Obsession and desire

pride and prejudice

pride and prejudice

First thing Monday morning, Camille is back at Parker, for the weekend she had dedicated herself to her sister, she really didn't want to know about the company, much less about the intentions of her recent suitors. But there was something that made her look for Brett, there was something in the work area where she was and the only one who could clarify her doubt about a report, it was precisely him. So, he approaches his office, where the half-closed door is, he realizes that Brett is not alone, this morning he was accompanied by his friend Mario, without wanting to do it, but with the curiosity that caused him to hear what they were talking about, he just stands listening at the door. “I congratulate you my dear friend! That you have remained with the presidency of ALF was the greatest achievement that you could have obtained, now yes, we must absorb that company, but you know you must be very secretive” Brett passes a glass to Mario and congratulates him on his latest feat. “Thank you, friend, you don't know how long I've been waiting for this moment, I'm finally going to recover what belongs to my family, which has been in austerity for so many years” Mario receives the cup, smiles at him evilly, and they are both toasting. “I would have paid to see the face of Andy's idiot, with his pride in the apartment and in front of all the shareholders”. “That was a real show! And not to mention his father's face, they were both pale, for a moment Samuel thought that Andy, as always, was going to come out on top with all the challenges he gave him, until I arrive, Ha! But not to mention, because it was with the help of the little woman who is her secretary, she was the one who helped everything” Camille surprised by everything she was hearing feels her breathing agitated, she doesn't know whether to continue listening to the conversation or leave from there He knew that what that pair of men were doing to Andy was too unfair. But despite that, she was there, without moving, petrified as a statue. “Well friend, now all that remains is for you to get rid of that secretary as soon as you can, simply donate a sum of money to her account, give her a warning and fire her, and we'll take care of theCopyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

rest”. They are both planning in a Machiavellian way how to sink Andy, they both laughed at the same beat as they clinked their glasses, Camille couldn't believe what she was hearing, against Andy there were plans that could very surely destroy him, but that she nothing could be, because he had cut off any kind of contact with her, although her heart longed for him and wanted to be with him, she couldn't do anything at all. “Now are you listening behind the doors?!” Gisell's voice made Camille jump, when she turns to see her, her cheeks blush and she is immediately embarrassed. “No, it's that I came to look for Brett, but I see that he's busy” Camille's voice breaks and a drop of sweat falls from her forehead “Calm down Camille, I'm not the one to judge you, besides they're both with Mario, I don't like him very much, let's say, they're going to stay there for a while. Do you want to go for a coffee?” Brett's sister was too kind, she did not have any trait of arrogance like her brother. Camille looks at her and smiles. “Okay, yes I need it, I'll be back” they both go out to a beautiful cafeteria that was in the same company, they ask for a couple of coffees and for a moment silence reigns between the two, until Gesell smiles at her and tells her break. “Camille, please be careful, my brother is willing to conquer you at any cost, but I know from the rumors in this medium that you were Andy's partner”. Camille looks at her and smiles just at the corner of her lips. “But how fast corridor gossip runs around these parts! No?” she takes a sip of his coffee and turns her gaze embarrassed. “It's not hallway gossip Camille, it's just that, inadvertently, just as you listen to my brother's conversation with Mario, I'm able to hear their bad intentions, maybe they don't have them with you, but that of collapsing the competition in an unfair way It doesn't go with my principles, but Brett was always my father's spoiled son, and I have very little opinion here. So that position of vice president is nothing more than an acronym for my existence”. “ Really? I can't believe what you're telling me, I really have to be impartial, it's possible that I'll look

for another job and get out of all this, I'll only be there for a couple of months because I'm financially bad, with the death of my mother I'm left with impossible debts to pay and now I have to solve them, otherwise I would not have accepted the offer”. “You don't have to leave, just don't pay attention to Brett, if you refuse the first time, he's too proud and surely he won't keep insisting, but if you give in, you'll surely become his everything”. “Well, very surely I will say no, after knowing all your intentions”. “When we were little I was very friends with Andy, even until youth, but with the enmity of our families, we did not speak again, I appreciate him very much, but I cannot be the one to help him at this moment, I am managing to knead my capital to leave the country, and if I do something against my family it would be sacrilege”. “I really don't know what to do, because what they plan to do isn't even illegal, and if Mario dishonestly won the presidency of ALF, I have no way to prove it”. “Well, well, it's in your hands that you look for the solution, for now I have to go, I'm the vice president, but I have more work than a common employee” The two get up from the table, and each go their own way. Camille felt that she had to talk to Andy one more time, insist that he should do everything possible to recover the company, although by phone was not an option, she would look for him personally. That same afternoon she leaves a couple of hours earlier, she had the advantage that being the head of her area she did not have to report to anyone about her schedules, she would go to ALF, regardless of Mario being there, it would not prevent her from talking to Andy He no longer cared about the consequences. When she got there, because she was a former employee, and Mario's friend at the same time, she was not denied entry, so she went straight to Andy's office unannounced, and as if that had been the day of the "open doors", what he saw this time he didn't like it any more than what he saw and heard that morning. “Don't worry, dear! I'm here to give you comfort” the sounds of wet kisses came out of the place Camille again felt her heart race without being able to. “I know Greta, thanks for your support, now that I'm not the CEO of the company, I don't know if I

can please you as always.” “Of course, I love you, I like you a lot and I want to make you happy- upon hearing those words Camille is again invaded by her curiosity and looks through the crack of the half” open door, sees the image of Gretta standing over Andy, while she kissed him passionately , his hands ran through the designer's body, Camille felt her heart break into a thousand pieces again, although she was already aware that he had been a single man for a long time, it did not stop hurting that he was no longer with her . She couldn't stop a tear from falling down her cheek, but she was going with a goal, regardless of the way Andy was acting, she had to be mature, and she had to talk to him, and so she just decides to damage the moment, at the end of bills was for a good cause. He gives two strong blows on the door, due to the force with which he gave it, it opens, and both are exposed to Camille's eyes, Andy with a start pushes Gretta off him, making her stumble against the floor. “Andy!” she yells angrily. “Camille! What are you doing here?” Andy gets up from his chair and adjusts his suit, his cheeks were flushed, even though he didn't have anything formal with her, he didn't want to subject her again to the embarrassment of seeing him with another woman, he had had enough in the past with Keyra. “What a pity to have interrupted them! But Andy I need to talk to you” Camille's voice broke, as if it was a sin what she had to talk to him about. “You have nothing to do here, nor do you have anything to talk about with my fiancé” Gretta scolds Camille, while she finished adjusting her skirt, at that moment Camille automatically filled with courage, she was not interested in anything sentimental with him and it was her second attempt to tell her about the plans that were against her, but fate or rather the new climber was taking care not to let her. “I'm not here to take away your fiancé, I'm here to talk about something very important with him, about the company” Andy was still very suspicious of Camille because of the encounters with Mario, so he doesn't even

let her speak. “Look, I don't want to hear what you have to say, you're a traitor, apart from the fact that you messed around with Mario, you went to work at the ALF competition, I imagine that to give them all the information you know about the company, right?” a tone of sarcasm joins her voice. “NO! but what are you talking about?” Camille's eyes were clouded, a huge lump settled in her throat-I just want to come warn you, because… -at that moment Gretta interrupts her again “You have already listened to my fiancé, now get out of here limp, you can dress elegantly and however you want, but you will not stop being a simple dead fly, so get out of here!” Gretta's screams invade the place. She stares at Andy in disbelief at what she just heard, he was allowing Gretta to control her emotions, if deep down he wanted to talk to her, his new girlfriend wasn't letting him. Camille makes a gesture of disappointment and leaves there, Andy’s pride, arrogance and lack of good sense were killing the feelings of love that she could have with him, he crossed the doors of ALF and swore not to return, he it really wasn't worth one more sacrifice. Meanwhile Andy, still perplexed by what just happened, sits back in his chair, Gretta looks at him with desire, she wants to resume what they were doing before Camille came to interrupt. “Well dear, just look, that withered thing is gone, we can continue what we were doing- she approaches him again and starts to touch him, but he resents it and doesn't play along with her” “Not now Gretta, I'm indisposed” Andy's face was not very friendly, he was upset, not only with Camille's visit, but also with Gretta's reaction. “But what happened to you, my love? We were fine, don't tell me you let yourself be affected by that one's visit? Of course, she didn't have anything important to say, it's very sure that she is in league with your enemies to bring you down, pay no attention to her!”. “That's clear to me! What is not clear to me is because you said you were my fiancée; we haven't even made our relationship official”. “How come we haven't formalized our relationship?” “Yes, so far we haven't formalized anything Gretta, much less a formal commitment, I like you, yes, but now it's not like telling you that I don't want anything more compromising” Andy leaves his side

and goes to look out the window. “Oh, Andy, please! It's okay, we can just have fun for now, I just wanted to say that to that woman to make her feel bad and that's it, just a little bit of spice in the situation, come relax, just be happy, you'll see that all this will pass very quickly” she approaches and begins to caress him on the back, he simply relaxes, and although the image of Camille did not come out of his heart, he lets himself be carried away by the passionate moment with that woman.

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