Rebirth : A Woman With Frozen Heart

Long Zhi Qiang's Happiness

Long Zhi Qiang's Happiness

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Staring at the young girl who was in the middle of giving pointers to her friends, Long Zhi Qiang

couldn't contain the happiness that was surging from within his heart.

"....It really IS you.." Zhi Qiang muttered softly under his breath.

'I finally found you.. My 'Bright Moon'..'

Along the way from the airport to high school, Zhi Qiang couldn't help but feeling anxious. In his mind,

many scenario of 'what ifs' were played. What if the person he loved was not the reincarnation of

Chang'e, What if his feeling of love toward Ming Yue was divided, What if he found Chang'e and didn't

loved her wholeheartedly like before. Could such love even be called love?

Now all of his worries were blown away by this single discovery. Ming Yue was Chang'e, this was

certain. Ling Mao wouldn't call another being 'Master'. That tittle only reserved for Chang'e. For Zhi

Qiang who had restored some of his past memories as Zhong Kui, he knew this fact all too well.

That was the reason why he felt so happy that he had to hold himself from going to Ming Yue and

kissed her senseless. He couldn't do that. At least not yet. His past sin, which was failing to recognize

his own feeling and made her suffer, still had not forgiven yet.

"..uh.. Captain?"

Cao Wen's voice snapped Zhi Qiang from his deep thought. He turned around slightly and saw his

team members were staring at him with questions in the depth of their eyes. Ignoring their stares, Zhi

Qiang continued walking. The members of Black Falcon were speechless by their captain's behavior,

they wanted to complain but the the person already left them behind again. In the end, they just chased

after him and followed them from behind.

Ming Yue caught Zhi Qiang's presence from the corner of her eyes and she stopped the training. Her

eyes watched how he walked toward her and frowned slightly when she noticed a huge Yin energy

coming from him.

'..Zhi Qiang is demon..?'

'..But how?!'

Staring warily at Zhi Qiang who stopped in front of her, Ming Yue asked the usual question whenever

she met the man.

"What are you doing here? If you came here to pick me up then without regret I am telling you that I

have someone picking me up." She said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

Ming Yue was hoping to see his smile distorted even just a little but unbeknownst to her, the man

before her was not the same Long Zhi Qiang she knew. Instead of the smile became distorted, it grew

wider. Ming Yue's heart stopped beating for a moment when she saw the way Zhi Qiang smiled.


Because the way he smiled resembled someone she knew in the past. It was a smile filled with

adoration and love.

'...Zhong Kui..?'

Ming Yue's heart trembled just by calling his name in her mind. Soon it filled with intense longing and

sadness, as if her soul was calling out that man. Hoping that that man would find her and wrapped her

within his loving embrace. The feeling was running havoc in her heart but outside, Ming Yue still

maintained her indifferent and cold attitude.

'Get a hold of yourself, Wu Ming Yue!'

'There is no way this man 'Zhong Kui'.. You need to remember that they are two different men..'

'..Zhong Kui is the man who love Chang'e more than his own life.. and the man before you..'

'..Is the man who caused you so much heartache and suffering..'

Scolding herself inwardly, Ming Yue stared at the man with question in her eyes. "Well?"

"I came here not to pick you up." Zhi Qiang said, his eyes never left her face even for a second. It as if

the young girl before him was the center of his world, others didn't need to live in it.

"Oh?" Ming Yue raised an eyebrow, her eyes filled with ridicule and mockery "Then tell me, Mr. Long..

What did you come here for?"

Seeing how the young girl before him asked the question while ridiculing him with her eyes, Zhi Qiang's All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

heart was tickled.

'..She behaves the same way like she was in the past..'

'Sure enough, this girl is Chang'e..'

'The way she ridicule me is just like 'that time'..'

'..But different from 'that time', I can't punish her rude little mouth.'

"If I said I came to see you?" Zhi Qiang leaned closer to her face, close enough to feel each other's

breath and close enough for Zhi Qiang to inhaled her sweet scent.

"What will you do~ My Yue~?" Zhi Qiang whispered in loving tone. The same loving tone Zhong Kui

used to Chang'e.

'She has the same scent. This is indeed the scent of Chang'e.'

Ming Yue stood there without even taking a step back when she saw Zhi Qiang was leaning closer

toward her. Both of them staring at each other as the world around them disappeared from their sight.

Cold eyes met Loving ones, sparks could even be felt from the way they gazed at each other.

"Now that you have seen me, shouldn't you be on your way now?"

Just like that, Ming Yue destroyed the atmosphere between the two of them. Yet, Zhi Qiang's smile

didn't crumble even for a little bit. "But after I have seen you, I want to be with you now." He replied, his

tone was full of pampering.

"I don't want to though." Ming Yue retorted, clearly annoyed by his stubbornness.

"I also want to talk with you."

"I don't want to talk to you though."

"But My dear Yue, you already talked to me from a while ago~"


Ming Yue shot a glare filled annoyance at the damnable man. Seeing the smirk on his handsome face,

there was nothing Ming Yue wanted more than to punch that smirk off his face. How could a man be so

shameless like this?! Ming Yue really didn't know how this man's face became so thick.

Zhi Qiang had become a shameless man when he decided to be Ming Yue's servant but what Ming

Yue didn't know, because Zhi Qiang regained some of his past memories as Zhong Kui, the

shamelessness had doubled.. No.. it even tripled than before. If Zhong Kui didn't have a very thick

face, he wouldn't get Chang'e to fall in love with him after all.

On the contrary to Ming Yue and Zhi Qiang situation, the three members of Black Falcon were shocked

by the behavior of their captain.

"Wait.. who is that man?" Wei Qian asked, staring in disbelief as he watched how the man he regarded

as captain was flirting with a young girl.

"..I don't know myself.." Cao Wen replied, looking doubtful.

"Did I see this right? This is not an illusion, isn't?" Cao Feng asked, "Captain is flirting with a teenage


".....Not that shocking." An Fu said, his expression remained the same.

Wei Qian, "....."

Cao Wen, "....."

Cao Feng, "....."

"No no no! you miss the point here, An Fu!" Wei Qian said frantically, "This is captain, you know!"

"Yeah! The same captain who has iron tree in his heart! The one who finds women annoying and

throwing harsh words at them when they got too close to him!" Cao Feng added more, agreeing to

what Wei Qian said.

"I agree with them. Looking at captain right now, I even feeling doubtful whether he is the same strict

captain I know." Cao Wen said, sighing softly.

"...He is happy." An Fu said while nodding, showing them that he understood what they meant.

Wei Qian, "..."

Cao Feng, "....."

Cao Wen, "..."

'This guy DEFINITELY doesn't understand..'

The heart of Wei Qian, Cao Feng and Cao Wen had become one as they mused such though inwardly.

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