My Sweet Wife

Chapter 382 He wants to be here, today, for the end

Inside the hospital, Cleo’s mother smiled at her son.

“Cleo ah, you’re almost out of the hospital here, when are you planning to have a wedding with Larissa?”

No matter what, there’s still a wife to be married, Cleo’s mother thought about this in her mind with some comfort.

Cecelia chimed in, “That’s right, brother, when are you planning to have a wedding with Sister Larissa? If you ask me, the sooner you get married, the better, you’re going to get married anyway, so let’s get the license back first.”

“Right, your sister is right.”

She was worried about any change of heart, it’s always better to have peace of mind without holding the marriage license in your hand.

Seeing that Cleo didn’t say anything, Cleo’s mother looked at Larissa again, “Larissa, what do you say?”

“Uh-huh.” Larissa answered, a smile pulling at her face.

She had promised to marry Cleo, so for her this was a thing to do and nothing more.

Cleo’s mother looked at Larissa’s attitude, she was a person who had been there before, she could still tell if she really wanted to marry or not, Larissa’s face was completely devoid of the joy of marrying someone and becoming a bride.

Cleo opened her mouth and said, “Mom, I can’t move freely yet. There’s no need to rush the wedding.”

As soon as Cleo said this, Cleo’s mother could not say anything else, after all, if her son did not have a prosthetic limb and got married on crutches, it would be difficult to look at. Cleo is a person who wants to save face, there is no way he would agree to this.

“If brother says when to do it, then when to do it, you guys hurry up and eat first. Sister Larissa, this fish soup is stewed a lot, you also have a bowl.”

As Larissa reached out to take the fish soup Cecelia handed her, her stomach instantly turned over in an uncomfortable fit of dry heaving.

“Sister Larissa, what’s wrong with you?” Cecelia looked at her worriedly.

Larissa threw up for a while and felt little strength, so she stood holding onto the wall, “I don’t know.”

“Is it possible that you haven’t been eating much these days and it’s giving you stomach problems? I see that whenever you eat with my brother, you only eat a few bites and nothing more. Always saying that you’re full and don’t have much of an appetite.”

“I know you’re blaming yourself for my brother’s leg, but you have to take care of your own body as well, if you have anything, who’s going to take care of you and who’s going to take care of my brother?”

“Here, why don’t you eat something light first sis Larissa, it’ll be better for your stomach.”

Cleo puts down the fish soup in his hand and looks at Larissa, “Go get a checkup, if there is really something wrong with your stomach, treat it near early.”

As a doctor, he looked at this symptom of Larissa’s and was also speculating that if the stomach was really out of order, it wasn’t a simple minor illness.

Originally Larissa was thinking that there was no major problem with her body, and didn’t want to go for a checkup, but looking at Cleo’s insistence, she could only cooperate with the checkup. People happened to be in the hospital, so it was convenient to have a body checkup.

When Cecelia and Cleo’s mother came to visit the end, Cleo accompanied Larissa to do a physical examination.

The doctor insisted to Larissa, his face was rather gloomy, “Your body, it’s very weak, it’s very easy to not be able to keep the baby this way.”

The baby.Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

The two words made Larissa and Cleo both instantly freeze as if they were struck by lightning.

Larissa did not expect that she was pregnant, she recalled her period, it was delayed. Her normal menstrual cycle is forty days, there is no fixed date, this date is not very easy to remember, she just thought that the two days delayed, and she used to have a two-months only once a month menstrual period.

Unexpectedly this time, it wasn’t a delayed period, but she was pregnant.

“What’s wrong?” The doctor looked at Larissa and Cleo’s face, he thought they didn’t want the baby, knowing that the pregnancy, usually the parents don’t have a smile on their face, then most of them don’t want the baby, this kind of situation, the doctor has seen a lot.

The doctor spoke to Larissa with a cold face, “It’s not easy for you to conceive a child at your age, plus you have a special body type. Let me tell you, if you choose to abort the baby, you will most likely lose the chance to be a mother in the future.”

“We’re not going to abort the baby, thank you, doctor.” Those were Cleo’s words.

By now, Larissa hadn’t slowed down enough to accept this reality.

The doctor looked at Cleo and as if he thought of something again, he spoke again, “That was me overthinking it. In fact, Dr. Cleo, everyone in our hospital knows about your situation. At your age, and after this catastrophe, it’s a blessing from God that your partner is able to conceive a child.”

“Now that her health is so poor, she must be well taken care of, so as not to …”

Larissa returned to her senses and pushed Cleo’s wheelchair, “I’m tired, I want to go back and rest, let’s go back.”

After she finished speaking, she pushed her wheelchair and turned around.

The doctor watched Larissa go out the door and spoke anxiously, “Eh! I haven’t finished talking yet? And, you guys still have to get your medicine, eh …”

Cleo looks at Larissa and sees that she’s a little flustered, like she doesn’t know how to face him.

Honestly, his mood at this moment is a lot more serene than Larissa’s, he was shocked when he first heard that she was pregnant, but there was no sadness, no loss, and even less of a feeling of betrayal like other couples feel.

He is like from the very beginning, the heart is clear, he and Larissa will not have the results, these days, from she said to take care of him, to marry him, he is with is a dream.

“I …” Larissa pushed Cleo all the way to the hospital room, her body trembled and squatted in front of him.

She promised him that she was going to marry him, but she didn’t realize that she was pregnant!

Cleo met her eyes and saw the struggling pain in the bottom of her eyes, he lowered his voice and said, “I know what you’re going to say.”

After a pause, Cleo looked up again and gazed out the window, “Larissa, I’ve been wanting to go out lately, to eat out and take a walk. Living in the hospital for so long is so boring.”

“Where do you want to go for dinner? I’ll go with you.”

Cleo looked at her with a smile, “I’ve always had a wish to go back with you to that old restaurant near noon that we went to together when we were little, and have another meal.”

It was the place where his heart went out to her at the age of his youthful ignorance, and it was his most beautiful memory.

“Okay, I’ll take you there.”

They were locals, middle school was attended here, not far from here, after driving less than half an hour, they arrived at the place.

Old streets, but the restaurants were all still there, not much changed from when they were little.

The store inside is still familiar, the person who runs the store inside, is still the same person.

The owner’s wife of the restaurant saw them come over and asked them with a smile, “Coming to eat so early. But coming at this hour is just right, there’s still twenty minutes left before the students get out of school, by then, once they get out of school, there won’t even be a place to sit in this restaurant.”

“Auntie, give me two portions of boiled rice. Sardine beef, sweet and sour chops.” Cleo ordered without looking at the menu.

The boss’s wife smiled and said, “It seems like you guys are regular customers of our family, you even know everything about our family’s specialty dishes.”

“Auntie, this is where we used to go to school, and we often eat at your house.” Larissa returned the boss’s wife.

When she was in junior high school, she chose to live in school and didn’t go home much, because at home at that time, her nominal mother gave birth to another child, and the house was bustling, only that bustle had nothing to do with her, she couldn’t fit in, she was like a redundant person, so she started not wanting to go home, and a lot of the time she was just willing to be left alone.

At that time Cleo always brought her a share of everything, and then she invited him to dinner, and they often ate together.

Thinking back to that time, Cleo gave her too much warmth, it’s just that at that time, she didn’t have that kind of heart for men and women, even if Cleo appeared in her life very early, even if he accompanied her, she didn’t put him in her heart at that time.

Hearing Larissa say this, the boss’s wife smiled even more happily, ”Aiyo, then how many years have you all graduated, and you’re still thinking about this mouth of our family. My old companion craft is good, this before, our family is a lot of young couples, graduated and then back to miss the flavor of my home, but not yet your age.”

“You guys are already married, right? I see you guys at this age, you should also have about thirty.”

Being asked, Larissa couldn’t open her mouth to answer for a moment.

On the contrary, Cleo was very frank, smiling and talking to her aunt, “We’re not married.”

“Not married, then hold on tight. It’s not easy for you to go from middle school to today. Get married and have a baby.”

Auntie’s enthusiasm, Larissa a little overwhelmed, she knew she was pregnant today, was already a little sensitive, the brain is also a little confused, not much mood to deal with auntie, talk to her.

At this moment, the older man who came over to her feigned anger and rebuked the aunt, “Look at you, your old habits are back, aren’t they? Why do you love to rush people to get married?” He then looked at Larissa and Cleo and said, “Don’t mind me, I’m just a talkative old lady who loves to push people to get married.”

“Let’s go cook for you, it’ll be ready in a while.”

“Right, I was so focused on talking to you guys that I forgot to cook for you.” Auntie shook her head and smiled in embarrassment.

Watching moncler and aunty walk out, Cleo stares at them with a warm gaze, “Look at them like this, they are so happy, even though they will occasionally bicker, the smiles on their faces are so bright. Auntie and Grandpa, just like when we used to see them.”

“It’s as if everything here, over the years, hasn’t changed.”

Indeed it was as if nothing had changed, the bells ringing at the end of classes, and the students pouring into the place, it was as if he was transported back to that time.

Larissa looked at Cleo, and just felt like he was infected by the aunt moncler outlet store, she hadn’t seen Cleo show such a smile for a long time, “If you like to eat this place, I can come over with you more often in the future.”

Cleo just looked at Larissa and smiled without saying anything.

This place, for him, was the beginning of his life for her, and he wanted to be here, today, as the end.

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