My Sweet Wife

Chapter 298 Looking for another man? He’s not dead yet!

In the morning Sophie Sabastian and Leonardo Cooper went down to breakfast and Old Cooper waited for them while looking at the newspaper.

Seeing them come down, Old Cooper urges them, “Hurry up and come over to eat, I’ve been waiting for you guys for a while.”

It’s almost nine o’clock now, Sophie Sabastian thinks it’s too late to get up at this hour, Old Cooper is still waiting for them, and the maid standing next to her pulls out the seat for her and smiles ambiguously at her.

Both adults, and both knew what they were up so late for.

“Eat more.” Old Cooper personally placed a shrimp dumpling on Sophie Sabastian’s plate.

Recently Old Cooper was being very nice to her, and since the last time Old Cooper was hospitalized, he had become much closer to her, and was already treating her like a daughter-in-law.

Sophie Sabastian smiled and said, “Thanks Dad.”

Old Cooper glanced at Leonardo Cooper, then at Sophie Sabastian, “Look, our big family is really cold now, you guys hurry up and have a child, so you can keep me company too. It’s best to have a few more, three girls and a boy, is the best.”

Although Old Cooper also knew that Sophie Sabastian’s body wasn’t too good after her previous miscarriage and she might not be able to conceive, he was thinking of IVF, which had the option of having several babies at once, so with these words he was actually urging Sophie Sabastian to do IVF.

Take advantage of her good health now, if she doesn’t do it now, if she does it later and becomes an older woman, it’s also dangerous.

Sophie Sabastian lowered her head and sipped the porridge without saying anything, she would like to have a baby, she didn’t expect one, Old Cooper still wanted her to have four.

“Dad, Sophie is still having her voice treated, the birth will come later.” Leonardo Cooper opened his mouth to say this.

It wasn’t like he didn’t want children.

So he didn’t directly tell Old Cooper that he didn’t want children.

Besides, Old Cooper’s thinking was old-fashioned, and he thought that passing on the family name was a big deal. If he directly told him that he wanted to let nature take its course, and not to do IVF, he was afraid that Old Cooper would be able to be angry.

After dinner, Sophie Sabastian and Leonardo Cooper got ready and planned to go to the hospital.

When they were about to leave the house, Lexie, the maid, blushed and looked ambiguous, she stammered and said to Sophie Sabastian, “Ma’am, would you like to change your clothes?”

“Change of clothes? Why? Is it inappropriate for me to dress like this?” Sophie Sabastian suspiciously looked down at the one she was wearing, the dress she was wearing was a goose-yellow and aquamarine medium-sleeved shirt, and underneath, she was wearing white seven-minute pants, competent and refreshing.

The maid Lexie pointed to her neck with great difficulty, “Ma’am, the back of your neck … needs to be covered.”

“Hmm?” Sophie Sabastian was puzzled and took out her cell phone, shone it at the back and saw the photo where the back of her neck was densely covered with hickeys, her cheeks instantly reddened because the dress she chose had a backless back, and it was summer and the dresses were all of the cooler type, so where would she be able to cover up those marks?

Sophie Sabastian looked up at Leonardo Cooper who had already walked to the foyer to change his shoes and was waiting for her, a wave of nameless fire ran through her and she glared at him in exasperation, “Why didn’t you even say anything to me?”

What kind of weird disease is this that likes to leave marks on the back of her neck, if it was in front of her, she wouldn’t have been able to see it.

Leonardo Cooper raised his eyes over and frowned, “You go change a shirt.”

Love to the point of emotion, where he still remembered where to leave marks on her body, he did not know the importance of lightness at all.

“What clothes can I change? I don’t even have high collars in my summer clothes, and I can only wrap scarves around them.” Sophie Sabastian spoke, putting on her usual outfit for going out.

A silky scarf and a large pair of sunglasses managed to wrap her up.

The scarf around her neck was slightly organized to completely cover the hickey on her back.

However, Sophie Sabastian was still unsure and she turned to Leonardo Cooper, “You organize it for me. And keep an eye on it later, don’t let me fidget and touch the finished scarf later.”

“Uh-huh.” Leonardo Cooper reached down and helped her straighten the scarf again.

She called on him to do things, it was so natural, it really was the appearance of a couple that had been together for a long time, and the servants next to her were used to it.

When they arrived at the hospital, it was almost four o’clock in the afternoon before Sophie Sabastian finished a series of treatments.

Leonardo Cooper looked at Sophie Sabastian lying on the hospital bed, he raised his eyes to Dr. Cleo, “Dr. Cleo, my wife looks like she’s enduring the pain, is it possible to give her pain relief?”

“Mr. Leonardo, the pain is definitely there, stop the pain now, the medicine will wear off and it will still hurt afterwards. Try to exercise as little as possible these days. Also, schedule time to treat your vocal cords and not use your voice excessively during the recovery period. Given that your wife, Mr. Leonardo, is a presenter, it’s better for her to take a two-month leave.”

A two-month vacation would definitely affect the filming issues, this day, Sophie Sabastian was all over the place at work, even if she took time off, she made it up later with time off, she wanted to finish what she started this year, and didn’t want to take a two-month vacation.

At most, she could only take a week off so as not to delay the shoot.

Sophie Sabastian had finished her treatment and was about to leave the hospital when she met Nathanael Lora at the entrance of the hospital.Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

As soon as she saw Nathanael Lora, Sophie Sabastian thought of Larissa.

Nathanael Lora saw Leonardo Cooper and greeted him with a friendly smile still on her face, “President Cooper, what a coincidence. Sophie, what’s wrong with you? Come to the hospital.”

Looking at Sophie Sabastian half leaning in Leonardo Cooper’s arms, not very good face, it is not difficult to see that it is Sophie Sabastian who came to see the doctor.

Leonardo Cooper pursed his thin lips and didn’t say anything, he didn’t even raise his eyes to look at Nathanael Lora, rightly regarded him as an air, and left with Sophie Sabastian.

Nathanael Lora watched Leonardo Cooper leave with Sophie Sabastian, being treated as an air, was also a bit unfavorable.

After all, they used to be close friends.

But Nathanael Lora also knew that it was all his fault for what he had done before, that Leonardo Cooper was a vindictive one, and that it was also his fault for saying those things to Sophie Sabastian before when he hadn’t been clear about the situation.

He also blamed himself for Sophie Sabastian, he hurt Sophie Sabastian before by using her as a stand-in for Ewenny.

Now see each other again, but he wanted to say sorry to Sophie Sabastian, and did not have that opportunity, the two couples, they should treat him as a germ, see him as invisible, and hurry to leave.

Nathanael Lora collected his thoughts and turned his face towards the hospital as he stepped through its doors.

Nathanael Lora finds Larissa’s hospital room.

Larissa’s agent sees Nathanael Lora coming and rushes back to inform Larissa, “Larissa, you have to hide, President Nathanael is here again.”

After the last time at the bar, Larissa also died nine deaths, luckily Vasyl arrived and brought her to the hospital.

But because of what happened at the bar, it gave her negative press, and in the end, the economic company, in order to help her deal with the negative press, reported that she went into the hospital that night, and the person who released the scandal, was bribed with money to write an apology letter.

For a while, Larissa was written off as a strong, independent woman who was forced to drink in order to take on her family’s debt, and was resuscitated in the hospital.

She was in the hospital for two days before Nathanael Lora found her way to the hospital, but of course, Larissa was in hiding by then.

Larissa didn’t want to see Nathanael Lora, especially because the events of that day had left a shadow in her heart. her heart had been plucked out a thousand times a long time ago by Nathanael Lora’s re-victimization of her, and now just the sight of Nathanael Lora made her heart ache.

Nathanael Lora took long, quick strides and before Larissa could even get up from her bed, he was standing in the doorway of her hospital room.

“Larissa…” Nathanael Lora called out to her in a low voice.

For that day, he had lost his mind and was in a hurry to treat her that roughly, he thought she was with another man, he thought she was pregnant.

After knowing that she was in the hospital and her condition was uterine bleeding, he wanted to see her to apologize to her, but by now when he saw her, the words he wanted to say to apologize were as unable to be said as a fishbone choked in his throat.

Larissa face emotion light, she used light in cover her heart dripping blood.

After all, what should be faced is still to be faced, hiding is not a solution.

What she has to do now is to take out all the thorns in her body, she wants to make him loathe her, no longer pester her, and also end her pain. Larissa took a sip of water on the table, and only after a half a minute did she open her mouth to speak, “What, is President Nathanael coming to see if I’m dead or not?”

“…” Nathanael Lora heard Larissa say this, and his heart pricked with a gust of offending pain.

He followed up with her voice in his ears, “I almost died in the bathroom the other night, losing blood to shock.”

How cold it was in the bathroom, she was bleeding, her abdomen was hurting, and she was left like that, with the door locked, she almost died in the bathroom with no way to call for help.

Nathanael Lora was just thinking that he would go back to her, but he didn’t think that he drank too much and was momentarily paralyzed by alcohol and gave neglected the time, when he went to look for her, she wasn’t in the bathroom, he was looking for her like crazy.

“I think I and Nathanael president, after all, also engaged, even if it is canceled, do not do husband and wife, not to the point that you hate me hate to, want me to die. I know that President Nathanael your hatred for me is because of Ewenny, but you punished me on her behalf, and it’s time to punish me enough.”

“We are now clear of each other, you go to your heart’s vermilion Ewenny and be gracious and lovey-dovey, I’ll find my man and live my man’s uneventful life, and we’ll stay separate from each other from now on.”

Nathanael Lora’s bite muscles on his cheeks were twitching as he gritted his teeth and looked at Larissa in front of him, all she wanted was still to get out of his way.

Find another man? He wasn’t dead yet!

Nathanael Lora pulled out the card from his person, along with a contract, “This is all I have, I said I would take you under my wing.”

After placing the card on the table, Nathanael Lora turned to go out the door when she spoke to Larissa, “Starting tonight, go to my villa, you know the password.”

Watching Nathanael Lora’s back as he exited the hospital room, Larissa frowned, when did he become a loser? Why was he doing this? Was it because he didn’t think punishing her was enough? That wouldn’t be enough to give her his entire fortune. …

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