I don't," Phoebe argues. "You are nuts, Magnus." She smacks my shoulder.

"How is teaching going?" I ask her. She just began teaching at the elementary school.

"I love it," She replies. "Pups are fun to teach. They are so eager to learn."

I nod. "That's great to hear." I shake my head as the scent of maple syrup is making Kairos nuts. "Are you sure you haven't had any syrup lately?" I ask my sister.

"No, i***t," she narrows her eyes at me. "Quit sniffing me."

I move past her to my two best friends Bryant and Chance. Bryant is standing with a pretty redhead on his arm who has an infant on her hip. "Bryant," I say to him.

He pulls me into a hug. "Mags. You are a sight for sore eyes."

I take in his scent, and he, too, smells like syrup. "Did you spill syrup on yourself?" I ask him.

"Uh no. I don't like syrup." He tells me. He gestures to the redhead. "You remember Kristy? My mate?"

I smile at her trying to forget that Kairos is having a fit. "Hello, again, Kristy." I smile at her.

"Magnus," She nods. "This is our son Marco."

"He is adorable. I see he got you looks and not this guy's," I point at Bryant.

"Hey," Bryant snarks.Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

I move down the line to Chance. Beside Chance is Elena Monroe, Bryant's younger sister, and she is heavily pregnant. "Hey, Chance. You didn't tell me that you were expecting."

"You have been out of touch, Mag," He tells me. "But welcome home."

I hug him and greet everyone else. One person is absent, and it pains me. I turn to my mother. "Pops couldn't take a minute to-"

"I'm right behind you," I hear his familiar gruff voice.

I turn around to face my father for the first time in almost ten years. For a moment, we just stare at each other. Then he breaks out into a smile as tears well up in his eyes. "I am so proud of you, Magnus," He finally says to me. "You have come a long way, and you make me proud to be your father."

"Thank you, Pops," I say as we hug. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, Magnus. We have a lot of catching up to do."

"We do, Pops. I am thankful that I am finally able to come home, even if it's for a visit."

My father looked me in the eyes. "This will always be your home, Magnus Bowie." He says and then leads me into the new packhouse.

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