Never Too Far Novel

Chapter 1121-1130

Chapter 1121-1130

“Thank you… Angela.” Ruka took her hand, feeling the warmth of being supported.

Angela burst out laughing. “Should I call you Aunt Ruka now?”

Ruka instantly blushed with her head lowered. At any rate, these generational issues were indeed messy.

“I…” She bit her red lips, so embarrassed that she didn’t know what to say.

Angela stopped teasing Ruka and reached out to hug her. “No matter what our titles are, we’ll decide on that when the time comes. Right now, the most important thing is that you guys are together. I promise that Richard and I will support you.”

Ruka felt anxious all of a sudden. “Richard…”

“As long as I’m on your side, he wouldn’t dare to oppose me!” Angela huffed.

Ruka looked at her gratefully. Although Angela’s words did not represent everyone else’s opinions, her support was enough to warm her heart.

“Miss Singed, Mrs. Lloyd, you’re all here! Lunch is starting soon over at the hall,” informed the maids.

Ruka and Angela exchanged glances and walked toward the hall, arm in arm. Meanwhile, Sophie was already sitting at the table, and Mrs. Husson had arranged for her to sit beside Ren. Although he had not come down yet, they were clearly seated together, so Sophie glanced at Ruka intentionally.

Ruka sat beside her parents, while Angela also sat beside Richard. He then looked at her with a meaningful gaze as her words today had also startled him.

“Why hasn’t Ren come down yet?” Mrs. Husson asked the maid.

“Mr. Husson is in a call upstairs. He must be busy settling his work. He’ll come down soon.”

“This boy always has a busy schedule. It’s so difficult to even meet him,” Mrs. Husson complained to everyone at the table.

While saying so, they could tell she was proud of her son.

Only Scarlet could respond to her mother. She smiled and replied, “If Ren isn’t doing well, you’d be anxious, but now that he’s doing well, you still nag about him.”

As soon as she said that, everyone laughed, but Mrs. Husson sighed and replied, “He’s good in everything besides his marriage!” After she finished speaking, she looked at Sophie again with joy in her eyes.

When she felt Mrs. Husson’s gaze on her, Sophie lowered her head shyly. After that, she turned to look at Ruka with a triumphant smirk.

Watching that scene, Ruka felt heartbroken.

At this moment, Ren’s tall and handsome figure stepped into the doorway. He glanced at the empty chair at the table, whereas Angela came up with a plan. She quickly got up and said to Ren, “Uncle Ren, please sit here.”

After speaking, Angela got up and sat next to Sophie. She then linked her arms with Sophie and uttered intimately, “Miss Liamson, I like you so much! Let’s sit together!”

Sophie instantly stiffened. She could tell that Angela was deliberately separating her and Ren.

Watching them, Richard was also slightly puzzled. He knew what was going on in his wife’s mind. Therefore, Ren sat down beside Richard. He held up the teacup and looked at Ruka from the edge of his cup. The girl was seated diagonally opposite him.

Ruka raised her head and met his gaze. Then, she pursed her red lips nervously and lowered her head.

After Richard was reminded by Angela, he deliberately turned his gaze to his uncle and found that although he was drinking tea, he was actually looking at Ruka.

Men understood men best, so Richard instantly felt a tug at his heartstrings. Could Angela be right about them?

“Come on, let’s raise a toast together for our gathering today,” said Scarlet as she stood up.

Except for the two elders who did not stand up, everyone else got up and clinked each other’s glasses. The atmosphere instantly became cheerful.

After the first glass of wine, everyone started to dig in. Sophie could not help but gently asked Ren, “Ren, I’d like to eat some fish. Can you get some for me?”

“You want some fish? Let me help you.” Angela was the most proactive one and quickly grabbed a piece for Sophie. The latter silently cursed her for ruining her chances.

Richard knew what his wife was getting at, and he smiled dryly.

“Come, dig in, Angela,” Charlotte told Angela and even called out to Ruka. “And you too, Ruka. Look at you, all skin and bones. Eat.”

Ruka pursed her lips with a smile. “Of course, Grandma.”

She felt Ren shooting her a conflicted look.

Sophie smiled. “You’re the youngest one in the family, huh, Ruka? Scarlet’s goddaughter, eh? I heard she likes you the most. Here, a toast for you.”

She was reminding Ruka that she was the youngest around for a reason. Sophie wanted to push her down and keep her subservient.

“Thank you, Miss Liamson.” Ruka raised her glass half-heartedly and returned the toast.

“I envy Ruka. She has two moms and two dads. Harold, Charlotte, and uncle love her too,” Sophie continued.

Ruka bit her fork. She was a little panicked. Honestly, she was so nervous, she didn’t even dare to meet Ren’s gaze. She was worried Sophie might tell everyone about her relationship with him. She didn’t want that dream to happen in real life. What if his family yells at him? What if he hurts them because of me?

“Well, I mean, everyone’s different, Miss Liamson. For example, some people aren’t loved by their family, unlike Ruka is. Don’t you think so?” Angela snapped.

Sophie shut up and laughed at herself. “I guess so. I’m not as lucky as she is.”

Ruka stood up and announced, “I need to use the bathroom.”

She left the room quickly, and Ren looked at her, worried. He held his phone up. “I’m gonna make a call.” And then he left as well.

Sophie stared in the direction they left. Angela rested her chin on her hands. “Stop staring, Miss Liamson. Dig in.”

She then looked at Richard and winked. It was as if she was saying, See? I hit the bullseye.

Richard’s brows knitted together. That’s not the problem here. This is a complex case that needs to be dealt with.

The bathroom was just an excuse for Ruka to get some fresh air. The tension was too much back in there, and her heart kept thumping furiously. It almost suffocated her.

A gust of cold wind blew across her the moment she came to the garden, causing her hair to billow in the wind. She had taken her coat off, so she was wearing nothing but her white dress. The cold air was making her shiver. She wanted to back away.

Then again, someone pulled her into a warm embrace. It surprised her. She looked back and saw Ren. He looked worried and sympathetic.

“It’s cold out here, so why did you come out?” He led her into a greenhouse where the heater was on.

Ruka pulled her hand back. She was worried some servant might come out and see them. He sighed. “Don’t take what Sophie said to heart. She’s just an outsider.”

She didn’t want to tell him that Sophie threatened her before. It would just give him unwanted pressure. She nodded. “Sure. I don’t really mind what she said.”

Back in the dining room, Claire had also excused herself to go to the restroom. She thought she would run into her daughter there, but she didn’t see her, even when she was done relieving herself. It annoyed her.

It’s mealtime. Where is that girl? We’re guests here. She can’t run around. She’s not a kid anymore.

Claire was a strict mother. She went to look for her daughter so she could take her back to the dining hall. Going back alone was clearly rude.

I wonder if she’s in the greenhouse. Claire went to the greenhouse and heard sounds of conversation coming from one of the rooms, so she approached it.

Ruka and Ren were inside the room. She was feeling better after that little counseling session Ren gave her.

They were sitting face to face. Claire looked in and heaved a sigh of relief. I finally found her. So she was meeting Ren.

Just when she was about to call out to her daughter, Ruka spread her arms and hugged Ren. She even stood on tiptoes and kissed his cheek.

Claire’s eyes went wide with shock. What is she doing? She can’t do that to Ren!

She couldn’t see the look on Ren’s face, since his back was turned to her. However, she did see how impertinent Ruka was, and then the girl actually smiled shyly.

Ren said, “I think we should head back now.”

“Sure.” Ruka nodded.

Claire thought her heart would burst from her chest. She quickly went to the garden in case Ruka and Ren found out she was eavesdropping, even though she didn’t mean to eavesdrop.

Claire was trying to cool down with the breeze, but to no avail. I can’t believe she just kissed Ren! She felt like she didn’t know her daughter. What Ruka did just crossed all the boundaries she set for Ruka ever since Ruka was a child.

How did this happen? Where did I go wrong? She can’t kiss her own elder.

Her chest was heaving. Ruka’s gone too far, but I guess it’s my fault.

Every mother had great expectations for their children, including Claire. She didn’t need Ruka to be successful or anything, but at least she had to be an upright lady.

“That is not how we raised you, Ruka!” Claire felt like she could cry.

At the same time, Ruka and Ren had come back to the dining room, but she was still too nervous to go inside. She said, “I’ll need to use the bathroom.”

Ren knew she was still anxious, so he went inside without her. The moment he took his seat, Sophie looked at him sheepishly. Ren ignored her. He had decided to make it clear that he wasn’t dating Sophie. He didn’t want his parents to keep misunderstanding them.

Sophie shot Ruka a jealous look when she came back. Ruka took her seat, and to her surprise, she didn’t see her mother. Where did she go?

The dinner got a little glum since everyone, apart from Walter, Robert and Harold, was weighed down by their own thoughts. They were having a good time drinking and didn’t get weighed down by anything, maybe except for the booze.

Ruka was halfway through her meal when Claire came back. She was looking happy a while ago, but now it was obvious she was troubled.

Ruka noticed that, of course. She looked at her, and Claire turned around to meet her gaze as well. She heaved a big sigh. “Finish your food. We’re going home soon.”

Ruka was surprised. We’re going home after this?

They were almost done with their meal after a while. Charlotte invited everyone for tea, but Claire was already saying goodbye. Scarlet wanted them to stay, but Claire insisted on leaving.

“We really have to go, Scarlet. Thanks for inviting us.”

She dragged her tipsy husband out. Ren knew they were leaving, so he came over and said, “Mr. Singed is drunk. I’ll get someone to take you home.”

Claire quickly said, “It’s alright, vice president. Ruka will drive. We’ll go slow.”

Ruka looked at Ren. She was reluctant to leave, but her parents insisted, so she couldn’t stay.

“I’ll be going home then.”

“Drive safely. Text me when you get home,” he whispered.

“Sure.” Ruka nodded.

Sophie was standing in a corner, pretending to make a call. She was delighted to see Ruka and her family leave. Once she leaves, I’ll get the chance to approach Ren.

After they got in the car, Robert complained, “What’s the rush? I wanted to have a few more pints with Walter.”

“Shut it. We’re going home.” Claire was looking upset, and her temper was getting short.

Ruka got into the driver’s seat. She adjusted the seat until she was comfortable in it, then she revved the car up. Claire was in the backseat. She stared at her daughter, and she teared up angrily. The lady looked outside, her chest feeling stuffy. She thought her daughter was corrupted.

Ruka drove ahead. She was feeling a bit nervous too. Her mother would usually love to chat with her, but aside from her father mumbling in his drunken stupor, nobody said anything. Even if her mother did speak up, it was to chide Robert.

Well, this is depressing. Finally, she asked, “Are you alright, Mom?”

“Just drive. We’ll talk when we get home.” Claire held her emotions back. She didn’t want to start anything when her daughter was driving.

Ruka looked in the rear-view mirror. Claire was looking solemn and serious.

Back at the Husson Residence, Angela was feeling bored because Ruka was gone and she had no one to talk to. She just came back to the living room after making a call, but Richard wasn’t there. She asked the servant where he was.

“Master Richard and the young master are in the study,” she answered.

Angela headed to the study, but she didn’t go inside right away. Instead, she leaned her ear against the door to listen. Someone was talking inside, and it was Richard. He sounded surprised.

“You’re giving up the election?”

That shocked Angela. She was holding the doorknob, and now she had opened the door slightly.

Ren answered calmly, “Yes, I am.”

Richard gasped and asked, “Why? Why are you giving it up? Because of Ruka?”

Angela almost leaped in shock. God. Show more tact, Richard!

Ren narrowed his eyes in surprise. “And how did you know about that?”

“Do you really like her?” he asked. Men were used to being straightforward.

Ren headed to the french window. “Yes, I do,” he answered, still as calm as ever.

“That’s why you’re giving up? Because of her? Grandpa won’t accept this, uncle. And neither will my mother. And everyone who supports you. They’re supporting you because they trust you. You’re gonna let them down,” Richard argued. He was quickly moving toward Ren.

Angela was so engrossed by the conversation, she turned the doorknob without noticing, and the door opened. She let out a gasp and fell to the ground. “Ow!” Her knees hurt from the impact.

Richard looked at her, and his heart skipped a beat. He quickly held her up. Angie blushed. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to listen in.”

Ren turned around. She was a likable woman, and he thought well of her because of what she did for Ruka back at dinner.

“Are you hurt?” Richard took her to the couch and crouched down to check on her.

“No. I’m fine.” I don’t think I should be here. She stood up and limped toward the door. “You gentlemen go ahead. I’ll go now.”

Richard said, “I’ll take her to her room, Uncle.”

“Sure.” Ren nodded.

She must have hurt her knees. Richard carried her in his arms and left.

Angela blamed herself for interrupting their conversation. She was worried Richard might scold her.

“I’m sorry. Richard. I—”

“It’s not your fault,” he said gently.

He took her to a common room. Angela realized he was looking tense. Based on their conversation, she knew Ren’s relationship with Ruka was a big deal.

He’s giving the election up for Ruka. It’s unbelievable. However, Angela thought Ruka was lucky she had a man who loved her so much, he would make such a big sacrifice.

“Are you worried about Ren?” Angela cupped his face. She was worried about Richard.

Richard sighed. “I’m worried about Grandpa and Grandma. They expect big things from Uncle Ren. This might crush them.”

“Richard, do you love me? Would you give up your career for me?” she asked seriously, still holding his face.

He answered without any hesitation, “Of course.”

“What would you do if I were to be kidnapped, and they want you in exchange for me?”

Richard hugged her. For some reason, he was getting nervous. “I’ll kill them if they try to do anything to you.”

Oh, wow. Angela realized that she was as lucky as Ruka was. Both of them met gentlemen who would give up everything for them. She smiled. “Now can you see why Uncle Ren is giving the election up for her? Because he loves her, just like you love me.”

Richard was just too surprised by Ren’s decision, but now Angela made things clear for him. He sighed. “You’re right.”

Angela looked at him. Richard was still frowning, and she pinched his brows. “Don’t fret over it. We’ll help them if they need us.”

In the greenhouse, Charlotte was laughing at something Sophie said. Just then, a servant came in. “Miss Liamson? Miss Scarlet would like to talk to you.”

“Oh, sure.” Sophie got up and said goodbye to Charlotte, then she went with the servant. Right after she was gone, Ren came in and took the seat beside his mother.

“There’s something I want to tell you, Mom.”

Charlotte took a sip of her tea. “Really? Why did you have to wait until she’s gone to bring that up?” Oh, finally. He’s bringing this up.

“Please stop inviting Miss Liamson over, Mom. I have someone I like,” he said.

Charlotte looked at him in surprise. “Really? Who’s the lady who caught your eye?”

“I’ll introduce her to you guys in time.”

Oh, he’s finally bringing a girl home for dinner. Looks like the wedding’s coming soon. She nodded. “I’ll be waiting then. I’ll see to Miss Liamson in time.”

Ren nodded. “Sure. I’ll be going back then.”

“I wanna see her as soon as possible. It’d be best if you can have your own kid next year,” Charlotte told Ren as he left the room.

Sophie was going to see Scarlet, but she ran into Angela, who was also making her way to where Scarlet was to spend some time with her, in the corridor. Even before they talked, tension was already rising in the air.

“Stop wasting your time on Ren, Miss Liamson. I heard what you told Ruka today. Back off if you know what’s good for you,” Angela warned.

Sophie held her anger back. She tried to be as nice as she could, and she said, “You took it the wrong way, Angela. It was for their own good. Yeah, they’re not related by blood, but Ren’s in a sensitive position. He can’t afford to get hit by any scandals. The election is just around the corner. If someone finds out he’s in love with his sister’s goddaughter, it’d cause a whole slew of problems.”

“We don’t need any outsiders to tell us what to do. Mind your own business, Miss Liamson,” Angela retorted. She knew Sophie’s true colors, and it disgusted her.

“Oh, don’t call me an outsider just yet. Someday, I might be your aunt,” Sophie said confidently.

“The chances of that are slim.” Angela left.

Sophie’s chest was heaving in anger. Another servant then came for her. “Miss Liamson, Madam Charlotte is in the tea room. She wants to see you.”

Sophie quickly turned around. Trying to befriend anyone in this household was a waste of time. She would rather make Charlotte happy, since she was the one calling all the shots here.

Charlotte was having tea in the tea room. She was looking really delighted. What Ren told her made her feel great relief, though she was a little unhappy that Ren didn’t tell her soon. I wouldn’t have asked Sophie over otherwise.

Sophie came into the room and happily took the seat beside Charlotte. “Hi, Charlotte. The servant said you wanted to see me.”

“Ah, Sophie. There you are. Here’s a gift for you. It’s been great talking to you. Do visit me often, alright?” Charlotte gave her a gift while looking at Sophie affectionately.

Sophie was a smart woman. The gift and what Charlotte said were bad signs. Her heart sank. So the blind date’s over?

She’s giving me up? Why? Did Angela do something again?

“I can’t take this, Charlotte. It’s great enough that I get to talk to you.” She pushed the gift back into Charlotte’s hand while smiling.

“You’re a nice girl, Sophie. I like you very much, but Ren told me that he has someone he likes now. I don’t want you to waste your time on him anymore. You’re a brilliant girl. You’ll find a nice guy to marry. Sorry for taking up your time.” Charlotte sounded apologetic.

Sophie looked down. She was smiling, but her eyes were filled with disappointment. I see. So I didn’t make the cut. Is this the end?

All of a sudden, she realized something. She sneered quietly, He has someone he likes?

She looked at Charlotte. “Charlotte, may I know who’s the lady he likes? Maybe I know her.”

Charlotte smiled at her, and she sighed. “He’s keeping her under wraps. Wonder what’s the mystery.”

A hint of evil glinted in Sophie’s eyes. He’s not being mysterious. He’s just too scared to tell you guys who he likes. Oh, so he’s going to toss his future away and reveal his sordid relationship with Ruka, huh?

He’d probably reveal it if he wasn’t the vice president, but since he’s still the VP, he needs to keep his image intact.

“There’s something I really want to tell you, but it might upset you, Charlotte.” Sophie bit her lip and acted like she was in a dilemma.

“What is it? Tell me,” Charlotte asked curiously. She was in a good mood today.

“So I was looking for Ren before lunch.” She blinked innocently. The lady was still keeping up the act. “I did find him, but… but I saw…”

“What did you see?” Charlotte’s interest was piqued.

“I saw Ruka and Ren together in the study. I didn’t see what they were doing inside, but they came out holding hands. Ruka was the one who held Ren’s hand first, but that can’t be real. I must have been seeing things. She can’t be dating Ren. Scarlet’s her godmother.”

Charlotte’s cup fell and shattered into pieces. The old lady looked furious. She asked with a trembling voice, “What did you say? Are they dating?”

Sophie looked horrified. She quickly shook her head. “No, that’s not what I said. I said I saw her holding Ren’s hand, but I don’t know if she’s doing anything else.”

“Unbelievable!” Charlotte slammed the table. She was just going to get up, but then dizziness washed over her, and she slumped down onto the couch.

Shocked, Sophie stood up. She shouted, “Charlotte fainted! Somebody, come!”

Two servants made a quick dash into the room. One of them called the hospital, while the other summoned the family physician.

Charlotte was deathly pale. The sight of it made Sophie gulp. Fear was finally kicking in. She had no idea what she said would make Charlotte faint, but then she realized that the lady was almost eighty. Of course telling her anything shocking would do a number on her.

Scarlet came right away. Sophie quickly picked up her bag and tried to leave. Angela was hurrying over, so she bumped into her.

She noticed the nervous look Sophie was giving her. Wait. She might have something to do with this. Angela grabbed her by the collar. “What did you tell her?”

“N-Nothing. Let me go. I have to go.” She escaped Angela’s grasp and left in a hurry.

Angela heaved a sigh. Great. She must have told her about that. I can’t believe an outsider broke the news to Charlotte first.

Scarlet and Richard were right beside Charlotte. They massaged her temples and wrists, but she still didn’t regain consciousness. Harold was asleep from drinking too much, so Scarlet told everyone not to

wake him.

The ambulance had arrived. Richard picked Charlotte up and quickly went into it. The ambulance quickly made for the hospital, while Richard and Angela were following it in a car.

Scarlet picked her phone up and called Ren.

“What is it, Scarlet?”

“Mom fainted. We’re on our way to the hospital.”

“What happened to her?”

“I don’t know. She just fainted. Probably got some shock. We’re on our way to the hospital now. Don’t worry. I’m just informing you about this.”

“I’ll be right there.”

“Sure. You come too.” Mom’s not exactly young anymore. We need to be prepared for anything.

Angela hesitated for a while, then she told Richard about how Sophie looked all nervous and left in a hurry.

“So you’re saying Grandma fainted because she told her about that on purpose?” He frowned. Anger was welling up in Richard.

“Probably. She hates it that Ren likes Ruka, and she just threatened Ruka in the afternoon. Not to mention she left in a real hurry. She must have something to do with this,” she guessed.

“This is why Uncle Ren didn’t tell them about this. They’re too old to get another shock of their lives. That’s also why he didn’t tell anyone he’s given up the election, because this might happen.”

“But Ren loves his parents. What should they do now? He and Ruka are in for a rough ride.” Angela sighed. She was worried for them as well.

At the same time, Ruka and her parents had arrived home. Right after they went inside, Claire looked at Ruka solemnly. “Ruka, come with me.” From NôvelDrama.Org.

Robert was a little tipsy. He lay down on the couch, still oblivious to the fact that his wife was looking a bit too solemn.

Ruka went with her mother, and Claire closed the door. Ruka’s heart skipped a beat. She looked at her mother nervously. The tension in the air was almost suffocating her. She was not used to seeing her gentle mother being this solemn.

“Are you trying to say something, Mom?” Ruka asked.

Claire wanted to say something, but she started crying angrily before she could. The emotions she held back finally broke out and her chest heaved.

She pointed at Ruka. “I-I can’t believe you did something so foul. You disappoint me. You’re supposed to be my daughter. Scarlet’s your godmother. How could you even do this?”

Ruka was shocked. She had no idea what her mother was talking about, but seeing her so sad made Ruka sad too. “C-Calm down, Mom. We can talk this through.” She tried to hug Claire.

Claire shoved her away. “Tell me, why are you dating Ren? What were you thinking? You’re not supposed to be a gold digger. You’re not supposed to date someone just because they’re rich, so why did you?”

Ruka blushed even harder, but then she blanched. How did Mom find out about that?

“I saw everything. You hugged and kissed him. How could you do that? Have you no shame? He’s your uncle! You’re tarnishing our name!” Claire was still crying from anger. She was furious and disappointed.

Ruka was panicking. She was too ashamed to face her mother. The girl pursed her lips, and tears welled up in her eyes. Her mother’s disappointment was too heavy for her to bear. She had no idea how to console Claire either.

She didn’t even have the courage to tell her the truth. There was no way she could tell her that they were in love with each other, and not because she was seducing him. That would just make things worse for Mom.

“I’m sorry, Mom. I’m sorry I disappointed you,” she apologized. Ruka was on the verge of tears as well.

“How far have you two gone? Did you…”

“No! No, of course not. It’s still platonic. Nothing sexual.” She was embarrassed and nervous, but she had to make that clear.

“Did you fall for him after you stayed with him the last time?” she asked. Claire thought this started because her daughter wanted to marry a rich and powerful man.

Ruka shook her head. “Mom, it’s not—”

“Swear… Swear you won’t ever get near him. Swear you won’t even get any ideas about him, or I’ll disown you and kick you out of the house.” Claire was starting to threaten Ruka.

Ruka closed her eyes and held her tears in. She could feel her heart getting torn into a million pieces, but she didn’t show it, or her mother might go deeper into her rage.

Ruka nodded. “Don’t worry, Mom. I won’t go near him anymore.”

Claire felt a stab of pain in her chest. She sat down on the bed while clutching her chest. Ruka quickly came forward to check on her. “Don’t hurt yourself because of this, Mom. It’s not as serious as you think. I’ll just stay away from him. I’ll do as you say, alright?”

“I owe you a lot, but I also owe Scarlet and her family a mountain of gratitude. I can’t believe you’re doing something like this. How do you expect me to feel?” Claire was angry at her daughter for doing something so preposterous.

Ruka realized things were not as simple as she thought. There were too many things to take into account, for example, her parents being indebted to the Hussons because they raised her.

“Do you have any idea who Ren is? He’s the VP, and what you’re doing is going to ruin his future in the political scene!” Claire felt her heart getting crushed by anger again.

Ruka blanched. She was shivering in fear, and she held Claire. “I’m sorry, Mom. I won’t ever see him again, I promise.”

Claire angrily slapped Ruka’s back. “How could you do this, Ruka? What did I tell you? We owe the Hussons a mountain of gratitude, and you repay them with… this?”

Ruka’s eyes reddened. She stared at the ground and let her mother hit her. The pain wasn’t physical as much as it was emotional. Tears slid down her cheeks silently as her dreams went up in smoke.

Ruka blamed herself for angering her mother so much.

Claire held her in her embrace. Her heart ached for Ruka, and she heaved a sigh. “I don’t want you ruining your life either.”

Charlotte had been taken into the emergency room when Ren came. Scarlet, her husband, Richard, and Angela were waiting outside in the corridor. They looked worried as well.

“Why did she faint all of a sudden?” Ren asked Scarlet.

“I don’t know. The servant called for me all of sudden. She already fainted when I got to the tea room.”

Angela wanted to tell him what happened, but Richard held her back. The announcement of Ren’s relationship with Ruka now would hit Scarlet like a bullet train.

The doctor finally came out of the emergency room. Charlotte had awakened, and she was lying on the bed that was being wheeled out of the room. When she saw Ren, the lady closed her eyes and sighed.

She was taken to a ward, and Scarlet went inside alone. She was worried a crowd might affect her mother’s rest. Not long after she went inside, she came back out. “Mom wants you inside,” she told Ren.

He nodded. The moment his mother looked at him, he knew he must be the reason why she fainted.

Ren went into the ward. Charlotte had sat up, and she was giving her son a look of complaint. He took a seat. “How are you doing, Mom?”

“Fine, no thanks to you.” She turned her head away angrily.

Ren moved closer to the bed and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. He pressed his cheek against his mother’s hair, and he cooed, “I’m sorry, Mom. Please don’t stay mad at me. Tell me what happened.”

Charlotte loved him the most ever since he was a kid. He could easily calm her when nobody else could. His apology wiped out most of her anger, but still she shot him a glare. “You told me you have a lady you like. It’s Ruka, isn’t it?”

Ren was surprised, but only for a moment. He nodded. “Yes, it is.”

“Why…” Charlotte felt her chest tightening up. “Are you trying to make everyone mad? Out of all the women in this world, and you pick Ruka?”

Just like Ruka’s parents thought the fault lay with their daughter, Charlotte thought the fault lay with Ren. She didn’t blame Ruka for this; she thought her son must have done something to make this happen.

Ren caressed his mother’s back while calming her down. “It’s not what you think, Mom. We love each other, Ruka and I.”

Charlotte let out another big sigh. “She’s your sister’s goddaughter. Can’t you at least stay away from her?”

“But I thought you wanted me to marry someone.” Ren picked the exact conversation she would love to have.

“Yeah, but you can’t just…” No matter how she looked at it, Charlotte was still miffed. She had watched over Ruka ever since she was a child, and she used to come over to play really often. Charlotte thought of her as a granddaughter, so this came as a shock for her.

Not to mention she was very conservative and traditional. Of course it was hard to accept a girl whom she thought of as a granddaughter marrying her son. She shook her head and looked away. It was a silent protest.

Her son held her in his embrace and rested his chin on her shoulders. He went with the ‘act like a child’ tactic. “I’m not gonna marry anyone but her. You refuse, and no grandkids for you.”

The last time he acted like a child was, well, back when he was a literal child asking for a candy. She couldn’t believe her thirty-three year-old son would do the same thing again, but this time, he was asking for a wife instead of a candy.

Charlotte couldn’t hold back anymore. She chuckled and turned back to thump her son. “You shouldn’t threaten me, you know.”

Alright, she’s feeling a lot happier now. He sat up straighter and looked at Charlotte seriously. “Mom, I really like her, and she likes me as well. Yes, it’s gonna be controversial, but we’ll face it together.”

Charlotte was surprised for a few moments. Oh yeah. He’s in a precarious position. One scandal is all it needs to destroy his political career.

“You have to think this through, son. The court of public opinion isn’t the only thing you have to face if you date Ruka; your political career’s destruction is too,” she advised him while holding his hand tightly. Ren had always been brilliant. They were never worried about him.

“I’ve thought this through. Now I need your support. Everyone’s support.” He looked at her with an unspoken plea. His parents’ support was what he needed most. He didn’t care about the public’s opinion. He only cared about his family’s.

“You should call Scarlet and the others inside now.” Charlotte thought they had to discuss this together.

Ren opened the door. Everyone was looking worried. He said, “Come in, you guys.”

Scarlet came in first. She sat down beside Charlotte. “How do you feel, Mom? Are you hurt or unwell anywhere?”

“I’m fine. The problem now is your brother.” She sighed.

“What? What’s wrong with him?” Scarlet quickly looked at him.

Ren was silent for a few moments, and then he looked at Scarlet. “I need to tell you something, but promise me you’ll stay calm.”

“Go ahead.” Scarlet was surprised, but also curious. Ren was looking serious for once.

“I… like Ruka, and I want to date her,” he said honestly.

Scarlet’s jaw dropped. She looked at him in disbelief. Walter was equally shocked. Only Richard and Angela were calm, and they exchanged a look. Okay, so the whole family’s gonna know soon.

“Sorry? You like Ruka?” Scarlet shot up and approached her brother. “When? Why do you like her?”

He looked at Scarlet with resolve in his eyes. Now, he decided to profess his love for Ruka. “I’ve always liked her.”

Scarlet was astounded. He has liked her ever since they were kids? Wait. I never noticed that.

“Does she know you like her, Ren?” Walter asked softly.

“They love each other. It’s a mutual relationship,” Angela said.

Scarlet looked at them in surprise. “You guys knew?”

Richard pulled Angela into his embrace and cut in, “Yes. I talked to Uncle Ren before. Angela only found out today.”

Angela pursed her lips. She knew Scarlet wouldn’t scold her, but the fact her husband protected her made her happy.

Scarlet and Walter exchanged looks, then Charlotte sighed. “Don’t tell Harold about this, or that fossil’s gonna step in and object to this.”

Ren looked at her and smiled. So that’s a yes from Mom.

“Ruka’s a good girl. Sometimes I’d feel sad just thinking about how she’d get married eventually. I never thought someone in the family would actually like her,” she poked fun at Ren.

“Alright, don’t tease him. He’s single, she’s single, and age isn’t a problem either. Now Ruka can stay with us all the time, until we’re old and decrepit. That’s a good thing,” Walter argued.

Ren looked at Walter gratefully. Richard and Angela exchanged a smile. So the family accepts this.

“Oh, right. How the heck am I supposed to tell Claire and her husband about this? They might think Ren is too old for Ruka.” Scarlet was in a dilemma.

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