Return Of The Bad Boy Alpha

Return of the Bad Boy Alpha Chapter 27


I don't know how long I sat naked on the cold floor, crying into my hands before someone touched my shoulder. I jumped and looked up at Pops. "Magnus," He says softly.

My mother is beside him, and the rest of my family and Naomi's family are gathered behind my parents. "How is she?" My mom asks while Pops drops a pair of shorts on the floor beside me.

I ignore the shorts and shrug. "I don't know anything yet," I mumble and bury my face again. I don't know how long I stay like that before Pops touches my shoulder again.

"Son, Dr. Hayes just came into the room," Pop tells me.

I immediately get to my feet and hear my sister scoff. "Put on some shorts, Mag," Phoebe complains.

I ignore her and look directly at the doctor, "Well," I ask.

"Ms. Monroe is out of the woods," the doctor responds, and I hear Naomi's mother sob with relief.

"Oh, my baby girl," Maureen says.

"The knife hit just above her uterus, so the pups will be just fine also," Dr. Hayes says, and I nod.

Then my eyes go wide, "You said pups as in plural," I say to the doctor, and he smiles.

"Your mate is having twins," The doctor responds. "I thought you knew."

I shake my head. "No, I didn't know," I mumble. I look around the room to see Naomi's mother with her hands over her mouth.

Pops shoves the shorts into my hands, "I'm glad that you and Naomi are having twins, but for the love of the goddess, put on the shorts," He claps my bareback.

"Pop," I grumble and pull the shorts on. I look at the doctor. "So, they will all be okay?"

Dr. Hayes nods, "Yes, with plenty of rest and recovery," He responds. "She will have to be here for at least a few days."

"I will be right here next to her. She nursed me back to health, and I will do the same," I say to the doctor. "Can I go see her?"

"Yes," The doctor responds. "But just a few people at a time."

I look at her parents. "I have to go in first," I say to them.All text © NôvelD(r)a'ma.Org.

"But-" Maureen tries to protest, but Allen puts his hand on her shoulder.

"Let Magnus go in first, Maury," Allen says to her.

I smile at them before heading down the hall to the room the doctor directed me to. I step in, and the scent of maple syrup fills my nostrils and I see Naomi sitting up on the bed, staring straight at me. She looks so weak lying there with bandages covering her abdomen.

"It looks terrible, doesn't it," She says softly.

I rush to her and lean down to press my lips to hers, "You can never look terrible," I say. I sit on the bed beside her. "I thought I lost you."

She shrugs, "I'm not going anywhere."

I look at her belly, "The doctor told me about the pups," I laugh softly.

"And you were surprised?" She chuckles. "You and I are both twins, so it didn't surprise me."

"I think it's wonderful," I kiss her forehead. I lightly clasp her hands and look into her brown eyes, "Look, Naomi. I am so sorry about Suzie and all of that. I should have listened to you. I should have transferred her the moment I knew she was giving you problems." "What happened to her?" Naomi asks.

"Kairos killed her in a fit of rage," I respond.

'Damn right I did,' My wolf grumbles.

"And Josh?"

"He's dead too. They are all fucking dead," I say, and she flinches. "I am sorry."

She starts to cry, and I feel like the worst person. I pull her into my arms and let her sob against my chest. "Sorry, I'm just really emotional."

I kiss the top of her head. "You cry all that you need to. I am right here. I will take care of you."

She sniffles and pulls away from me. "You don't have to do that."

"Yes, I do," I say to her. "You are my mate. You are carrying our pups, and I need to do everything I can to make sure you are well and safe."

"But what about your job?" She asks.

I hook my index finger under her chin. "You are my job."

She smiles softly.

"I love you, Naomi Monroe." I lean forward and kiss her.

Moments later, Naomi's parents come into the room, and I sit on a chair beside the bed. She and her mother blubber about the pups while I hold her hand. Kairos hums happily in my head now that we have our mate back. He wants to see Ruby, but it will be some time before Naomi can shift again.

Phoebe and Brutus come in after some time to visit. "I can't believe that bitch stabbed you," Phoebe growls.

"I can," Naomi chuckles dryly.

The rest of Naomi's family makes their way into the room. Her twin sister Elena stands by the bed, holding her pup, Arlo. "Twins?" Elena scoffs. "I never pictured you having any pups at all."

"Thanks, Elena," Naomi mumbles. "I always wanted a family just like everyone else."

"What about the Archive?" Elena rolls her eyes.

"I will work in the Royal Archive," Naomi tells her twin. "If the offer still stands," She flicks her eyes at me.

"As far as I know," I shrug.

After visiting hours are over, we have a quiet dinner together. I lie down with her, she settles against me, and I hum quietly.

"Thank you for coming to save me," she whispers.

"I would do it again," I say to her. "I love you."

"I love you too," She responds.

We both fall asleep in the uncomfortable hospital bed.

Days later, Naomi feels much better and is even permitted to walk up and down the hallway or go outside into the small courtyard. We are sitting on a bench watching a couple of hummingbirds flit about, fighting for the feeder. "Whatever happened to that vampire, Dreyfuss or something?" Naomi asks.

I am about to answer when I sense we aren't alone in the courtyard, "I killed him," King Kerry says from behind us. We turn to him. He is dressed in one of his finest suits and pushes a large bouquet of purple and white flowers toward Naomi. "My mate said you would like these," The king chuckles.

Naomi takes the flowers and sniffs them, "Thank you, your majesty."

"You can call my Kerry, Naomi." Kerry steps toward us. "I came to see how you were doing."

"I am doing better, sir," Naomi responds to him.

"So you killed that vampire?" I ask my friend.

He nods. "Deader than dead. Son of a bitch tried to touch my son," Kerry says with a low growl. "Tiago wasn't going to stand for his pup being hurt," The king tells us.

"So, that should help quiet things for a while," I add with a chuckle.

"I hope so, Major," Kerry sits on another bench, and a hummingbird flies right at him. He tries to swat it away. "These little buggers are vicious."

"We should recruit a few into the Elite Force," I joke.

Kerry laughs, "Good one. Anyways, I need a new royal gamma."

"What happened to Gamma Charles?" I ask.

Kerry folds his hands on his lap and sighs, "Charlie was feeding intel to Dreyfuss, including my son and mate's locations and schedules. Had I not caught him, I believe Moira and Emery would have been hurt or worse," Kerry sniffles. "Anyways, I need a new royal gamma," He looks at me. "I know you just became the leader of the Elite Force, but I want you to be my royal gamma, Magnus."

"Sir-" I trail off and glance at Naomi. "What do you think?"

She holds her flowers tight. "If that's what you want to do, I am with you."

"The gamma has a separate apartment in the palace. It's quite nice," Kerry tells us. "It has plenty of bedrooms to accommodate any future pups. And Naomi, the offer to work in the Royal Archive is still open. Emery can't wait to be your assistant."

"I can't wait till I can start working there," Naomi smiles. She pats her belly. "Magnus and I are already expecting."

Kerry smiles. "I had heard something like that through the grapevine. Congratulations."

"We are having twins," I add.

"Oh goddess, two miniature versions of Magnus Bowie running around my palace," Kerry laughs. "I can't wait."

"One or both of them could be miniature versions of Naomi," I say to my friend.

"Even better," Kerry winks at Naomi. "So what do you say, Magnus? Will you be my Royal Gamma? You will still be responsible for the Elite Force, but we'll have to find another person to be major."

"I accept, sir," I respond. "I wish to be your royal gamma. And if I must say, my lieutenant, Dulce Garcia, would make a fine major. She will whip the unit into shape better shape than I can."

"I will consider her," Kerry smiles. "And thank you, Magnus. You don't have to start until Naomi is well enough to travel back to the royal territory. I'll have your apartment cleared out by then. You can have it decorated and arranged however you want, Naomi." He says to her. "Thank you, sir," Naomi responds.

Kerry stands up. "I must go now. I am thankful that you are both well, and congratulations on your miracles," He smiles.

I shake his hand, "No, thank you, Kerry." We end up hugging before he leaves the courtyard.

Naomi and I remain on the bench watching the angry hummingbirds a little longer. I place my hand on her tummy and sense my pups. It's too early to know their genders, but I am not concerned about that. They could both be girls, and I would be the happiest man on earth.

"Are you okay with me being the royal gamma? It will be more work for me. I may be gone more," I tell her.

"It suits you, Magnus. You were born to be a leader," She responds while leaning against me.

"You were born to share your knowledge with everyone," I say as a hummingbird nearly impales my nose. I blow some air at it. "Stop that." The hummingbird chirps and flies off. "Shall we go back inside?" I grab Naomi's hand. "Let's," She slowly stands up, and we walk back into the building hand in hand.

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