My Sweet Wife

Chapter 318 : Temporarily Untreatable Because of Pregnancy

Leonardo Cooper took Sophie Sabastian back while she was asleep.

In the hospital, Leonardo Cooper, who was waiting for the doctor to finish examining Sophie Sabastian and read the report on the situation, had a sullen face and tightened eyebrows that did not loosen for a moment.

“The patient has a blood clot in her brain as a result of a hard blow to the back of her head. She has a blood clot in her brain, and it is possible that this clot caused the memory loss.”

The doctor glanced at the report and looked back to Leonardo Cooper as he spoke, “The patient’s current condition is not very optimistic right now.”

“Ideally, she should be operated on as soon as possible. However, she is pregnant again now, pregnancy is not good for medication, with many medicines can’t be used on pregnant women. So, it can’t be treated for the time being, and we can only wait until after she gives birth.”

The doctor made it clear to Leonardo Cooper.

Pregnancy can’t be treated, Leonardo Cooper has only one worry, “That blood clot, will it cause any other bad effects on her?”

“This … I can’t be sure.” The doctor pondered for half a moment and murmured.

“I can’t make a specific determination, the current blood clot has caused memory loss, will there be any effects in the later stages, will the blood clot dissipate on its own, all of these, he can’t make a determination.”

Leonardo Cooper was concerned about what else Sophie Sabastian might be doing to her if she didn’t have surgery soon.

He was keen to arrange for Sophie Sabastian to have treatment as soon as possible and be able to regain her memory. But the baby is important too, and he and she were so looking forward to it before.

Being eight months pregnant now, it wasn’t like it couldn’t wait another two months or so, as long as this blood clot wasn’t a health hazard to her.

Just as he listened to what the doctor had to say, he returned to the ward again.

Only to find that the ward was a mess, the nurses and doctors and bodyguards all stood outside the door, none of them daring to go in.RêAd lat𝙚St chapters at Novel(D)ra/ma.Org Only

“What’s going on here?” Leonardo Cooper looked around and finally settled on Sophie Sabastian’s face.

Sophie Sabastian was the one who woke up in the morning and realized that her surroundings were unfamiliar, she wanted to leave in a hurry but she was stopped by the nurses as well as the bodyguards. In her eyes, these are considered traffickers, she was anxious and scared, she was angry and threw things to get out of the ward door, but they stopped her.

The nurse standing outside the door said, “We want to give the patient a little glucose solution, the patient is not cooperative, lost his temper, so …”

“Scram! Get out!” Sophie Sabastian grabbed whatever was left to throw in the room and threw it at Leonardo Cooper.

Leonardo Cooper doesn’t duck as he watches the pillows fly at him. He walks over to Sophie Sabastian and wipes the tears from under her eyes, “Why are you crying?”

His voice was low with a soothing effect.

“Where is this place … did you bring me here? Will you … you send me back?” Sophie Sabastian’s eyes reddened as she looked at this place as strange and frightening, she reached out and grabbed his arm, pleading with him.

She was still in the hotel room last night before she fell asleep and he was the one beside her, the only way he could have brought him here.

She was supposed to be treating him badly and treating him like the bad guy who trafficked people, but people were vulnerable and had to keep their heads down, and she’d just thrown a fit and it was all half-assed.

Leonardo Cooper looked at her hand gripping his arm, there was a bit of bright red blood on the back of his hand, his eyes tightened in pain, “What’s wrong with your hand?”

Without waiting for Sophie Sabastian to answer, the nurse who had just spoken to Leonardo Cooper spoke, “I was just giving the patient glucose, and she struggled, causing me to miss a blood vessel, so …”

“Why did you struggle?” Leonardo Cooper’s voice was slightly cold, and his tone was three parts reproach and seven parts but doting.

Sophie Sabastian looked at him with tearful eyes, “… I didn’t want to fight.”

She could hear that he was angry, but she was also aggravated and upset, so she buzzed, “I saw her sticking needles in me as soon as I opened my eyes, and I don’t know what kind of drug it is. What if if the drug is trying to harm me?”

“Pfft …” the nurse next to her didn’t hold back her laughter, “You can really joke. We are a regular third-class hospital here, how could we possibly inject you with drugs to harm you? We are just giving you some glucose. If there were drugs in the hospital, this hospital wouldn’t even want to open, how could it still be fine now.”

Sophie Sabastian flattened her mouth and wanted to retort, but didn’t know what to say.

The place she lived in had a lot of people who grew poppies, and even more people who smoked poppies, and those who stayed in that kind of environment would inevitably feel that there were a lot of drugs, and that they were a little more security conscious.

Leonardo Cooper turned his face to look at the nurse, “Come here and finish giving her glucose.”

“Why glucose? What’s glucose?” Sophie Sabastian looked at the approaching nurse defensively.

It was strange to say the least, of all the strangers, Leonardo Cooper was the only one she wasn’t afraid of, even subconsciously using him as a shield, her hand gripping his sleeve tightly as if she just thought he would protect her and wouldn’t hurt her.

Leonardo Cooper carried Sophie Sabastian back to the bed to lie down, and also took her hand and handed it to the nurse to have the needle put in.

Sophie Sabastian tries to hide but is held down by Leonardo Cooper. She looked at Leonardo Cooper blearily, “I don’t want a … shot.”

“You are malnourished and after the glucose shot, you need to take some more vitamin pills. It’s good for your baby, otherwise after you, your body lacks nutrients and you’ll pass out badly.” The nurse spoke patiently to Sophie Sabastian.

Although she also didn’t know how old Sophie Sabastian was, she had the demeanor of a child when she heard that she didn’t even know about glucose and pulled the man next to her.

Hearing that it was good for the baby, Sophie Sabastian didn’t refuse anymore, “Is my baby healthy now?”

“Very healthy, it’s over six pounds now, it’s growing well in Mrs. Leonardo’s belly. Mrs. Leonardo you’re due in less than two months, behind you, make sure to come to the hospital for a physical checkup on time.” It was another nurse who said this.

The other nurse was the one who obviously knew Leonardo Cooper and Sophie Sabastian, after all, Sophie Sabastian was a presenter and was quite hot before, it’s just that today this unkempt, tanned skin was a big difference from what she used to look like on TV. And the behavior is weird, like someone who is mentally immature.

“I’ll bring her in for a checkup on time.”

Sophie Sabastian listened to the conversation between Leonardo Cooper and the nurse, and it was weird to say the least, because there were a lot of vocabulary words in their conversation, that she hadn’t heard before. But this nurse calling her Mrs. Leonardo, she did find it amazing how this nurse knew who her husband was.

Also, this child was still in her womb, not even born yet, and she already knew how much it weighed. She looked at the nurse curiously, “How do you know how much the baby in my belly weighs? Are you able to see what the baby looks like? And do you know if the baby is a boy or girl?”

“Mrs. Leonardo, of course we know by borrowing the instruments. As for your question about the baby’s looks and gender, you will know all these in the future, there is no hurry to know now. You take a good rest now and call us if you need us.”

The nurse finished returning Sophie Sabastian’s words with a smile on her face, then looked at Leonardo Cooper and said, “President Cooper, we’ll be going out first then.”

“Uh-huh.” Leonardo Cooper answered.

Watching Sophie Sabastian put on the IV, Leonardo Cooper took a cup, poured water and handed it to Sophie Sabastian.

Sophie Sabastian watched the nurse go out the door, out of the corner of her eye she saw a quilt in front of her, when she retracted her eyes and reached out to pick it up, she suddenly let out a cold breath, “My hand hurts …”

The hand she moved was the one she’d put the IV in, and it was bleeding back.

“Don’t move!” Leonardo Cooper looked at the IV tube and waited for the blood to slowly go back in before he put the cup to her mouth, “I’ll feed you.”

“No … with the trouble.”

The cup was already passed to her mouth before the words were finished. She had to open her mouth and drink.

Leonardo Cooper dropped his gaze to her calling hand, “Does it still hurt?”

Sophie Sabastian nodded subconsciously at first, then shook her head in quick succession, saying, “No, it doesn’t hurt anymore.”

Sophie Sabastian finished her water and she looked at Leonardo Cooper again, “Why did you bring me here? Where is this place? I want to go back.”

“Want something to eat? I’ll get it.” Leonardo Cooper was talking to himself as if he hadn’t heard her.

He was changing the subject, right now with her, he could only even cajole her, lest she move her fetus. Some he couldn’t cajole, he just had to change the subject and not answer.

“I don’t want to eat, I want to know where is this? I want to go back to …,” Sophie Sabastian tried to pursue something more when she heard a cell phone call on Leonardo Cooper.

Leonardo Cooper took his cell phone and went out to answer the call.

Leonardo Cooper glanced at the caller ID, it was Old Cooper calling, he put the cell phone to his ear and answered it, Old Cooper’s voice came from the other end of the phone, “Hey, Leonardo, I heard you found Sophie and picked her up, where are you guys now? Why haven’t you come home yet?”

Although he was idling at home, Old Cooper was not a person who was closed to information. What’s more, he had also arranged for someone to find Sophie Sabastian.

His daughter-in-law had been missing for more than eight months, and although he was about to give up on the idea that she was still alive, he had never given up on having people look for her, in the spirit of finding a person alive and a body dead.

Leonardo Cooper returned, “She’s in the hospital now, we’ll be home later.”

“Why is she in the hospital? Is it Sophie’s stomach …,” just across the phone, you can hear Old Cooper’s worry about Sophie Sabastian.

He heard that the person was found and pregnant, not to mention how happy he was, which shines in The Cooper family for so long the gloom finally lifted.

Leonardo Cooper lifted his thin lips and said, “Don’t you worry. sophie and the baby are fine, I just brought sophie to the hospital for a checkup.”

He left some things unsaid in order not to let Old Cooper worry.

Old Cooper on the other end of the phone breathed a sigh of relief, “It’s good that everything is fine, it’s good that everything is fine. Leonardo ah, you have to take good care of Sophie, be careful and careful, she is not alone now, pregnant women are more fragile. You guys come back early, I’ll ask the family to prepare, prepare more food for Sophie, replenish her body.”

“Then you hurry to accompany Sophie.”

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