My Sweet Wife

Chapter 280 The headline hot search is the third party paired with a negative man

“Sister Sophie, are you going to deliver food to your husband again?” Wenshy looked at Sophie Sabastian carrying the meal placed in the lunch box, is a face of envy, “Really envy you guys, you have such a good relationship.”

Sophie Sabastian just smiled at Wenshy and didn’t say anything.

Ever since Sophie Sabastian got angry after Wenshy secretly took a picture of Sophie Sabastian and sent that tweet last time, Wenshy didn’t dare to rub Sophie Sabastian’s heat anymore.

Last time, it had made her gain a lot of fans and was on the hot searches, but she was also clear that she couldn’t offend Sophie Sabastian, after all, this show was all invested by Leonardo Cooper.

Sophie Sabastian took her meal and went to the room where Leonardo Cooper lived, he was busy working there.

He was using it as office space and didn’t know to go back.

Sophie Sabastian came over to bring Leonardo Cooper three meals a day on time and ate with him.

Leonardo Cooper looked at Sophie Sabastian and saw her eating her meal with a good appetite, so he spoke, “The matter of the divorce agreement has already been cleared up.”

“The divorce papers were thrown away by me earlier, only to be picked up by the family Winifred and sold to Wilson, who approached Ewenny.”

He was explaining to her about the divorce papers, and Sophie Sabastian was listening intently.

In fact, Sophie Sabastian had guessed roughly since Ewenny had said those words that day.

Seeing that Sophie Sabastian didn’t say anything, Leonardo Cooper lifted his lips again and asked, “Why don’t you ask me about this kind of thing face to face?”

It wasn’t supposed to be some unexplainable misunderstanding, and he wanted to know why she had decided that the divorce agreement was real without even asking him.

Sophie Sabastian didn’t answer Leonardo Cooper.

In the beginning, she wanted to see him so much, wanted to tell him that she was pregnant, and in the end, she could only text him, and he didn’t reply to her, she wanted to ask him a question, but at that time, he didn’t give her a chance at all.

After that she heard Leonardo Cooper in her ears again, “If you had asked me in the first place, you wouldn’t have misunderstood me for so long.”

With a ‘snapping’ sound, Sophie Sabastian threw the chopsticks on her hands, onto the table, she raised her eyes to Leonardo Cooper, “Then think about that time you were there, I ran to your company every day and waited for you, I called you every day, did you ever once ever answered the phone? Once gave me a chance to talk!”

After saying this, Sophie Sabastian got up.

“… girl.” Leonardo Cooper called out to her, wanting to say something when he saw her get up and walk to the door.

Sophie Sabastian stops behind the door but doesn’t turn to look at him, “You don’t want to waste any more time here, you better hurry, back to work at your company.”

Trent Stone, who was outside the door, saw Sophie Sabastian walking out with a sour look on her face and asked, “What’s wrong with you, ma’am?”

“Take your president back, it’s not convenient for him to work here. In the evening, I won’t come over to bring him food, if he doesn’t want to eat, you can find a doctor to hook him up to glucose and let him drink milk to carry his hunger.”

Sophie Sabastian turned away after explaining this.

“What the hell is going on here? Isn’t it still fine these days?” Trent Stone looked at Sophie Sabastian’s back and found it baffling.

Sophie Sabastian went back to the show.

She forgot about the unpleasantness of arguing with Leonardo Cooper, she was also being asked by Leonardo Cooper, her heart was blocked, she wasn’t feeling well at that time, and she was pregnant, when she thought of that lost child, her heart ached like pins and needles.

When it came time for dinner, Jordan prepared an extra portion of food for Sophie Sabastian, who didn’t send it over.

It was not until the end of the night that Sophie Sabastian dared to show her fatigue on her face and went back to her room to rest.

Nancy went to her dormitory and knocked on the door to find her, and Wenshy, “Sister Sophie, Sister Wenshy, have you guys seen today’s tweets? Sister Sophie is on the hot search again.”

“What’s on the hot search?” Wenshy asked curiously.

“See for yourselves.”

Sophie Sabastian since the beginning of the official to operate microblogging, also developed a habit, every day must look at the microblogging, she looked at the content on the microblogging, the headline hot search is the third party with a negative man, sit and wait for them to be retributed.

Sophie Sabastian clicked on the content, and saw what was written in it, as well as Ewenny’s video and self-explanatory article that accompanied it.

The article says that she helped Leonardo Cooper pawn a gun for Leonardo Cooper over two years ago, and was, indeed, dating Leonardo Cooper, with photos from that time, and hospital records, and the fact that Leonardo Cooper later kicked her off the show, and is now under house arrest. Enmity.Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

More than that, he twisted the truth and put the spin on the fact that he was forced by cyber violence and had no choice but to go down the wrong path for a while when he first broke the news of his relationship with Nathanael Lora.

A group of netizens below were all talking, with a big chunk of them supporting Ewenny.

After all, Ewenny she was posting a video to cry to everyone.

And with the saving grace of blocking a shot, a lot of people were on Ewenny’s side, and also put Ewenny and her and Leonardo Cooper, three people, set to a situation above the latest TV series, and described Ewenny as the heroine whose infatuation was destroyed.

Below Sophie Sabastian’s tweet, there was a lot of cursing.

The moon represents my heart: just like this situation, Sophie Sabastian was showing love with the other day! Where is the face ah?

Eat melon crowd: that’s it, that’s it! Sophie Sabastian can be really shameless! We are boycotting Sophie Sabastian’s show, boycotting the Cozy Inn show, and resolutely not allowing people with corrupt morals and a heartless conscience to continue to hang out in the entertainment industry.

Little Pink Bunny Cute: Get Sophie Sabastian out of showbiz! Get out of showbiz!

Eater 2: Sophie Sabastian get the hell out!

There were a few rare ones in there that stood up and dared to stand up for Sophie Sabastian, but they were all given a pathetic scolding by everyone.

Sometimes, these people on the internet curse purely to liberate themselves from the pressure of life, and take cursing as a way of relieving pressure, regardless of whether the other person he recognizes or not, whether he hates or not, he just curses right.

Sophie Sabastian from entering the hosting world has heard in the network violence under the depressed star jumped to his death, but because she was doing news host, and also do not play microblogging, there is no such a lot of fans.

The top of Twitter was called out like this, and there were pics out of her and Leonardo Cooper’s death, in black and white.

As Sophie Sabastian was about to post a tweet, Wenshy was heard shouting, “Eh, why can’t Ewenny’s tweet go in? It says user doesn’t exist!”

Nancy chimed in, “What’s going on? It was fine just now, network failure?”

Wenshy looked up to Sophie Sabastian, “Sister Sophie, do you want to turn off your Weibo comment function first? These people on the internet are like that, Sister Sophie you don’t have to bother. Look at Ewenny’s Weibo can’t even get into it, it must be that your husband is already starting to help you with it.”

“And you can directly block people’s numbers, how powerful!” Nancy exclaimed.

Money could do anything, and blocking a number wasn’t that hard, the hard part was having to have that money to block a number.

Wenshy saw that Sophie Sabastian didn’t say anything either and wondered what Sophie Sabastian was thinking.

Sophie Sabastian frowned and was thinking, should she make a call to Leonardo Cooper and tell him, this kind of thing still needs to be handled by the PR team, if she directly blocked the number, that group of people would flock even more to the bottom of her tweets.

She wanted to be a good host, so she didn’t want to give up her microblogging and her fans who liked her and supported her for the sake of these people who didn’t like her.

After thinking for a moment, Sophie Sabastian called Trent Stone, “Trent Stone.”

“Ma’am, are you looking for the president? The president he’s tweeting right now, you call him in a little while and he’ll be able to get to you sometimes.”

Before Sophie Sabastian could say anything, Trent Stone on the other end of the phone spoke again, “Why don’t you come over directly, ma’am? The president didn’t eat much for dinner today.”

“No, I’m not calling him either. You help tell him that there’s no need to find someone to block Ewenny’s number, this has already spread out, there’s no use in blocking the number now, it’ll only cause the netizens to become even more angry and sit on the credibility of Ewenny’s words.”

By blocking someone’s number, then some people must be thinking that she and Leonardo Cooper were weak-minded enough to do this.

Sophie Sabastian finished talking to Trent Stone and hung up.

Nancy’s voice came back to her ear, “Wow! President Cooper tweeted. The title is ‘solemn statement’. Is it an explanation about Ewenny posting a video?”

Sophie Sabastian kept her head down and opened her Twitter feed to read the tweet from Leonardo Cooper.

“One, Ewenny and I never had any relationship; two, the blocking of the gun happened but it did, and as a sign of gratitude I gifted Ewenny hundreds of millions of dollars in assets; and three, I will hold him legally accountable for any words that defame my wife.”

The content of a total of three, concise and clear, Sophie Sabastian read it clearly, so between him and Ewenny, did not have a relationship.

It wasn’t a swing between her and Ewenny, as she had previously thought.

So many people started commenting below.

Some to rub it in, like Wenshy and Nancy, both commented to her below.

Wenshy commented that she supports Sophie to defend her rights and hold those people responsible for damaging her reputation, Sophie is such a gentle and generous person, some people are not sober enough to bully Sophie.

Nancy commented that Mrs. Leonardo’s husband’s ability is really bursting at the seams, so please hug Sister Sophie and take good care of her.

Then followed some people, all started to praise Leonardo Cooper what to protect his wife.

There are also some guts goat, all hurry to apologize with Sophie Sabastian, just scolded Sophie Sabastian words, are pushed to suffer Ewenny’s deluded on.

After all, pursuing legal responsibility, the star’s right to reputation compensation, is also they these netizens can not afford to pay.

Sophie Sabastian saw things develop into this, heart did not have a trace of happiness, nor a trace of sadness. Her focus is more on Ewenny’s body, it turns out that after that day, Leonardo Cooper not only let Ewenny leave the program, but also sent abroad.

For Ewenny, the grace of saving his life, in return for hundreds of millions of dollars, it should be enough, after all, some people are killed on the road, a life is worth a hundred thousand or so just.

Just willing to stand in for Leonardo Cooper when that shot, even life, really love it.

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