My Sweet Wife

Chapter 365 You Are My Nathanael Lora’s Wife

Larissa was taken by Nathanael Lora to the door of a hotel, and at the door, Phoebe stood waiting like she was early.

“What the hell is going on?” Larissa looked at them in confusion.

Nathanael Lora looked to Phoebe, “Hurry up and get her changed quickly, I’ll meet her at the venue.”

“Uh, okay.” Phoebe responded.

Phoebe also hurriedly dragged Larissa, using running speed all the way, “Everyone hurry up and come out, people are here, hurry up and help Sister Larissa with her makeup.”

Larissa was confused until now, wanting to ask what was going on, but no one seemed to be able to answer her. Each of the four or five people in the room were busy, the one in charge of her makeup, the one doing her hair, the one in charge of choosing her clothes and jewelry.

She was working as an actress, and her makeup would habitually go along with that, so she just sat quietly and didn’t move, letting them do it.

After half an hour had passed, Larissa finally got up, Phoebe looked at Larissa with eyes as bright as little stars, ”Sister Larissa, you’re so beautiful like this, no wonder President Nathanael was mesmerized by you. If I were a man, I would marry you too.”

“Phoebe, what the hell is this for?” Larissa looked at herself in the mirror, dressed extravagantly.

She was wearing a long white sheath dress that looked like a wedding dress.

Phoebe smiled mysteriously, “It was planned by President Nathanael to surprise you. Of course it can only be said by President Nathanael, I have to hurry to take you there, President Nathanael should be waiting anxiously.”

Exactly what Nathanael Lora was up to, Larissa had been tossed around so far she had no more patience and didn’t want to know.

She wanted to turn around and leave, but was pulled by Phoebe, “Sister Larissa, it’s this way, come with me …”

Larissa was half pulled by Phoebe to the hall, the whole banquet hall, covered with roses, the ground is also sprinkled with rose petals, on both sides stood people, they hold cameras in their hands, like the media, there are a few journalists, Larissa looked at it and felt familiar.

At the other end of the center, like priests, stood on the stage.

Nathanael Lora steps towards Larissa, reaches out and takes Larissa’s hand, pulling him up to the priest.

“Mr. Nathanael Lora, may I ask that for richer or poorer, in sickness or in health … do you take the lady before you to be your wife?”

Nathanael Lora looked at Larissa with burning eyes and sincerely said three words, “I do.”

The priest then continued to look at Larissa and asked, “Ms. Larissa …”

“Nathanael Lora, tell me what is going on here? Aren’t you supposed to be in the country? Didn’t you even announce your wedding to be getting married to Ewenny soon? What the hell are you doing here now?!” Larissa questioned as she looked angrily at Nathanael Lora.

Nathanael Lora lowered her voice and spoke to her, “There is no such thing. I’ll explain it to you later, the priest is still waiting for you to answer.”

“Please, Ms. Larissa, will you?” The pastor asked, repeating the question again.

“I’m not willing.” Larissa dropped this and stepped away.

Nathanael Lora went after her and chased her out of the hotel door before tugging on her arm, “Larissa, what the media is reporting is false. I arranged for these reporters to publicize our marriage.”Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Grandpa thought Ewenny’s baby was mine, so he told me to marry Ewenny on the twentieth of this month. That’s when I want to consummate my marriage with you before then, and then I’ll take you back and have a showdown with grandpa.”

Listening to him say these things, Larissa laughed back in anger, “Nathanael Lora, what the hell do you think I am?”

“Am I that easy to cajole?”

“You believe …,” Nathanael Lora tried to explain anxiously.

But Larissa pressed on, not wanting to listen to his explanation, interrupting him, “If Ewenny’s child really isn’t yours, with Old Lora being so shrewd, how could she announce to the outside world that Ewenny’s child is yours before she gets the results of the paternity test?”

“How could it be that you and Ewenny were allowed to marry?”

Nathanael Lora couldn’t figure this out, his grandfather said he went for a paternity test and the result of the paternity test was that the baby was his.

But Ewenny argued again that she had not touched the paternity test results. He rushed over because he was worried about her misunderstanding, knowing that she almost died, and there were some things going on in the country that he hadn’t had time to figure out yet.

Thinking for a moment, Nathanael Lora pressed his hands on Larissa’s shoulders, his gaze fixed on her for an instant, meeting her eyes, “Larissa, you trust me. If Ewenny’s baby was mine, I wouldn’t have the face to stand in front of you at this very moment and ask you to marry me.”

Larissa was a little shaken by what Nathanael Lora said.

Indeed, she knew that Nathanael Lora, as a person, had a face, or at least wouldn’t do such a beastly thing as leave his wife and children behind.

And Larissa didn’t think she herself was that attractive to charm Nathanael Lora into not choosing the white moon of his heart and his own son, and coming to her instead.

“Larissa, I’m thinking of taking Ewenny very well. You know all about my past, and I have just a little bit of debt left for Ewenny now and some sympathy for her. I took her in also because I sympathized with her and wanted to make up for some of what I owed her.”

“But I’m splitting hairs here, she’s crossed the line now, and I’ve informed her to leave before we get back.”

“I’m sorry for arranging such a hasty marriage today. Could have wanted everyone to know right away that you are my rightful wife, my Nathanael Lora’s wife.”

“I love you, Larissa.”

Larissa listened to Nathanael Lora say these words, and it was the last three words ‘I love you.’ that made her heart beat out of rhythm the most.

Seeing the faltering in Larissa’s eyes, Nathanael Lora wrapped her in her arms, “Let’s go finish the wedding. I picked out beautiful wedding bands that I want to put on you.”

As long as Ewenny’s baby wasn’t his, then there was nothing in her heart to hold back.

Besides, she had waited so long to finally hear Nathanael Lora say those three words to her. Almost ten years, how many decades were there in life?

Larissa looked up at Nathanael Lora and quirked her red lips, “I …”

She was about to speak when Phoebe, who had chased her out of the hotel, “President Nathanael, Sister Larissa, the media inside are all still waiting for you.” After a pause, Phoebe hands Larissa the cell phone in her hand again, “Sister Larissa, you have a call on your cell phone.”

Larissa took the cell phone Phoebe handed her and glanced at the caller ID, it was Cleo’s call. She answered the call, it wasn’t Cleo’s voice on the other end of the line, it was the female nurse speaking in English, “Your friend is having an operation, please come to the hospital as soon as possible to pay the bill.”

“What’s wrong with being fine and suddenly needing an operation?” She remembered that Cleo was still fine before she left, which wasn’t even three hours ago, and she was still with Cleo, sunbathing.

“The patient fell and caused the cast to crack off, and the bones inside that hadn’t healed were misaligned again.”

When she heard the female nurse on the other end of the phone say this, Larissa’s self-condemning, guilt-ridden heart became panicked. If she hadn’t left Cleo alone there, if she had taken good care of Cleo, how could he have fallen? It had also gotten so bad that she was worried and anxious to fly back immediately.

“I’ll be right back.” Larissa hung up and was about to leave.

Nathanael Lora pulled her, “Larissa, where are you going?”

“I’m going back to the hospital now.”

“What is it?” Nathanael Lora looked at her quizzically, but in her confusion she looked at her as if she had thought of something and her face cooled down.

Phoebe next to her wanted to interject and ask what could be more urgent than holding a wedding? So many media were still waiting. It was also her fault for taking her cell phone to Sister Larissa.

Larissa frowned and briefly outlined to Nathanael Lora, “Cleo is in the hospital for surgery somehow, I have to rush back now.”

“No go!” Nathanael Lora said this in a commanding tone, pulling her and her into a standoff for only three seconds before changing her tone to, “I’ll drive you there.”

He’d come here looking for her, knowing from Phoebe that she’d been in an accident and that Cleo had saved her.

Her savior was his benefactor, and he would thank Cleo properly, and it was only right that he rushed to the hospital now to check on her.

Larissa pushed aside his arm and walked straight to the front of the cab parked in front of the hotel, “I’ll just go there by myself, you stay here and take care of things here.”

She didn’t ask him to accompany her, also considering the rest of the things.

What was left here was a mess, there was so much media, suddenly the bride was gone, the wedding wasn’t going to continue, Nathanael Lora had arranged all this, it had to be cleaned up.

“Sister Larissa, I’ll go over to the hospital to see Cleo. If there’s anything, I’ll call and talk to you again.” As if she was worried that Larissa wouldn’t agree, Phoebe then said, “Sister Larissa, this wedding, President Nathanael has arranged for several days to specially bring the media here, and you’ve seen the scene inside just now, so many media are waiting. You just leave President Nathanael, this is really …”

Phoebe hadn’t finished her words yet, Larissa had already gotten into the car and the car had already driven away.

Nathanael Lora watched as the car Larissa was in, sped away.

In his heart, he wanted to be generous and not mind Larissa leaving him behind at the wedding to go see Cleo in the hospital, but it was still hard not to mind. She wouldn’t even let him tag along if he wanted to!

Not to mention that Phoebe had said she wanted to go to the hospital to see him, and she had left in such a hurry without even listening.

Phoebe looked at Nathanael Lora’s forlorn eyes, like she had been abandoned by someone, oh no, really abandoned, by Sister Larissa. She shook her head to stop herself from imagining things, and carefully consoled Nathanael Lora, “President Nathanael, Sister Larissa is also worried, after all, Dr. Cleo was the one who saved Sister Larissa from being injured. It’s not certain that she’ll come back after she goes to take a look.”

“The wedding banquet side … Do you want me to go and tell them to wait a little longer? Wait, wait for Sister Larissa to come back before we continue with the wedding.”

Nathanael Lora didn’t even look up at Phoebe, just coldly said, “No need.”

Then she stepped into the hotel. Since there was no need for it, it was of course to cancel today’s wedding.

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