No More Waiting, She Chooses Love

Chapter 446

Chapter 446

Jimmy's face went from pale to tomato red at my words. "What the heck? Don't insult me. We're square, end of story."

Seeing him so annoyed yet trying to keep his cool made my day a little brighter.

I took a step forward, and he hastily stepped back, crossing his arms, looking like I was the big bad wolf to his Little Red Riding Hood. I couldn't help but laugh, "What, scared I'll do something? Look at you, all scaredy-cat. I'm just curious why you've suddenly turned into such a goody two-shoes around me?"

"Is being good a bad thing now? Unless you were hoping I'd be..." Jimmy cut himself off, "Don't try to bait me. And keep your distance, I'll start recording to prove it."

His cowardly stance made me snort with laughter. "Out with it. What did Dustin do to tame you?"

Jimmy avoided my gaze, mumbling, "I don't know what you're talking about. Move, I've got things to do."

I blocked his way with a leg, saying, "Quit playing dumb. I know you're in Dustin's pocket now. You wouldn't even sell out your own sister otherwise." Jimmy's face flushed deeper.

I gave him a once-over; he was decked out in designer gear. I understood when Haley was swiping Conrad's card for him, but those days were gone. So, his current get-up had to be courtesy of Dustin.

He and Haley were peas in a pod, clinging to others for their lavish lifestyle, just another pair of parasites from the Wagner family.

"If you want to know, go ask Dustin," Jimmy blurted out, unable to stand my scrutiny.

I knew he wouldn't spill. It had to be Dustin's orders.

I smiled, replying, "Jimmy, all those times you messed with me, I never took it to heart. Thought of it as child's play, but... selling out your own sister? That's a new low."

My words hit a nerve, making Jimmy's eyes blaze with anger. He pointed a finger at me, "Say that again."

"Did I strike a nerve?" I raised an eyebrow.

Ultimately, Jimmy's guilt got the better of him, and he withdrew his accusing finger without another word.

Life's too short to waste on losers, so I walked away without further comment.

"Where are you going? What are you

up to?" Jimmy, probably guessing

was off to see his sister,

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"To chat with your sister."


He immediately got defensive, "After everything you've done to her, what more do you want?"

Blood is thicker than water, after all. He was still protective of his sister.

"You guys are the ones who hurt her, Jimmy. Don't you have a conscience?"

He struggled to respond, his mouth opening and closing without a word.

"Your sister's in this mess because of what she did. If you've got any decency left, you'd tell her to back off instead of egging her on,"d suggested. Content belongs to NovelDrama.OrgText © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

Jimmy ruffled his hair in frustration, "She's too far gone, no turning back now."

"So, she's doomed and wants to drag others down with her?"

Jimmy mumbled, "I can't control her, but mark my words, you better not hurt her."

"She won't get hurt if she doesn't ask for it," I said sharply, "Move."

Jimmy stood frozen for a few seconds before stepping aside, allowing me to stride towards Haley's room.

She was sitting on the hospital bed,

watching TV but not really focusing. even notice me

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The TV was showing a women's tennis match, one of the players being my favorite.

"Didn't know you liked tennis too. Fancy that, we have similar taste in men and sports," I teased.

Haley turned, her gaze shifting from shock to horror, and then to scorn.

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