My Sweet Wife

Chapter 321 : Stay With Me

At noon, Sophie Sabastian and Old Cooper went back to prepare for dinner when Leonardo Cooper returned.

Old Cooper was so pissed off that he didn’t move his chopsticks twice during the meal.

“You guys take your time eating.” Old Cooper left this sentence and got up to go upstairs.

“Aren’t you going to eat?” Sophie Sabastian looked at him in surprise, there were so many delicious food on the table, but he just didn’t eat.

Leonardo Cooper looked at the rice in Old Cooper’s bowl, which was barely missing, and raised his eyes again to look at Old Cooper who went upstairs, and looked at the butler on the side and asked, “What’s wrong with the old man today? What happened?”

The discerning can see that Old Cooper is angry.

The housekeeper looked at Leonardo Cooper and stammered, “It’s … Ms. Jenny, she came by this morning and said something to the old master, making the old master angry.”

Since it was Jenny who made Old Cooper angry, Leonardo Cooper didn’t go overboard much.

To him, Jenny is an insignificant stranger.

Sophie Sabastian, who was eating with her head down, raised her head to look at Leonardo Cooper and spoke, softly, “That Miss Jenny, said that your wife was misbehaving outside, and that’s what pissed off your father.”

She didn’t think the housekeeper had been clear. She knew Leonardo Cooper loved her wife and was worried about her father, so she kindly filled in the gaps.

His wife, wasn’t she?

Listening to Sophie Sabastian say this, those who knew, knew that she didn’t consider herself Leonardo Cooper’s wife because of her memory loss; those who didn’t, thought that she was being a petulant tattletale.

“Jenny will not be allowed to step into The Cooper family again.” Leonardo Cooper’s voice was cold and hard, his eyebrows covered with frost.

The butler beside him was chillingly forbidden, and hurriedly answered, “Yes, sir. The old master has also explained this matter.”

The lady of the house is a national treasure, her belly is still pregnant with one, but Mr.’s treasure, is the treasure that the entire The Cooper family is careful to offer up, they don’t dare to be negligent in this matter.

After Leonardo Cooper finished his meal, he put down his chopsticks and looked at Sophie Sabastian, “Have you eaten?”

“Uh-huh.” Sophie Sabastian stuffed the last piece of beef into her mouth and nodded at Leonardo Cooper.

Leonardo Cooper looked at the way her cheeks were bulging, and his eyes were wireless with favor, “When you’re done eating, come with me to the office.”

“To the company?” Sophie Sabastian looked at him in confusion.

“Where I work.”

The amnesiac Sophie Sabastian didn’t know some things, but her ability to accept was there, after all, it wasn’t that amnesia meant becoming retarded.

She’d guessed it was where Leonardo Cooper worked today when she’d heard the maid say he’d gone to the office. She would ask because she was wondering why he was taking her to the office.

As if guessing her thoughts, Leonardo Cooper lifted his lips and said in a soft voice, “I should have brought you along in the morning, but seeing that you didn’t wake up, I let you sleep for a while longer. Take you to the company, I also conveniently take care of you.”

“Ohhh.” She nodded her head to show that she understood.

Leonardo Cooper is in the company, just this a while did not see her, are heart uneasy, always feel that she did not come back.

Following Leonardo Cooper to the office, Sophie Sabastian looked around the large office and saw that everything was new to her. She went to the desk and looked at the photo on the desk, another photo of him and his wife, she stared at the photo, the person in the photo smiled really happily and looked very gentle.

She looked the same as the person in the photo but she didn’t think they looked anything alike.

“You sit on the couch and I’ll ask someone to get you your favorite mangosteen and strawberries.” Leonardo Cooper spoke to her with a smile.

After a pause, Leonardo Cooper took the magazines again and handed them to her, “Look at this one for now, I’ll have someone bring some more later. The entertainment magazine you used to love to read. There are two interviews with you in this one, take a look and see if it still rings a bell.”

Sophie Sabastian frowned when she heard Leonardo Cooper say that, “You’re treating me like I’m your wife again. I haven’t told you what I like to eat, I’m not your wife to look at anything.”

I don’t know what was wrong, she hadn’t been so averse to being recognized as wrong by him before, maybe she had explained it so many times that she had become bored with it.

Leonardo Cooper was not angry, instead he patiently lowered his voice and asked her, “Then what do you like to eat?”

“I’m not picky, I love everything, it’s good enough to have food.” After a pause, Sophie Sabastian then spoke again, “You’d better not prepare food for me, I don’t have so much money to pay you back.”

Although she wanted to eat very much, she also had to consider the issue of money, she still didn’t know the prices here, and her heart was still quite panicked.

After all, in the place she lived before, a loaf of bread would cost a lot of money.

Leonardo Cooper’s heart felt pained when he heard her say this, she used to be pampered and picky about what she ate and wore, now she ate whatever she was given.

It can be seen that she has suffered a lot, but looking at her nature, she looks a lot more cheerful than before, just like when he knew her in the beginning.

In his ears, Leonardo Cooper still heard Sophie Sabastian saying, “You write down everything I ate and stayed at your place, and when my husband comes, I’ll ask him to return the money to you.”

Suddenly, Sophie Sabastian seemed to think of something, “By the way, did you inform my husband about my stay with you?”

Leonardo Cooper had a slight lump in his throat and didn’t look at her, “Already had someone notify.”

“Ohhhh. Where my husband lives I told you, it’s a little hard to find, so I may have to trouble you to get more people to find him. When I find my husband and he comes over to pick me up, I’ll do the math with you and pay you back then for the food and lodging at your place.”

Seeing that Leonardo Cooper didn’t say anything and walked straight to his desk as if he was busy, Sophie Sabastian closed her mouth.

Originally, she was going to say some more.

She wanted Leonardo Cooper to find something for her to do, she was a little bored staying here and had no idea what she was going to do.

Sophie Sabastian sat on the couch for a while and found magazines to look at, she had amnesia and still knew the words. It was also thanks to Wilson teaching her every day, over time, as she recovered, she remembered the words naturally.

She read the magazine for a while before yawning and trying to sleep.

“Sleepy?” Leonardo Cooper looked over at her.

“Uh-huh.” She was falling asleep now that her stomach was getting faster by the day, her body was bulky, and she loved to sleep, and it just so happened that this was the point where it was time for another nap.

When she woke up, she saw Leonardo Cooper still busy working.

Now she had a lot more stuff in front of her than she did a moment ago, food, some more magazines, and a tablet. She took the tablet and looked on it, looking at the many shows on it that looked like her woman.

She tossed the tablet aside and ate her fruit. Sure enough, she liked everything he prepared for her.

In fact, she had just lied to him when she said she wasn’t a picky eater, and she wasn’t really, except that she didn’t like some of the food because of the lack of food, but she still ate it.Exclusive © content by N(ô)ve/l/Drama.Org.

“Awake?” Leonardo Cooper lifted his eyelids to see her eating strawberries.

He got up and took a step toward her, his voice soft, “Feeling tired at all?”

“No.” She just slept and ate, where did she feel tired.

“I have a meeting later, if you’re not tired, stay with me.” Leonardo Cooper took her feet and put her shoes on.

Sophie Sabastian hastily refused, “I don’t want to, I’ll stay here. It’s fine here.” She didn’t know what the meeting was, but she just wanted to stay here and not move.

On her feet, she tried to avoid letting him help pass the shoes, but before she could struggle, he was already putting her shoes on.

I don’t know if it was because he was skillful in putting on the shoes, or because she was bulky. The reaction was slow.

Leonardo Cooper all let her, “Then stay here and don’t run around. I’ll be back in a little while. Half an hour at the most.”

He droned on like this as if he were admonishing a small child.

“Uh-huh.” She answered. She watched Leonardo Cooper exit the office door for half a second before she withdrew her gaze.

Sophie Sabastian’s eyes fell on her tablet as she withdrew her gaze, she tapped on it, every video was familiar, she had the illusion as if it was this woman who was talking in the video, it was really her.

Everything was so familiar.

At this moment, Trent Stone brought in some more magazines and looked at Sophie Sabastian and said, “Ma’am, the president asked me to come over and stay with you.”

“Ma’am, there is a rest room in the president’s office, if you still want to sleep, you can go inside.”


After Trent Stone put down the magazine, he saw the tablet held in Sophie Sabastian’s hand again, and smiled as he spoke, “This variety program, when it was being filmed at the time, the president accompanied you all the way. Once you went grocery shopping and caught a rainstorm with a landslide, the president got wet all night trying to find you and later had a fever.”

“They’re very much in love, aren’t they.” Sophie Sabastian looked up at Trent Stone.

If they didn’t love each other, how could they look at each other with eyes full of smiles, she should be happy.

Trent Stone nodded, “Of course you Mrs. … and the president are in love, the two of them have been through a lot and have been together for many years.”

She was a little curious about Leonardo Cooper’s wife, she looked at him quizzically, “Leonardo Cooper’s wife, when did she disappear? What was going on at that time?”

Remembering the morning she heard something about an explosion, injuries, missing for eight months or something like that.

“Madame was kidnapped for ransom and the president almost lost his life trying to save you. Then you disappeared and you were never found. Fortunately, the president didn’t give up. It turns out that you didn’t come back because you lost your memory.”

Trent Stone succinctly gave the words to play, Sophie Sabastian listened and also felt some heartache for them.

So it was such a big thing, then Leonardo Cooper’s wife is still alive, Sophie Sabastian was worried for them.

Seeing Sophie Sabastian’s frown, Trent Stone put a smile on his face, “Everything will be fine, it’s all been found you ma’am. It’s just a matter of waiting for you to have the baby and then arranging for you to be treated in the hospital. You will remember the president.”

“Even if you can’t think of it, then when you give birth to the baby and have a paternity test done, I think you should be able to believe that the president is really your husband.”

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