Rebirth : A Woman With Frozen Heart

Unexpected Spark

Unexpected Spark

Hearing Zhi Qiang's words, Grandpa Wu didn't say anything for a while. Not because he didn't have the

words to speak but because he was touched by the sincerity in the man's tone. This man was telling

the truth, because no one would have that kind of eyes if they were lying. The heat that was radiating

from those eyes when the man gazed upon Little Yue, even Grandpa Wu could see the intense feelings

the man had for Little Yue.

Grandpa Wu couldn't help but reluctantly accepted that Zhi Qiang was being sincere to his beloved

granddaughter. "...I admit, I am quite touched by your sincere words.." Grandpa Wu said with snort.

"Thank you, Elder." Zhi Qiang replied respectfully. At least he gained an ally to support him chasing

after Ming Yue.

"But let me tell you this, Little Yue is not an easy girl to chase. You better be prepared for anything."

warned Grandpa Wu.

Hearing this, Long Zhi Qiang laughed hard, "Don't worry, Elder. I know this part very well." he said in

reassuring tone.

Zhi Qiang remembered how many years he chased after Chang'e in the past life. She rejected him

many times, insulted him, tricked him even disappeared for few years from him. Zhi Qiang remembered

how her disappearance had drove him crazy and he did everything and literally everything to find her


Suddenly Zhi Qiang's brow creased slightly. He realized how his memories seemed returning little by

little because now he could recall some of the past memories he had before he met Chang'e. His dull

and cold life as the Ghost King. He needed to go to Demon Realm as soon as possible..

Time passed by and practice time ended. Ming Yue faced the members of Black Falcon and smiled

politely at them, "Thank you for helping us practice. I know it's hard to have a tyrant as your captain."

She said without even feeling guilty for speaking bad about Zhi Qiang.

Zhi Qiang heard this when he walked toward Ming Yue with Grandpa Wu by his side and for him whose

face had become thick, Zhi Qiang didn't feel insulted nor angry toward Ming Yue's remark. Stopping

close to her, Zhi Qiang stared and Ming Yue lovingly,

"Actually it's an honor for my team members to help you, My Yue~" He said in sweet tone,

"After all, it's their duty to help the future wife of Long Zhi Qiang~"

Ming Yue shot a scowl look at him, she was annoyed by this man's shamelessness. It knew no bounds!

"Why are you so confident that I will willingly be your wife, Mr. Long? You should stop being a

narcissist. It's not a good trait at all." Ming Yue sneered, snorting in mockery. "You are not the only man

in this world. There are many good men out there."

"My dear Moon, you won't be able to love any men but me. Fate has tied us together and that is the

truth." Zhi Qiang said, still wearing the smile that could melt any women on the spot.

"More over, of all the men out there in the world, I am the best of all and the only one who can match

you, Sweet Moon."


Ming Yue was speechless hearing such confident words coming from his lips, this man was truly on

another level in the term of shamelessness. She scoffed in disbelief, "Sorry to break your narcissistic

dream, but let me tell you this.."

"Even if the hell freeze over, I won't be with you." Ming Yue declared and gazed at him coldly.

The corner of Zhi Qiang curled up even more as his time became mysterious, "We'll see about that."

Thus he answered with such words.

The three members of Black Falcon felt sour feeling surging from their hearts as they watched their

tyrant captain flirting right in of them. What kind of new torture was this?! Shouldn't the captain dismiss

them first before flirting?! Did he want to abuse the single dogs so much?!

"Hey... are you sure he really is our captain? He is not being invaded by evil spirit or alien like in Men In

Bl*ck movie right?" Wei Qian whispered to the other members.

"tsk tsk tsk, You should stop watching those kinds of movie if you are a scaredy cat, Wei Qian ah.." Cao

Feng whispered back.

"Who the hell is a scaredy cat?!" Wei Qian growled while whispering, "Blame the captain for being


"In my view, Captain just show the flirty side of him. This is the side we have never known but in my

opinion, for captain who has iron tree in his heart, that girl is definitely his match." Cao Feng said

ignoring Wei Qian who hurled curses at him while being glared at by An Fu.

"as for me.. I just hope captain stop spreading dog food in front of me.." Cao Wen whispered in weary

tone, "I am just a single dog after all. I want him to have mercy on me.."

"Having mercy is not the trait of our Captain, dear cousin." Cao Feng patted Cao Wen's shoulder, his

expression showed how he sympathized with his feeling.

"True.." Cao Wen sighed wearily once again.


A soft yelp of pain caught Cao Wen's ears and he turned his head toward the source, finding out that it

came from Ming Ran, the teenage girl who he taught beginners movement just now and also the friend

of Captain's wife-to-be.

Cao Wen walked toward the girl who sat on the ground, touching her ankle. "Are you okay?"

"A-Ah.. I-I am fine, sir.." Ming Ran answered while stuttering.

Cao Wen's forehead creased slightly, clearly he was unconvinced by the girl's 'I am fine' words. It was

so obvious that she was in pain by the way she held back in wincing. Without saying any words back,

Cao Wen squatted, took her in his arms and lifted her in princess carry.

Ming Ran inhaled a sharp air and stared at the man with widened eyes. Not only her, Yu Wang and Mu

Chen were also surprised by Cao Wen's action. Ming Ran's face turned red instantly while she was

being carried to the nearby bench. Cao Wen squatted and touched her ankle and moved it slightly.

A soft moan of pain escaped Ming Ran's lips and hearing that Cao Wen's hands froze and his body

stiffened. He lifted his gaze and met Ming Ran's eyes but those eyes soon darted to many places as if

too shy to meet his. Cao Wen narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling amused seeing how bashful Ming Ran

got and her cute reaction. She looked like a cute hamster in his eyes.

"It's not that bad but you might refrain from walking around for a while." Cao Wen said and put her foot

back, staring at the white skin for a short while before standing up. He put his hands into his pockets,

recalling the sensation of touching the girl's soft skin but soon pushed the thought to the back of his


"Th-Thank you, Sir.." Ming Ran said shyly and finally met his sharp gaze that seemed to be fixed on

her. She tried not to be timid by not removing her eyes quickly.


Cao Wen somehow felt uncomfortable to be called that. He didn't know why he felt like such but being

called 'Sir' by this young girl made him feeling way older than his actual age.

"Don't call me with Sir.. just call me Cao Wen.." Cao Wen said, his eyes never left Ming Ran's face as if

he was trying to burn the image into his brain.

"...Th-That would be.. ru-rude.." Ming Ran replied in stutter.

"I am the one who told you to call me that, how come it would be rude? Just try calling that.." Cao Wen

retorted with a frown.

"..Ca-Cao.. Wen..?" Ming Ran timidly called the man's name but ended it with a question tone.

Seeing her timidly calling out his name, Cao Wen's lips curled up and replied, "That's right.. Ming Ran."

The other team members saw the spark between Ming Ran and Cao Wen. Glancing at each other,

their heart became one, assuming that this might be the start of Cao Wen's love life. So only their

captain, it seemed another teenage girl had picked the interest of their vice captain.

Not only them, Ming Yue also paid attention to both Ming Ran and Cao Wen's interaction. Even though

she didn't show it, deep down Ming Yue felt worried about Ming Ran's interaction with Cao Wen. Unlike

Ming Yue who had the soul of an adult woman, Ming Ran was a real teenage girl. Ming Yue didn't want

her to fall in love with Cao Wen only to be heartbroken later. After all, the man was an adult. There

would be many women older than Ming Ran who would try to get close to Cao Wen and getting closer

to Cao Wen, Ming Ran would be an easy target to those women.

Zhi Qiang seemed to sense Ming Yue's distress. The way she gazed at Cao Wen and Ming Ran, worry

and anxiety could be seen in the depth of her beautiful eyes despite the neutral expression she


Leaning slightly, Zhi Qiang murmured softly, "Cao Wen is a responsible man. You don't have to be

worried. At this point, Cao Wen probably only think that the girl is cute or something."

"I also will make sure that Cao Wen won't break the girl's heart, you can trust me on this." Zhi Qiang

added more.

A scoff escaped Ming Yue's lips, "When it comes to breaking heart, you are the expert and you want

me to put my trust in you?" She asked, her tone laced with mockery.

"Better dream only when you sleep, Mr. Long." Ming Yue said coldly, "I won't trust a man like you,


With that Ming Yue walked away, headed toward Ming Ran. "Ming Ran, I will send you back. Tomorrow

you need to rest at home, don't use your feet for a while unless it's necessary." She said.

Ming Ran nodded, "Un, I un-understand, Leader."

Zhi Qiang stared at Ming Yue with indescribable expression on his face. His eyes were focusing on her

until a certain name caught his attention.

"Little Yue, after we send Ming Ran back we need to return as soon as possible. By the time you return

home, Yang Lixin might be there waiting for you." Grandpa Wu reminded his granddaughter.

Hearing the name Yang Lixin, Ming Yue's expression distorted slightly as worry appeared on her face.

Zhi Qiang's frowned by this sight. Hearing the name of a man he didn't know and seeing the reaction

that Ming Yue gave, his heart burned by the flame of jealousy. Ming Yue didn't notice the jealous

expression on Zhi Qiang's face but Grandpa Wu noticed it. He didn't say anything when Ming Yue

helped Ming Ran and left the training field with her. Yu Wang and Mu Chen helped Ming Ran by

carrying her bag. They left after expressing their gratitude once again to Black Falcon team members.

The other party had left and the Black Falcon team members were the only one at the training field.

They felt a little bit shocked by the wife-to-be's behavior who didn't say anything to their captain when Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

she left. Their eyes stared at the captain, wondering why he just stood there with no intention to leave.

However the answer to the question in their minds soon arrived.

"How long are you going to hide?" Zhi Qiang suddenly spoke.

The Black Falcon members became tense. They knew their captain wouldn't ask such question without


Step.. Step.. Step.. Step..

The sound of steps could be heard but no figure could be seen. Sweats ran through their back, thinking

that this might be related to supernatural things. However their tension soon broke when a figure

suddenly appeared out of thin air, they looked at it with dumbfounded expression and responded in



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