Obsession and desire

wonderful feeling

wonderful feeling

“What, have I never seen such poor feet before?” Camille asks him, pulling him out of his thoughts, while with difficulty she moves her skin, trying to push him away. Andy reacts and comes to his senses. “Excuse me, you have beautiful skin, very pleasant to the touch," he says as he looks at her face. “Excuse me?” she runs backwards avoiding his touching her, although she would love to be touched much more, she knows this is not a normal reaction, so she decides to mark the distance. “Don't take it wrong Camille, it's just something I detailed, but come let me check you-Andy approaches again and takes her foot, now if focused on her ankle, he raises his bushy eyebrows, he notices that Camille's injury is quite dark, it has a purple tone and is quite swollen, he didn't understand how she was enduring the pain. She looks him in the eyes, she can't believe that her handsome boss was checking her out like a friend, and it was making her nervous, a few moments ago she was wishing Andy Alf would die, and now she was wishing he would touch her more than just her leg. “Camille let's go to the hospital, your foot is quite swollen, medium care is necessary, or you could lose your foot”. “No doctor, I am still on probation, besides I have to go to collect the money, the social security would not cover my expenses and in the bus they do not receive this paper to pay my ticket and much less in the train” She tells him always with a tone of sarcasm, that was how she was getting used to address Andy, it bothered her that he was so far from reality. “The least I can do at this point is to have the company cover all the extra medical expenses you have outside of social security, besides I will take you myself." She approaches a small box next to her chair, opens it and takes out a wad of dollars and gives it to him.” Don't worry about going to the bank to cash the check in that condition, it won't even make it to the corner. Camille is dumbfounded by everything he is doing, is it a dream? She asks herself, if it was a dream, she wanted to be woken up now, no one had been so interested in her in the last few days. “No need Mr. Andy, I…-He approaches her, takes her by the body and asks her to put his arm on

her shoulder, but as he is so tall, he asks her to take him by the waist, she feels nervous when touching his sculptural body, she can feel his worked muscles and she feels panic. He also takes her by her waist and feels the same sensation of that day he saw her figure through the window, she is slim and has a good body, but because of the clothes she wears, it is not easy to appreciate. The two leave the office before the unscrupulous eyes of the employees on the floor, Cristine the secretary cannot believe the image she is seeing, her boss carrying the ugliest and most disheveled employee in his arms. The gossip was not long in coming, some were talking to others and muttering expletives, but for Andy who was the boss, at that moment he was not interested in anything, so carefully they arrived at the elevator, there he lets her go a little, he stares at her, they are facing each other, he is sweating a little, and she has her breathing accelerated. “Mr. Andy, I..." Camilla tries to break the uncomfortable silence.” she bows her head and knows that no matter how much she wants to, she can't refuse “I can only ask you to deduct it from my salary in small installments, the truth is I couldn't pay it in large sums, I have to cover my mother's expenses.” Andy looks at her as if the money meant nothing to him, he simply hands it to her, buttons his jacket, and looks at her tenderly. “Camille, later we arrange the payment method, now come on please, come help you” He approaches her, takes her body and asks her to put her arm on his shoulder, but as he is so tall, he better ask her to take him by the waist, she feels nervous when touching his sculpted body, you can feel his worked muscles and she feels panic. He also takes her by her waist and feels the same sensation of that day he saw her figure through the window, she is slim and has a good body, but because of the clothes she wears, it is not easy to appreciate. The two leave the office before the unscrupulous eyes of the employees on the floor, Cristine the secretary cannot believe the image she is seeing, her boss carrying the ugliest and most disheveled employee in his arms. The gossip was not long in coming, some were talking to others and muttering expletives, but for Andy who was the boss, at that moment he was not interested in

anything, so carefully they arrived at the elevator, there he lets her go a little, he stares at her, they are facing each other, he is sweating a little, and she has her breathing accelerated. “Mr. Andy, I..." Camilla tries to break the uncomfortable silence. Andy puts a finger over her mouth, and gestures for her to remain silent, she feels her nerves alter as she assimilates the touch of her boss, his finger was so big and soft, the worst thoughts went through her head at that moment, she wanted to stick her tongue out and lick him, but she knew that between him and her it would never happen, Andy was just having an act of kindness. Already in the parking lot, he takes her just like in the office, the driver is already waiting for them, when they get to the car, Orlando helps her to get in, she recognized his smell, she had already been inside the day of the robbery, so she wasn't surprised, her surprise came when Andy sat next to her and as if he always acted unconscious he put his hand on her leg. Actually, she didn't understand it, he behaved so nice, he made her think that he was interested in her, but that was something totally impossible, she was the poorest and ugliest in the whole city, he was the most handsome, multimillionaire, graceful, desired and above all committed man in the world, she just tried to think that everything was a legitimate act of charity. Andy gets closer to her, he looks at her face and is ecstatic with her face, and without asking her permission, he touches her face, starts massaging her cheek and Camille just stands petrified looking at him, he had a spectacular mouth, perfect white teeth, piercing dark eyes, and above all his hand was a delight, it was a perfect combination of softness and hardness, this gave him the perfect touch of sensuality. While both are in that act of admiration, her driver brakes, and clears his throat to inform that they are already in the hospital, but it is not one where an employee would go, Andy takes her to a private clinic, where she is received in a wheelchair, and the attention is almost immediate, although as in everything that had to do with Alf, in the hospital everyone looked at her as if she were a clown. “Damn society, haven't they ever seen anyone like me?” She grumbles. Andy simply smiles and looks at her tenderly. “You mean they haven't seen someone as beautiful as you." She scoffs, she really thought it wasExclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

funny that those words came out of him, to think she was beautiful was sacrilege. The doctor approaches with the results of an x-ray that had been taken a few moments before. “Miss Ibis, your ankle is dislocated, it is important to make a correction, fortunately it is not serious, but it is necessary for you to see the orthopedist to put your ankle back in place, otherwise there are no fractures, so surgery is not necessary”. “Well doctor, thank you very much," she says as she receives the plate. “Well, as you have heard, now the orthopedist will see you, he will take your foot and put it back in place, so don't go crying, because the repositioning of the ankle is quite painful," Andy speaks to her as if he were a very reliable friend. “Why is he doing all this for me?” Camille can't resist the urge to confront him. “Doing what? I'm not doing anything out of the ordinary, you're an employee of my office, you can't go around badly injured on my premises.” “Or is it just to avoid a bad hallway comment?” she asks frustrated. “No, of course not, I would have easily sent her to a trusted security employee and that's it, Camille, please don't ask any more questions, the truth is that I don't even know what I'm doing here with you" Andy changes his tone of voice and doesn't call her by her name anymore, she makes him feel ashamed, and he really didn't know the reason why he was there, he had no obligation, but inside him there was something that urged him to be by Camille's side, but he didn't know what it was. Now between the two of them there is an uncomfortable silence, until the orthopedist arrives and makes Camille follow him, she with the help of Andy settles on the stretcher waiting for the correction. “Well Miss Ibis, my name is Alvaro, I'm going to correct your ankle, okay?” “Yes doctor, do what you have to do”. “This is going to hurt a little bit, so please try to be calm and relaxed.” Camille nods, and sees how Andy is closer to her side, he takes her hand and she squeezes it when she feels the sudden movement that the orthopedist makes to adjust her ankle, she screams and from her nerves she squeezes Andy even more, he is amused to see her cowardice, and there they are both laughing like fools after what the doctor did.

“Mr. Andy, thank you very much indeed, I hope someday I can repay you for what you have done for me”. “You have nothing to thank, it was all with pleasure Camille, you needed attention, take the incapacity that the doctor gave you, I will take you home, and you take care of getting food over the phone, and take care of yourself, by the way, you have not eaten anything, I am sorry, let's go right now and eat”. “Camille is embarrassed, but she has realized that if there is one word he doesn't understand, it's the word NO” “What do you feel like eating Camille? He moves even closer to her, causing her hair to stand on end”. “Hey, if I'm starving, a pizza would be fine for me, but please, I choose the place, I don't want to go to a rich guy's place anymore, I'm sick of being looked at like a weird doll”. “Let me take you to a place you will like and don't worry, no one will look at you strangely” She looks at him and thanks him again. Minutes later they were at a pizza place, called "pizza word", a very popular pizza place in town, there were many kids playing video games, families eating, and a lot of food, it was not a place where Andy could go, but she was delighted, even though she was holding herself by a crutch and dead in pain, the place seemed charming to her. After eating a giant pizza of various flavors, she is totally pleased. “I see you were very hungry, Camille, how long has it been since you've eaten, you almost devoured me too," said Andy with a chuckle. Andy's phone rings leaving her speechless, he automatically answers with one of his wireless headphones that he always wears. On the other end of the line, she hears shouting. “Andy, but where are you? I've been looking for you for more than two hours!” “Good afternoon, dear, I'm on a stagecoach, tell me what happened?” “Don't be Andy Alf, how could you forget that we had a meeting with the investor from China, a big deal depended on it, now this guy is super annoyed, you are supposed to stand out for your

punctuality, but of course, do I have to be your shadow, so you don't forget things?” Camille focuses her gaze elsewhere so as not to be reckless and listen to the voice coming through the earpiece, Andy simply sighs resignedly, for such a young man he had to live the life of someone much older and not even a slice of pizza could he enjoy. “Well, please calm down, don't yell at me anymore”. “I don't calm down Andy, where are you at? As usual you and your forgetfulness, I can't be behind you all the time, don't you have a secretary to remind you every minute? I have told you a hundred times that your memory problem has to be fixed with a doctor, but blessed God, you always do whatever you want, I am sorry that I have to marry you, really one of these days you forget that I am your wife and you leave me abandoned... you are an idiot Andy, now what are we going to do with the business?” For a moment Andy's cheeks are quite red, his eyes darken a little more and his countenance changes. “No shit Keyra, I can't stand you talking to me like that, couldn't you sustain a business without me? Where are the skills you talk so much about? And yes, I also regret having to marry you, because I don't recognize myself sleeping next to a harpy like you," Andy hangs up on her. Camille is embarrassed and can't even say half a word. “Excuse me, my fiancée is an unbearable pain in the ass.” Camille lets out a monumental laugh when she hears that her boss can't even utter an expletive. “A what, don't worry about me, I understand, that's how couple problems must be.” “Are you single? Or do you have some kind of commitment” Andy asks him with a blush. “No, I am happily single, the truth in my life if I have had two boyfriends is a lot, but it was not something serious, the truth I do not like to tangle with anyone, my mother is sick, I must take care of her and my little sister, my whole life since I left school revolves around them since my father died, so I do not suffer from your ills” between them now there is an air of relaxation. Later Andy takes Camille to her aunt's house, who is looking out of the window and upon seeing her on crutches hypocritically welcomes her, Andy waves goodbye, Camille regrets that her wonderful fairy tale is over, now hell awaits her.

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