My Sweet Wife

Chapter 398 Extra chapter Happy life(13)

Katherine and Amelie are the same age, but the difference between them is ten months, so Katherine is in the middle class, and they go to school together, but Katherine is not as cheerful as Amelie, she is a little princess.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

She is a little princess, so Katherine seldom talks to outsiders.

One day Amelie came over and gave Katherine some food, “Katherine, this is the cookies my mom made, Amelie brought some for you.”

Amelie was cheerful and brought a little bit of food that she could share in a circle, and in the end, there were times when she couldn’t even eat until she ran out.

“Thanks.” Katherine finished thanking her, and took the fruit tart from her own little book bag and handed it to Amelie, “Here, Sister Amelie, this is what Amelie made, I hope you like it, Sister Amelie.”

“Thank you sister Katherine.”

Amelie joyfully received the beautifully packaged fruit tart, and wanted to open it impatiently, but then she saw Katherine’s little friend’s sad and unhappy face.

Amelie asked with concern, “Sister Katherine, what’s wrong with you? Are you unhappy?”

“Well, Amelie, does your dad make your mom cry?” Little Child Katherine lowered her voice with Amelie and whispered.

Amelie’s little friend shook her head, “No, daddy never hits mommy, mommy on the other hand is mean all the time, and daddy is like the fur ball of the family, sticking his tongue out at mommy every day and licking her at every turn.”

If Amelie’s dad, Kennedy, heard himself being compared to a dog by his daughter, he didn’t know how he would feel.

Katherine was even sadder, “There’s a student in the class, and his mom and dad just fight a lot, and his mom cries a lot, and then, today that student said that his mom and dad got divorced.”

“What’s a divorce? Is it good food?” Amelie child asked innocently.

“No, divorce is, mommy and daddy separated, mommy and daddy will find him another mommy and daddy again, and then they will have other children.”

Amelie finished understanding and nodded her head, “Oh, that’s great, then he’ll have two mommies and daddies and a younger sibling to play with.”

Katherine slaps her forehead sadly, “Amelie sister, it’s not what you think, children whose mommy and daddy are divorced are very pitiful, as soon as mommy and daddy get divorced and have another child, he’ll be abandoned, okay?”

Amelie looked at Katherine with an adoring face, “Wow, sister Katherine knows a lot.”

Looking at Amelie like this, Katherine felt that she was wrong, she shouldn’t have talked to Amelie about this matter, it was really that Amelie didn’t understand after half a day’s talk.

“Then Katherine sister why are you not happy?”

Hearing Amelie asked to the point, Katherine child sighed, “I heard several times at night my mom was crying, but once I went to find my mom, she stopped crying, I saw my dad was bullying my mom, both my dad and my mom said it wasn’t true, saying that it was my dad who was hurting my mom.”

“I’m worried that my mom and dad aren’t trying to get a divorce and don’t want to tell me because they don’t want me to be upset, that’s why they keep lying to me.”

Amelie smiled and looked at Katherine, “No, they won’t. They won’t get a divorce.”

“How do you know?”

“Amelie just knows, Amelie has seen Katherine’s sister’s mom and dad and they look like people who wouldn’t get a divorce without wanting Katherine’s sister, they just super love Katherine’s sister.”

Come to think of it, Amelie did say a lot of things, and little Katherine nodded approvingly.

She thought about how much Mommy and Daddy did love her. Trying to hit someone can be a real headache.

Katherine stopped worrying when she saw something wrong with Amelie’s teeth, “Sister Amelie, what’s wrong with your teeth? Why are they dented?”

“Amelie’s dad tripped Amelie when he was teaching Amelie boxing practice, and Amelie’s tooth knocked into a chair and got dented.”

“Does it hurt? You poor thing, how could your dad trip you?”

Amelie was hurting too, the dented tooth caused her to have a hard time eating, like today’s cookie, everyone else could bite into it, when she did, her tooth hurt.

Katherine’s little friend felt sorry for Amelie, so she came up with an idea for Amelie, “Sister Amelie, why don’t you get a new daddy? Or you can be my daddy’s daughter. My daddy won’t trip over me, he will only worry about me falling down. Like when we go to the amusement park, my dad will always hold me in his arms, or if I want to come down and walk on my own, my dad won’t let me, he says he’s worried that I’ll fall and that other kids will just bump into me.”

Well, compared to Katherine’s little friend, Amelie’s little friend is quite poor.

Nathanael Lora and Kennedy’s character is different, Nathanael Lora is baby this daughter, Kennedy will always say that the birth of a child is not for play, then born for what, and he does not want to raise his own daughter into a dainty character, he still have to raise their own daughters as an heir.

“Amelie don’t change! Amelie love daddy very much, daddy also love Amelie very much, Amelie’s daddy is only one.” Amelie was not happy cold face.

Little Katherine saw that she was getting angry, so she whispered, “Just don’t change.”

Why get mad?

When Amelie ran away, Katherine was in a worse mood, she didn’t expect to upset Amelie’s sister.

Kindergarten teachers, most of them are female teachers, but Katherine’s class has a male teacher, and is particularly handsome male teacher, many female students like this male teacher, but Katherine children do not like, because this teacher, looks not as good as her father.

The male teacher was very attentive to her, “Katherine, what’s wrong with you? If there is anything you are unhappy about, you can tell the teacher.”

“No.” Katherine took the toy and moved away.

The male teacher tried his best to coax Katherine, “Then teacher will play with you.”

“I can play by myself.”

“Why is Katherine so misbehaved? If you keep this up, I’m going to visit you at home and talk to your mom and dad about your behavior in kindergarten.” The male teacher watched as Katherine didn’t eat the soft stuff, so he thought about the hard stuff.

After all, he hadn’t been at the school for long, and his three-month internship hadn’t yet expired, so he was worried that some of the kids wouldn’t like him and it would affect his job.

Nowadays, like this kindergarten, high wages, good treatment, it is really hard to find, he a teacher training college out, certainly have to be a teacher, but in other as a teacher, not as much as in here as a teacher salary.

Katherine children turn their faces, take the blocks, they are to the corner of the wall in the pile there.

A child approached Katherine, “Katherine, can I play with you? I want to play with the blocks too.”

“Sure, here.” Katherine smiles and hands the block to the other child.

Katherine was well tutored, although she was a princess type, a very quiet child who wouldn’t ask to play with others, she wouldn’t say no as long as they asked her to play with them.

Katherine doesn’t like this male teacher because when he first came to school, he knew that Katherine’s mom was a big star like Larissa, and he said that he liked Larissa very much, and since then Katherine has rejected him, and that her mom belongs to her dad, and that other men are not allowed to like her.

By the end of the school day, sure enough this male teacher, accompanied Katherine’s little friend specifically waiting for Larissa to come over.

“Hello Katherine’s mom, I’m Katherine’s teacher, Mr. Donald, you should have seen me before.” Mr. Donald greeted her.

Larissa nodded, “Hello, may I help you?”

“Oh, it’s like this, I’ve noticed that Katherine’s little friend is a bit withdrawn, I want to do a home visit for Katherine’s little friend at your home, would you think it’s okay?”

Larissa looked at him doubtfully, “Katherine is withdrawn?”

Her daughter is quiet and well-behaved, but it has nothing to do with being withdrawn, her daughter sometimes asks questions, she can talk about a hundred thousand reasons.

“Katherine is not withdrawn. And you have to make home visits …” Do kindergartens need home visits too?

Ms. Donald looked like she had a very understanding attitude and said, “Home visits, is that we as teachers want to be responsible for your child, of course, if there is anything inconvenient for you, then I am not at liberty to disturb. But your child’s problem, I really need to have a good talk with you.”

“Then Ms. Donald you can talk here.” Larissa took Katherine in her arms.

They just lived in the neighborhood, not a few steps away, so Larissa was walking over to pick up the kids every day.

Mr. Donald smiled, “Better change places, let’s sit and talk.”

In the end, Larissa went with Mr. Donald to the cafe next to the school, she ordered a juice for Katherine before looking up at Mr. Donald, “Go ahead.”

“Larissa, did you give up your career and stop acting because you had to bring up your daughter?”

“Well, it’s busier with my daughter and also because I want to spend more time with her.”

Ms. Donald added, “I really feel sorry for you when you stopped acting, you know? I’m a fan of yours, I like you very much, I’ve liked you for eight years. I heard a lot of bad scandals about you a few years ago, and then when you stopped acting, I thought you left the entertainment industry because of the scandals.”

“I think that if you hadn’t left the entertainment industry in the first place, you would still be a first-tier hot and popular star now. Just based on your acting, your looks, the female stars that come out behind this, there is no …”

“You wait.” Larissa interrupted, “Mr. Donald, didn’t you want to talk to me about my daughter’s problems?”

Mr. Donald smiled a little embarrassed, “Oh. Your daughter, is somewhat withdrawn and doesn’t talk much to others. I think this is because you and your husband are having problems with her.”

“Of course it’s not you who has problems in this area, you’ve given up your career to be by your daughter’s side all day long. I am thinking that it may be because your husband is too busy. If a husband is too busy with his work, a widowed life will be presented in a family, you …”

“Enough!” Larissa was truly unable to listen to what he was saying.

What did it mean to be a widow? If it wasn’t for the fact that he was Katherine’s teacher, Larissa wouldn’t want to stay a moment longer, wouldn’t want to say a word to him.

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