My Sweet Wife

Chapter 146 How painful.

This is one of the most harmful smoking methods to the body, Leonardo Cooper but ignored as if he had been so smoking, waiting for the cigarette to finish before slowly put his hands on the steering wheel above, as if it is the lack of something in general, the heart is so empty that it can almost fit a beast.

He opened his cell phone, looking at the screen of the woman smiling like a flower, some slightly lost in thought, his fingers gently stroked the screen.

When he came back to his senses, he had already opened his address book, found that familiar name, and almost pressed it.

In the end, but ultimately did not press.

In a remote mountain village, beside a quiet river, a woman sat quietly, looking at the flowing river with a quiet brow.

Not long after, a boy of about seventeen or eighteen years of age light came over from that side of the bridge, and then sat down beside her, saying with a hint of a smile, “Sister, you’ve been looking at this river for days, are you in love with it?”

Only then did she turn her head and look at Tishon, finally just smiling and not saying anything.

“Say, it’s been so long, aren’t you ready for what you came over here for?” After a pause, he looked at her and said cautiously, “Could it be that something happened to your mom and dad and them?”

Sophie Sabastian shook her head.

“It’s time for dinner, why don’t we go ahead and have dinner and wait until the evening and I’ll take you fishing?”

She fell silent, then said yes.

After dinner the sky had already rendered a layer of dusk, the two walked out of the house together, then went to the back of the village next to that small river, the fish hooks were thrown directly into it, Tishon said, “This river don’t look like it looks clear, but it’s actually especially deep, sis you must be careful, don’t fall in.”

“I’m not a little kid anymore, even if I have to be careful it’s you who has to be careful.” Sophie Sabastian smiled.

“By the way, sis, you haven’t told me how long you’re staying?”

“I’ll be here with you the whole time oh.” Sophie Sabastian winked at him.

A trace of delight appeared on his face, but it quickly dissipated, and he said somewhat helplessly, “Ugh, you know it’s impossible …”

Sophie Sabastian laughed, didn’t say anything, propped his head on one hand, and looked at the river in front of him somewhat out of his mind.

A moment later, he remembered that he forgot to bring something, and quickly turned around and ran back to get something.

Silent night is always easy to make people sleepy, he just left not long ago, Sophie Sabastian only felt a burst of sleepiness.

The soles of her feet slid downward as if they were greased, and Sophie Sabastian thought she was dreaming in a daze.

The next moment, there was a “splash”, and the woman fell into the water. The river water at night was freezing cold, and Sophie Sabastian instantly came to her senses, subconsciously sliding upwards, but sinking deeper and deeper into the water.

She had been able to swim a little before, but only a little, and after such a long time, and suddenly falling into the water, Sophie Sabastian felt bad all over.

The soles of her feet hit the soft mud of the river, and Sophie Sabastian was violently dunked, and after one dunk it was a little hard to contain it, and she was dunked several times in a row, so hard that she was almost ready to squeeze out tears.

Damn, what to do …

There weren’t a lot of people behind the village, especially at this time of night.

Everyone said that they would see their closest relatives at the time of death, however, in Sophie Sabastian’s daze, she only saw the familiar handsome face, she seemed to smile bitterly, and then slowly closed her eyes.

When she woke up, Sophie Sabastian violently spat out a large amount of water, and her whole body seemed to be as if she was weak, her arms and legs were weak.

“Sophie!” the man rushed over, his tone slightly anxious, “How are you feeling?”

Hearing the familiar voice, Sophie Sabastian thought she was dreaming, then turned around and saw Leonardo Cooper.

It turned out that she wasn’t dreaming just now under the water, but it was real.

She was stunned for a moment before she spoke somewhat indifferently, “Why are you here?”

Leonardo Cooper took out a handkerchief and wiped her face, his tone gradually calmed down as well, “Bringing the company on vacation. I didn’t expect you to be here as well.”

Just the hand holding the handkerchief was shaking slightly.

When he just came over, he happened to see her fall into the river, and when he ran over to save her, she had already passed out, so his heart couldn’t help but be anxious.

Sophie Sabastian was silent for a moment, nodded softly and tried to stand up, but was the first to fall towards the bottom, before being taken in Leonardo Cooper’s arms again.

He looked at her for a moment, and as if coming down to a decision, he simply picked her up.

Sophie Sabastian panicked at once, “Leonardo Cooper, what are you doing, put me down!”

“Don’t move, I’ll take you to the hospital.”

“I can just go by myself, I don’t need you to carry me.”

Leonardo Cooper swept her a glance with a bit of a sarcastic smile, “You’re going by yourself? Do you think you can walk in your current state?”

Sophie Sabastian was a bit reluctant, “Who said I can’t walk, I can just walk slower.”

“Don’t be a hero.” Leonardo Cooper seemed to sigh.

“You let go of me!” Sophie Sabastian fidgeted, struggling in Leonardo Cooper’s arms, only to end up being held a little tighter by Leonardo Cooper, almost to the point where she was about to lose the strength to even struggle.

“If you move again, then don’t blame me for being rude.”

Leonardo Cooper looked at her in an almost threatening tone.

The little woman was moving around, her body brushing against that part of his several times, practically stoking the fire.

Sophie Sabastian heard this and immediately settled down.© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

The village clinic was as small as it could be, and Leonardo Cooper had to keep his head down because of his height when he went in.

A doctor approached, saw Sophie Sabastian, and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“She just drowned.” He said faintly.

At that, Sophie Sabastian froze for a moment, and the tip of her nose suddenly began to water.

The doctor examined her and found that there were no serious injuries, but probably because there were sharp things underwater, Sophie Sabastian had some scratches on her arms and legs.

The doctor held a cotton swab and wiped her wounds, Sophie Sabastian was in pain and the sweat on her head was sliding down, but Leonardo Cooper was still around, so for the sake of face, she kept holding back.

Suddenly, Leonardo Cooper walked towards this side, and snatched away the sterilized swabs from the doctor’s hand, “I’ll do it, you go prepare the rest.”

Seeing Leonardo Cooper’s attitude so resolute, the doctor simply went to do his own thing.

Sophie Sabastian was a bit surprised to see Leonardo Cooper holding a cotton swab towards his open mouth, subconsciously closed her eyes, the strength of the cotton swab falling on the wound with one hand was so slight that it couldn’t be any more slight, even if Sophie Sabastian who was afraid of pain didn’t even feel how painful it was.

A moment later the doctor brought over a bandage and rewound the wound again to prevent it from touching water.

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