My Sweet Wife

Chapter 369 All of their hearts were tumbling with indescribable flavors

When she woke up in the morning, Larissa went to the kitchen and made soup, she was going to deliver the meal to see Cleo in the hospital.

While cooking, there was a doorbell ringing.

Larissa went to open the door and saw Nathanael’s mother at the door feeling a little surprised, “Auntie? Please … come in.”

“What a nice smell, are you cooking?” Nathanael’s mother carries her things and smiles at Larissa, pulling her and entering the room with her.

Larissa hurriedly went to pour a glass of water and handed it to Nathanael’s mother, “You have a glass of water first.”

“Uh, good.” Nathanael’s mother smiled and took the glass of water, taking a sip and placing it on the table. After a pause and looking around the room without seeing Nathanael Lora, her face feigned anger, “Where is Nathanael? Is he still sleeping?”

“It’s uncharacteristic for him not to get up at this hour and let you cook for him while he’s still asleep in bed!”

It wasn’t that Nathanael Lora was trying to sleep either, it was because he had a night of insomnia last night and had only just fallen asleep in the morning when it was just getting light. He didn’t even feel it when Larissa got up in the morning.

Larissa watches Nathanael’s mother rush into the bedroom and tries to stop it, but then she has to watch what’s cooking in the kitchen and can’t be bothered to do so.

Nathanael’s mother stood in the doorway, having seen the bedroom door left open and Nathanael Lora wrapped up in her blankets, asleep, and not hearing her at all, before she walked over to her.

“Nathanael! Why are you still sleeping! What time is this? It’s after eight o’clock and the sun is up to your ass!” Nathanael’s mother ran over and went to rip the curtains open, seeing Nathanael Lora on the bed only moving a few times to get up, she added, “You’re a man, why don’t you know how to take care of Larissa a little bit more? You let her get up so early alone to cook, do you think it’s appropriate?!”

“A big man, you don’t know how to take care of your wife! If you don’t want to cook, why don’t you know to bring Larissa home to stay?”

After saying all that, Nathanael’s mother got to the point.

She came here because she knew that Larissa had also come back, thinking that the two of them had also gotten married, and Old Lora was at home with her heart set on them going back and discussing making up a new wedding, but it turned out that they went back and didn’t come back to live in the Old Mansion.

She and Nathanael’s father two people are okay, can understand the young people live alone, is like a two-person world, but Old Lora can not understand, and the family Nathanael Lora is a three-generation single, the two of them do not go back to live, Old Lora all day long in the heart is not comfortable, feel the cold, feeling like an empty nest old man.

It’s not, she is also made difficult by Old Lora’s appearance, Nathanael’s father because of work busy, just this morning of the morning to rush her over.

Nathanael Lora sleepily opened her drowsy eyes for a moment before she could see Nathanael’s mother in front of her, “Mom, why are you here?”

“I came to see you and Larissa,” Nathanael’s mother casually handed him his clothes and headed out of the room.

After going out, she didn’t forget to urge him, “You hurry up and get dressed and come out.”

Nathanael Lora puts his clothes on and after that comes out of the bedroom and looks at Nathanael’s mother who is sitting on the couch, yawning, and asks, “Mom, you came over here so early in the morning? Want to see me and Larissa, just give me a call, we’ll just go home, why did you even find your way here?”

“Just give you a call and tell you guys to go back, so you can go back?” Nathanael’s mother was unhappy with a stern face.

Previously, as soon as her son came back, he went back home first, and in his heart, he still knew that home existed, but this daughter-in-law of hers, she hadn’t gone back home until now, and she wasn’t sure what was going on, so she came over today to ask for clarification, and in the meantime, to bring the person back.

Nathanael Lora frowned a little and did not answer.

Recently Larissa was in this state, indeed it wasn’t that if he said for her to go back to The Lora family with him, she would follow him back, her heart was all focused on Cleo who was staying in the hospital.

Seeing that Nathanael Lora didn’t say anything, Nathanael’s mother followed up with, “Your grandfather is at home, with his heart set on you two going back to live there.”

“Mom, we’ll go back to live there after a while.” Nathanael Lora frowned tightly, a little embarrassed.

If he didn’t open his mouth and say so, Larissa’s outright refusal would surely upset his mother and grandfather.This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

He figured that after a while, when Cleo had recovered a bit, he would take Larissa back to live with The Lora family, and she should say yes then.

Nathanael’s mother’s face went a little colder again, “How long will you be after a while? O Nathanael, you know how old your grandfather is this year, and he’s not in the best of health, and he’s been chanting in front of us every day lately, that he doesn’t have many more days left to live.”

“You don’t know how hard it is for your father and I to hear your grandfather chanting like that. I’ve come for you this time, and you must go back with me today.”

The words had been said to this point, if Nathanael Lora still had to refuse, then he would really be ungrateful.

But he couldn’t say yes either, he still had to ask Larissa what she meant.

Larissa came out of the kitchen at this time, carrying a thermos, looked at the male lead, and said, “I’m going to the hospital first.”

That was all that was said, nothing else was said.

It wasn’t that she hadn’t heard what Nathanael Lora and Nathanael’s mother had said just now, it was that she didn’t have the heart to care right now, her heart was so full of guilt and worry about Cleo that she wasn’t in the mood to think about anything else right now.

“This … Larissa said to go to the hospital? Why to the hospital?” Nathanael’s mother saw Larissa out the door and looked at her back suspiciously.

Nathanael Lora said vaguely, “She went to the hospital to visit a friend.”

That comment upset Nathanael’s mother. She instantly blushed a little harder, “What kind of friend do you need to visit so early in the morning? Can’t even be bothered to say a few words to me? She was in the kitchen and obviously heard everything we said and didn’t say anything, what does she mean?”

“I thought she was cooking for you to eat, but she didn’t even say a word about what you were eating. Straight away she carried the cooking to see her friend ah!”

Just now, she thought Larissa was cooking for her son to eat, and she even gave her son a lecture, which dares to say it wasn’t even cooked for her son to eat.

The more Nathanael’s mother thought about it, the more upset she became, and asked again, “This friend of hers, who is it? A man or a woman? Do you recognize?”

“Male …” Nathanael Lora was a little distracted, and after answering this, hurriedly added, “I know.”

Sure enough Nathanael’s mother is face full of anger, he explained again, “They are just friends who grew up together, he in order to save Larissa, was injured, lost a leg. Larissa grateful to him also feel guilty, so this period of time, very attached to him, in addition to taking care of him, she does not talk much. ”

“So that’s how it is.” Nathanael’s mother also looked dazed.

After all, it’s a leg, so this is justifiable, she pondered for a moment, then spoke, “Larissa is your wife, the daughter-in-law of our The Lora family, and her friend who saved Larissa is a benefactor to our family. Then we’ll cover all of his medical expenses, and we must hire the best doctors. Also, we have to see what his family needs, and we will help wherever we can. We can’t let Larissa carry a sense of guilt and live a bad life all day long.”

Larissa, who had gone out the door, was now in the car and in the hospital.

In the hospital, Cleo’s parents and Cecelia are there. Cleo’s parents look a lot older, more haggard than yesterday.

Cecelia saw Larissa and said with a cold face, “Have you thought about it clearly?”

What she asked, Larissa knew. She doesn’t say anything and looks over to Cleo in the hospital bed, Cleo’s mother feeds him and he doesn’t move, refuses to open his mouth.

Larissa made to step inside but was yanked by Cecelia, “If you haven’t thought this through, don’t go in there!”

The cold hardness in Cecelia’s eyes was still tinged with an unspoken resentment towards Larissa.

After all, without a leg, this is her brother lying on the bed, she, as a younger sister, feels heartbroken for him, but also knows what he wants and what he cares about the most, so even with resentment, she didn’t lash out at Larissa.

“You …”

Watching Larissa pivot away from her, she wasn’t sure what Larissa meant, not sure if she’d said yes or not.

“I’ll do it.” Larissa went and took the bowl from Cleo’s mother’s hand as she tried to feed Cleo.

When Cleo’s mother saw Larissa, she instantly changed her face and her eyes were full of anger, “Who told you to come here? Didn’t I tell you to get lost?!”

She yelled at Larissa, seeing that Larissa acted like she didn’t hear her and reached out to pick up the rice bowl in her hand, she was furious and violently pushed Larissa away

knocking down the rice bowl in her hand.


With a loud bang, the bowl fell on the ground, the porridge in the bowl spilled all over the place, and some spilled onto Larissa’s hand, which was instantly burned red.

The sound woke Cleo up, his eyes which had no color for a long time moved and saw that Larissa was scalded.

Cleo tried to get up and called out to her, “Larissa …”

It was probably because he hadn’t spoken in so long, his voice was dry and hoarse, he had some trouble vocalizing, and his voice was still soft.

“Mom! Brother he’s talking!” Cecelia was pleasantly surprised to hear Cleo speak, and excitedly took her mother’s hand.

Cleo’s father and Cleo’s mother both burst into old tears.

In the face of such a big change, a good son, suddenly became like this, and also did not say a word, the two of them strongly supported in the hospital to accompany Cleo, their hearts were in agony, this sound of speech, for them, is hope.

“Big brother, what were you saying? You were saying a sound?” Cecelia squatted by Cleo’s bedside and shook his arm.

Cleo’s mother also sat on the edge of his bed, “Son, Cleo, what did you just say? What do you want?”

“Larissa …” Cleo shouted this voice a little louder than the one he had just made, he kept his eyes on Larissa’s burned hand.

They all heard Cleo shout ‘Larissa’ and saw that his eyes had been staring at Larissa, and their hearts tumbled with indescribable flavors. This was the woman who had caused him to look like this, yet he was still worried about her getting burned.

Cecelia understood very well in her heart, she persuaded Cleo’s mother, ”Mom, what brother cares about the most is still Sister Larissa, only by letting Sister Larissa stay with him can he have any hope of living. Mom, just don’t drive Sister Larissa away, let Sister Larissa stay with my brother.”

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