My Sweet Wife

Chapter 293 Is wanting to murder your own husband?

Kennedy saw that Tatiana Stone didn’t say anything, he moved to her ear and blew into her, “Tatiana, what are you thinking?”

His long trailing voice, flowing, and blowing that breath into her ear made her ears tingle and her body shudder. Tatiana Stone glared at him in annoyance, “Don’t be playful with me, I don’t know you well. I’ll say it again, stay away from me or suffer the consequences.”

She finished her sentence with a threatening tone, and her hand pressed his arm with more force.

Such a movement resulted in Kennedy’s body being pressed against the wall and Tatiana Stone’s face coming much closer.

Kennedy suddenly lowered his head and kissed her on the lips.

“You!” Tatiana Stone hastily covered her face, too angry to know what to say.

Kennedy’s voice was gentle and extremely slow, with a smile in his voice, “Tatiana, I can follow you on everything else but this.”

Tatiana Stone looked at him laughing like this, so angry that she lifted her foot and kicked Kennedy fiercely.

Kennedy, who was a gangster, naturally did not have an empty appearance, this time, he dodged. However, Tatiana Stone was trying her best to beat him to a pulp with her eyes glowing with fire.

Kennedy, who had caught a few moves, said anxiously, “Hey, you woman, you’re always hitting hard, are you trying to murder your husband?”

“Whose husband are you, psycho!” Tatiana Stone landed another leg sweep.

Kennedy grabbed her legs with both hands so she couldn’t move, he took the time to meet her eyes and talk to her, “I don’t want to waste all my energy messing around with you like this, why don’t we save our energy, you definitely can’t hit me in a fight, save your energy, let’s do something else.”

“Rascal! You go to hell!” Tatiana Stone cursed him under her breath.

Drawing her leg back with all her might, Kennedy was a step ahead of her and wrapped his arms around her waist, standing behind her, “Hmm. If you really want me to die, there’s only one way to do it, sleep me to death in bed.”

Tatiana Stone, “…”

What else could she say? Fight, can’t beat him, talk, and can’t talk without him being shameless.

Kennedy feels in a good mood at the sight of Tatiana Stone, he thinks the woman must be carrying something like drugs or something, why else would he be filled with thoughts of sleeping with her? Can’t see her and still think about it so hard that he wouldn’t be able to raise any interest in another woman?

Before, he Kennedy has never thought of having a relationship with any woman, a woman is the spice of life, the most is the physiological needs of the need to see a time. He has never had a girlfriend, and he has thought about finding one, but he has never met one who fits his eyes.

When he met Tatiana Stone, it was in his bar. She was so drunk that night that she thought he was a duck and jerked him off.

Originally, he thought that she was looking for a duck, not a clean one, but after a kiss, he could tell that she was a chick.

In short, the taste of that night was something he had never experienced before, and it made him think about it every day, like he was addicted to poppies. Now that he had seen her again, it was inevitable that he was in a good mood and didn’t appear to be a decent person.

It seemed like he wasn’t a decent person in the first place.

Outside the door, someone came to use the bathroom and was knocking on the door, “Who unlocked the door inside, this is a public bathroom, who is so ungentlemanly? Open the door!”

“Whoever’s in there, open the door!”

“Do you hear me? Open the door …”

Tatiana Stone put her elbow against his abdomen, “Let go of me, hooligan, can’t you hear someone outside calling for the door to be opened?!”

Everyone else had been yelling for half a day, but Kennedy didn’t let go of her.

Kennedy was disturbed by someone unpleasant frown, presses the door does not want to open the door, looked at the arms of Tatiana Stone struggled away, he directly pushed her a hand on the wall, set her people up to vacate the air, “shouting me rogue, also do not know who first played a rogue to me. You just disown me and treat me so mercilessly. Tatiana, I have a temper, if I don’t do it again here today, I can’t get rid of this anger.”

Tatiana Stone: “You …”

Before she could finish her sentence, he took her pink lips and all that could come out of her mouth was a whimper.

She wanted to reason with him, after all, she was the one who was drunk that night, and when she woke up the next morning, she had already made it clear to him and had even apologized to him. He’s playing a rascal, and he’s still talking about her.

Now she couldn’t talk, but there were people outside the door, and if he didn’t let go of her, this was the ladies’ bathroom …

A few minutes before the kiss Tatiana Stone’s mind was still clear and as the kiss went on she let out a moan so scary she couldn’t believe it was coming from her, she saw Kennedy letting go of her and squinting his eyes in laughter at her and she was so pissed off she wanted to get up and punch him again.

The knocking on the door earlier had long since stopped and the woman outside had left as if she had heard the commotion inside.

Seeing that Kennedy was about to take off the clothes on her, Tatiana Stone also got anxious, “This is a bathroom, Kennedy, you quickly let go of me, someone else will come later …”

As it turns out, Kennedy is not a sensible person who can negotiate, he’s just a stinky hooligan who doesn’t even know how to separate the locations.

When she was done, Tatiana Stone, weak and out of energy, told him, “Even if it was a bar and I went rogue on you, this time you used force on me, we’re even, two clear.”

She braced herself to make her walk try not to look so weird and headed back to the hospital room.

Damn this Kennedy, why did she just mess with Kennedy?

Tatiana Stone returned to her room, Sophie Sabastian was eating an apple and looked up at Tatiana Stone, “Tatiana, where have you been? What took you so long? The apple I was peeling is oxidized.”

Sophie Sabastian stayed in the hospital room with Old Cooper, there wasn’t much to do, Old Cooper had to rest in his hospital bed and he wasn’t a talker, so he didn’t talk to her. She sat in the hospital room with nothing to do, so she kept peeling apples and oranges.

After peeling a lot of oranges and five apples, she thought she and Old Cooper couldn’t finish them all, so she shared them with the maids and left one for Tatiana Stone, who ended up coming back late and oxidizing the apples she left.

“I … went to the bathroom.” Tatiana Stone’s cheeks couldn’t help but blush as she thought about what had just happened in the bathroom.

Sophie Sabastian didn’t ask any more questions, she wasn’t the type that had to have an assistant follow her twenty-four hours a day, Tatiana Stone followed her with complete freedom of space, and it was because of this apple that she asked Tatiana Stone this.

After a pause, Sophie Sabastian raised her hand and glanced at the time on her watch, “Tatiana, it’s getting late, you can go back, go back early to accompany your boyfriend.”

“I can’t, President Cooper hasn’t come to pick you up yet.” After Tatiana Stone said this, as if she was worried that Sophie Sabastian was still kicking her out, she spoke up, “Besides, I don’t need to accompany my boyfriend, my boyfriend and I have broken up.”

Sophie Sabastian knew that Tatiana Stone had a boyfriend, so she basically told Tatiana Stone to hurry up and get off work whenever it was time to get off work.

But to her surprise, she only heard Tatiana Stone say that she was going to go home with her boyfriend to meet her parents a few days ago, and she thought that she was going to talk about it to the point of getting married, and then today she said that she broke up with her boyfriend.

Although she was surprised, Sophie Sabastian couldn’t ask too much about other people’s private matters.

After all, she and Tatiana Stone only had an employment relationship, and were not familiar enough to pry into other people’s private affairs.

When Leonardo Cooper came to pick her up, Sophie Sabastian followed him home.

Old Cooper will not let the two of them stay in the hospital overnight, and last night has been in the hospital overnight, Old Cooper also heartbroken them, out of such a big thing, he can now also distinguish in the end is who filial piety.

Sophie Sabastian arrived home, was carried off by Leonardo Cooper, she reached out and naturally wrapped her arms around his neck very cooperative. At the hospital, so many people were watching, he also carried her out, she could not refuse, so she could only bury her face in his chest.

Back home, there were not so many people staring at her, so she didn’t have to refuse to let him hold her.

Sitting at the dining room table, Sophie Sabastian spoke to Leonardo Cooper, “Dad’s health is fine, so I’d like to continue back to the station tomorrow. I only have one regular indoor variety show I’m taping these days, and I only have to work two days a week, and I’ll have time to be able to be with Dad in the hospital.”

“Anyway, I’m in the hospital, and I’m hardly even used for anything because of the maids, and I’ll just be in there to talk to Dad for a couple of minutes.”

Leonardo Cooper gave her food in her bowl and looked over at her, “You should rest for a few more days until the bruises on your legs go away.”

She just had a bruise on her leg, it wasn’t like she couldn’t walk, but it seemed like Leonardo Cooper was the one who made a big fuss about her leg, in general, and he was worried about her leg before when it was just her dribbling water.

Presumably he was like that because of the injuries on her legs, which always reminded him of the fire she’d been through.

Thinking of this, Sophie Sabastian met his eyes and spoke, “Hubby, I want to have an operation to get rid of the scars on my legs.”

When Sophie Sabastian had experienced the fire, she had suffered a lot of injuries on her body, especially on her face, and the scars on her face from the glass cuts had all been lightened by smearing ointment on them. It was just the burned muscles on her legs, not just a simple little scar that would have to be removed with surgery.

“And your voice, are you willing to treat it?” Leonardo Cooper lowered his voice to question her.

The scar on her face from a glass cut with an ointment she didn’t know about. The voice and the scars on her legs, both of which she’d been refusing to treat, refusing to let her voice recover, refusing to let the scars on her legs go away.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

How could Leonardo Cooper not know what someone so afraid of pain, who cared about her voice and wanted to be a presenter, refused to be treated for?

So, he is that hope, Sophie Sabastian can let go of the heart of the stigma, forget that unpleasant time, if need to remember that child, he come to remember just, he hopes Sophie Sabastian the rest of his life are happy and happy.

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