Obsession and desire

The birth of Andy and Keyra's son

The birth of Andy and Keyra's son

Lately the days were going by at great speed, Andy was already able to walk without his crutches with only a cane and had decided to return to his company, he wanted to take charge of his business again, although many of his employees had had some bad experience with him, they knew about his generosity, and they wanted him to finally feel better. Andy arrived at the company office and everyone gave him a friendly welcome, they had balloons decorating the office, and a big cake with a sign that said: "welcome boss", in other times this would have been offensive to Andy but since he met Camille began to give a real meaning to the employees who collaborated with him in his company, after a few words of welcome, and a small celebration in his honor, Andy returns and as if only a few days had passed instead of so many long months, everything was in its place, that made him feel a little fresh. He fervently remembered how he watched his beloved from there, turned on the laptop monitor again and the first thing he decided was to look at Camille's job, he knew that it was already occupied by someone else, but hope was the only thing he could lose Although the disappointment soon came, that position was now occupied by a gentleman who had been hired to replace Camille, not even he knew where she lived now, he did not want to find out either, his obsession with her ended, if she did not want to listen to him when she I call hundreds of times begging for a minute of attention, it's because she didn't want to be with him, he couldn't force her no matter how much he thought about it. She feels that there is a knock on her door, she looks at her through the monitor, it is Keyra who is behind the door with a box in her arms, her belly is bulging and she is a little uncomfortable, so she decides to open it quickly, the last few days they had decided to take the party in peace, it was not convenient for them to have a discussion in that state. “Hello Andy, dear. How are you feeling back today?” “Well thank you very much for your concern, tell me what brings you here?” “My love, I came to bring you this welcome gift, it is a work carved by the angels themselves, it costs a fortune, but you deserve it, you can put it to decorate your office, in that corner”. She pointsContent (C) Nôv/elDra/ma.Org.

to a corner that is empty of decorations in Andy's office. “Well, I appreciate the detail, but I don't want you to call me love, okay? I don't want you to misinterpret my kindness with something related to love, Keyra understands that we are only here for the clauses and especially for our daughter” He takes the curious box as to what Keyra's gift was, his eyes showed no surprise upon realizing that it is a nude sculpture of Keyra. He can't help but smirk at her graceful gift. “Do you want me to put your naked body carved in marble as decoration in my office?” “If I want you to do it, it's a sign of our union, but Andy was spectacular, look at the material, it also cost me a fortune” “Of course, I'm not going to deny that it's spectacular, but I don't want to have it in my workplace, "it would distract me" says Andy, continuing with his mocking tone, he really didn't want to make her feel bad, but how could he bring such a gift? of welcoming”. “So, what do you want to do with the sculpture?” “I don't know, take it to your office, there surely it would be very useful for you, especially because of the men who surround you, I know that you work with many men, like your secretaries and others, there you would really take advantage of a replica of your naked body.” “You are daring, I just wanted to have a detail with you, I'm leaving and I'll take her in the end and after all it cost me millions, Keyra stands up abruptly and feels like a stream of water falls between her legs, the fountain was breaking and the contractions begin, she had felt a little bad in the morning, but now the pain was increasing”. “Keyra What is happening to you, tell me?” Andy gets up still a little lame and tries to get closer to see what is wrong with him, he feels a cold go through his body when he sees all the amount of water with some sparks of blood on the floor “Andy, it's about time! My water broke, there is little time left for Zoe to be born, take me to a hospital damn it”. Andy goes into shock, but reacts immediately, calls the closest employees to help him with Keyra, she knows that she still has a little more time to go into labor, so they would manage to get to the hospital, how can a couple of employees pick up Keyra and take her to Andy's car, Orlando is

already waiting for them, he was an expert in driving at high speed, all the way Andy supported Keyra, so that she could breathe and endure the labor pains, she did what he asked, although they were not a happy family, Andy made an effort for his baby to be born safe and sound. Already in the hospital she begins her labor and about two hours later Andy is informed that his little girl has already been born, with the happiness of every father he prepares to meet his little girl, who, although it was not with the woman he loved, she was everything, she was not to blame for her parents' bad decisions. Andy enters Keyra's private room, the hospital where he had the opportunity to have his daughter, it was a luxury, the floors were perfectly polished, the bed was a medium bed, which gave him access so that he could have his daughter in her arms and attention, just for a mother who was demanding of her, Zoé was born immediately, she was already giving orders and going back to being the same sullen woman as before, who didn't mind going over whoever she was and in what way to achieve his objectives. “Andy, dear! Look who has come to save our marriage”. Andy approaches with a lot of effort, but without smiling because of the bad joke that Keyra was telling him, he leaves his cane aside and takes his little girl in his arms, she was a very beautiful girl, with a slightly dark skin tone, but he didn't like her. It didn't matter Andy thought that was natural in babies. “You're beautiful little girl, I love you” Andy begins to touch her, kiss her and place her on his chest, finally something was his and he had promised to take care of her even with his own life, he would not do the same to her as his father did. He filled her with pampering, Keyra looked at him pleased, she knew that with Zoé's arrival her marriage would take a different course, who would have thought that that night of an experiment without foundation, salvation for her marriage with Andy had been born. The news of the birth of the daughter of two of the wealthiest families in the country was already echoing in the entertainment news, everyone was talking about the great merger of the two companies, and the things that would come commercially to the country, they were talking of Zoé as if it had been the signing of a free trade agreement.

“Thank you Keyra for giving me such a beautiful daughter, you make me very happy”. Andy approaches Keyra and as an unconscious act gives her a kiss on the cheek, he was happy with the blessed creation that he had in her arms. Camille already knew about the birth of the union of these two lucky parents, she felt infinite envy because she dreamed of one day being the mother of Andy's son, but that only stayed there, in a dream, when she saw the news of show business, she felt like a huge hole was being made in her chest, she still loved Andy with all the strength of her heart and she couldn't resist the idea that he already had his whole family, she wanted to talk to him to listen to him why he did so much to her and above all to know how his health was, also to congratulate him on his daughter, but she would wait a few days, she would know from what she knew him, that he would be entertained and devoted to his little girl, meanwhile she would continue to take refuge in the unconditional love that Johnny gave her, him despite knowing that she was not in love with him, he was confident that one day her feelings would turn wholly towards him. The day after Zoé's birth, her closest relatives were in the hospital. Fortunately, on Andy's side there was only his mother and father, so they would wait until the abundant Jones family finished with their daughter's long visit. “Son, I congratulate you, I am very happy because your baby girl was born safe and sound, always remember that regardless of the relationship you have with the girl's mother, you should always be aware of her and ensure her well-being, you are her example to follow Please don't let me down”. “No mom, believe me I won't, I love Zoé with all the strength of my soul”. “When you were born your biological father said the same thing about you, Joaquín was devoted to you, but he rarely disappeared. He loved you I knew it, because he always spoke to me in the womb, and told you how much he loved you, when Samuel told me that Joaquín had abandoned us I felt my heart break into a thousand pieces, you were born what he has Zoé, only two days my love, how lucky are your little girl and her mother, because you are here with them”. “Thank you, mom, but I will never abandon you, even if you are still married to the bad man of my father”. They both chat pleasantly while they wait for Keyra's family to leave, Raquel is anxious to meet her

granddaughter. “Hello Keyra, dear, congratulations, you make us very happy, our families are very proud of how strong you have been with this birth”. “Thank you very much, mother-in-law, but it has all been thanks to Andy, who despite his state of health has been there with me these months” She hypocritically looks at Andy, thinking that her mother does not know about the deplorable situation of her marriage, Andy can barely smile out of the corner of her lips, in her thoughts she believed she was a hypocrite. So, curiously, without Keyra noticing, she took off her little granddaughter's stockings, and her surprise was terrifying when she realized that she was the only one of her generations who did not have the stain, also when she touched her she did not feel that familiar sensation, or that instinct, at that moment he began to doubt his daughter-in-law. And she without keeping any silence she addressed Andy. -Son, come I want to tell you something, look at your baby, how beautiful. -She tells him to hide from Keyra that she doesn't stop watching. Andy was talking to some friends who were visiting the new mother, and he approached Raquel. “Tell me mom, is she beautiful right?” Andy looks at Zoé with a face in love. “Yes, my son, all babies are beautiful, but there is something with Zoé that does not completely convince me.” “What mom? Her skin tones. Keyra told me that her great-grandfather was dark, that this can be inherited up to three or four generations, oh, mom! You know what it would cost Keyra to lie, besides, I know that Zoé is my daughter and I consider her as such”. Andy picks her up and begins to pamper her, he talks to her and pouts at her, he was really in love with his daughter, but Raquel knew deep down that something was hidden on Keyra's part, such an impromptu pregnancy, a marriage with clauses involved. Andy does not even remember when he was with her that he could get her pregnant, she was his mother and he was going to do everything possible to find out the truth, if little Zoé was his granddaughter he would give her all the love and support in the world unconditionally But if it wasn't, Keyra would have to pay the consequences of

her actions, and although in the attempt she would know that her son's heart could be affected, he wanted to see him really happy with the person he really loves.

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