No More Waiting, She Chooses Love

Chapter 442

Chapter 442

The very thing I had been tirelessly searching for, as if by some twist of fate, had found its way to me.

I was genuinely thrilled.

But that excitement quickly turned to confusion.

Why would this person suddenly reach out to me, knowing exactly what I was after?

It's been over a decade since my parents' tragic car accident. Why hadn't this individual disclosed that missing page from the accident report until now?

Reaching out to me now, did they truly possess the report, or was there an ulterior motive?

So many thoughts raced through my mind in an instant, yet regardless of their intentions, I couldn't let this opportunity slip by.

I excitedly typed out a message in response: [How can we meet?]

No reply came.

After a nerve-wracking minute, I began to wonder about this mysterious messenger. When had they even added me?

Checking the new friend request, I noticed it was indeed them who had added me, with a note stating "Officer Sampson."

I had completely forgotten about them since they hadn't spoken to me after adding me.

Could this person be the officer handling the car accident file?!

My excitement surged, and I quickly sent another message: [Officer Sampson, looking forward to meeting you.]

This time, the prompt "typing..." appeared almost immediately. I watched, unblinking.

[Wait for my call!] appeared in the message box.

My throat tightened with nerves as I swiftly replied with a single word: Okay.NôvelDrama.Org content.

There was no further communication from their end, but I stared at their message for a long while.

I was ecstatic yet mixed with nerves and a subtle unease.

The comforting, words of Lord Clark, the persuasions of Herschel, the mysteriously missing page from the report, a tangled with Ernest's father's involvement, gave me a strong premonition that this missing report page was going to be explosive. Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

As for who it might backfire on, I didn't even want to think about that. But the more daunting it seemed, the more I needed to know the truth. When Ernest returned, I found myself on the balcony again, trying to calm my racing heart and debating whether to share this development with him. "Can't sleep?" Ernest approached, his body radiating a cool freshness from his shower.

I looked at him, then hugged him tightly, "Just can't."

His heartbeat thudded in my ears, unsettling me even more.

Ernest's hand gently stroked my hair, "Something on your mind?"

I hesitated, still unsure of whether to confide in him. It wasn't that I didn't trust him; I was just fearful...

Ever since began investigating my

parents' crash, things had been


turbulent. Now that I was on the verge of uncovering the truth T feared any unexpected turns. Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Even with the person closest to me, a sliver of hesitation lingered.

After all, his father was also implicated in this matter.

I pressed closer to Ernest's chest, "No, just sent Fanny a message and got no reply. Thought I'd come out here, maybe bump into her."

Ernest didn't respond immediately, merely continuing to stroke my hair. After a moment, he finally spoke, "It's late. Let's try to get some sleep."

"Carry me to bed?" I pleaded, in a tone softer than usual.

Ernest lifted me in his arms, heading towards the bedroom.


Just as we stepped away from the balcony, Theard the neighboring balcony door slide open. I didn't look back to see whether it was Fanny or Yates, or perhaps both of them. Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

That night, my sleep was restless, and it seemed Ernest's was too.

But he didn't press me for details, just held me close, gently patting my back.

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