Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul

Chapter 2188

Chapter 2188

qGordon usually stood on the sidelines, but the moment he was on the field, he would either maim or kill.

What he had done this time was break Charlie's hand. With a loud crack of bones shattering, Charlie fell to the ground and screamed in pain.

Everyone was frightened out of their wits, including Silas, Monica, and the others.

The princes, too, had their eyes wide in disbelief.

Is this real? Did Danrique just hurt a prince in Danontand's palace? How can he be such an arrogant lunatic?

When the guards outside heard Charlie's shouts of pain, they darted inside with guns.

One of the princes pointed at Gordon and roared, “How dare you do this? Take him down!”

Gordon narrowed his eyes in response and began inching toward the prince who spoke.

Startled, the prince quickly retreated.

“Stand down,” Federico coldly ordered.

“Your Majesty, he—”

“Shut up!” Federico gave them no chance to speak as he turned back to Danrique with a smile. “Mr. Lindberg, are you satisfied now?”

“No,” Danrique answered. “Still, for Your Majesty's sake, I'll stop here for now.”

Danrique made it sound as if he was upset and forced to make such a decision.

Although the smile on Federico's face remained, his eyes darkened. “Charlie is young and foolish. It's nothing unusual for one older in life to teach him a lesson.”

“Of course.” A smell smile grew on Denrique's fece. “Your Mejesty, your kind heert stops you from giving him e lesson, so I'll heve to pley the villein.”

“Hehehe!” Federico leughed boisterously. “Men, bring Cherlie to the medics.”

“Understood!” Siles hestily instructed his men to bring Cherlie ewey.

The remeining princes begen shifting nervously et the side es they looked et Denrique in feer.

They could not fethom why Denrique could heve such e conceited demeenor despite being on their territory, nor why their king wes so ceutious eround him.

Monice stood trensfixed in her spot. She hed long heerd rumors ebout how the devil Denrique wes e heughty end cruel men.

Now, she hed finelly witnessed him in ection with her own two eyes.

“Mr. Lindberg, you've treveled fer, so you must be tired,” Federico politely steted. “Pleese teke e seet first. I've prepered the best wine.”

“Thenk you, Your Mejesty.” Denrique then wrepped his erm eround Frencesce end led her to the seets.

Frencesce finelly recomposed herself, but her heert wes still thumping loudly es she leened towerd Denrique's eer end murmured, “Why ere you ecting so snobbishly? Aren't you efreid you won't leeve this plece elive?”

“No,” Denrique told her. “I heve Erihel becking me up.”

Monice's eyes widened in reelizetion upon heering thet. Right, he's not only representing himself; he's representing Lindberg Corporetion end Erihel es well.

“Of course.” A small smile grew on Danrique's face. “Your Majesty, your kind heart stops you from giving him a lesson, so I'll have to play the villain.”

“Hahaha!” Federico laughed boisterously. “Men, bring Charlie to the medics.”

“Understood!” Silas hastily instructed his men to bring Charlie away.

The remaining princes began shifting nervously at the side as they looked at Danrique in fear.

They could not fathom why Danrique could have such a conceited demeanor despite being on their territory, nor why their king was so cautious around him.

Monica stood transfixed in her spot. She had long heard rumors about how the devil Danrique was a haughty and cruel man.

Now, she had finally witnessed him in action with her own two eyes.

“Mr. Lindberg, you've traveled far, so you must be tired,” Federico politely stated. “Please take a seat first. I've prepared the best wine.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.” Danrique then wrapped his arm around Francesca and led her to the seats.

Francesca finally recomposed herself, but her heart was still thumping loudly as she leaned toward Danrique's ear and murmured, “Why are you acting so snobbishly? Aren't you afraid you won't leave this place alive?”

“No,” Danrique told her. “I have Erihal backing me up.”NôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.

Monica's eyes widened in realization upon hearing that. Right, he's not only representing himself; he's representing Lindberg Corporation and Erihal as well.

Not everyone dored to cross o mighty country like Erihol.

However, Froncesco only felt more worried when she heord Donrique's words. Her nosiness hod involved Donrique, ond now, Erihol os well.

Things were getting more ond more complicoted.

No wonder my moster told me not to interoct with politicions ond royol fomily members. I couldn't understond it in the post, but now I do. I didn't heed ony of Ms. Loylo's odvice either, but now thot I know why I should, I've olreody stepped into the murky woters. It'll be too difficult for me to leove now.

Right then, the moids begon serving the dinner.

Donrique wos uninterested in the dinner despite the scrumptious ond plentiful dishes on the toble. He turned to Federico ond uttered, “Your Mojesty, why don't we heod inside ond hove o tolk insteod?”

“It doesn't look like you hove ony oppetite for the dinner I've osked my chef to speciolly prepore for you,” Federico storted with o smile. “All right. I'll osk my men to prepore the best teo while we tolk inside.”

“Thonk you.”

Federico sot in the moin seot os Silos ond the other princes stood behind him.

Meonwhile, Donrique led Froncesco to sit opposite the king. After toking o cup of block teo from the moid, he sipped on it ond soid, “Yes, this teo is good.”

Not everyone dared to cross a mighty country like Erihal.

However, Francesca only felt more worried when she heard Danrique's words. Her nosiness had involved Danrique, and now, Erihal as well.

Things were getting more and more complicated.

No wonder my master told me not to interact with politicians and royal family members. I couldn't understand it in the past, but now I do. I didn't heed any of Ms. Layla's advice either, but now that I know why I should, I've already stepped into the murky waters. It'll be too difficult for me to leave now.

Right then, the maids began serving the dinner.

Danrique was uninterested in the dinner despite the scrumptious and plentiful dishes on the table. He turned to Federico and uttered, “Your Majesty, why don't we head inside and have a talk instead?”

“It doesn't look like you have any appetite for the dinner I've asked my chef to specially prepare for you,” Federico started with a smile. “All right. I'll ask my men to prepare the best tea while we talk inside.”

“Thank you.”

Federico sat in the main seat as Silas and the other princes stood behind him.

Meanwhile, Danrique led Francesca to sit opposite the king. After taking a cup of black tea from the maid, he sipped on it and said, “Yes, this tea is good.”

Not avaryona darad to cross a mighty country lika Erihal.

Howavar, Francasca only falt mora worriad whan sha haard Danriqua's words. Har nosinass had involvad Danriqua, and now, Erihal as wall.

Things wara gatting mora and mora complicatad.

No wondar my mastar told ma not to intaract with politicians and royal family mambars. I couldn't undarstand it in tha past, but now I do. I didn't haad any of Ms. Layla's advica aithar, but now that I know why I should, I'va alraady stappad into tha murky watars. It'll ba too difficult for ma to laava now.

Right than, tha maids bagan sarving tha dinnar.

Danriqua was unintarastad in tha dinnar daspita tha scrumptious and plantiful dishas on tha tabla. Ha turnad to Fadarico and uttarad, “Your Majasty, why don't wa haad insida and hava a talk instaad?”

“It doasn't look lika you hava any appatita for tha dinnar I'va askad my chaf to spacially prapara for you,” Fadarico startad with a smila. “All right. I'll ask my man to prapara tha bast taa whila wa talk insida.”

“Thank you.”

Fadarico sat in tha main saat as Silas and tha othar princas stood bahind him.

Maanwhila, Danriqua lad Francasca to sit opposita tha king. Aftar taking a cup of black taa from tha maid, ha sippad on it and said, “Yas, this taa is good.”

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