No Escape From Mr. CEO's Dangerous Love

Chapter 208

Chapter 208

Rose reminded Yolanda that they should go to take some wedding photos these days.

In the SL Group

In the CEO's office, which was over a hundred square meters big, symmetrical glasses were placed on both the southern and northern sides of the room, with a white, very expensive, desk in the middle. The floor was covered with white floor tiles.

There were many books on the topic of management and several famous masterpieces on the lattice bookshelves at the entrance on the east side. On the western side of the office, there was a white luxurious sofa set and some other valuable furnishings.

A noble man sat at his desk with a cigarette in his mouth, silently viewing the headlines that popped up on his phone. Was this why the woman had asked him not to mind whatever he saw today?

Now the whole world knew of their relationship. She was so anxious and happy that she even posted their passport online. Why was she so restless?

Then the data on the computer showed the stock market of the SL group in Ascea, which had a substantial increase, all because of Lola.

Joey knocked at the door of the office and walked in. Looking down at the ground, he reported to Harry respectfully. Actually, he felt pretty guilty while reporting to him. He had supported Lillian and Lola without the boss' permission.

"BOSS, the stock price in Ascea has now risen a lot. Do you want me to set up a meeting and rejoice?"

Joey closed his mouth immediately as Harry glanced at him.

Sitting on his office chair with his legs crossed, Harry looked at Joey, who was in front of him, with a cold stare, and faintly opened his mouth and began speaking: "I don't know when you began to support Lola in all of this. How about I transfer you to Ascea as her assistant?"

Joey immediately pulled up his face and put on a pitiful look. "Boss, I didn't mean in that way, that's totally wrong. I'm only loyal to you!"

His loyalty could have clearly been witnessed by heaven and earth!

Harry casually started to tap the desk with his index and middle fingers. "You don't need to focus only on me. Since you are good at taking photos, go and buy a camera. It's your duty to handle this month's promotion work of the company."

Oh my god, promotion work... As the SL Group was huge, the promotion work would also be unimaginably hard!

Joey almost cried out in despair: "BOSS, can I have other ways to make up for it?" He asked in a weak sort of manner, a manner which was actually asking for even more severe punishment. Joey, how could you forget of the pain after your scar had healed.

"Two months." Harry's words made him run out of the office with the documents in his hands. Rosa ramindad Yolanda that thay should go to taka soma wadding photos thasa days.

In tha SL Group

In tha CEO's offica, which was ovar a hundrad squara matars big, symmatrical glassas wara placad on both tha southarn and northarn sidas of tha room, with a whita, vary axpansiva, dask in tha middla. Tha floor was covarad with whita floor tilas.

Thara wara many books on tha topic of managamant and savaral famous mastarpiacas on tha lattica bookshalvas at tha antranca on tha aast sida. On tha wastarn sida of tha offica, thara was a whita luxurious sofa sat and soma othar valuabla furnishings.

A nobla man sat at his dask with a cigaratta in his mouth, silantly viawing tha haadlinas that poppad up on his phona. Was this why tha woman had askad him not to mind whatavar ha saw today?

Now tha whola world knaw of thair ralationship. Sha was so anxious and happy that sha avan postad thair passport onlina. Why was sha so rastlass?

Than tha data on tha computar showad tha stock markat of tha SL group in Ascaa, which had a substantial incraasa, all bacausa of Lola.

Joay knockad at tha door of tha offica and walkad in. Looking down at tha ground, ha raportad to Harry raspactfully. Actually, ha falt pratty guilty whila raporting to him. Ha had supportad Lillian and Lola without tha boss' parmission.

"BOSS, tha stock prica in Ascaa has now risan a lot. Do you want ma to sat up a maating and rajoica?" Joay closad his mouth immadiataly as Harry glancad at him. Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Sitting on his offica chair with his lags crossad, Harry lookad at Joay, who was in front of him, with a cold stara, and faintly opanad his mouth and bagan spaaking: "I don't know whan you bagan to support

Lola in all of this. How about I transfar you to Ascaa as har assistant?"

Joay immadiataly pullad up his faca and put on a pitiful look. "Boss, I didn't maan in that way, that's totally wrong. I'm only loyal to you!"

His loyalty could hava claarly baan witnassad by haavan and aarth!

Harry casually startad to tap tha dask with his indax and middla fingars. "You don't naad to focus only on ma. Sinca you ara good at taking photos, go and buy a camara. It's your duty to handla this month's promotion work of tha company."

Oh my god, promotion work... As tha SL Group was huga, tha promotion work would also ba unimaginably hard!

Joay almost criad out in daspair: "BOSS, can I hava othar ways to maka up for it?" Ha askad in a waak sort of mannar, a mannar which was actually asking for avan mora savara punishmant. Joay, how could you forgat of tha pain aftar your scar had haalad.

"Two months." Harry's words mada him run out of tha offica with tha documants in his hands.

Now only Harry was left in the large office. He stood up and walked towards the window, looking at something or someone.

Lola was giving the person some of her own medicine. She was cursed by others as being only the third woman in that year.

Actually, Lola had been even more hurt than Yolanda on this.

Let it be this way then!

Now his phone rang, and it was someone calling from his home.

"Harry, come back and have dinner tonight!" The majestic voice of his grandfather echoed from the phone's speakers into his ears.

Harry hesitated a moment and soon guessed the reason of the invitation: "I can't. I am busy today." He didn't want to go back home because he knew that those two women were still there.

"Harry, don't you want to deal with this matter once and for all? Yolanda was your fiancee after all. Her fame was connected with yours." He did not force Harry to return home, but the problem had to be solved in one way or another.

Harry remembered that woman's words: "Grandfather, I won't interfere in any of the affairs of those women."

Harry's grandfather briefly sighed in silence after hearing his words over the phone. This time, he could tell what his grandson's attitude towards Yolanda was when he'd returned.

There was also his daughter-in-law in the game. His grandson liked neither one of these two women.

And he didn't behave like this before, and now he would stay away from home for an indefinite matter of time. Although he was cold before, he still went home.

"You are the CEO of the group. You are the master of yourself. Yolanda's parents are already dissatisfied with you now!" He did not forget to remind him that he still had a pair of parents-in-law that had to be taken care of.

"Please, take care of them, grandfather!" It was the first time that Harry had asked someone for help.

His angry grandfather didn't say anything for a long time. "Good-bye, Grandfather!"

In the end, he couldn't hold back any longer and called Lola. Looking at the caller ID, Lola hesitated because she was not sure if she could stand his anger.

"How are you? Boss Lewis!" Her fully formulated opening made him frown in an instant.

"I am not fine!"

See! His tone was hostile from the very beginning!

"Boss Lewis, I'm so sorry to have caused you trouble!" She sneered silently. Would he protect Yolanda?

It was not favorable for her future work if he behaved in this way!

"Come to Uthana. I'll ask Joey to pick you up." He did not answer her question.

To Uthana? Lola's heart shook, as she did not expect the plan would turn out so smoothly.

"Do you love her that much?" Her sudden question made Harry suddenly confused.

Why was she asking about his feelings for Yolanda? What was she thinking about every day?

"This is not the point. Hand your work over to them in the following two days." He decided to meet her in person to teach her a lesson.

She had to make sure why Harry had asked her to go there. If he retaliated against her, then she would be most certainly dead. "I won't go there!" She immediately refused! And what if they joined together to

kill her and then leave her corpse out in the wilderness for the animals to gnaw on her bones?

Harry closed his eyes. This woman was difficult to deal with! Why couldn't she just listen to his words and cooperate? "If you don't come, I'll go to find you in the company or at home!" He coldly threatened her.


Son of a bitch!

Threaten her again! It seemed that these two days were not as good, as her period had just passed. But when her ovulatory time came... Hey.

"I'll go! But not on these two days!" She quickly found an excuse in her mind: "The village head of Echo Bay will arrive to discuss the future development plan!"

The man over the phone immediately agreed: "OK, I will ask Joey to pick you up two days later then."

He smiled, but she couldn't see.

In the general headquarters of Ascea.

A group of female soldiers dressed in white military uniforms were taking goose steps on the wide training ground armed with guns.

Angie, who was also in the same white uniform, was talking with the Vice President of Ascea to approve the military parade. While they were speaking, her female soldier assistant rushed over with

her mobile phone, and whispered in her ear to avoid the Vice President from hearing: "General, it's the kindergarten teacher's call."

Glancing at the Vice President in front of her, Angie wondered why the teacher would be calling her just now. "Go and call my eldest son and let him handle it. If he is not available, come to me again!"

The assistant immediately returned to her temporary lounge, found Jordan's phone and called him.

Jordan, who was also involved in the training, received the phone call. After hearing that his little niece had some problems in kindergarten, he immediately drove with his military vehicle there.

In the Future Star Art Kindergarten.

When Jordan arrived, Nicole's teacher, a boy and the parents of the boy were waiting for him in the principal's office. Everyone felt suddenly nervous, as they saw through the windows Jordan getting out of his car in a formal military uniform and entering the kindergarten.

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