Never Too Far Novel

Chapter 1181-1190

Chapter 1181-1190

“Please, just let me perform. I put in a lot of effort for this. I…” Sophie tried to put up one last fight.

However, the director did not waver. “I’m sorry, but the adjustments have been made.”

Sophie and her assistant left through the corridor. She stood in the shadows, staring at Ruka who was seated right beside Ren, then she clenched her teeth. She didn’t expect crossing Ruka would mean the loss of her career.

The performance was a success, and Ruka was in a good mood. The woman she despised didn’t show up after all.

It was half past nine when the show came to an end. She was tired from watching it. Ruka rested her head on Ren’s shoulder and drifted to sleep while they were on their way home.

She didn’t wake up even when they got home, so Ren took her inside himself.

Ruka had woken up when Ren picked her up, but she pretended to be asleep anyway. I can have a good night’s sleep. Yay, me. No hunky dory tonight.

That was her plan, at least. She kept pretending to be asleep when Ren was taking her coat and socks off. She lay in his arms, wearing nothing but a layer of clothes.

When Ren finally went into the bathroom, she heaved a sigh of relief and actually drifted to sleep. Ruka even continued her dream.

Vaguely, she felt the edge of the bed moving downward, and then she felt someone pulling her into his warm embrace. Her face was stuck to his chest, and she jolted awake.

“I-I was already asleep,” she muttered. Show me a little respect, will you?

“Just go to sleep and ignore me.” He chuckled. He made it sound like he wouldn’t be affected even if she was asleep.

Ruka’s face was red as an apple. She could taste his scent in the air. Guess I can’t run away tonight. She wrapped her arms around his waist and tried to talk sense into him while he had some left.

“I’m tired. Just get it over with, alright?”

Ren smirked. Just get it over with? Oh my sweet summer child. “I’ll try to finish as soon as possible,” he said.

“Dr. Silas said you can’t do this too much after you just healed, or it’s gonna be bad for your body.” Ruka’s phone rang right after that.

She picked it up and was surprised to see that Jethro was the one calling. Why is he calling me?

“Don’t take the call,” Ren said imperiously.

Ruka put her phone back on the table and turned silent mode on. Ren pulled her into his embrace. “Block all the guys’ numbers. I don’t want them calling you.”

He was obviously jealous.

He was obviously jealous.

Ruka blinked. She didn’t realize he was jealous. “I’ve slept with you. You don’t have to mind them.”

Still, Ren couldn’t forget the fact that Ruka said she liked Jethro before. He pressed his forehead against hers and asked, “Still can’t forget about him?”

Whoops. This is serious. It won’t be easy dealing with a jealous Ren. “I’ll del… I mean block his number.” She was motivated now. I didn’t expect him to be a jealous guy.

“Do it tomorrow.”

He then leaned in for a fierce kiss; apparently, the guy wanted to vent a little. The kiss eventually suffocated her and turned her face beet-red. I should stay quiet, or he’s gonna do something wilder.

“You’re gonna forget every other guy and only have eyes for me, got it?” he whispered into her ear and nibbled on it.

Ruka cupped his chin, the love in her eyes overflowing. “You’re the only one I care about now.”

Ren smiled happily, and she blinked at him. “Can we just sleep in peace?”

“Do you think we can do that at this point?” He pulled her into his embrace so she could feel him. “You’re worried I might exhaust myself? Well, I’ll show you how inexhaustible I am.”

The room became hot and heavy as Ruka heard him say, “I love you, Ruka.”

The lady was too dizzy to even form a reply.

Friday arrived not too long after. A simple wedding was held in a tightly secured hotel. There were less than a hundred guests there.

Richard was the groom, and Angela was the bride. Annie was the bridesmaid, while Jared was the best man.

Two pairs of couples stood out among the crowd. Elliot and Anastasia were there with their son. Arthur and Sophie were there as well. Sophie’s belly was starting to bulge. She was already five months pregnant.

It wasn’t every day they could meet up. Even so, their friendship would never change.

Arthur patted Richard’s shoulder. He congratulated, “Congrats, Richard.”

“So, when’s your turn to hold a wedding?”

“Back home? After Sophie gives birth.” Arthur respected Sophie’s wishes to wait until she had given birth. She wanted to see herself in a beautiful gown, and she wanted their child to witness the marriage.

Arthur was actually worried his friend would be single for life before this. Fate finds a way, huh?

Richard took his friends to meet up with Ren. The men were outstanding enough to attract everyone’s attention. The ladies who had the privilege to join this wedding felt their hearts flutter just looking at them. To their mild frustration, they realized that all these men were taken, and their partners were gorgeous. They wished they could find a man who would look at them like they were the best things in life as well.

Ruka wanted to be the bridesmaid, but she wasn’t single anymore, so…

They went through with the whole wedding process. Angela was the prettiest woman on that day, and Richard even changed his usual demeanor for once. He was smiling all the way. He was the happiest man on Earth right now.

All of Richard’s men were there too. They witnessed how this love began, and now they would witness how it evolved. As the couple walked down the red carpet hand in hand, the men could remember how their first meeting went. She was someone he had to protect, while he was engaged to someone else. They met each other a little late in life, but their love was unstoppable.

Angela was pregnant, so Richard was almost holding her in his embrace all the way. He refused to let her drink even one drop of wine.

Phillip, his wife, Harold, and Charlotte took up a table. They felt rueful but happy at the same time. After all, Phillip’s grandson was getting married, and he would be blessed with a grandkid soon.

Ren and Ruka were at a table on the Husson side of the venue. There were a lot of ladies there, and they were astonished by how majestic Ren was. They liked him, but all they could do was admire him from afar.

Richard was the most handsome guy that night. He was now a husband and would soon be a father. Meanwhile, Angela’s family were crying tears of joy. They were happy their daughter married the right man.

Richard was the most handsome guy that night. He was now a husband and would soon be a father. Meanwhile, Angela’s family were crying tears of joy. They were happy their daughter married the right man.

The wedding ran from nine in the morning to nine at night. The guests could feel the love in the air as they bore witness to the sanctity of love and marriage.

Anastasia and Sophie had become the best of friends, and they took a great liking to Angela too. From then on, these ladies would be the strongest supporters of one another.

Night fell, and a hint of lust crept into the air.

Ruka had a bit too much to drink. Angela introduced her to yet another pair of capable, gorgeous ladies today, so she took drinking a bit too far. It wasn’t until she was about to go home did she realize the alcohol was kicking in. Her head was woozy, and her cheeks were burning. I’m getting tipsy.

Ren got in the car as well. He met and greeted a lot of people tonight, so he had some to drink too. His face was pink, but his alcohol tolerance was high and he wasn’t even tipsy.

He noticed Ruka massaging her forehead. Ren leaned over and asked with concern, “Had too much to drink? Does your head hurt?” He pressed his palm against her forehead.

She blinked, trying to clear the fog in her mind. He’s so hot today. All the bigshots kept raising toasts to him, and he just handled them like it’s nothing. He’s so smart and charming. He was already hers, but her heart still fluttered for him. He’s so hot. “Honey, you’re really hot tonight. I love you,” she confessed to him thanks to liquid courage.

Ren smiled, and dimples formed on his cheeks. The divider in the car rose. What would happen in the backseat would stay in the backseat, and there was no need for the driver to overhear it. Besides, she’s tipsy now. If she does anything… inappropriate, it’s for my eyes only.

Ruka started moving around. She cupped his chin and brushed her finger across his face. Eventually, she played with his dimple.

“You’re so handsome,” she praised. Ruka puckered her lips and kissed his cheek.

Ren watched her lovingly as she got handsy with him. He liked to see her doing what she wanted sometimes. All he could see was her.

Ruka started yawning when they were almost home. Ren noticed that. He looked up from his iPad and put it down, then he patted her head. She looked at him languidly.

“We’re almost home. Wake up,” he whispered.

Oh, we’re getting home soon. She nodded. “Alright, I’ll stay up. I’ll sleep after I get back home.” I don’t want him taking me to the bedroom. He’s still hurt.

Ruka didn’t realize that Ren was smirking. If she falls asleep, I can’t do it with her. I need to keep her awake and wait for my chance.

Ruka got out of the car and went into the living room. She told Ren, “I’m getting a shower, then I’m going to bed.”

Rent took his coat off, revealing the tight, dark vest that fitted him snugly. He looked really fit and had one of the best bodies around.

Ren was in no mood to work. He wouldn’t miss any scene of seeing her tipsy. It’s gonna be a nice night tonight.

Ruka washed up quickly just so she could sleep early, but Ren opened the door and joined her halfway through.

Ruka wanted to scream. I guess no sleep for tonight then.

Ren thought that a tipsy Ruka was a succubus. He was looking forward to their wedding night. It’s gonna be awesome.

The ever diligent Elijah came to Ren’s house early in the next morning, holding a stack of files. Usually Ren would have come down at seven thirty, but it was already nine, and there was still no sign of him.

There was no sound coming from the master bedroom, so all Elijah could do was wait. I guess it’s normal that he delays work to spend time with his wife.

Ren came down all dressed up at nine thirty. He told the servant, “Ruka’s not having breakfast. She’ll have an early lunch.”

Ren came down all dressed up at nine thirty. He told the servant, “Ruka’s not having breakfast. She’ll have an early lunch.”

The servants nodded quietly. It’s not that she won’t. She can’t.

“You have to limit yourself, sir,” Elijah bravely suggested.

Ren turned around and gave him a glance. “Don’t you have work to do?” You don’t get to tell me what to do in private.

Elijah was just concerned about Ren’s health. They would be really busy just handling the coming election.

The election came, and Ren did not disappoint. He was elected as VP once again.

And that was not the only good news. Right after the victory announcement, Ruka was found to be pregnant with twins.

Charlotte was overjoyed. Their family was blessed with heaps of good news. Angela was already seven months pregnant. Soon Charlotte would be welcoming her first grandchild.

The Hussons would hold the wedding in June, and it would be as simple as Richard’s. It would hurt Ren’s reputation if he held too big of a wedding, and their family was more practical.

Ruka didn’t really mind it either. She wasn’t an ostentatious girl. Having the man she loved with her was the most important thing. The wedding was a just formality where their friends and family could witness their love.

Elliot, Anastasia, Arthur, and Sophie joined the wedding. Once again, they were honored to witness the sanctity of love and marriage.

Arthur and Sophie’s son was already born. They would hold a wedding not long down the line as well.

Angela, who was seven months pregnant now, was standing beside Richard. After they went into the banquet hall, the ladies took up a quiet room and talked about child-rearing. Anastasia was the most experienced of all. Her daughter was already six months old, and she took good care of her.

Angela looked at the baby girl on the screen, and she longed to see her own too. The doctor told her that she was pregnant with a girl.

“She’s so chubby and cute. Does she cling to you or her father?” Angela smiled.

“Her father. He holds her most of the time, so I get more time to myself.” Anastasia smiled. Her hair was slightly curled. She had recovered and gained her mojo back after the birth, looking as elegant as she used to be.

Sophie said that Martha spoiled her son rotten. Arthur set his work aside for them as well. Their son resembled Arthur. He was just one month old, but the boy was already the center of everyone’s attention.

While the ladies were chatting among themselves, the men held their own gathering as well. They looked like they were talking about important stuff, but if one moved closer to them, one would find that they were talking about child-rearing as well. The men were interested in kid-related stuff too.

Elliot’s phone rang halfway through. The screen lit up and showed a baby’s face—it was a photo of his daughter. After he was done with the call, the guy looked at the photo for a while before turning the phone off and getting back to the conversation.

As a new father, Arthur had a lot to learn. This was his most important job, and the one he was most eager to learn at. He wanted to be a brilliant dad.

Richard barely said anything, but he listened intently. He didn’t want to lose out on any tip. Ren was in a crisp black suit, and hordes of people came to congratulate him. Harold knew a lot of people, so almost all the bigshots attended the wedding.

Ruka was still styling herself up. Rita was her bridesmaid. The girl almost fainted with delight. She never thought she would one day be the bridesmaid for the VP’s wife. This is my proudest moment.

Elijah was looking particularly dashing as well. He never had a chance to date anyone due to his work. The guy was twenty-nine and successful. Today he was the groom’s best man.

Elijah was looking particularly dashing as well. He never had a chance to date anyone due to his work. The guy was twenty-nine and successful. Today he was the groom’s best man.

Elijah was surprised Ren asked him to be his best man, though this was more interesting than work.

After Ruka’s makeup was done, she huddled closer to Rita. “Rita, you gotta catch my bouquet, got it?”

“I’ll try. I might be out of luck though.” Rita gave no guarantees.

“It’s alright. I’ll throw it in your direction.” Ruka smiled.

Ren and his best man came. He looked exceptionally young and handsome that day. Ruka might be a few years younger than he was, but as they stood next to each other, their age gap wasn’t obvious and they looked really good together.

There was a rumor that said a couple who kissed a lot would resemble each other eventually. I guess that’s true?

Rita was about to stand up and straighten out Ruka’s gown, but she stepped on her own dress and gasped.

The man nearest to her immediately reached out to catch her. He grabbed her waist and stopped her from falling smack to the ground in public.

Rita was breathing a bit heavily. She looked up and was greeted by a handsome guy. Her heart fluttered.

Rita was looking really cute today as well. Her hair was trimmed short and clean. She looked like an innocent girl, and Elijah felt like he was having a crush.

“Thanks.” Rita quickly stood up straight.

“No problem,” Elijah said awkwardly. He stole a few glances at her though. This was the first time he saw the bridesmaid, and he thought she was cute.

Ruka was holding Ren’s arm, and they exchanged a smile. Oh ho, we smell the beginnings of another relationship here.

“Elijah, Ruka and I are gonna see my folks. You take care of the bridesmaid here,” Ren said.

Elijah was surprised, then he nodded. “Of course. I’ll keep a good eye on her.”

“She’s Rita, my friend.” Ruka smiled. And then she told Rita, “And Mr. Handsome here is Elijah. He’s Ren’s assistant. A very brilliant man, if I do say so myself.”

Rita and Elijah exchanged a look and pursed their lips sheepishly. They both took a sudden interest in their feet and looked down.

Some sparks were flying, but Ruka and Ren were already gone.

Rita was about to take the wreath, while Elijah wanted to reach his iPad to work on something. They moved at the same time and bumped into each other.

Elijah bumped his chin, while Rita hurt her forehead.

“I’m really, really sorry!” Elijah apologized and looked at her worriedly.

Rita said, “I’m sorry. Are you hurt?”

They stared at each other and chuckled. Rita covered her face in embarrassment.

“I’m fine. Your forehead’s a bit red though,” Elijah said. He was concerned.

Rita touched her forehead before smiling. “It’s alright. It’ll go away in a minute.”

Ruka and Ren were meeting the Husson elders. Ruka was going to serve tea for Ren’s parents. They quickly took it and said she didn’t have to do it anymore. She was pregnant after all.

“Ruka’s my sister-in-law from now on, and the future lady of the Husson household,” Scarlet announced.

Claire and Robert exchanged a smile. They never expected this day would come, and yet it did.

Ruka teared up a little. She couldn’t help it as the atmosphere moved her. She had always been sentimental.

Ren noticed the tears in her eyes, and he held her in his embrace. “Dad, Mom, Ruka needs some rest. Excuse us.”

They came to the common room, and Ruka felt embarrassed. She laughed. “I’m just so touched.”

She never thought she could actually be Ren’s wife. This didn’t happen even in her wildest dreams. And I’m pregnant with his kids too.

Eventually, it was time to go with the procession. Ren was waiting for her on the stage. Ruka held her father’s arm as she slowly headed toward him. A beautiful headdress decorated her head.

Eventually, it was time to go with the procession. Ren was waiting for her on the stage. Ruka held her father’s arm as she slowly headed toward him. A beautiful headdress decorated her head.

Robert shed tears of joy when he handed his daughter to Ren. “Ren, take good care of her.”

Ren said, “Of course, Robert. You don’t have to worry.”

A simple promise, but one that carried a heavy weight.

Robert could finally hand his daughter to him without worries. Ruka slowly looked up at Ren. Even through the veil, she could see the love in his eyes. She smiled. Ren was staring at his wife through the veil as well. Time seemed to stop at this moment.

And then, a thunderous applause erupted. Everyone was bearing witness to the tying of a new knot.

Elijah was on stage as well. He saw the bridesmaid behind Ruka. When Rita looked up, she too looked at him. Their eyes met. Elijah scratched his head, while Rita smiled shyly.

Once the vows were made, Ruka was about to toss the bouquet into the crowd. Rita was right on the stage. Ruka turned around and winked at her, then she tossed the bouquet in Rita’s direction.

Rita caught it easily. Ruka smiled. “I wish you happiness, Rita.”

Rita stole a glance at Elijah. And perhaps it’s already right here.

And then it was time to raise toasts. Scarlet and Walter represented their parents and dealt with the guests. Ren and Elijah went with them. Ruka just got pregnant so she couldn’t drink or walk around, hence she and Rita went to the common room.

“Ruka, is Elijah taken?” Rita asked shyly.

“He’s single. Ren said he’s too busy to even have a girlfriend.” Ruka smiled. She knew Rita was interested in Elijah, and she was more than happy to match them up.

“Really?” Rita’s eyes shone.

“Rita, Elijah’s a nice guy. You can consider him.”

“B-But will he date me?” Rita didn’t have high hopes. She didn’t know him well, so she thought her charms weren’t enough to attract him.

“Rita, you’re beautiful. Trust me. He’ll love you,” Ruka encouraged her.

At this moment, Elijah and Ren came back from a round of drinking. Elijah’s face was a little red. Since Ren wasn’t drinking, he had to do the job himself.

It was a happy day, so he did it gladly.

The three couples took up one table. They were all looking really great, and everyone was attracted to them. It wasn’t every day that three high-profile couples showed up in the same place.

The banquet wrapped up at eight. There was no entertainment, nor was there any need for it. Ren was already an important enough figure without anyone hyping him out. The people with kids were already going home to see their children.

Rita was about to leave, but then someone said, “Ms. Sommerfield, I had a bit too much to drink. Can you give me a ride?”

It was Elijah. He had been keeping up with Rita. The liquid courage from the alcohol he had gave him the push he needed to tell Rita what he thought.

“Sure, no problem.” Rita was excited that she could help.

She drove all the way to Elijah’s house. Rita’s driving was a bit wild because of how excited she was. The moment they got to Elijah’s house, he got out of the car and puked into the grass.

Rita blamed herself for this, and she also felt sympathetic toward him. While they were on their way here, Elijah told her he was living all by himself. His parents weren’t around. “Why don’t I stay for the night, Mr. Jackman? I can help you,” she asked.

“You’d do that for me?” Elijah felt his stomach churning from how much he puked. He needed someone to care for him.

“Of course. As long as you want me—”

“Of course I’d want you! I’m honored you’d stay just for me,” he answered right away.

Rita smiled. “Okay. I’ll be taking care of you then.”

Rita smiled. “Okay. I’ll be taking care of you then.”

Rita called Ruka one week later. Ruka had just woken up from a nap. Rita sheepishly told her about the news.

She was dating Elijah. Ruka was delighted to hear that. “Elijah is a really reliable and responsible guy. I’m happy for you, Rita,” she congratulated.

Angela gave birth to her girl about a month later, and Richard was finally a father. The Meyers and Lloyds were delighted to finally welcome their first grandchild.

Richard was usually a calm and collected man at work, but he scrambled to hold his daughter when the nurse handed the baby to him. He carefully held the baby and looked at her. She was sleeping after crying so much. His heart melted.

“How’s my wife doing?”

“She’s taking a break. You’re not allowed to see her at the moment.” The nurse told him what Angela said.

Richard was amused. He did want to go inside, but since Angela made that order, he waited until she was done taking a break.

Angela felt a weight being lifted off her shoulders after giving birth. It felt like she just finished her duty. Daphne was beside her, crying. Her heart went out for Angela, and Angela had to console her instead.

“Don’t cry, Mom. I’m not crying, and I’m the one who gave birth.”

“It must have been painful for you.” Daphne was a successful businesswoman, and she really loved her daughter. She’d do anything if it meant her daughter wouldn’t get hurt.

A smile curled Angela’s lips. Back in the operating room, she swore she would never get pregnant again, but when she saw her daughter coming to this world safe and sound, crying without a care in the world, she forgot all the pain she had suffered. All she felt was contentment.

It was like she just did the most important thing in her life.

She had enough rest from the one month of confinement. The whole family was willing to take care of the baby, so she had a wonderful time. Angela came back looking healthy and glistening.

At a quiet coffee shop in a mall, a woman with a resumé in her hands was sitting at a table. She closed her eyes in frustration and anger. She just got refused by another company.

She had been job hunting for two months, but still no luck. This woman was Victoria. Ever since she was fired from the Translation Department, she had been waiting for news of Ren’s failure to get reelected. Reality didn’t go as she wished, of course. Now he and Ruka were in a different world than she was.

She had used all her connections to get into the Translation Department and spent all her time on work. Eventually she made it to department head, but now her father was taken down and she too was fired. Ever since then, she could only job hunt at private companies. Falling from heaven hurt her a lot.

She scoffed at most job offers, but she couldn’t provide the recruiters with her past experience, so all she got were offers for regular positions. It wasn’t what she wanted.

Eventually she broke down, and she regretted what she did. Why did I stake my future on a man I might not even get to have in the end?

It was too late for regrets, though. She played all her cards, and it resulted in a mess.

After she was booted out of upper society, nobody would tell her any news about Ren and Ruka, even when she tried to ask. All she knew was that they got married.

He loves her so much. They’re gonna be really happy. He didn’t date anyone until he was thirty-three years old. All just for her. His love for her runs deep.

No matter how much she wanted to deny it, the peak of her life was gone, and it would never return. Her strongest backer had fallen.

The summer sun shone brightly on a landmark hotel in the city center. It gleamed a brilliant golden, shining on the city.

A woman in a red dress stood before president suite number 8808 with a card in her hand. The woman took a deep breath and closed her eyes in an attempt to hold her fury back. Finally, she unlocked the door.

A woman in a red dress stood before president suite number 8808 with a card in her hand. The woman took a deep breath and closed her eyes in an attempt to hold her fury back. Finally, she unlocked the door.

The key card reader let out a beep, and she kicked the door open. Before the people inside could react, she whipped her phone out and recorded the messy room, including the couple on the bed, who were sleeping in each other’s embrace.

The woman on the bed let out a scream. The man opened his eyes and pulled the woman into his arms. He glared at the woman who was taking a video. “What are you doing, Queenie? Stop recording!”

“My fiancé and my sister just betrayed me. Tell me, why shouldn’t I take proof of your betrayal, scum? This isn’t the only thing I’ll do. I’m going to post it online too.”

“Are you mad, Queenie? Leslie and I are made for each other! You’re the third wheel here!” The woman in the man’s arms raised her head. The light shone on her, and surprisingly, she looked just like the woman in red.

“Bonnie’s right, Queenie. She’s the one I love, not you.” NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

Queenie peered at the man. They got engaged a year ago, but now he was holding her twin sister in his arms, protecting her like she was his greatest treasure.

Queenie clenched her jaw and held up her phone. “Fine. I’ll be the bigger person and post your scandalous behavior to both our families’ chat groups. Everyone will know about the two of you!”

“Leslie, quick, take her phone away from her! Don’t let her post anything!” Bonnie exclaimed in fear.

The man leaped out of bed at once and charged over to Queenie without caring that he was only clad in his underwear. He was determined to snatch Queenie’s phone away, so she rushed for the door.

“Get her, Leslie!” the woman behind them commanded.

Queenie had just started running when she realized her grave mistake. She should not have worn heels! She fled around the corner and heard a door opening.

She flew into the room without hesitation. The man inside the room was caught unaware and she ended up bashing him in the forehead, which sent him stumbling to the ground.

Queenie hurriedly shut the door and stood with her back against it. It was then that she realized there was a tall, young man in a gray shirt lying on the ground.

He sat up with a wince and continued to groan in pain as he clutched his forehead.

Queenie hastened to mutter her apology. “I’m so sorry, sir! Are you alright?!”

The man looked up at once. The soft morning sun had lit up the room, but the man’s expression was dark and stormy. There was a noticeable red lump on his forehead which looked extremely out of place on his otherwise flawless, fair face.

“Do I look like I’m alright?” He got up from the floor and his towering frame made Queenie, who was leaning against the door, gulp.

He was so tall—6 feet and 1 inches. She felt pressured.

Just then, a woman’s voice came in from the corridor. “Did she escape? What should we do, Leslie?”

Queenie immediately clapped her hands together and stared at the man with pleading eyes. She looked like a kicked puppy.

“Let me hide in here, please, it’ll only be for a moment. Just a short while,” she begged before pressing her ear against the door to hear what was being said outside.

“Hah. If she dares to post it, I’ll make her pay!” a man growled viciously.

“How did she get the card to our room? Isn’t this supposed to be the best hotel in the city? I want to file a complaint.”

Once the voices were gone, Queenie finally sighed in relief, but when she turned around, she realized she had yet another problem on her hands.

A problem in the form of a handsome man who had a swollen forehead thanks to her. He was glaring daggers at her.

“Let me take you to the hospital, sir!”

However, he merely pointed at the door and commanded icily, “Get out.”

“Yes, right away!” Queenie replied before scurrying out the door.

At the same time, the man’s phone started ringing and he picked it up. “Hello?”

“Mr. Manson, the meeting has started.”

“I’ll be right down,” Nigel replied. He took a deep breath. Who could tell him what the deal was with that rude girl just now?

The senior executives of Manson Group were all gathered in the hotel’s conference room on the eighth floor, and the one seated at the head of the table was Nigel Manson. It had been two years since he first returned from studying abroad, and now, he was a lot more dignified and reserved.

The senior executives of Manson Group were all gathered in the hotel’s conference room on the eighth floor, and the one seated at the head of the table was Nigel Manson. It had been two years since he first returned from studying abroad, and now, he was a lot more dignified and reserved.

Everyone was staring at the man at the head of the table whose forehead was red and swollen, and they all voiced their concern.

“What happened to your forehead, Mr. Manson?”

“Mr. Manson, I think you should go to the hospital! You might be left with a scar if you don’t treat it right away.”

“Who had the gall to injure you right here in the hotel, Mr. Manson?”

Nigel exhaled and instructed his assistant, Andrew Knight, “Bring me some ice. I’ll be fine once I ice it down.”

“A woman barged into my room this morning which led to me banging my forehead against the door, but I won’t pursue the matter since she’s a guest here at the hotel,” Nigel explained with a huff.

“You’ll need to be more careful next time, Mr. Manson! I’ve heard that a lot of young women from wealthy families stay in our hotel just so they can bump into you!” one of the managers said with a grin.

The others began to join in as well. “I’ve heard about that too! Mr. Manson is one of the most eligible bachelors in town. All these young, wealthy ladies are racking their brains to find a way to marry him!”

Nigel was beginning to get a headache from all their chatter. He slammed his hand down on the table. “That’s enough. No more chit-chat about things that aren’t on the agenda. Let’s start the meeting.”

All the others in the conference room immediately sobered up and focused on work. In the past, it was not unusual for them to crack a joke or two during meetings with Nigel as the chair, but now that he became a lot more stern and intimidating, the executives no longer felt they could be as casual about it.

Meanwhile, the concierge received a call from someone with a serious complaint. It was a woman who claimed that someone had pretended to be her to get an access card to her room. It was a serious

breach of privacy and the woman demanded that the hotel apologize and compensate them for it.

The receptionist looked into it right away.

The manager on the morning shift came and questioned the two receptionists who were about to go off-duty regarding the complaint, and the receptionists were confused as well. “Isn’t the woman in the red dress today the same woman as the one last night? She said that the main key card was with her boyfriend so she wanted to take a secondary card!”

“That’s right! We’re sure it’s her. It was a very pretty woman who looked like she came from a wealthy family.”

“Yeah. We wouldn’t have mistaken her for someone else.”

Just then, the security staff had managed to look into the security footage. The manager and the receptionists gathered in the meeting room to take a look, and their jaws dropped.

They saw a young woman and a young man entering the room arm-in-arm the previous night. The woman in red had only arrived this morning, but she and the woman they saw from the previous night looked exactly the same, even down to their hairstyle.

Oh my! How could there be two people who looked so similar?

“They must be identical twins!”

“It doesn’t matter what their relationship is. The hotel needs to take responsibility for this, so be prepared to make your apologies!” the female manager announced sternly.

“Hang on, isn’t she going into Mr. Manson’s room?”

“You’re right! Goodness me! She barged into Mr. Manson’s room! What is she trying to do to Mr. Manson? Do you think she wants to harass him?”

Soon, they saw a man stepping out of the room with a dark expression. The look on their usually charming and elegant president’s face made it seem like he had been harassed.

“How could she be that shameless?”

“Was she purposely trying to find an opportunity to sneak into Mr. Manson’s room to seduce him?”

The female manager cleared her throat. “That’s enough. It’s not your place to be gossiping about Mr. Manson. Get back to work.”

At the same time, two luxury cars came to a stop outside the hotel lobby. An elegant, matronly lady rushed out of the car with four bodyguards in tow. She was hurrying into the lobby when she got a call. “Hello? Yes, I’m here. Don’t cry, Bonnie. I’m here now. Don’t worry. Queenie won’t dare to do such a thing, I promise.”

“Mom, I don’t want to live anymore! How am I going to ever show myself again if everyone in the family sees that video? I’ve only been back for a year. How am I going to hold my head high after this?” the young woman wailed into the phone.

“Mom, I don’t want to live anymore! How am I going to ever show myself again if everyone in the family sees that video? I’ve only been back for a year. How am I going to hold my head high after this?” the young woman wailed into the phone.

“Don’t do anything silly, okay? Wait for me.” The beautiful, middle-aged woman quickly pressed for the elevator. Once she got into the elevator, she dialed another number but no one picked up the phone.

The woman was red with fury. As soon as the elevator doors opened, she rushed to the presidential suite and opened the door. Bonnie rushed into her arms and cried her eyes out in great despair.

“It’s alright, Bonnie. Don’t cry. I’m here, aren’t I? We’ll find a way to resolve the matter involving you and Leslie.”

“Mom, I couldn’t grow up beside you and I’m not as good as Queenie at making you happy. I’m not as likable as her either. I don’t care that she has everything and I have nothing. All I want is to be with Leslie, and I’m happy as long as I can be by your side. I don’t care about anything else.”

“You silly girl. You will get everything you deserve. Your dad and I have owed you too much for the last twenty years. We won’t let you suffer in any way.”

Bonnie’s teary eyes twinkled smugly. Queenie Silverstein, sooner or later, I’ll chase you out of this family. The entire Silverstein family fortune will be mine.

“Mom, did you manage to call Queenie?”

“She’s not answering her phone but she didn’t release the video either. I’m guessing that she’s gone into hiding, but I’ll find her and take her home.”

“Mom, I don’t want to let things slide so easily after Queenie pretended to me in order to get the access card to our room.”

“What do you want to do?” The woman, Maggie Elmhurst, was a little taken aback.

“I want the hotel to apologize and compensate me for it.” Bonnie bit her lip. “I won’t let anyone push me around anymore.”

“Alright. The hotel should take responsibility for it anyway. Look at how pale you are from the fright,” Maggie exclaimed as her heart panged for her second daughter.

“Mom, can you find Queenie first? I’m so worried that she’ll expose my relationship with Leslie. Leslie and I will be mocked and criticized for getting together before his engagement with Queenie is called off.”

“Don’t worry, your dad and I will take care of your matter with Leslie,” Maggie assured before taking a card out of her bag. “Here, there’s 150,000 in this bank card. Go ahead and treat yourself! Don’t feel bad about buying your clothes from luxury brands. Our family can afford it.”

“Okay, I will, Mom. I love you,” Bonnie said before hugging Maggie. This money was thanks to the show she put on last night. She had worn a cheap outfit and paraded it in front of her mother last night, which led to the hefty allowance she received now.

“I’ll go and check with the hotel to see if Queenie has left yet.” Maggie went off.

As soon as Maggie left, a man stepped out of the bathroom. It was Leslie Payne, Queenie’s fiancé.

“Did Mrs. Silverstein leave already?”

“My mom went out to look for Queenie. We’ll get the hotel to take responsibility for this and make a police report as well. It’d be best if she gets locked up for a few days,” Bonnie hissed through gritted teeth. The man wrapped his arms around her affectionately and said, “You’ve suffered so much because of me, Bonnie.”

“Nonsense! Being with you is the best thing that has happened to me ever since I came home.”

Leslie smiled and kissed her forehead. The two women had the same face, but Bonnie had a seductive air about her, while Queenie was nothing more than a pretty face. She was stiff and unromantic, and she did not let him touch her. Leslie had intended to spend the night with her at a hotel, but she declared that she would not sleep with him before marriage.

All Leslie could think was, I’m not a priest. Why do I need to stay celibate? Three months after their engagement, something major happened. The Silversteins’ long-lost twin daughter had been found and was brought back to the family. Now the Silversteins had another daughter, one that looked similar to Queenie.

Leslie had seen for himself how the Silversteins shoved Queenie to the side and showered all their love and attention on Bonnie. He was even more surprised to find out that Bonnie fell in love with him at first sight. During a family gathering half a year ago, Bonnie had gotten drunk and kissed him. Ever since then, they had been in a secret relationship.

He wanted to break off his engagement with Queenie and marry Bonnie instead, but before he could bring it up, Queenie found out about his affair, and this morning, she stormed into the room like a raging lunatic and took photos and videos of them.

He wanted to break off his engagement with Queenie and marry Bonnie instead, but before he could bring it up, Queenie found out about his affair, and this morning, she stormed into the room like a raging lunatic and took photos and videos of them.

The engagement had not been called off yet, so Leslie’s relationship with Bonnie was scandalous. Thus, he hated Queenie for getting in the way of things.

“I’ve already reported this to the police. Let the hotel handle the process of getting her arrested. Either way, we’ll be seeing her at the police station.” Leslie was not going to show any mercy to Queenie. All he cared about was Bonnie, and he was determined to work with Bonnie to chase Queenie out of the Silverstein family. That way, Bonnie would get an even larger chunk of the family fortune.

Queenie did not leave the hotel. She was sitting in the hotel café on the top floor. Time and time again, she would get the urge to send the videos out, but she kept talking herself down.

It was due to the barrage of texts from her parents. They knew she was not picking up the phone, so they kept texting her and telling her not to share the videos.

One of the texts drove Queenie to tears. “Bonnie is your younger sister. You had everything you wanted ever since you were a child, but Bonnie had to suffer out in the world. You’re her older sister, so can’t you be the bigger person and let her have Leslie?”

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