Obsession and desire

A new discussion

A new discussion

Andy runs home, now his priority was focused on Zoé's attention, she was the most important thing to him, when the nurse returns, she already has her ready to take her to the hospital, she is just waiting to transport her. He lifts his little girl in his arms, and hugs her with all his strength, the girl is eight months old, it's been four months since she lost her mother, and he is everything to her, Orlando takes them to the children's hospital where she is being treated for the best specialists. They admit her to the emergency room, due to the state in which the girl arrives they give her priority, Zoé, she had not been able to eliminate the toxins from her body through urine, and she was presenting a quite serious medical condition, Andy felt guilty for not having been at her house and realized what was happening with her daughter. A doctor approaches to explain what was happening, he has not left the small crib where his daughter is, she is sleeping because of the medicines that they have given her to make her feel better. “Doctor, say how is my daughter? what can be done for her?” Andy's voice was broken, his eyes cloudy, and his heart totally broke from him, that day had not been good for him. “Well, it is necessary that we do a pyeloplasty, for now she will be in special care, to control her pressure and the damage caused by urine retention, don't worry, it is a rather long process, but we will do everything possible for her and save his kidneys”. “Doctor, and when would your surgery be?” “As soon as possible, we are contacting a pediatric urologist, so that he can assist her, she is in the best hands, for now find someone who can give her support with the girl and go to rest, the next few days will be quite complicated” The doctor gives her a pat on the shoulder and leaves, leaving him with Zoé again. Andy at that time could only call Raquel, his mother despite any situation was totally unconditional with him and had adopted the girl as his legitimate diet, contrary to his father, who had not even supported Andy with the process with Keyra.

Meanwhile, for Camille, getting out of reality became a long reunion talk with Jean, she hadn't even realized that time was running out, for her her watch had stopped, and she totally forgot about Andy, who, by that time, I was going through the worst of situations. She and her friend have had more than one bottle of wine and the night seems to be just beginning for them. “I'm really happy to have met you Jean, we haven't spoken for many years, what happiness!” Camille smiles delighted. “I think the same thing, Camí, I always tried to look for you, but it was impossible, it seems that the earth would have swallowed you, when I returned I found out that your mother had sold the house, by the way, a man is living there with his mother, but there is a little abandoned, and deteriorated Who are they?” “Well, when I put the house up for sale, they came with the intention of buying it and I sold it to them, the son of the woman who lives there was my ex-boyfriend” Camille blushes when talking about such an embarrassing relationship. “Oh yeah?! and what happened?” “Well, he turned out to be a jerk and we had to break up, well, it's something I don't want to talk about right now”. “Oh excuse me, I understand you, I guess I didn't end on good terms, and now you're single?” “No, I'm dating a man, I don't know if you've heard of him, his name is Andy Alf”. “It can't be! The CEO of the company ALF and ASOCIADOS?” “Yes, he himself, do you know him?” She tells him while he smiles mockingly and takes a drink from his glass of wine “Who doesn't know him? If he is more famous than a soccer player, before he was famous for being one of the most coveted tycoons in the city, later he was famous for a scandal with his ex- wife, a super model that turned out to be crazy” he also smiles when telling the anecdote that he knew about Camille's boyfriend. “Of course, I imagine everything that the tabloid media must speculate to end a person, if we are currently dating, but hey, what about you?” “I am divorced, I got married three years ago, but my marriage was a total failure, I separated after

two years and well, I came to the city to look for new horizons, and you see, destiny put me behind you” He approaches and intimidates her with his eyes, he intends to kiss her, but she pulls away a bit. “Well, I think I should go, my little sister is alone at home with a nurse who takes care of her, I don't want to abuse her trust”. “I can take you, I have my car”. “No thanks, I'll take a taxi- aware of the situation and how uncomfortable the moment could be, Camille decides to return home and not extend the outing with Jean any longer. relationship he had with Andy”. He kisses Jean on the cheek goodbye and gets into a taxi that he has ordered through the app, he decides to look at his phone and notices that Andy has blocked him from the chats, she imagines that he is upset about what happened in the afternoon and She decides not to call him, if he had blocked her, it was because he did not want to talk to her, and of course she was not going to insist, she had never done it and she would not come the first time, but she was far from knowing for the reasons he had decided to block it. The next day Camille still didn't hear from Andy, although a few times they had already had small arguments, he hadn't stopped talking to her, he always kept an eye on her, this time she had totally disappeared, but her pride was behaving bigger than her. her love and also decides not to look for it, she takes the opportunity to go with her sister for her presentation and spend the afternoon with her, hoping that Andy was going to call her to see her at the mansion, and seeing that he did not call, she begins to suspect that Possibly something is happening, so I told him to call him, but he had also blocked calls from his phone. Camille was filled with anger and decided that she was only going to talk to him until he wanted to show up, it was unfair the way he was acting. For his part, Andy was in the clinic waiting for his daughter's surgery, and the doctors had informed him that they would do it the following Monday, he had to be prepared, he was accompanied by Raquel, and at that moment he felt alone against the In the world, it seemed incredible to him that Camille had not done anything to go looking for him, he understood that he had her blocked, but hisContent is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

anger, like Camille's pride, was acting bigger than his own love. “Andy, son, please change that face, the girl needs you better” Raquel rebukes Andy, who can't help but have an expression of anguish and disappointment. “Mom, I don't want anything to happen to the girl, it would be very difficult for me to lose her, I think I couldn't resist it” Andy answers while he does not take his eyes off the bed where Zoé is “I know, son, and even if she doesn't carry your own blood, she will always remain part of our family, but my son reacts, you must be fine for her, please”. “I would like mom, I would give everything I have for me because she is well, just look at her, she is just a baby and she is beginning to live, she has a long way to go, even if she is not my biological daughter, I will be willing to do what let it be for her, Zoé only has me.” “And to my son, we are going to fight for the girl to be well” They both spent the whole afternoon in the hospital, as night fell, Andy decides to go home, rest and return the next day for surgery, he did not stop feeling frustration for what was happening, the strength that characterized him was going to the ground. Monday arrived, Andy was in the hospital first thing in the morning, although he was quite tired for the last two days, he could not sleep well and as soon as the first light of day came out, he went to accompany his daughter. It was already time to enter the company. Camille had arrived at the usual time, she hadn't found Andy's absence strange because she knew that he would arrive three hours later because of Zoé, but the hours went by and by noon he didn't arrive. Camille realizes something is happening, that it's not just Andy's annoyance with her, because he would never neglect his work obligations because of a couple's fight with her. So, she decides to call her home phone, when the housekeeper tells her what is happening, Camille feels guilty, he was needing her more than ever at this moment, and due to her pride, she had not looked for him in any other way. that it was not his same phone line, quite possibly with his memory problem, he would not even remember that he had blocked his calls, after two rings he answers. “Andy, it's me Camille” she tells him with an embarrassed tone of voice, she felt miserable for what

she was doing "Hello," he answers as dryly as possible. “I just found out what happened to Zoé, I didn't know, I'm so sorry, how is she?” “How did you know about Zoé?” “Because I called your house, I've tried to call you, but you have blocked me. Can you tell what's going on?” “You know perfectly well what is happening, and you know that I have to hang up, my daughter needs me, she is about to go into surgery” Andy hangs up her call without giving her a chance to say a word Camille insists again, but I no longer answer, she is filled with anger for what he has just told her, it was incredible that he still thought that the argument they had in the street over the alleged flirting was causing Andy's reaction, so, whit no other alternative, he changes his phone and calls him again. “Hello” Andy answers again “Look, don't hang up on me, don't be disrespectful, can you tell what the hell is wrong with you? Tell me where they are, I'll go there to talk to you.” “Don't pretend you don't know; did you forget what you did on Friday? My daughter has been in the hospital since Friday, and you didn't even deign to look for me because you were with your lover” Andy hangs up again call “Damn Andy, don't hang up on me” Camille hits the office phone on the table, her cheeks flush with anger, she knew that she had to do something at that moment to talk to him personally, she didn't know what she meant by her lover , so he needed to clarify, the only one who could know where he was Raquel. She also decides to call her from another number in case he has warned her not to answer his “Hello?” Raquel answers “Raquel, are you talking to Camille? How are you?” “Girl, it's nice to hear from you, well, not as well as I wanted, I was thinking about you, I was surprised because I haven't seen you with Andy, did something happen?”

“Yes, we argued, but I don't understand why, he doesn't even tell me about the reasons for his annoyance with me” “Yes, he is quite irritated by the girl's situation, you know how everything that has to do with her gets” “I know, but I want to go accompany him, but he doesn't speak to me. Could you tell me where they are?” “Yes, daughter, they are in the central children's hospital, where we were last time, there they are waiting for the girl's surgery, which will be done today, we are going through a somewhat delicate moment” Raquel's voice breaks “I'm sorry Raquel, and are you with him?” “No daughter I came home to take a shower and get some sleep, I spent the night with Zoé” “Okay then I'll go there, I suppose you won't mind some company.” “Thank you dear.” Hearing what his mother-in-law had just told him gave him more pangs of conscience for not being with him, they had always had the habit of abandoning each other when they needed each other the most, but that had to start to change. Minutes later Camille was at the hospital looking for Andy, asking everywhere where he could be, until after about twenty minutes of looking for him, she finds him sitting in a chair next to one of the children's surgery rooms, this Dressed in jeans and a white T-shirt close to his body, he looks disheveled and his gaze is fixed on the wall of the operating room, she approaches slowly, and he doesn't even feel her presence, everything in that pavilion is white and she is totally silent, there are only a couple of other couples around her, she supposes, also waiting for their children from the surgeries. He's keeping his fingers crossed, and from what she can tell, he's cried a lot, his eyes are swollen, and the tip of his nose is quite red. “Andy, hello…” Camille gently sits next to him, he turns to look at her and returns to his same position without saying a word “I, I am sorry for everything that is happening with your daughter, I am really sorry, love, excuse me

for whatever I have done to you, I want to accompany you and be with you”. He gives her sidelong glances again and shakes his head in denial. “But why are you upset with me? Was it because of what happened on Friday in the street with that man?” “You have a lover, I saw you with him" was the only thing she let go while she kept staring at the wall. “I don't have a lover, Andy! where do you get that from?” “I saw you.” “You saw me? but how? When? Where? I really don't understand anything.” “Get out of my sight I want you to leave here.” “Wait a minute, I didn't come here to leave you alone in this process, I know you are upset and although you are not clear in telling me why you are, I demand that you give me an explanation. Where do you get that I have a lover?” “I saw you in a bar with him, a man who came and greeted you, and you were with him.” “Shi**, Andy are you chasing me again? But what did I tell you? I clarified everything I was thinking at that moment about you persecuting me, I can't believe it” Camille was now upset by what he just told her, she felt that he was putting pressure on her, even though she loved him too much his obsession was passing to the limit. “Yes, I know I said I wasn't going to chase you again, but I couldn't help it, we were arguing, and I wanted to fix things with you, I saw you go alone to a bar, and a man just arrived while you were waiting, I don't know what you were thinking Camille”. “Let's see Andy! First, he is not my lover, the man you saw was my best friend at school and we had not seen each other for several years, we met by pure and physical chance. What makes you think that he is my lover?” “Look Camille, you can say he's your older brother if you want, and think I'm going to believe you, but I know what I saw and I'm sure he wasn't your friend”. “Well, if he's a friend, why do you act like that and think such terrible things about me? You think I'm a woman without any kind of criteria, that really bothers me, and I'm very angry with you Andy, but

I'll stay here accompanying you”. He doesn't even have the courage to continue arguing, the truth is his head, and his heart were in Zoé's hand, now they are both looking at the wall, without even exchanging a word or giving each other a hug. Yet they were there for each other.

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