Never Too Far Novel

Chapter 1491-1500

Chapter 1491-1500

“There’s no need for that. Wait for me to change. We’ll be having dinner after that.” Jessie had been on a diet for the commercial shooting, which resulted in her current hunger pangs.

That night, Julian treated her to dinner and even ordered takeaway for her as supper.

Then, March arrived in the blink of an eye, bringing two good tidings. The first one confirmed Eva was pregnant, while the second one was regarding their latest movie being nominated for an award. Even so, the award remained a mystery to them for the time being.

Eva didn’t expect herself to be pregnant when she traveled home for vacation. Thus, after she returned to the city, the people around her viewed her as the object of protection.

Jessie was delighted when she heard such excellent news as she was expecting the birth of two children this year. One of them belonged to Queenie, while another one belonged to Eva.

So far, she and Julian hadn’t decided on their wedding date. After all, she was content with spending time together with him.

The 24th of March was considered a big day for celebrities as the awards ceremony this year was held on the same day. It also provided the occasion to review excellent works over the year. The ceremony would give out awards to both the best actor and actress, along with other prizes to recognize the industry’s accomplishments.

Jessie, Julian, and the crew walked down the red carpet, bathing in the background music and the fans’ screaming. Soon, they walked over to the sign-in board. The instant she signed her name, he left his signature next to hers before drawing a heart that circled their names. “There’s no need for that. Wait for me to change. We’ll be having dinner after that.” Jessie had been on a diet for the commercial shooting, which resulted in her current hunger pangs.

His gesture didn’t go unnoticed by the camera operators nearby. They immediately gave his work a close-up. His gesture was evidence of his affection for her, even if it was a simple one.

His gesture didn’t go unnoticed by the camera operators nearby. They immediately gave his work a close-up. His gesture was evidence of his affection for her, even if it was a simple one.

After that, they walked into the ceremony hall. Even though she was merely a rookie in the industry, their relationship suggested that she would become more than that in the future. Thus, the organizer arranged a seat for her beside him. Their name tags next to each other indicated the best wishes from the industry for the future couple.

“Are you nervous about the ceremony?” He gently held her hand in his.

“Not at all. I’m doing my best to stay calm.” She shook her head. Even though she was surrounded by the flashing lights, to her, there was nothing around that could ever compare with him.

Therefore, she was happy even if she didn’t win any award because he was the best thing that ever happened to her.

The ceremony began in the crowd’s nervous anticipation after the opening show. Then, the hosts announced the winners with excited voices. After that, the audience was all looking forward to the announcement of the award winners after the awards for both the best supporting actor and actress, followed by various awards for the behind-the-scenes team.

The most significant awards of the night were none other than the Award for Best Actor and the Award for Best Actress.

All of them were highly anticipating the announcement of this year’s winners.

“Next, we’ll be glad to have the presidents announce the best actor and actress. Please welcome Mr. Leads and Mr. King,” the hostess began with a bright smile on her face.

The men got up on the stage. Both of them were holding an unopened envelope respectively. After they exchanged a few jokes, the music that followed built up the tension in the air.

The audience was watching them in anticipation.

“Coming up next, we are going to announce the winners of the Award for Best Actor and Best Actress. The winner of the Award for Best Actor is Julian Gilmore, and the Award for Best Actress goes to Jessie Silverstein.”

Jessie was overjoyed with the news of Julian as the winner when she unexpectedly heard her name. The words struck her like lightning, rendering her utterly dumbfounded for a split second as she had difficulty processing them and doubting herself.

“Am I hearing my name?” She sought assurance from him.

He took her hand. “You are. Let’s go.”

There was a stir in the audience. Several people were eyeing her enviously as he led her onto the stage, hand in hand. After all, she used to be an unassuming double for other actresses, and it was merely her first movie in her career.

However, Julian, who was widely recognized as the most handsome man in the industry, was now holding her hand as they stepped onto the stage. Plus, she also won the Award for Best Actress, which created a record for achieving such an accomplishment after starring in her first movie.

Lisa was one of the people who couldn’t contain her jealousy. She balled her fists tightly as she struggled to accept that all the good things had happened to Jessie.

“There should be some backdoor dealings behind this. There’s no way she could earn this award if not through connections,” Lisa hissed through gritted teeth.

At that exact moment, nervousness filled Jessie’s heart. However, when Julian slid her palm into his, she calmed down under his touch. She was suddenly filled with overwhelming certainty that she could take things head-on with him by her side.

When the pair stood at the center of the stage, their mere presence practically revealed to the world that they were undoubtedly a perfect couple. The audience couldn’t help but agree that they were the ideal match made for each other.

“Jessie, would you mind sharing what’s on your mind right now? Are you happy? Are you surprised to hear you won the award?” The hostess walked over to them and asked cheerily.

Jessie took over the microphone and nodded naturally. “Yes, I’m indeed both thrilled and surprised. I’ve never considered winning an award when I came to attend the ceremony.”

“But your movie ranked the highest-grossing film of the year. So, you should’ve made a mental preparation for winning an award tonight,” the host pressed.

“I never gave it more than a passing thought. After all, the movie only became a success mainly due to the director, the team behind it, and all the other staff involved in the movie.” Once she answered, the host directed their attention at Julian and asked, “Julian, what about you? What’s your favorite moment on the stage?”

“The best moment will be nothing but standing by Miss Silverstein’s side when she receives the award.” Julian didn’t hesitate to answer.

The host let out a chuckle before teasing, “It seems like winning the award yourself is second to accompanying Miss Silverstein to receive the award on your list.”

“There should be some backdoor dealings behind this. There’s no way she could earn this award if not through connections,” Lisa hissed through gritted teeth. The envious eyes of the audience were glued to Jessie. The best actor, Julian, made it clear that he was merely her companion on the stage tonight. Therefore, her most outstanding achievement tonight was never getting an award but having him by her side for the rest of her life. The envious eyes of the audience were glued to Jessie. The best actor, Julian, made it clear that he was merely her companion on the stage tonight. Therefore, her most outstanding achievement tonight was never getting an award but having him by her side for the rest of her life.

Heat rushed to her face, and she pursed her cherry-red lips at his words. However, before she could dwell on it, the hostess shot another question at her, “Miss Silverstein, may I ask, do you have any plans for the future?”

Jessie got lost in a train of thought but couldn’t think of a satisfactory answer. Then, she turned to Julian on the side to seek his help, only to see the man smiling at her. “Isn’t it getting married?”

Her cheeks immediately flushed crimson at his reminder. Finally, she nodded firmly and told the hostess, “He’s right. I’m taking my time to enjoy dating before I get married.”

“If so, is Miss Silverstein perhaps suggesting that you’re marrying Mr. Gilmore?”

Jessie nodded the second time with pure bliss spread across her face. “Yes. It’s him.”

The awards ceremony no longer held its significance when it became a place where every audience witnessed Jessie and Julian’s strong affection for each other.

It was a starry night, filled with stars twinkling from the sky and stars attending the awards ceremony. By the time they arrived home, it was already 11.30PM. After a bath, Jessie changed into her comfy pajamas and took the opportunity to finally relax. The stiffness in her shoulders had never once disappeared during the ceremony due to her nervousness about being one of the participants tonight.

A pair of hands reached behind her and kneaded her stiff muscles just when she tried to massage the soreness out of her shoulders.

She fluttered her eyes shut in comfort, leaned into his touch, and enjoyed his hands massaging her shoulders as a faint smile painted across her lips.

Julian was captivated by her beauty tonight. After he ensured she had finally let loose of all the stress, he stood still behind the couch and leaned down to kiss her soft, red lips.

The kiss drew a moan out of her, which made her shyness reach its peak due to their intimacy. That’s not how you kiss!

Nevertheless, there was no doubt that the man was a good kisser, and she couldn’t tear herself away from his ministrations. Soon, he bent down to carry her in his arms and returned to the room.

After the awards ceremony, Julian turned down all job offers and took Jessie on a trip abroad. They spent quality time together without worrying about their careers and other trivial matters.

Then, July approached in a blink of an eye, bringing Queenie’s due date closer day by day. Frankly, after she had experienced the pregnancy for months, she couldn’t help but feel that it was finally her time to give birth to her child.

Just as expected, Queenie gave birth to the youngest son of the Manson Family through a C-Section, who weighed seven pounds at birth. The baby boy clenched his fists as his wail resounded through the room, which thoroughly amazed the nurses in the delivery room. It was their first time seeing a newborn with such delicate features yet a very healthy set of lungs.

Still, judging by his parent’s looks, it was only natural that the child would eventually grow into a handsome young man in the future.

Both elders of the Manson Family and the Silverstein Family were glad to receive the news. After all, good tidings of the mother and the child being in excellent health were the best information they would ever hope for.

Julian and Jessie had already embarked on their trip back to the country to attend the baby shower.

Things were a little hectic for the new parents, especially considering the latest addition to the family. However, three days later, Anastasia and Elliot visited them. After all, Queenie needed a friend to talk to and relieve any postpartum anxiety she might have hidden in her heart.

Anastasia was akin to an older sister to Queenie. They talked about everything and anything that needed to be taken care of after childbirth. Anastasia’s company also had the intended effect of soothing Queenie, who was experiencing hormonal changes after her delivery, and kept Queenie in a good mood, so she could raise her child without worries.

The Silverstein Family and the Manson Family elders were more than delighted to welcome the new member into their families.

The baby shower was held in a month, and they had a tacit understanding of making it as grand as possible.

Jessie was overjoyed to see her healthy nephew. She held him carefully in her arms most of the time and was reluctant to let him go. Julian attempted to do the same, but he felt as though his limbs weren’t listening to his brain. Because no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t manage to position his arms right to hold the baby. Nigel, who watched the scene unfold on the side the whole time, couldn’t help but step in and demonstrate the correct way to hold a baby himself.

“You need to learn. Maybe you’ll be doing the same in two years,” Nigel teased.

Julian envied Nigel for that and was looking forward to the day when he got to marry Jessie. He proposed to Jessie when they traveled abroad, and she accepted. Thus, they returned to the country to discuss the wedding with their parents.

The elders of the Gilmore Family and the Silverstein Family worked together and chose a date in October, which was an auspicious day for the wedding. Julian and Jessie had already embarked on their trip back to the country to attend the baby shower.

Since Julian was a famous actor with a considerable fanbase, he kept the wedding small and secret. Nonetheless, some of the wedding photos he deigned to reveal remained the top trending topic on Twitter for a whole month.

Since Julian was a famous actor with a considerable fanbase, he kept the wedding small and secret. Nonetheless, some of the wedding photos he deigned to reveal remained the top trending topic on Twitter for a whole month.

Finally, the group heard from Eva and Louie and received another fantastic piece of news in November, which was the birth of their son. He was the designated heir of the Gilmore Family. Since then, Louie had gone all out to lavish his wife and son with love.

In the evening, the lights illuminated Averna, the most prosperous city in the East. The building of Presgrave Group stood high above the other city landmarks and attractions around it like a king. It made itself a magnificent view in the evening of the early winter.

Elliot had kept a low profile over the recent years. He decided to focus on his family and made them his number one priority, but his business empire was thriving under his governance.

To him and Anastasia, the family would always be his priority. His business and everything else would only come after, not before.

Someday during the early winter, Jared, the young master of the Presgrave Family, had just finished his usual fencing practice. He got ready to go home for dinner while a security team designated to escort him was waiting downstairs.

He got in the car and wore his earplugs out of habit before closing his eyes for a short nap.

Even though he was only ten years old, he had set his life goal, which was to inherit his father’s company in the future and protect his family.

Thus, he looked more mature and sophisticated compared to the children of his age. Perhaps his wish came true as his features began to reveal a hint of him gradually growing into a young adult despite being so young.

Alas, the danger was closing in from behind under the cover of the night.

A car without a license plate slowly approached them. A man poked his head out of the sunroof and aimed the rocket launcher in his hands at the convoy in front of him.

The enemies struck the convoy on the road without warning. The missile sent one of the three black cars in motion flipping over before the blast spread to the other two cars. The first car rolled down the road amidst the explosion before it crashed into a lamppost and stopped. The windows shattered due to the blast and revealed the passengers inside, but their fate remained unknown.

A few injured people swiftly got down from the two other black cars, which were affected by the blast, and shouted at each other, “The young master is still in there!”

“We need to save him!”

After that, the bodyguards rushed simultaneously toward the flipped black car and wrenched the door open with abandon. They found Jared in a state that blood smeared all over his face when they got him

out of the passenger seats. They also managed to drag the bodyguard, who drove the car, out of the driver’s seat, but he had already passed away.

“Young master is breathing. We have to bring him to the hospital immediately.” One of the bodyguards barked the order at his companions before rushing toward the black car on the roadside. The other four surviving bodyguards didn’t waste any time carrying Jared to the car and making a break for the hospital.

Regardless, they hurriedly reported the situation to Elliot and Anastasia on the way to the hospital. After learning the bad news, she almost passed out in her husband’s arms. On the contrary, although Jared’s accident unnerved him, Elliot still forced himself to calm down before rushing to the hospital with his wife in tow.

Meanwhile, at Presgrave Hospital, the director, the associate director, and the rest of the head doctors were all gathered at the entrance of the building. They were there to welcome the car that the Young Master of the Presgrave Family was in. Soon enough, the black car sped over to the entrance and stopped before the bodyguard carefully carried the boy out of the car and onto a stretcher. “Save him,” the bodyguard cried with tears in his eyes.

The doctors who had been assigned to the case hurried forward and wheeled the boy to the emergency room. The director ran along with them as he gave out orders to the nurses to treat the bodyguards’ wounds. After that, he got the staff to send the two ice-cold bodies into the mortuary. No one could’ve foreseen that the Presgrave Family would be attacked.

It wasn’t certain if Young Master Presgrave, who was only ten years old, would survive the attack. About ten minutes later, Elliot charged toward the emergency room with Anastasia following behind him. A female bodyguard had to support Anastasia so that she didn’t fall. Her cheeks were soaked with tears. Upon hearing the news that the bodyguards in the driver and passenger seats had died on the spot, Anastasia’s face was drained of color. She looked as if she was about to pass out.

Elliot gathered the four other bodyguards to ask them about the incident. “I’m sorry, President Presgrave. We didn’t sense any danger at first. It was just a regular jeep. Then, a rocket-like explosive was hurled directly toward the other car. The whole car was thrown up into the air before it flipped and caught on fire. We felt the impact of the explosion, even from our car. The whole place was a mess. We immediately ran over to save Young Master Presgrave, and he was still breathing when we got him out,” one of the bodyguards explained. Meanwhile, at Presgrave Hospital, the director, the associate director, and the rest of the head doctors were all gathered at the entrance of the building. They were there to welcome the car that the Young Master of the Presgrave Family was in. Soon enough, the black car sped over to the entrance and stopped before the bodyguard carefully carried the boy out of the car and onto a stretcher. “Save him,” the bodyguard cried with tears in his eyes.

“Was he badly injured?” Elliot asked.

“Was he badly injured?” Elliot asked.

“He had a wound on his forehead, but there were no other obvious wounds on him. But… We’re not sure if he…” the bodyguard muttered. Elliot’s entire figure was shuddering—regardless of how much he tried to remain calm, he simply couldn’t bring himself to accept what had happened to his son. At that very moment, a doctor rushed out of the emergency room.

“President Presgrave, Sir, Young Master Presgrave needs a heart transplant. We have to contact all of the hospitals in town, or any other hospital in the country, to find a suitable match. We need it within 24 hours,” the doctor said to both Elliot and the director. Elliot watched as the director pulled his phone out and started contacting all his connections. He sent out the news of what had happened and started asking for a suitable heart to save a child whose life was in danger.

When Anastasia heard that her son required a heart transplant, she collapsed into tears once more. At that moment, she desperately wished that she could sacrifice her life in exchange for her son’s, just so

that he could survive. After the directors made a few calls, he managed to get the news out to most of the hospitals.

A married couple was staring at a document placed in front of them in a hospital in Averna. The woman let out a long sigh. “Would we have had to spend all this money if it weren’t for your sister?” she muttered. Tears were welling up in the man’s eyes. “Stop with your harsh words. We can’t save Nick anymore,” he uttered.

“The doctor already told us that there was no hope for Nick a week ago, but you were the one who insisted on keeping him on life support. What’s the purpose of that? We’ve spent over 10,000 on his stay in the ICU! What was all of that money for? I’d rather spend the money on someone alive.” The woman responded in a sharp tone before she gladly put her signature on the paper.

However, right when they were about to leave the hospital, a doctor hurried out to stop them in their tracks. “Please hold on. We have an emergency situation that we’d like to talk to you guys about,” the doctor said. “What’s the emergency? Can we still save Nick?” the man asked.

“Well, there’s a ten-year-old who just got into a car accident in town, and he desperately needs a heart transplant. At this point, we will no longer be able to keep Nick alive. Would you guys be willing to donate his heart?” The woman’s eyes lit up when she heard the doctor’s words. “This is a good deed we’re doing. Let’s do it!” she uttered as she held onto her husband’s arm.

The man thought about it for a moment before he let out a sigh. “Fine. I guess it’s good that we get to save someone else’s life. It’ll be good karma for Nick, too. I hope he’ll find greater peace wherever he is!” At that point, the man didn’t know that his decision had saved a whole family.

When the director received the news, Elliot and Anastasia were still with him. They received the good news just 30 minutes after announcing that they needed a transplant. They heard that there was a boy who had been brain-dead for nearly two weeks and that the boy’s family had just signed the papers to

take the boy off life support. Coincidentally, the hospital hadn’t taken the boy off life support yet, so the staff had asked for the family’s consent to donate the boy’s heart and received it.

Tears streamed down Elliot’s cheeks as well. The Presgrave Family will forever be indebted to this family of strangers. We have to repay their kindness, he thought. Anastasia had the same thought in her mind as well. About an hour later, a total of three cars escorted a vehicle over to the hospital. In the vehicle was the heart that Young Master Elliot needed to survive. The young boy was hurried into the surgical theater for a heart transplant.

About three hours later, the surgery was an official success, and Young Master Elliot’s life was no longer in danger. Elliot sent a gift to express his gratitude to the family that had helped them.

Meanwhile, the other family left the hospital after they signed the necessary documents. Zack looked especially drained after he had finally said his last goodbyes to his sister’s son, Nick. Zack brought his wife home, and they were greeted by two girls who were waiting for them in the hall. One of the girls was their daughter, while the other girl was skinnier and paler. However, she had a pair of bright eyes that made her look pretty.

The husband and wife had just got home when they noticed a car stopping outside their house. A middle-aged man stepped out of the vehicle to hand them a special gift. “Mr. Zack Lore and Ms. Olivia Fraser, I’m here to deliver a gift of appreciation on behalf of my boss. We’d all like to thank you for saving our young master.”

“What’s the gift?” Olivia’s eyes lit up immediately. She had already noticed how expensive the car was and how well-dressed the middle-aged man was. The man pulled out an envelope. “There’s a card in here. Its password is 123456, and there’s a sum of 100 million in here. This is a thank-you gift from my boss,” the man explained. “What? How much did you say is inside?” Olivia’s eyes looked like they were about to fall out of her sockets. Tears streamed down Elliot’s cheeks as well. The Presgrave Family will forever be indebted to this family of strangers. We have to repay their kindness, he thought. Anastasia

had the same thought in her mind as well. About an hour later, a total of three cars escorted a vehicle over to the hospital. In the vehicle was the heart that Young Master Elliot needed to survive. The young boy was hurried into the surgical theater for a heart transplant.

“100 million,” the man replied patiently. Zack was just as shocked to hear this. He hadn’t expected his nephew to contribute to the family even through his death. I can’t believe we’re getting 100 million for this! “H-How could this be?”

“100 million,” the man replied patiently. Zack was just as shocked to hear this. He hadn’t expected his nephew to contribute to the family even through his death. I can’t believe we’re getting 100 million for this! “H-How could this be?”

“Why not? Nick is our family; he sacrificed his life to save another boy’s life. This is a big deal, you know?!” Olivia was worried that her husband would reject the money, so she practically snatched the envelope from the man. “Thank you. Please help us to thank your boss.”

“If you face any issues in the future, you can contact this number. We’ll always be around to help.” The man handed Olivia a name card, and she took it immediately. “Are you sure that you can help with anything at all?”

“Of course.”

“I’ll make sure to save this number, then.” Olivia was on cloud nine. “Drive safe!” After the man left, Olivia let out a booming laugh as she threw her arms around her husband. “We’re rich, darling! We’re rich! We have 100 million!”

Meanwhile, the young girl sitting on the couch stared at them with sorrow. “What did you guys do to my brother? Why did that man give you so much money?”

“It’s none of your business. Stop asking questions,” Olivia snapped. She then pulled her husband to a corner. “We’ll be the only ones who know about this, you hear me? We can’t let that young brat find out about it. Otherwise, she’s going to ask for a share of the money when she grows up,” Olivia hissed.

Zack took a glance at the girl who was sitting in a corner. Even though he was her biological uncle, he felt as if he had been totally blinded by the wealth that had just befallen him—he was afraid that the girl would want to snatch his money away as well. “Okay,” he promised his wife.

“We’re really rich this time! We’ll never finish all this money!” At that thought, Olivia turned to look at her daughter and her skinny, frail niece. “You’ll live with us from now on. You need to be a good girl, do you understand?” she spat at the skinnier child.

“I want my brother!” The girl started crying. “Your brother’s sick. You won’t get to see him anymore,” the other young girl told the skinnier one. “My brother’s not gone. He’s coming back,” the skinny girl cried. When Olivia first took the two children in, she had considered how she didn’t have a son of her own. That thought made her feel more reluctant to care for the two kids that came from her husband’s sister’s family. It seems like the heavens are taking away my problems now!

There’s only this girl left in their family, and I’m now gifted with so much money. This money must be spent on my own daughter for her to live well! As for this niece… Oh! There’s this Aunt Jessica who had earlier offered to look after Ellie! I have to send this burden of ours, Ellie, away. I’m not spending even a cent on her!

“Hubby, let’s send Ellie to Aunt Jessica!”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea! Aunt Jessica is aging and she lives alone. How on earth is she going to raise a kid?”

“Ellie is not young anymore; what more does your aunt need to do? Let’s do it this way: we’ll pay Aunt Jessica two thousand every month for her to take care of Ellie. After all, the longer Ellie stays with us,

the more details she will get to know as she gets older. When that happens, she will most likely fight for the money!” Olivia was now solely concerned with keeping the money all to herself.

Her words made Connor think twice. My wife is right. Ellie will grow up one day, and if she learned that we approved the donation, things will get out of hand.

“Fine. Let me talk to Aunt Jessica regarding this.”

Jared, who had been unconscious for the previous three days, began to stir in Presgrave Hospital. Although his head was bandaged, he was conscious and eventually understood what was happening when he learned that his heart was a transplant.

For him, realizing that the heart beating within his body belonged to someone else was an indescribable sensation.

“You’re awake at last, Jared! You almost scared me to death.” Anastasia cried so much that she almost had her eyes blind from all the crying. Looking at her son who had finally awakened, she felt as though she was the one who had a close call to death. There’s only this girl left in their family, and I’m now gifted with so much money. This money must be spent on my own daughter for her to live well! As for this niece… Oh! There’s this Aunt Jessica who had earlier offered to look after Ellie! I have to send this burden of ours, Ellie, away. I’m not spending even a cent on her!

Jared glanced at Anastasia, feeling bad that he had caused her to worry, as he said, “I’m sorry, Mom, for making you worry.” A wave of guilt swept over him as he realized how anxious his family was.

Jared glanced at Anastasia, feeling bad that he had caused her to worry, as he said, “I’m sorry, Mom, for making you worry.” A wave of guilt swept over him as he realized how anxious his family was.

“It’s okay. I’m happy now that you’re fine. I won’t cry anymore.” Anastasia then bent down and kissed Jared on the forehead. She did not want her sorrow to affect her son who had just awoken.

She knew he had suffered too.

Five days after the crash, Elliot learned what caused it. It was planned by a foreign competitor who wanted to exact revenge on the Presgrave Group for stealing away their business interests.

Shortly after Elliot learned this knowledge, a disaster occurred in the middle of the open seas. The miscreant with the temerity to touch Elliot’s son vanished from existence.

This was exactly Elliot’s style. But despite so, he was unable to quell his anger. He went even further to ensure that the entire sinner’s clan would never be seen in the world.

As Jared required a quiet place to recuperate, Elliot’s entire family migrated to a tranquil manor abroad and had since resided there.

Sixteen years later, a young, attractive figure could be seen sitting at the president’s desk in the president’s office. He then stood to his feet and gazed out the floor-to-ceiling window. His captivating appearance was a gift from god, with the sun rays accentuating his aquiline nose and enhancing his facial contours, thin lips, and fair forehead as seen through his combed-up fringes.

Jared, who turned twenty-six this year, completely inherited his father’s genes. He stood close to 1.87 meters tall and exuded an elegant aura, which was how a son of a noble family would appear.

“Mr. Presgrave, the documents required for the board meeting are ready. You can go now.”

“Okay.” Jared had spent the previous years living and studying overseas and had rarely returned, but this time, he would have more time to stay in the country.

Despite his young age, he had a comparable capability to his father. As a result, he was now in charge of running the whole Presgrave Group while his parents focused on caring for his younger sister.

At the same time, a figure who had just returned from studying abroad was grandly greeted. Another woman laden with jewelry rushed up to hug the woman as soon as she emerged from the airport wearing only branded clothing from head to toe. “My daughter, you’re back at last!”

It was Olivia Fraser, hugging her daughter, Selena, who had been studying abroad for the past four years. This daughter of hers, having a beautiful appearance and obtaining foreign degrees, had made Olivia proud. Olivia was certain that Selena would have a bright future ahead.

“Mom, I’m running out of money again! Transfer some to me!”

“Okay! I’ll transfer five hundred thousand to you tomorrow! That’s more than enough!”

“Well, that’s just the bare minimum,” Selena responded, her lips pouting.

“Let’s head back first, come on! You arrived just in time for tomorrow’s wedding of your aunt’s daughter. We’ll go join the fun.”

“Will Ellen be going as well? What has she been doing recently?”

“What else could that girl be doing but toiling away? She’s not at all comparable to you!” Olivia said as she looked at her daughter proudly. Selena has indeed made a good choice to be born into our family!

Soon later, Olivia drove her Mercedes-Benz into a basement car park in Averna’s high-end residential area and stopped it in a luxurious parking space.

Selena got out of the car. Behaving just like a princess, she did not pick up any of her belongings and instead waited for her mother to carry everything for her. This resulted in Olivia spoiling Selena since she was young as if she were truly a princess from a royal family.

“Let’s have something special tonight, Mom!”

“Sure! Pick whatever you like,” Olivia agreed right away.

Selena then trailed behind Olivia. She appeared dissatisfied with and looked down upon everything in the country, perhaps because she had lived abroad for the previous years.

“Mom, I don’t intend to look for a job now. I want to have some fun for a while.”

“That’s perfectly fine. Our family does not require money anyway. I don’t want you to suffer outside too,” Olivia responded lovingly.

That evening, Connor and Olivia took Selena out to a fancy dinner before visiting a few designer stores to get their attire for the wedding the following day. Their total expenditure for the night itself came up to more than one hundred thousand. “Okay! I’ll transfer five hundred thousand to you tomorrow! That’s more than enough!”

But Connor and Olivia were unconcerned at all. They spent as though the money would keep falling from the sky and were unconcerned about the possibility of becoming broke.

But Connor and Olivia were unconcerned at all. They spent as though the money would keep falling from the sky and were unconcerned about the possibility of becoming broke.

This was what Selena had always been curious about. According to what she had recalled, their family lived in a run-down alley when she was seven. However, they moved into a big mansion subsequently, and when she graduated from high school, her parents immediately sent her abroad to study when she failed to get into a local university. Not only that, but the university she attended abroad was also one which was reputable, all thanks to her parents’ connections. At that moment, everyone in her high school was envious of her.

She felt that her parents possessed a mystical ability that allowed them to instantly make their entire family rich.

She had previously asked Olivia about this, but Olivia did not tell her the truth and continued to indulge her every wish.

As time passed, Selena gradually developed the mannerisms and habits of the wealthy and lived just like a lady who was born with a silver spoon.

The next day morning, Olivia had arranged for a makeup artist to come to their house to doll up both Selena and herself. Selena wore a six-figure gown, and because she had undergone some minor cosmetic surgery abroad, she truly appeared beautiful.

Under the power of money as well, she shed her prior persona as a poor, disheveled lady and appeared to be a wealthy and noble woman. Connor had begun investing recently and Lady Luck had also been kind to him too as he managed to earn a few million solely from investments.

Their entire family then boarded the posh car Connor had just purchased and made their way to the hotel where the wedding was hosted. The moment Olivia appeared in the hall, all of their relatives and friends greeted her respectfully, worrying that any delay would annoy her.

“Wow, this is Selena, right? She looks just like a celebrity!”

“That’s right! Such a beautiful lady! You’re so blessed, Olivia, to have such a beautiful daughter!”

“Of course, she is! Furthermore, Selena is an international graduate from a world-known university!”

“That’s incredible!”

Hearing all the compliments, Selena couldn’t help but raise her chin proudly. She knew she merited all of these praises. She was also aware that many young guys in the hall were placing their attention on her, but she found all these men ridiculous. She would never take a fancy to these ordinary men!

Her ideal life partner would undoubtedly be a member of the elite and the most influential group.

She followed her mother to the front seats, sat down, and then started scrolling through her phone while acting oblivious to everyone else. Olivia, on the other hand, looked around the room before turning to the woman with grey hair seated next to her and asked, “Where is Ellie, Aunt Jessica? Is she not coming?”

“Ellie should be back soon, and she’s probably on her way. She had to change her shifts to make it here today,” Jessica Aguirre said. She was the elderly woman who had adopted Ellen Reiss.

When Ellen’s name was mentioned, Selena’s head shot up, and a flash of superiority lit up her eyes. She had nothing better to do and was curious to see what Ellen, whom she had once despised, had become. NôvelDrama.Org content.

Selena despised Ellen because her family had fostered Ellen and her brother for a year when they were young. Despite her young age, Selena never overcame her animosity toward Ellen, especially after she realized Ellen had a beautiful doll that she had always wanted. However, Ellen never gave it to her, and Selena hid it, which resulted in her father spanking her. Although her only recollection of Ellen was from their childhood, the vengeful nature of her character meant that she would not let the memories fade. She was relieved that Ellen’s brother had died of illness because otherwise, she would despise them even more.

“Mom, what is Ellen doing now?” Selena asked curiously.

Olivia turned to ask Jessica, “What has Ellie been up to recently?”

“She currently works part-time at a cafe. Moreover, she recently graduated but has yet to find a suitable job.” A worried look crossed Jessica’s face as she answered.

Selena snickered when she heard that. So, she’s working part-time in a cafe, huh? I was hoping she’d do better than that!

After the newlyweds made their grand entrance, the guests were treated to a few toasts before being seated for the meal. At the same time, a young lady hopped off a bus that had pulled up to the bus station near the hotel, checked the time, and ran to the hotel. Although she was still dressed in her waitress uniform, she managed to exude a cool demeanor despite the sweltering heat. The breeze blew her bangs and highlighted her attractive face. “Ellie should be back soon, and she’s probably on her way. She had to change her shifts to make it here today,” Jessica Aguirre said. She was the elderly woman who had adopted Ellen Reiss.

Slightly out of breath, she entered the elevator and soon arrived in the hall. She looked around for a seat, but an elder ushered her to a seat with the directors. With a bright grin, Ellen made her way to her seat while attracting the attention of several young men as she passed by. She radiated an air of mystic authority that drew people to her like moths to a flame. Then, she affectionately embraced Jessica before taking a seat beside her. Afterward, Jessica began caring for her as though she were her own child, pouring her drinks and setting out her cutlery.

Slightly out of breath, she entered the elevator and soon arrived in the hall. She looked around for a seat, but an elder ushered her to a seat with the directors. With a bright grin, Ellen made her way to her seat while attracting the attention of several young men as she passed by. She radiated an air of mystic authority that drew people to her like moths to a flame. Then, she affectionately embraced Jessica before taking a seat beside her. Afterward, Jessica began caring for her as though she were her own child, pouring her drinks and setting out her cutlery.

However, Selena’s attention was on Ellen as soon as she walked in, but Ellen still hadn’t noticed her. Selena couldn’t help but feel superior at seeing Ellen in her cheap uniform.

A sudden thought prompted Jessica to pat Ellen on the shoulder and exclaim, “Ellie, Aunt Olivia and Selena are here too.”

When Ellen turned around, she spotted Olivia and Selena, so she flashed them a bright smile and greeted them as if they were strangers.

“Aunt Olivia and Selena, it’s been a while.”

Olivia pretended to greet her amiably. “It’s been a while. Come by whenever you have time!”

She felt she had no choice but to put on an air of seniority in social situations. Moreover, she had never cared about Ellen’s daily life since she was a child.

Olivia once broached the subject of providing Ellen’s living expenses with her husband. Still, she abandoned the plan six months after learning that Jessica’s monthly pension of three thousand was sufficient to support Ellen. Nevertheless, every time Jessica saw them, she never failed to thank them for offering them living expenses for six months. Furthermore, she would bring it up to everyone she knew.

“Sure!” Ellen replied with a smile. Still, she did not dare go to her uncle’s house because it was much too lavish for her, and she feared she would be subjected to undue pressure if she did.

“This is Selena,” Olivia proudly introduced her daughter to Ellen as a way of bragging. Ellen and her daughter were roughly the same age, but Ellen was still struggling at the base of the pyramid, while her daughter had a bright future ahead of her. She managed to fast-track to elite society with little effort.

Then, Selena glanced at Ellen while propping her chin in the palm of her right hand, and her eyes glowed with surprise. She did not expect Ellen to become a beautiful young lady because of Ellen’s scrawny and malnourished appearance as a child. However, given Ellen’s inherent beauty, minimal makeup would suffice to transform her into a stunning woman.

Selena couldn’t help but feel resentful. My skin is flawless, and its radiance can only be attained through various beauty products, but look at her poor appearance! I wonder if she could afford a

moisturizer, which costs one hundred! Nevertheless, Ellen has much healthier and more radiant skin than I do. Her skin is smooth and supple, like a baby’s, and there is not the slightest sign of a blemish anywhere on her face. That’s so unfair!

At the end of the meal, Connor approached Ellen, handed her a card, and said, “Ellie, there’s a hundred thousand in this card. Keep it for yourself and Aunt Jessica.”

“Uncle Connor, I appreciate it, but I’m working to make a living, and I’m not short on cash.” The moment he made the offer, she firmly shook her head and declined. She would never accept such a substantial sum of money from him.

The passage of time profoundly impacted his personality, and he became considerably magnanimous. Seeing his sister’s daughter struggle to make a living while he and his family had no financial concerns, he sincerely desired to assist Ellen.

When Olivia went looking for him so they could leave, she found him with a card in his hand and Ellen standing in front of him. Then, she swiftly approached them and asked, “Connor, let’s go home. What’s with that card?” She shot him a warning glance, knowing that her husband was presumably trying to give Ellen money, which she forbade.

“Bye, Uncle Connor.” Then, Ellen abruptly turned around and walked away. Selena couldn’t help but feel resentful. My skin is flawless, and its radiance can only be attained through various beauty products, but look at her poor appearance! I wonder if she could afford a moisturizer, which costs one hundred! Nevertheless, Ellen has much healthier and more radiant skin than I do. Her skin is smooth and supple, like a baby’s, and there is not the slightest sign of a blemish anywhere on her face. That’s so unfair!

Olivia sneered, “Connor, why are you being so kind and generous? You secretly gave Ellen money without informing me, didn’t you?”

Olivia sneered, “Connor, why are you being so kind and generous? You secretly gave Ellen money without informing me, didn’t you?”

“Oli, how could you be so heartless? Who has made it possible for us to live the way we do now? Do you not feel the slightest sympathy for Ellie?”

“Does she need our sympathy? She is 22 years old, and isn’t she working diligently? She won’t starve to death,” she huffed angrily. “We no longer share the same social standing as she does in society. Moreover, we each have our own lives, and she has her own. Therefore, we do not have to worry about her. She will deprive you of everything you have now when she learns of what we did back then.”

Due to the past events, Connor’s wife brainwashed him to prevent him from becoming close to his niece.

“Since our daughter wears designer clothing that can easily run into the tens of thousands, why can’t we give Ellie some money? It breaks my heart to see her using a phone with a badly cracked screen,” he responded with a sigh.

“What do you think she’ll feel about us if she finds out that we got our comfortable lifestyle by trading her brother’s heart? Aside from that, given that we were so heartless back then, what good would it do to try to atone for our sins right now? So, let’s forget about it and go home!” Following that, Olivia took her husband’s hand and led him toward the parking lot.

Meanwhile, Ellen was rushing out of the entrance when she noticed Selena standing alone. However, Selena couldn’t help but call out to her. “I’ve heard you’re now working in a cafe. What’s the name of the cafe?”

“It’s called Indigo Brews. Stop by if you want to get a coffee!”

“Send me the address! I might drop by,” Selena uttered arrogantly.

“Then, let’s exchange contact information!”

Following that, Ellen said anxiously, “I gotta get back to work now. Bye!”

She bid Selena farewell and left, then she felt frustrated because she hadn’t seen any jealousy or envy in Ellen’s eyes.

“She has no idea how to appreciate my superiority. Her views on materialism may differ from mine, so I can’t compel her to comprehend my lavish life,” she muttered in dismay.

At that moment, her parents’ car pulled over in front of her, and she climbed inside and looked out the window. Suddenly, she noticed the Central Business District skyscraper, affixed with the words “Presgrave Group,” gleaming in the sunlight. Then, she felt compelled to tell her mother, “Mom, I aspire to work there.”

Olivia and Connor looked at the Presgrave Group building in unison. She smiled as she asked her daughter, “Do you want to work there?”

“Yeah, but I’m not sure I can. As far as I know, they don’t actively seek new employees, and their entry requirements are quite high.”

“Tell your dad to pull some strings for you! You can definitely get in with your talent,” Olivia confidently suggested to her daughter.

“Really? Dad, can you really pull some strings for me? Then, assign me a position inside right away!” When Selena heard that, she was pleasantly surprised because she had hoped to find a job and a potential romantic interest in the company.

Then, Connor nodded. “Sure, I’ll figure something out so you can get in.”

She couldn’t help but put her hands on her chest in excitement. If I could join the Presgrave Group, my classmates would be green with envy.

The following afternoon, Selena borrowed the car from her father and drove to the cafe where Ellen worked. She was intrigued by Ellen’s place of employment and wished Ellen would feel envious of her.

Meanwhile, Ellen was working in the cafe when she noticed Selena walk in, so she approached her and greeted her warmly, “Lena, I’m surprised to see you here!”

Selena sat down while Ellen took her order, and then she deliberately picked up the menu to flaunt the massive diamond ring. Then, she placed an order from the selections available. “I’ll have this!”

“Sure. Hang on a moment.”

After Ellen had left, Selena snapped a selfie, appearing pleased with her subtle makeup.

“Is that your friend, Ellen? She looks like a daughter from a wealthy family!”

“She is my cousin, my uncle’s daughter.”

“Woah! You have a wealthy uncle! Do you notice the timepiece on her wrist? I believe it is branded, and she appears to wear designer clothing!” “Tell your dad to pull some strings for you! You can definitely get in with your talent,” Olivia confidently suggested to her daughter.

Ellen smiled. “Yes, my uncle’s family is quite wealthy.”

Ellen smiled. “Yes, my uncle’s family is quite wealthy.”

“Then, why are you working in a cafe?”

“What does it have to do with me?” She found her colleague amusing.

When Ellen brought the coffee over, Selena pointed to the seat across from her and said, “Take a seat! Let’s talk.”

Since the store manager was not around, Ellen sat down and conversed with her. Then, her attention was drawn to Selena’s diamond ring, and she exclaimed, “What an exquisite ring!”

Selena held out her hand, took a quick look at the ring, and then inquired, “Do you know how much it costs?”

“How much?”

“How much do you earn monthly?”

“Around three thousand.”

“Then, you may need to work for five years to afford it!” Selena replied with arrogance.

Ellen couldn’t help but bite her tongue. “Wow, that’s so expensive!”

After a while, Selena left, and because her car was parked at the entrance, the other waitress, who had returned from taking the trash outside, immediately remarked, “Ellen, I can’t believe your cousin’s family is so wealthy! She drives a Bentley!”

“Ah! Do you know how much her diamond ring cost?” Ellen asked her colleague.

“How much?”

“It is equivalent to five years of our annual income.”

“Geez! Why are you so poor while your family is so wealthy?” Her colleague couldn’t help but wonder.

Ellen shrugged and inquired, “What does my cousin’s family’s wealth have to do with how poor I am?”

“Of course, it does! If I have a wealthy uncle, I will do whatever it takes to work for him rather than in a cafe.”

Ellen responded with a bitter smile. Following her brother’s passing, she recalls Connor’s family distanced themselves from her. Since that day, she had never been to her uncle’s home, nor had she seen him or his family for years. Eventually, as she matured, Jessica told her that her uncle had become the wealthiest member of the family.

Moreover, she envied Selena because, despite failing the college entrance exam, she could attend the best university in the world, becoming the family’s crown jewel. Ellen never complained about her unfortunate circumstances because her parents died when she was a child, and she remembered her brother as the person who had always been the closest to her. However, her brother passed away due to illness. Later, Jessica cared for her as though she were her granddaughter. Ellen believed she was closest to Jessica, whereas Connor’s family was only a distant relative on whom she could not rely.

Soon, Ellen had finished her shift and boarded the bus home. Ellen and Jessica lived in an old house in a suburban neighborhood of the big city. Since their house was in a less-than-ideal area, it would never be demolished.

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