My Sweet Wife

Chapter 351 If you don’t keep me in The Lora family, I won’t be able to survive

In the morning, Nathanael Lora woke up to a missed call on her cell phone.

Nathanael Lora called the person on the other end of the line, “Phoebe, what are you calling me about.”

“President Nathanael, President Nathanael, I finally reached you.” Phoebe’s voice had a few moments of excitement, followed by business, “President Nathanael, take a look at the news on Weibo today. I don’t know which netizen, secretly took a picture of Sister Larissa’s airport photo and now posted it on the internet. It’s being maligned by some marketing numbers.”

Nathanael Lora took the tablet on the bedside table aside, he looked at the content on it, it was all about Larissa’s headlines.

Clicking on one of the contents and reading it, the photo that accompanied it stood out, the man in the photo who was driving Larissa to the airport, he knew him, he had seen him last time at the restaurant, Larissa’s bamboo horse.

Phoebe on the other end of the phone is still talking anxiously, “President Nathanael, can you quickly find a way to deal with it? The company’s side wants to help Larissa create a wave of heat to hype the latest variety show to be filmed, so they’re not helping with this incident.”

“What was said about the marketing number’s content won’t cause a bad impact on Sister Larissa either.”

The boss of the entertainment company Larissa belonged to, Nathanael Lora knew, this entertainment company wasn’t a big company, Larissa was the first sister in it, and the company basically relied on Larissa to make money.

Although they also give Nathanael Lora a few thin face, but the businessman’s highest priority is still their own interests, they can not look at the company can not make money, the company up and down all drink the northwest wind. So where is the concern about whether Larissa’s body and mind and life suffered.

Nathanael Lora looked at the photo above and wrinkled her brow, “Well, I’ll take care of it.”

After a pause, Nathanael Lora opened her mouth again and asked, “Give me the address of where Larissa is now, I want to go over and look for her.”

“President Nathanael, are you trying to create new news to squash this?” Phoebe guessed to herself, and before the person on the other end of the phone could speak, she hurriedly said again, “Yes, I’ll send you the address.”

After finishing the phone call with Phoebe, Nathanael Lora went downstairs, to find his father, who wasn’t going to be at the office anymore, and had a bit of wrapping up to do on the project at hand, and had to say so.

Just as he reached the stairway, Nathanael Lora was pounced upon by Ewenny, who was in the distance.

Ewenny’s face was full of tears and she was very anxious, pulling Nathanael Lora, “Nathanael, my baby is sick, Nathanael, help me, I beg you, save my baby! He is so young, nothing can happen to him, I don’t want anything to happen to my baby, if anything happens to my baby …”

Ewenny could be heard crying and wailing throughout the living room. At that moment Nathanael’s mother had also just gotten up and heard the crying and came over.

“Ewenny, what’s wrong with the baby?” Nathanael’s mother inquired.

Ewenny cried back, “The baby has a fever and is not crying. I didn’t realize it until I woke up this morning.”

“Ah! What’s with the fever!”

“Then hurry up, Nathanael, take the baby to the hospital.” Nathanael’s mother urged Nathanael Lora, who was also on fire to rush in and hold the child, “Hurry up, take it to the hospital!”

The child was carried to the door and Nathanael Lora took the child from Nathanael’s mother’s hand, “I’ll take it there, you don’t have to follow, mom.”

Nathanael’s mother watched as Nathanael Lora walked away quickly with the child in her arms and she was left where she was, also very worried.

The child was sick now and it wasn’t a good time to delay much, so she was sent to the hospital first. The child has a high fever, not crying, not fussing as if asleep, still quite scary.

When we arrived at the hospital, the doctor finished checking the child’s voice and reprimanded Nathanael Lora and Ewenny, “How did you bring up the child? The child was brought to the hospital only when he had a fever of forty degrees. It’s easy for a small child to get a fever that high. Don’t you guys even have any common sense?!”

Fever can burn out problems, this Nathanael Lora knew a little bit about it, he had heard of anyone’s child giving a stupid fever before.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it’s all my fault, it’s my fault.” Ewenny was crying even more as if she was going to break.

Waiting for the doctor to put the child on an IV, Ewenny held the child and looked at Nathanael Lora, “Brother Nathanael, this child is my life. I brought the child out here to find you, there is really no way out.”

“Brother Nathanael, I beg you, don’t let Old Lora drive me and the child away, give me a place to stay. My child and I, we are mother and child with no one to depend on, and it really won’t do to have no one around to take care of us. Also, I wanted to continue on stage and now I’m sacrificing my dreams to take care of this child.”

Initially Nathanael Lora met Ewenny when Ewenny was sparkling and he saw her on stage in a play.

Ewenny’s good looks, especially on stage in a play attracted a lot of people’s attention, and has always been the center of attention. Nathanael Lora from the audience saw Ewenny, to like Ewenny, most of all by Ewenny’s strong.

Looking at Ewenny like in this haggard and unkempt appearance, where is still the same style in the beginning, everything is because of that night, he did not rush to pick her up, only to become like this.

“As I said, living in The Lora family is out of the question, but I can give you a sum of money. You take that money and hire a maid and get a nanny to help you with the kids.” Nathanael Lora owed Ewenny a debt in his heart, but not so much that he became confused.

If she was not his wife, she was not a member of The Lora family, and leaving Ewenny to live in The Lora family with her child was out of the question.

Ewenny’s pear blossom in the bottom of her eyes, Chu Chu’s moving appearance looked at Nathanael Lora, “Nathanael brother …”

The paternity report came out today, and she couldn’t put it off any longer, The Lora family surely had no one to keep her and the baby to stay.

Ewenny bit her lower lip with her shell teeth, oozing blood, before she spoke with red eyes, “Brother Nathanael, I never told you how I’ve been living for over a year.”

“Now, if you don’t keep me in The Lora family, I won’t survive …”

Nathanael Lora looked at her quizzically and heard her speak again, “When I first decided to have this baby, I was told by a man who liked to watch my drama performances, he didn’t mind at all that I was pregnant and proposed to me.”

“I wanted to give my child a home and for myself to have someone to fall back on, so I said yes to his proposal, but I didn’t expect that not long after, he showed his true colors, he loved to drink and even more so, he loved to gamble, he swindled me out of all my money, and then when he couldn’t get any more money from me, he used to beat me up.”

As the words came out, Ewenny dragged the clothes on her body down, “Look at my body, all these bruises, they are all from his beatings.”

After taking off his jacket, he lifted the shirt inside, revealing the bruise marks on his waist from the beatings.

Nathanael Lora looked at the injuries on Ewenny’s body and was also shocked, “This …”

“Why didn’t you call the police when he hit you?”

Ewenny gave the clothes on her body down before giving a miserable smile, “Call the police? If calling the police would have worked, why would I have to hide from him all the time? Living in Canadian for over a year, it was six months ago, after I gave birth, that he started beating me up.”

“After I called the police once, he was only taken in for a few days, then he was released, and after he was released, he beat me even worse. I was then afraid to call the police. Then he kicked me out to get a job, and I fled back to the country with my kids when I had the chance.”

She said this, half-false and half-true, making herself sound pathetic.

Ewenny cried and begged Nathanael Lora, “Brother Nathanael, I beg you, let me take and stay with The Lora family, I am afraid he will find me. He will not dare to find me if I stay with The Lora family.”

“I know that you are angry and annoyed with me for not explaining about the baby to Brother Nathanael’s family. But I am also afraid that they will throw me out.”

Nathanael Lora galloped in the shopping mall for more than ten years, thirty-five years old man, he heard Ewenny say these words, the first thing he thought of was still solving the problem, after thinking for a moment, he looked at Ewenny and opened his mouth to ask: “Are you married to that man?”

Asked this by Nathanael Lora, Ewenny was slightly stunned.

It was a while before she returned, “No.” After that, she was afraid that Nathanael Lora wouldn’t believe her, so she added, “Because I was pregnant at the time, my health wasn’t very good. I was planning to marry him after the baby was born, I didn’t realize that he later exposed his nature because of money …”

She was still afraid that Nathanael Lora would mind that she was married to another man, and she was still holding on to the idea that she could claw back Nathanael Lora’s heart again.This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

“Then call him and ask him to meet you. I’ll take care of this for you.” Nathanael Lora looked at her and spoke.

Being able to settle Ewenny’s affairs would be like paying her back, he didn’t want to be indebted to her.

“I think it’s better if we don’t meet, there’s no need to meet at all, and if we do, and he does something, then I can’t afford it. I’m afraid he’ll hurt me again, and even more so, he’ll hurt my child.”

The look of fear that she showed was indeed like the look of fear that only comes from being beaten, it looked so pitiful that the man couldn’t help but feel a surge of protectiveness.

Nathanael Lora frowned at him, “But you can’t keep hiding and living in The Lora family all the time.”

Ewenny thought for a moment before hesitantly agreeing, “Okay.”

She agreed first, the decision of when to make the date was still up to her. Looking at the current situation, as long as she did not make an appointment, Nathanael Lora would not dare her to leave The Lora family.

At that moment, the child lying on the hospital bed called out.

Nathanael Lora looked at the child on the hospital bed, the child’s face was pale, from the lifelessness just now, to now wooing a sound, also let a lot of heart. If he and Larissa had a child, he would never let the child get sick with fever like this, it was heartbreaking to watch.

“Baby, be good, it doesn’t hurt … it doesn’t hurt ….” Ewenny was sitting on the hospital bed reaching out and patting the child’s abdomen, then was talking to the child again, “Baby good boy, baby will recover soon. Your Uncle Nathanael will get you the best doctor.”

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